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06 Jan 17:55

Woman-as-Cat in Anti-Suffrage Propaganda

by Corey Wrenn MS

Cats and dogs are gendered in contemporary American culture, such that dogs are thought to be the proper pet for men and cats for women (especially lesbians).  This, it turns out, is an old stereotype.  In fact, cats were a common symbol in suffragette imagery.  Cats represented the domestic sphere, and anti-suffrage postcards often used them to reference female activists.  The intent was to portray suffragettes as silly, infantile, incompetent, and ill-suited to political engagement.




Cats were also used in anti-suffrage cartoons and postcards that featured the bumbling, emasculated father cruelly left behind to cover his wife’s shirked duties as she so ungracefully abandons the home for the political sphere.  Oftentimes, unhappy cats were portrayed in these scenes as symbols of a threatened traditional home in need of woman’s care and attention.


While opposition to the female vote was strong, public sentiment warmed to the suffragettes as police brutality began to push women into a more favorable, if victimized, light.


As suffragettes increasingly found themselves jailed, many resisted unfair or inhumane imprisonment with hunger strikes.  In response, jailers would often force-feed female prisoners with steel devices to pry open their mouths and long hoses inserted into their noses and down their throats.  This caused severe damage to the women’s faces, mouths, lungs, and stomachs, sometimes causing illness and death.

Not wanting to create a group of martyrs for the suffragist cause, the British government responded by enacting the Prisoner’s Act of 1913 which temporarily freed prisoners to recuperate (or die) at home and then rearrested them when they were well.  The intention was to free the government from responsibility of injury and death from force feeding prisoners.

This act became popularly known as the “Cat and Mouse Act,” as the government was seen as toying with their female prey as a cat would a mouse.  Suddenly, the cat takes on a decidedly more masculine, “tom cat” persona.  The cat now represented the violent realities of women’s struggle for political rights in the male public sphere.


The longevity of the stereotype of cats as feminine and domestic, along with the interesting way that the social constructions flipped, is a great example of how cultural associations are used to create meaning and facilitate or resist social change.

Cross-posted at Jezebel and Human-Animal Studies Images.

Ms. Wrenn is an instructor of Sociology with Colorado State University, where she is working on her PhD.  She is a council member of the American Sociological Association’s Animals & Society section and has published extensively on the non-human animal rights movement. 

(View original at

05 Jan 01:24

Q: How many MRAs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

by wagatwe
Q: How many MRAs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Who's there?
Q: No, uh, I'm not telling a knock-knock joke.
A: Yeah, but, did you know that knock-knock jokes also happen sometimes?
03 Jan 20:08

Are Things Really Equal?

by wagatwe
Are Things Really Equal?:
A study that discusses how students at Columbia College Chicago feel in their chosen major, based on her/his gender.

03 Jan 20:01

claudiagray: In which Jimmy Fallon nails it. 

by wagatwe


In which Jimmy Fallon nails it. 

03 Jan 19:57

faineemae: i’m just saying, take as many selfies as you want. there are multi-million dollar...

by wagatwe


i’m just saying, take as many selfies as you want.

there are multi-million dollar companies with old white men as ceos that profit off of your low self-esteem and self-hate. 

destroy them.

love yourself.

21 Dec 14:59

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21 Dec 14:57

I’m not fat, I’m hot…

I’m not fat, I’m hot…

21 Dec 01:38

Tumblr | 56d.png

20 Dec 06:00

by yasmine

They learn. 
My cats either go for my hand or they walk away…

19 Dec 14:12

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e a parte que gosta do netflix sempre vence

19 Dec 14:08



Qdo eu volto de viagem a Shoya faz isso.

19 Dec 05:19

Winter sets in

Winter sets in

19 Dec 03:47

Nelson Mandela | 307.jpg

19 Dec 03:43

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19 Dec 03:39

aloveleelady: How to be a Reverse Racist JESUS...

by wagatwe


How to be a Reverse Racist

JESUS this!!!!!!

this is beautiful

19 Dec 03:29


by wagatwe

18 Dec 03:34

fierce-imaginings: So last week me and my friend were trying out a faceswap app And for some...


So last week me and my friend were trying out a faceswap app


And for some reason it wouldn’t recognise that there were 2 faces in the picture


So we tried it from a different angle and


I was really confused and kind of offended at what it’d done to my face





16 Dec 11:05

You Shall Not Pass, Dog [via]


igual aqui, menos o shinji pq ele não enxerga mais e passa

You Shall Not Pass, Dog


14 Dec 00:22



12 Dec 11:08

139. BRENÉ BROWN: The Woman in the Arena

by Gav

139. BRENÉ BROWN: The Woman in the Arena

Brené Brown is a professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has dedicated her life to social work and studies vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame.

