Shared posts

19 Feb 00:40


18 Feb 22:22

An Open Letter to

by bl00

Reader was my favorite social network, hands down. I was incredibly sad to see it go. When I found out existed, I was giddy all day.

I wrote the team to thank them (hello at theoldreader dot com) and to also trouble shoot a bug. They were incredibly kind and prompt in response. After they fixed the glitch my massive address book was causing, I asked the following:

Next dreams:
What are privacy settings? Can only people I follow see my posts, only the friends of people I post comments to see those comments?
Multi-shares in same social network list people who shared rather than showing the post repeatedly.
But these are again, dreams, not issues.
Are we going to be able to pay the team a nominal amount to keep the project going? I would like to be able to support a group to do continued support rather than having this thing we all love die again.

Their response:

As per our privacy policy, all shared posts are currently public. We do have ‘private accounts’ feature in our roadmap that will allow users to expose their shared items only to a limited number of accounts they choose. However, this has very low priority for us; most users only read public RSS feeds that are available to everyone in the first place, so hiding them makes little sense. We have discussed the mechanics of multi-sharing before and decided to stick to the current implementation to avoid mixing comments to two different shares into a single thread. Sometimes people discuss not the shared article itself, but rather the sharer’s comment to it – so, each shared post becomes unique in a way and deserves a separate comment thread. At the moment The Old Reader is not backed up by any company, and we are still looking for the best way to allow our users to support the project. We will definitely update our blog when we decide on something, so make sure you are subscribed to it :)

Here is what I have sent them. I hope you’ll join me in politely, lovingly, requesting the same. I would also like you to be willing to throw in to support the team if that is the route they go.

I’d like to lobby that privacy get moved up the list. A few reasons, personal, individual, and communal. First, I work in humanitarian and disaster response, with volunteer technical communities and military alike. I also have an incredibly dark sense of humor. The people I work with tend to check out who I am and what I like – having another public space on which to express myself doesn’t really allow me to express myself. Those same working conditions also make it incredibly important that I be able to have a safe space to talk and connect.
On an individual level, I saw friends discover themselves because Reader was a safe space. Things like gender, sexuality, and approach in life are not things which can be held without care. People with very public lives have been able to go through self-discovery with a small group of trusted friends.
And finally, communal – while with privacy my own shares are only to those who I have approved, my comments on a friend’s share are visible to their friends. *This is essential* – there is at least one pairing from our previous ShareBro network which happened because of this serendipity in safe space. They are now married.

As it is now, it’s more like a Tumblr than it is like Reader. I hope you’ll institute the privacy and sharing layers sooner rather than later. Again, I’m happy to contribute what I can towards this being a sustainable effort.

All my best, and thanks again,


18 Feb 21:37

What's Obama's Last Name?

Reminder: we let teenagers vote in the U.S.

These tweets were discovered and retweeted this morning by @80want (formerly @spergers), king of finding bad teen tweets.

View Entire List ›

18 Feb 21:12

Keep Clam e mude o código todo que já estava pronto porque se seu conta que o cara pode clicar em 'salvar' a qualquer momento

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
Keep Clam e mude o código todo que já estava pronto porque se seu conta que o cara pode clicar em 'salvar' a qualquer momento
18 Feb 20:12

The Social Web: End Of The First Cycle

by Warren Ellis
Osias Jota

Google+, of course, is not, strictly speaking, a social network.


Twitter alters its terms of access to its information, thereby harming the services that built themselves on that information. Which was stupid, because Twitter gets fewer and fewer material benefits from allowing people to use its water. And why would you build a service that relies on a private company’s assets anyway? Facebook changes its terms of access regularly. It’s broken its own Pages system and steadily grows more invasive and desperate. Instagram, now owned by Facebook, just went through its first major change in terms of service. Which went as badly as anyone who’s interacted with Facebook would expect. As Twitter disconnected itself from sharing services like IFTTT, so Instagram disconnected itself from Twitter. Flickr’s experiencing what will probably be a brief renaissance due to having finally built a decent iOS app, but its owners, Yahoo!, are expert in stealing defeat from the jaws of victory. Tumblr seems to me to be spiking in popularity, which coincides neatly with their hiring an advertising sales director away from Groupon, a company described by Techcrunch last year as basically loansharking by any other name.

