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02 Apr 02:24

LEGO house update

by ionoi
02 Apr 02:24

1282864311-peeweeftw.jpg (JPEG Image, 349x298 pixels)

by somebodysoatmeal
02 Apr 02:23


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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02 Apr 02:22

honkuponku: Yes Poster.


Yes Poster.

02 Apr 02:21

it's no biggie

by almavogler
Cooper Griggs

Almost... every... time.

02 Apr 02:18

Ringside with Rhea

Orbiting in the plane of Saturn's rings, Orbiting in the plane of Saturn's rings,

02 Apr 02:17

Tthhee Ppaarrttyy.

by nuuro
02 Apr 02:17

this isn't happiness.™ Peter Nidzgorski, tumblr

by sweeney
02 Apr 02:17


by megaleg
02 Apr 02:14

thewisdomofmany: I don’t often post gifs… but Jesus rockin the...


I don’t often post gifs… but Jesus rockin the wheels of steel medieval style is a no brainer.

02 Apr 02:13


02 Apr 02:12

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young-Deok Seo

by Christopher Jobson

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

New Bicycle Chain Sculptures by Young Deok Seo sculpture chains bicycles

Korean sculptor Young-Deok Seo has been busy since first appearing here back in 2011. The artist has continued working almost exclusively with welded chains reclaimed from bicycles and elsewhere. Seo most recently exhibited at SODA Gallery in Istanbul. A statement from that show:

Seo Young Deok’s work aims to reflect the disease-like contamination we experience caused by materials in our society, he hopes to reveal the amount of suffering it places on the modern-day human. To express this, he utilized metal chains to create the modern man. Chains were made by our civilization and created through mass production, yet it is also just one accessory, one part in a massive piece of machinery. He considered each part of the chain a human cell and used the chains to create a human figure. Thus, this being’s form has been created in contamination by materials in our current world.

You can follow more of his work over on Facebook. (via my modern met)

02 Apr 02:11

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

I simply do not have this kind of patience. Incredible.

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

Extraordinarily Tiny Paintings of Istanbul by Hasan Kale painting miniature Istanbul insects

It would appear no object is too small for artist Hasan Kale to utilize as a canvas for his miniature paintings. The Turkish artist makes use of everything from fruit seeds to the wings of taxidermied insects as a backdrop for depictions of his native Istanbul. See much more here, and watch the videos above to see him work… love how he uses his finger as a palette. (via bhakta)

02 Apr 02:09

saturday night.jpg (JPEG Image, 700x430 pixels)

by vomitparty
02 Apr 02:08

"Any relationship is a complete disaster unless it’s with someone who is patient and can make fun of..."

“Any relationship is a complete disaster unless it’s with someone who is patient and can make fun of your bullshit.”

- Tully Mills 
02 Apr 02:07

Better Left Unsaid

Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now.

Aww yeah, ending the week on a classy note
30 Mar 17:34

activistaddict: kissedeverybody: Sign here  This would have...



Sign here 

This would have an amazing impact  on fighting rape culture. Please spread!

29 Mar 18:42

petermorwood: An awesome Peterson Type I Viking sword made by...


An awesome Peterson Type I Viking sword made by Jarkko Niskanen in Finland: the blade has a pattern-welded core, with plain carbon-steel edges added on; the guard and pommel have copper and silver wire inlay, the pommel itself is of historically-accurate construction, not one casting but two sections riveted together.

Now the Really Awesome part: “This viking age sword I made as my thesis work in North Karelia vocational college crafts and design.” And not long ago, because according to his bio information he’s just 22 years old…!

What sort of work will he be producing when he’s 32?


29 Mar 11:29

Russian Photographers Stealthily Climb the Great Pyramid of Giza to Shoot Photos

by Kimber Streams


Russian photographer Vitaliy Raskalov and two friends Vadim Mahorov and Marat Dupri sneaked to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza — risking between one and three years of jail time — to snap some breathtaking photographs. The trio took an ordinary tour of the pyramids, and began hiding at around 4pm. After waiting five hours for the cover of darkness, they successfully avoided guards, climbed the pyramid, took an amazing set of photographs, and escaped without getting caught.






photos by Vitaliy Raskalov and Vadim Mahorov

via PetaPixel

29 Mar 11:21

Somersby Cider Commercial Parodies a Product Launch at an Apple Store

by Kimber Streams

Less apps, more apples.

Carlsberg brewery has launched a clever advertising campaign parodying the iconic Apple Store for its new Somersby Cider. Customers rush into a Somersby Cider store on launch day, where store representatives explain the cider’s features using a number of hilarious apple puns.

via Digg

29 Mar 11:16


29 Mar 11:15


by hero
29 Mar 07:51

America as seen by an Australian

by get-ready-for-something

America as seen by an Australian

29 Mar 07:51

How Memes Are Orchestrated By Companies For Profit

Experts said the “Harlem Shake” phenomenon was emergent behavior from the hive mind of the internet—accidental, ad hoc, uncoordinated: a “meme” that “went viral.” But this is untrue.
29 Mar 07:33


29 Mar 07:00

The Singing Ringing Tree, A Landmark Musical Sculpture in England

by mikl-em

The Singing Ringing Tree” is a musical sculpture near Burnley in the North West of England built by architects Tonkin Liu. It was designed in 2004 and completed at the end of 2006. It is one of four landmark art projects called “Panopticons” built in the early 2000′s in Lancashire. The film above was directed by Zsolt Sándor with sound by A Man Called Adam.

The Singing Ringing Tree

photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The tree is constructed of stacked pipes of varying lengths, orientated to lean into the directions of the prevailing wind. As the wind passes through the different lengths of pipe, it plays different chords. Each time you sit under the tree, looking out through the wind, you will hear a different song.


photo by Mid Pennine Arts


photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The tree won a 2007 award for architectural excellence from the Royal Institute of British Architects. As part of the project’s launch local kids and young adults wrote fanciful stories inspired by the sculpture.


photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The Halo in Haslingden, Rossendale was the fourth and final Panopticon to be constructed opening in September 2007:

Glowing Halo

photo by Peter Hudson

29 Mar 06:57


29 Mar 06:53

What American Startups Can Learn From The Cutthroat Chinese Software Industry ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community

by overbey
It follows that the idea of "viral" or "organic" growth doesn’t exist in China. “User acquisition is all about media buys. Platform-to-platform in China is war, and it is fought viciously and bitterly. If you have a Gmail account and send an email to, for example,, which is the local web dominant player, it will most likely go to spam or junk folders regardless of your settings. Just to get an email to go through to your inbox, the company sending the email needs to have a special partnership.”
29 Mar 06:26


Cooper Griggs

^^nailed it

29 Mar 06:26

This is about my some day daughter already stained with...