Her fantastic 2010 TEDxHouston talk, The Power of Vulnerabilty, is one of the most popular TED talks with over 12 million views and led to Brown giving the final speech at a 2012 TED conference. That speech, Listening to Shame, is where the above quotes are taken from. Turns out Brown and I both love the same Teddy Roosevelt Man in the Arena quote. It’s literally the second quote I ever adapted into a comic (although it was posted as number 8) and remains one of my favourite quotes. In her speech, Brown tells of how that quote helped her during a difficult time amidst her own failures and setbacks (around the 12min mark). The fact that she references a quote I’ve already adapted in her own inspirational quote gave me the chance to get meta again and give a nod to my long-time readers who would recognise the first part of the comic.

RELATED COMICS: The Man in the Arena, Nature Loves Courage, The Fig Tree, Ultimate Self-Help Book.

- Brené Brown’s official website.
- Thanks to Mike, Saquib and Cynthia for sending me the TED talks.

12 Dec 06:29

hurry, human!

hurry, human!

09 Dec 18:21



09 Dec 18:20

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09 Dec 11:14

só 60 pixels. e toda a diferença!

by @srlm

Imagine uma tela de 60 pixels. e só. e em tons de cinza, nada de cor. uma espécie de programma 101 dos displays, se a gente fosse voltar 50 anos. e a 101 nem tela tinha, quase a mesma coisa de “só” 60 pontos, em tons de cinza. mas mude o cenário: e se… estes 60 pontos fossem parte de um implante de retina e um paciente de retinite pigmentosa pudesse, ao usá-los, “ver” de novo?

um laptop padrão tem perto de 1 megapixel; o iPhone 5 tem 700 mil e o samsung note 3 mais de 2 milhões. o olho humano tem 576 megapixel e propriedades que deixam fabricantes de sistemas óticos para trás; exemplo? cada um de seus pixels pode separar 10 milhões de cores e 1 bilhão de níveis de luminosidade [contraste]. no meio disso tudo, meros 60 pontos? sim; 60 pontos podem fazer a diferença da cegueira completa para a identificação de sombras e formas e até letras grandes. é isso que o implante ARGUS II, escolhido uma das invenções mais importantes do ano no EUA, faz. parece básico, e é mesmo. tem um óculos, câmera, transmite informação para um processador na cintura do usuário, retorna o resultado para estimuladores que transmitem para um implante no olho. muita coisa. mas lembre que estamos falando do “programma 101” dos implantes oculares, e que pode ser usado agora, por muita gente que não vê nada, pra ver o suficiente para se mover sozinho, sem ajuda de bengala ou cães. quase mágica, pois.

veja o vídeo. e imagine o que vai rolar daqui a 25, 50 anos. pra comparar, veja o link que leva à programma 101 e pense no que rolou nos últimos 50 anos.

09 Dec 03:32

winneganfake: This needs to get spread a good bit more. 

by wagatwe


This needs to get spread a good bit more. 

08 Dec 03:49

look i’m a hooman hurr durr

look i’m a hooman hurr durr

08 Dec 03:47


08 Dec 02:01

elizabitchtaylor: On December 6th, 1989, shortly before five...


On December 6th, 1989, shortly before five ‘o’ clock and the end of classes before Christmas break, fourteen female engineering students were shot and killed at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec by a gunman who claimed he was “fighting feminism”. 

The massacre stands as one of the most tragic hate crimes in Canadian history. 

Today we remember:

Geneviève Bergeron, aged 21;
Hélène Colgan, 23;
Nathalie Croteau, 23;
Barbara Daigneault, 22;
Anne-Marie Edward, 21;
Maud Haviernick, 29;
Barbara Maria Klucznik, 31;
Maryse Leclair, 23;
Annie St.-Arneault, 23;
Michèle Richard, 21;
Maryse Laganière, 25;
Anne-Marie Lemay, 22;
Sonia Pelletier, 28; and
Annie Turcotte, aged 21.
(image credit: Sandy Kowalik)
08 Dec 02:01

dolphin-spit: oswaldofguadalupe: The Twitter Mandela Hall Of...



The Twitter Mandela Hall Of Shame

worth a read

06 Dec 05:28

amatyultare: themilitantbaker: Read More maravilhosa campanha...



Read More

maravilhosa campanha contra a gordofobia