This may be the end of the cycle that began with Friendster and Livejournal. Not the end of social media, by any means, obviously. But it feels like this is the point at where the current systems seize up for a bit. Perhaps not even in ways that most people will notice. But social media seems now to be clearly calcifying into Big Media, with Big Media problems like cable-style carriage disputes. Frame the Twitter-Instagram spat in terms of Virginmedia not being able to carry Sky Atlantic in the UK, say (I know there are many more US examples).

Google+, of course, is not, strictly speaking, a social network. Most people can’t see what other people are doing there. Google, of course, sees it all. But everyone knows that going in.

It feels like the social web is going to get somewhat less interesting for a while. Less connected, less engaged.

Twitter’s going to be used for tv ratings in the States now. The clever thing about that it that it serves the same purpose as Facebook Likes: it documents media preferences. These are the things that keep a free service free, of course. But, god, there have to be less banal and creepy ways to do it.

I wonder if anyone’s been thinking twice about giving up their personal websites.

[Instagram: I said on that service earlier that I'll wait and see. Some hours later, they released an update to their TOS that I haven't had a good look at yet. But all my Instagram photos were backed up when Facebook bought them, and that backup auto-updates every time I post.]

18 Feb 20:08


Female Samurai, c. late 1800s

“An onna-bugeisha (女武芸者?) was a female warrior. Members of the samurai class in feudal Japan, they were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honor in times of war.”

- Wikipedia


* While female samurai existed, from what I was able to track down about this photo it actually came from a set of photos taken of a Kubiki Theater troop at the time.

18 Feb 20:07

via laughingstation

Osias Jota

problemas de terceiro mundo

18 Feb 19:24

The Legion of Real Life Supervillains by Butcher Billy

by butcherbilly
Osias Jota

#euri do loki


Some might say all art is a reflection of the times we live in.

If back in the day comics and movies were pretty naive and faced only as pure escapism, today’s fiction has to evoke reality to create something truly meaningful… and frightening.

This series is an experiment where a dictator, a psycho, a murderer (sometimes they are the whole package) or even a suspicious figure from real life is mashed with a comics bad guy - strangely related some way or the other with his counterpart.

The depressing thing? Realising that if the comic book supervillains were actually the ones threatening real life, the world wouldn’t be such a bad place.

by Butcher Billy on Behance Mao Osama Hitler Gaddafi Manson Chapman Bush Stalin Loki
18 Feb 19:22


18 Feb 18:48

Quando as pessoas veem algo muito diferente, pensam "esse cara é louco", porque "louco" é a pasta "miscelânea" do cérebro delas.

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
Quando as pessoas veem algo muito diferente, pensam "esse cara é louco", porque "louco" é a pasta "miscelânea" do cérebro delas.
18 Feb 13:36

adsertoris: Mt. Fuji with Japanese maple leaves in red. Lake...


Mt. Fuji with Japanese maple leaves in red. Lake Kawaguchi. (by Fumitaket)

“It was a stunning view how the leaves started to show their bright autumn colors with the help of morning sunlight.”

18 Feb 12:55

First public release

Osias Jota

Fábio Pêgo: a integração com o pocket é nativa

Also known as Milestone 2.0 in our internal discussions. We closed 51 tickets in our tracking system and dedicated five weeks to designing, implementing and deploying a lot of key-features. Most notable for our users are: 

New identity and slick interface design

We teamed up with bright and talented Igor Kosyrev to create a completely different image of our project. Our logo, interface, twitter and blog already look brand new, however we will be additionally fine-tuning the interface during next several weeks.

Pocket integration

We replaced ‘Star’ button with a ‘Pocket’ button to store everything you want in your Pocket (ex Read It Later) account. Their app was made for it and it gives lots of organizing options.

Browser extensions

We created small Safari and Chrome browser extensions to notify you on new things to read.

Enhanced hotkeys and list view

Full list of hotkeys:

  • 'j' and 'k' (space and shift + space) to navigate posts;
  • 'o' opens the post in a new window;
  • 's' to share a post;
  • 'l' to mark it as liked.

Navigating through list view will open next post and close previous automatically.

We are concentrating on Bookmarklet, mobile versions, mass-editing features and everything we mentioned here for now.

Thank you and stay tuned.

18 Feb 02:27

Editing women into Wikipedia | Not Exactly Rocket Science

Last Friday, a group of volunteers gathered in the Royal Society in London to edit female scientists into the history books—or at least, into Wikipedia. Their goal was to start fixing the online encyclopaedia’s comparatively thin information about women in science and technology.

