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29 Mar 06:21


by phillipl
Cooper Griggs

I don't know either.

29 Mar 06:20

"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative..."

Cooper Griggs

yes. this.

“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through. -Ira Glass”

- Why Your Work Disappoints You | Thought Catalog (via jennilee)
29 Mar 06:20

Suspended Coffee

Prompted by a Christmas week occurrence at a Connecticut Starbucks, the concept of "suspended coffees" is an item of renewed public interest.
29 Mar 06:14


by thibautcho
29 Mar 06:14

lemanoosh: Mercedes silberpfeil 1955


Mercedes silberpfeil 1955

29 Mar 06:13


29 Mar 06:10


I'm so bad at carrying a tune, those 'find a song by humming its melody' websites throw an HTTP 406 error as soon as I start to hum.
28 Mar 19:30

"Why do we have an abortion rate 20% higher than France’s (and more than twice as high as Germany’s),..."

Why do we have an abortion rate 20% higher than France’s (and more than twice as high as Germany’s), especially considering most doctors here won’t perform them? The answer is any country that has universal health care, where contraception is free, where child care is free or inexpensive, where there is less poverty because people don’t become bankrupt over medical bills — those societies are simply going to have fewer unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.

And there the mask gets pulled off the Bart Stupaks and the “Christians.” If the statistics show that countries with government-provided universal health care and nearly-free abortions are, in fact, the countries with the fewest abortions, then why on earth wouldn’t the Right be the first in line to support universal health care?

Because it isn’t about “universal health care.” It’s about controlling women, period. It’s about sticking your nose in other people’s business. It’s about pushing your religious beliefs on everyone else because voices in your head tell you your Jesus is The One — even though your Jesus never said one single solitary word in any of the four gospels of the Bible about abortion or fertilized eggs being human. You’ve just gone and made it up about “life beginning at conception.” Jesus never said that. The little voice in your head said that, the same little voice that wants your grubby paws on women’s uteruses. You need help. Please get some help and leave the rest of us alone, Mr. Stupak and friends.


Michael Moore: My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain (via veruca-assault)

I wish I could reblog this 1,000 times.

(via evangotlib)
28 Mar 19:01

Prince Rupert’s Drop: The Curious Properties of a Molten Glass Blob Dropped in Cold Water

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs


Prince Ruperts Drop: The Curious Properties of a Molten Glass Blob Dropped in Cold Water science glass

Prince Ruperts Drop: The Curious Properties of a Molten Glass Blob Dropped in Cold Water science glass

Prince Ruperts Drop: The Curious Properties of a Molten Glass Blob Dropped in Cold Water science glass

Prince Ruperts Drop: The Curious Properties of a Molten Glass Blob Dropped in Cold Water science glass

So this is completely amazing. Destin from Smarter Every Day stopped by Orbix Hot Glass in Fort Payne, Alabama to explore a fascinating phenomenon called a Prince Rupert’s Drop. Apparently when molten hot glass is dropped in cold water it forms an object that’s almost completely impervious to brute force, even a sold hammer strike to the center of the teardrop-like shape won’t break the glass. Yet gently cut or even bump the tip of the drop and suddenly the entire thing shatters in an explosive chain reaction traveling at a speed of over 1 mile PER SECOND. Watch the video above to see the effect in 130,000 fps glory. (via the awesomer)

28 Mar 05:16

"He knows when I cheat because it shows up in our ‘recently watched’ list,” said Sara, who shares an..."

““He knows when I cheat because it shows up in our ‘recently watched’ list,” said Sara, who shares an apartment and Netflix account with her boyfriend. ”One time he watched How I Met Your Mother without me. I did the thing where I pretended to be pretend-upset, but I was actually upset.” She needed to catch up before he moved further ahead, before the rift became too great to overcome. “So I made him watch it again with me. He did a lot of build-up, ‘This part is so good,’ ‘Something big is going to happen,’ that kind of thing. It annoyed me.” Already the imbalance was too significant; the experience, Sara said, was worse than watching alone. That’s why a dedicated Netflix cheat will cover her tracks, then feign surprise during a re-watch. With a previous boyfriend I embarked on three-part mini-series Carlos, about international terrorist Carlos the Jackal, a man whom I have been led to believe smoldered while murdering innocents. Powerless to resist Carlos’s sexy violence, I binge-watched to completion alone — then clicked back to the spot my ex and I had left off, so the “Resume” button would not betray me. “Resume” returned us to a moment when we were united in knowledge and ignorance. I gasped as Carlos stormed OPEC headquarters in 1975, my boyfriend none the wiser. Then I grew overconfident: I started showing off, predicting what would happen next. “Did you already see this?” he asked, suspicious. “No!” I lied, then to shield myself from further inquiry sunk to a new low: “I mean, it’s history. I think there was an article in The New Yorker about it? You must have read about it, too.” Manipulating loved ones — had I hit rock bottom? As my boyfriend slipped back into the comfortable fugue of Netflix absorption, I realized the saying was true: The best defense is offense.”