I attended the “edit-a-thon”, reporting for Nature. Before I turned up, I wondered about the rationale behind holding a specific event to edit Wikipedia, which can be done at any time and place. I also wondered how much the editors could accomplish in just 3.5 hours. Both concerns were addressed on the day, and in the piece. Take a look. Also, there was an Ada Lovelace/Wikipedia cake.

18 Feb 01:40

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by reindesign
18 Feb 01:18

Grumpy Cat Joins the Dark Side

17 Feb 23:12

Frozach Submitted

17 Feb 22:41

"Broken Windows" Theory Broken By "Lead Gas" Theory?

by Garth Johnston
"Broken Windows" Theory Broken By "Lead Gas" Theory? Researchers have gone and thrown a giant, fascinating, lead brick into the "broken windows" theory. Over the years since the ongoing dramatic drop in crime across the country began in the '90s, folks have been poking holes in the popular theory—in which larger crimes are prevented by systematically stopping smaller ones—but this month a piece by Kevin Drum in Mother Jones makes a very compelling argument that windows have little to do with the drop. Using a number of researchers' work, Drum argues that the real reason for the dramatic rise and drop in crime in the second half of the 20th century was...drum roll please...lead. Specifically tetraethyl lead in gasoline. [ more › ]

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17 Feb 21:59


17 Feb 21:54

actegratuit: Aakash Nihalani

17 Feb 21:53

liveworkplaydie: Unreal fab by Billy Lane… Follow me:

Osias Jota

segundo a claudia, dá pra por o cachorro pra fazer esteira dentro


Unreal fab by Billy Lane…

Follow me:

17 Feb 20:53

Homemade tank joins the battle in Syria

by Mike Szczys


What does a hacker do when going into battle for the freedom of their country? He builds a tank from scratch, of course. It’s a little bit of a stretch calling it a tank as it lacks treads. But it’s got a high-caliber gun mounted on top and has been heavily armored.

There is room enough inside for two people. What may look low tech in this picture is a different story from the cockpit. A pair of LCD monitors display images from five different cameras. You can see the shrouds that protect three of them on the front of the vehicle with a fourth acting as the rear view. A fifth camera mounted on the gun gives the passenger a look at where he’s aiming. A PS1 controller can rotate it and we assume has a fire feature as well. Check out the demonstration video embedded after the break.

[via Reddit]

Filed under: transportation hacks, weapons hacks
17 Feb 13:39

Ghosts and Stuff

by Katie McKissick

17 Feb 13:00

$17,000 Linux-powered rifle brings “auto-aim” to the real...

$17,000 Linux-powered rifle brings “auto-aim” to the real world

TrackingPoint makes “Precision Guided Firearms, or “PGFs,” which are a series of three heavily customized hunting rifles, ranging from a .300 Winchester Magnum with a 22-inch barrel up to a .338 Lapua Magnum with 27-inch barrel, all fitted with advanced computerized scopes that look like something directly out of The Terminator. …

To shoot at something, you first “mark” it using a button near the trigger. Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope’s built-in laser, and the target gains a pip in the scope’s display. When a target is marked, the tracking scope takes into account the range of the target, the ambient temperature and humidity, the age of the barrel, and a whole boatload of other parameters. It quickly reorients the display so the crosshairs in the center accurately show where the round will go. …

It also contains a small Wi-Fi server, and TrackingPoint offers an iOS app that connects to the scope via an ad-hoc Wi-Fi network and streams the scope’s display to the app, allowing someone with an iPad or iPhone to act as a spotter.

17 Feb 12:56

Paperman Cosplay

by aishiterushit

Paperman Cosplay

17 Feb 03:37

Wolverine Gets The ‘Great Artists’ Treatment

by Bad Man

BAD HAVEN might not seem particularly cultured at first glance, but f**k you for being so judgmental  We know what the inside of an art gallery looks like. We’ve been thrown out of plenty in our time….so…yeah….

Insecure reactions aside, once upon a time (2009 to be exact) Marvel did something pretty cool for Wolverines 35th Anniversary and Brian Michael Bendis recently re-shared it via his tumblr:

Now this was pretty cracking – for Wolverine fans, but also for anyone who appreciates great art. And these simply beautiful homages by industry art legends Paolo Rivera, Laura Martin and Fiona Staples but to name a few makes for some required viewing.