- Netflix Adultery: The Smallest, Most Insidious Betrayal - The Cut
28 Mar 05:13

Balconies of The Future

Balconies of The Future

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: want , gifs , balconies , future Share on Facebook
28 Mar 05:12

jokkes: Spiderman crashes Xmen set.


Spiderman crashes Xmen set.

28 Mar 05:05

actegratuit: these still make me laugh..


these still make me laugh..

28 Mar 05:03

Spare Any Change?, Skit Imagines a Panhandler Using Square

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Cooper Griggs


when the homeless own smartphones, there are no excuses

Spare Any Change?” is a skit written and directed by John Elerick that imagines a savvy panhandler begging for change and being able to take credit cards on his smartphone via a Square device. It stars Elerick and Ricky Carmona.

via Viral Viral Videos

28 Mar 04:56

Regrow Fresh Heads of Romaine Lettuce from Chopped Down Lettuce Hearts

by Alan Henry
Cooper Griggs

soooo trying this!

Click here to read Regrow Fresh Heads of Romaine Lettuce from Chopped Down Lettuce Hearts The next time you chop up a head of romaine lettuce for salad, hang on to the very bottom. The "heart" can be placed in a pan of water and with a little time, will eventually sprout a whole new head of lettuce, ready to harvest, eat, and repeat the process. More »

28 Mar 04:55

"Well, for one thing, it doesn’t help that it’s been opposed for years by the company..."

Well, for one thing, it doesn’t help that it’s been opposed for years by the company behind the most popular consumer tax software — Intuit, maker of TurboTax. Conservative tax activist Grover Norquist and an influential computer industry group also have fought return-free filing.

Intuit has spent about $11.5 million on federal lobbying in the past five years — more than Apple or Amazon. Although the lobbying spans a range of issues, Intuit’s disclosures pointedly note that the company “opposes IRS government tax preparation.”

The disclosures show that Intuit as recently as 2011 lobbied on two bills, both of which died, that would have allowed many taxpayers to file pre-filled returns for free. The company also lobbied on bills in 2007 and 2011 that would have barred the Treasury Department, which includes the IRS, from initiating return-free filing.

Intuit argues that allowing the IRS to act as a tax preparer could result in taxpayers paying more money. It is also a member of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), which sponsors a “STOP IRS TAKEOVER” campaign and a website calling return-free filing a “massive expansion of the U.S. government through a big government program.”


How the Maker of TurboTax Fought Free, Simple Tax Filing - ProPublica

conservatives will even fight reducing the amount of time, money, and effort required to deal with the government, even when it saves the government money

28 Mar 04:49

Packages sealed with "Atheist" tape go missing 10x more often than controls

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Does the United States Postal Service discriminate against atheists? A recent experiment suggests it does. ATHEIST SHOES is a German based-company that, as its name suggests, makes comfy kicks "for people who don't believe in god(s)." The company regularly ships shoes, like the ones pictured above, to America. When it does, it seals its boxes with tape featuring the company logo, which is stylized as "ATHEIST · ATHEIST · ATHEIST" (see below). But these shipments often run into problems.


28 Mar 04:45

A ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Kids Bedroom, Complete with a Tree Fort Loft Bunk Bed

by Rusty Blazenhoff

Calvin and Hobbes

Finnish redditor pellari styled his son’s bedroom à la ‘Calvin and Hobbes‘ complete with a loft bunk bed that looks like the tree fort featured in the famous comic strip.

Calvin and Hobbes

2nd image via visimo

via reddit, Geekologie

28 Mar 04:02

This is What the Beach Boys Sound Like Without Autotune!

Cooper Griggs

OMG ROFLMAO!!!!!! It hurts, make it stop!!! LOL!!!