We republished them because they’re really too good not to get a second look in, and here’s the gallery below via


Uncanny X-Men #508 by Laura Martin – Tribute to Vincent van Gogh


Ms Marvel #38 by Paolo Rivera – Tribute to N. C. Wyeth



Amazing Spider-Man #590 by Paolo Rivera – Tribute to C. M Cooldige



17 Feb 03:32

O Melhor do Twitter: edição “Memeteoro”

by Lúcio Ribeiro


Santo Twitter! Santa época para se viver! Abaixo, os melhores tweets de uma semana que começou com bundas deformadas na avenida, um Jack White de Halloween, um Justin Bieber brigando com o Black Keys, um Papa renunciando no meio do Carnaval e terminou com – apenas – um meteoro caindo na Rússia. Nada mais importa. ~Daora~ a vida.

@ambaggio No episódio de hoje no twitter: meteoros


@raulramone O primeiro tuíte do dia é um GIF que mostra a queda do meteorito na Rússia

@bomsenhor Alguém por favor acorde o Bruce Willis e peça pra ele ficar de prontidão

@revistaclaudio Imagens exclusivas rs

@tatato Imagina as possibilidades desse meteorito: adamantium, vibranium, kryptonita, um simbionte ou até um bebê.

@donafernanda Como caiu depois do valentine’s day, cientistas descartaram a hipótese de este ser o meteoro da paixão

@elgroucho Se isso fosse nos anos 90 rolaria um axé chamado dança do meteoro

@marcusdejean Ai quando eles vai ver nos destroço encontra um corpo de batina e uns balaozinho do lado

@chicobarney Qualquer avião aqui em Moema eu já acho que é meteorito russo

@oraporra Quando tem trovao aqui no bairro eu faço um falsete subindo 3 oitavas de tanto susto!!!!

@peppygingerale O temporal em SP causou mais estragos do que esse meteorito na Rússia.

@Eddiemasses O meteoro se tornará um assunto tão predominante em redes sociais que astrônomos o batizarão de memeteoro.

@elgroucho E esse foi mais um giro meteorológico

@tiposdepedante Pedante brasileiro que comemorou o ano novo chinês

@marcusdejean To fera na aula de chines autodidata 1 semana de estudo e ja sei ate falar eu água mulher tenho 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 você dragão amor

@eaimauricio Comecei dieta há 2h e já tô morrendo

@andrebrandt Desliguei o video-game pra assistir Girls. Sorte que acordei cedo hoje e matei um alce com meu rifle senão já ia ficar preocupado.

@sylcs_ Radiohead em São Luiz do Paraitinga, a prova:

@nananeri Após 3 meses em clínica, ‘mendigo gato’ coleciona presentes de fãs –

@davidbutter “Hoje fui ao Habibs tomar sorvete!”: assim começa uma queixa de um consumidor no Facebook. Bem, amigo, bem feito

@oimperador Ganso ta jogando com a vontade de um namorado em uma loja de sapatos.

@rilaws Jack White liked his Clea DuVall costume so much he’s been wearing it since Halloween.

@djmulher Jack white, uma mistura de michael jackson com fernanda young

@greggutfeld You’d think Jack White, at this point, could afford a simple comb.

@flaviadurante Beth Guzzo no Grammy!!!

@themodernageorg Johnny Depp and Jack White are both at the Grammys. Wanna bet they get mistaken for one another at least a billion times tonight?

@quartopiso O mestre-sala da Salgueiro tá com um paletó mais legal que 90% dos boys do Grammy.

@justinbieber The black keys drummer should be slapped around haha

@jose_simao Puxador de escola de samba pensa q a gente é surdo:”Portela, o dia clareou. CLA-RE-OU!”. Lá vou eu! E LÁ VO-U EU!

@Serjones Daniela Mercury flagrada aos beijos com assessora. Essa mulher é capaz de tudo para ser reconhecida como cantora de MPB e não de axé music

@OGlobo_Rio 50 amigos se reúnem e saem de “50 tons de cinza” no carnaval!


@alechandracomix Voltei do trabalho 23h fui presentiada por meio quarteirao de um bloco de homens de piru arriado mijando em arvores casas portoes carros etc

@marvio Saudades da genitália desnuda. Olha o que somos obrigados a ver no Carnaval de hoje em dia…

RealMorte Já estou com a lista de nomes dos juízes da apuração de São Paulo aqui. Só depende de vocês…

@marcusdejean Mancha verde caiu e olha que carnaval de sp já é mei segunda divisão né kkkk

@yadayadayada a Mancha Verde caiu? caralho, que fase. agora vão trocar a rainha da bateria por cinco baianas. e uma delas vai recusar.

@flaviogomes69 Caraca, a Mancha caiu. Isso sim é solidariedade de uma torcida a um time.

@gloriafperez Sósia do Papa Bento XVI faz sucesso no carnaval de rua do Rio de Janeiro

@JornalOGlobo Fantasias de Bento XVI tomam conta do carnaval de rua do Rio.

@izadorapimenta Melhor história do carnaval: a saga de naldo para encontrar will smith

@screamyell 30 imagens que você não precisava ter visto do carnaval…

@cvazmarques Está explicado, finalmente, o que levou o Papa a abdicar

@djmulher Vatileaks: agora até o papa vazou

@Xauvinista Notaram que o Papa Bento XVI renunciou pouco tempo depois que entrou no Twitter? Isso aqui faz qualquer um perder a esperança na humanidade

@lucaspfvr Fazendo curso no senai para ser papa

@nestux Vaticano’s Next top Papa.

@StevenErtelt Seeing some funny tweets. So you know, “Viva La Papa” means long live the potato. “Viva El Papa” means long live the Pope.

@relaxei Tomara que o próximo papa seja contra quem curte o próprio status no Facebook

@caiobudell Tomara que o próximo papa seja a favor do casamento entre o homem e a comida

@GuyFranco Baixando toda a discografia do papa.

@cajademonstruos PAPA DONT QUIT!

@discolataerkegi Losing my religion – Papa

@camilorocha O Papa é flop…


@SoyTuCharlie Error 404: Papa not found.


@viniciusduarte AHA UHU O VATICANO É NOSSO! –> RT @Estadao: Próximo papa pode ser brasileiro, afirma secretário da CNBB: ‘Brasil tem chances’

@leogodoy Com qual outro evento histórico que não acontece há seis séculos nossa geração será agraciada agora?

@marcioguilherme Ontem ouvi o argumento definitivo sobre a superioridade de João Paulo II em relação a Bento XVI: JPII imitava melhor o sotaque gaúcho.

@iavelar Zero Hora consegue fazer uma matéria sobre a renúncia do Pontifex em q a primeira palavra é… GAÚCHO!

@riqfreire De agora em diante: “é como ir a Roma e não ver o Papa renunciar”

@leoeoleo “Bento xvi faz primeira aparição após renuncia” e já imagino ele de berma, camiseta da abercrombie, boné da fubu

@AndreFerrazBR Eu imagino ele aparecendo em uma torrada como Jesus costuma fazer.

@RealMorte Papa bom é Papa que morre no cargo. Bento 16 é um amarelão! #prontofalei

@MeredithBlake “Popes don’t quit! God has a way of telling popes when to retire. It’s called death.” –Stephen Colbert

@_INRICRISTO Meus filhos, muitos estão dizendo na mídia que eu deveria assumir o lugar de outrem, mas eu já vim do Pai com um mandato irreversível.

@sergueirock Não me interessa o cargo de papa. Mas papar vcs sim, numa boa, sem grilos.

@dexter_ Ouvi dizer que o ronaldo está trazendo o papa para o corinthians

@brunafeia Se o papa que passa o dia de boua de vestido e tomando vinho tá desempregado, imagina a gente

@GTMacalossi Querem um Papa liberal que seja a favor do uso de camisinha, faça uma crítica histórica a Cristo e passe a fazer a hóstia em pão integral.

@Lucasof Marca-papasso

@marvio Quando sai o Guia Placar do conclave?


@revistapiaui Renúncia do Papa provoca ressurreição de Humberto Gessinger


17 Feb 03:27

aneba: Trompe L’oeil The artist recreates a realistic depiction...


Trompe L’oeil

The artist recreates a realistic depiction of the torn paying card, paying attention to the right color and shadow definition of its counterpart.

“Realism Challenge: Playing Card” Artist. Mark Crilley

16 Feb 21:06

Hark, a Vagrant: Cinderella

Osias Jota

hã... hã?

I like to work out, don't you?

Really I just wanted to make a comic something like the drawings for the DRAW and WRITE posters you see below here, and at the Topatoco shop! Because I like drawing those lumpy muscly people.

It's almost 2013! Did you know I have two calendars? Here is a link to some pictures and a preview too, so you know what they're all about! You can find them in stores all over the place, and online.


16 Feb 21:00

RT @cronai: Cenas da vida antiga

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
RT @cronai: Cenas da vida antiga
16 Feb 20:59

pra montadores de meme, qualquer barco é o Titanic

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
pra montadores de meme, qualquer barco é o Titanic