The Beach Boys are, or should I say WERE, my favorite band. Now that the truth has been revealed, I don't know what to believe in anymore.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Chaîne de massbetelnut)

Tagged: the beach boys , videos , autotune , Music FAILS , g rated Share on Facebook
28 Mar 03:55


28 Mar 03:41

Doctor Who TARDIS Throw Blanket

by Kimber Streams


The Doctor WhoTARDIS Throw Blanket is made of cuddly fleece to keep you warm while you wait for the Doctor to come whisk you away on a grand adventure. It’s available at ThinkGeek.

How do we let the Doctor know we’re ready to be his next companion? We’re drinking out of our TARDIS mug, brewing tea in our TARDIS teapot, wearing our TARDIS t-shirt and TARDIS hat, and wrapped up in the TARDIS Throw. Surely the Doctor will notice that we are the most dedicated Whovians ever and come pick us up for some wild adventures, right? Right?


28 Mar 02:48


28 Mar 02:48

odditiesoflife: Dew-Soaked Dandelions Anything photographed...


Dew-Soaked Dandelions

Anything photographed with macro photography takes on a whole new level of beauty. Color, form, depth seen at a perspective only available when magnified. Size does not exist without the ability of comparison. Form must continue infinitely towards the smallest levels just as its inverse continues to the largest, without end in either direction.

28 Mar 02:48

delilahsdawson: selonian: sleepswithwolves: sinclairsnape: ru...






Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Pooh has just shoved the equivalent of his own internal organs back into his body like it was no big deal.

No bothers were given that day.

No bothers given.

No bothers.


Pooh is totally METAL.

Reblogging for priceless commentary, and because I think “Look at all the bothers I give” is going to make it into my everyday language. 

28 Mar 02:25

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

Looks like something Chris Burden would make.

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

An Ornate Rug Made of Discarded Computer Parts and Other Electrical Objects textiles computers

Although we just covered the work of Federico Uribe a few days ago in this space, the artist also shared with me this additional work which I thought warranted its own post. Titled Tapete (Carpet) the work is a large carpet made from thousands of perfectly placed computer components: fans, cables, keyboard keys, motherboards, mice, and other parts. I recommend not wiping your feet here. Photography by Pipe Yanguas.

28 Mar 02:24

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

Here's where HDR *can* excel.

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias Makes the Pacific Ocean Look like Rainbows and Gold waves ocean California

Photographer David Orias relies on slow shutter speeds, precision camera movement and the rich light of dawn or dusk to capture these amazing images just off the California coast. Of these particular shots Orias says:

I often use the camera to see our world in ways our eyes cannot see. I do this by using long shutter speeds and camera motion to achieve this goal. I am often asked where the colors on my waves come from. I shoot mostly at dawn and the geography of the location allows higher ambient light levels before the full illumination by the sun. Colors are created by different weather conditions, amount of clouds or even smoke in the air from local wildfires which are often prevalent.

You can see much more of his work over on 500px and Flickr. (via faith is torment)

28 Mar 02:23

baking at the crack of dawn. the house smells delicious.

baking at the crack of dawn. the house smells delicious.

28 Mar 02:23

female person

Given that I’ve brought up the history of the word woman, it is worth taking a moment for a side note, to dispel a couple of false etymologies. Please don’t believe anyone who tries to tell you that this word derives from “womb-man” or “woe-to-man.” Pure rubbish. It comes from Old English wifmann, back when wif (later wife) meant ‘female’ and mann really could mean ‘person’ in general.

From a great, brief article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that looks at the term “guys” and the lack of a flexible terms for women.

I use “guys” regularly to address a group of men, women or both. But as the author points out, I wouldn’t refer to a woman individually as “guy”… In that case I think I most frequently revert to “chick”.

28 Mar 02:21

Majestic Nepal

by Arnold Chao

Wisdom eyes

Rooftop view to Swayambuhnath Stupa at Night

Manaslu (8156 m)

Sliced slides

Icy white

Scenes captured in the Himalayas and other picturesque regions of the landlocked Asian nation located between China and India.

Do you want more pictures from this location? Enjoy other images of what this location offers in the Majestic Nepal gallery and Nepal on Flickr Places.

Photos from NikonMizar, Samsara_107, Oleg Bartunov, johan van moorhem, and EverExplore.

28 Mar 02:21

Aesthetics Habitat, Severfrahm x Zoeppritz | Arcademi

by newd3