Shared posts

16 Jul 22:29

Mental Health Break

by Andrew Sullivan

There’s getting served, and then there’s this:

16 Jul 22:02

DHS to employees: reading newspaper coverage of Snowden's NSA leaks is "classified data spillage"

by Xeni Jardin

The US Department of Homeland Security is warning its employees that they can be punished for opening up this Washington Post article, which includes a classified slide (above) illustrating how the National Security Agency spies on communications:

An internal memo from DHS headquarters told workers on Friday that viewing the document from an “unclassified government workstation” could lead to administrative or legal action. “You may be violating your non-disclosure agreement in which you sign that you will protect classified national security information,” the communication said.

The memo said workers who view the article through an unclassified workstation should report the incident as a “classified data spillage.”

"DHS warns employees not to read leaked NSA information." [Washington Post]

16 Jul 21:32

Meteor Shower

A meteor shower will be visible in North America, peaking in mid-August 2014. But maybe you should look for it now if you want the best viewing opportunities.
16 Jul 21:23

Incredible Dynamic Target Tracking Camera Perfectly Follows Moving Objects

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

holy shit! Game changer. Literally.

Incredible Dynamic Target Tracking Camera Perfectly Follows Moving Objects sports device cameras

Incredible Dynamic Target Tracking Camera Perfectly Follows Moving Objects sports device cameras

Currently under development at the Ishikawa Oku Lab at the University of Tokyo, the Dynamic Target Tracking Camera System can track a fast moving object while keeping it perfectly centered in the middle of a screen. The device consists of two mirrors for pan and tilt, and a group of lenses that move at extremely high speeds to track and film objects at a rate of one image every 1/1000th of a second. Not only can the camera film them but it can also dynamically project images onto them as demonstrated in the video. Slow motion playback in sports will never be the same. (via booooooom)

16 Jul 21:19

O’Clock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made

by Christopher Jobson

OClock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made wood design clocks

OClock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made wood design clocks

OClock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made wood design clocks

OClock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made wood design clocks

OClock: Wood & Cork Clocks by Okum Made wood design clocks

Designers David Okum and Javier Palomares joined together earlier this year to form a little design studio called Okum Made. The duo are releasing a number of functional home objects made of wood and other materials including this new series of clocks called O’Clock. There are currently four different designs including American Walnut, Hard White Maple, Douglas Fir and Cork and you can pick them up over in their shop.

15 Jul 17:46


But the rules of writing are like magic spells. If you never acquire them, then not using them says nothing.
15 Jul 17:45

I Bet It's Hannelore

15 Jul 17:44

I fucking wish

by donniedemeijer
15 Jul 17:44

A Logaritmical Spiral Appears Around a Wet Tennis Ball Photographed by Arvin Rahimzadeh

by Christopher Jobson

A Logaritmical Spiral Appears Around a Wet Tennis Ball Photographed by Arvin Rahimzadeh water high speed balls

This is a great high speed capture by photographer Arvin Rahimzadeh who snapped a photo of this spinning, water-soaked tennis ball that exemplifies the geometry behind a golden Logaritmical spiral. Neat!

15 Jul 17:44

Steam Gunner Schmidt by *Kai-S on deviantART

by leon
15 Jul 17:44

Weekend Hashtag Project: #WHPsuperpower Weekend Hashtag Project...

Weekend Hashtag Project: #WHPsuperpower

Weekend Hashtag Project is a series featuring designated themes & hashtags chosen by Instagram’s Community Team. For a chance to be featured on the Instagram blog, follow @instagram and look for a post announcing the weekend’s project every Friday.

This weekend’s tag was #WHPsuperpower, which asked participants to show off their superpowers with photos and videos. Every Monday we feature some of our favorite submissions from the project, but be sure to check out the rest here.

15 Jul 17:43

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U-Ram Choe

by Christopher Jobson

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Urban Species: Kinetic Lifeforms Created by U Ram Choe sculpture kinetic sculpture

Korean artist U-Ram Choe lives and works in Seoul where he creates highly ornate kinetic sculptures that mimic forms and motions found in nature. Choe uses various metals, motors, gears, and custom CPU boards to control the precise motions of each sculpture that are at times perfectly synchronized and other times completely random. With names like “Unicus – cavum ad initium” and “Arbor Deus Pennatus” it’s clear the artist treats each new work like a brand new species.

The artworks are so complex each “organism” is shipped with a manual to show collectors and galleries how to maintain and fix various components. Choe tells the Creator’s Project in one of the videos above how some of the works in his studio live a complete lifecycle where they are at first born and put on display, but after time begin to degrade as certain parts stop working. Eventually he raids old artworks for parts and uses them to build new ones.

Watch the videos above to see a good sampling of his work both old and new, and he has a huge archive of videos for nearly 50 artworks over on Vimeo.

15 Jul 15:02

Video camera technology has improved immensely in recent years,...

by rion

Video camera technology has improved immensely in recent years, allowing scientists like lightning physicist Vladislav Mazur and meteorologist Tom Warner to analyze high speed footage of these captivating bolts of electricity in the sky.

In this video, Incredible Slow Motion Lightning Strike, via sagansense, we see just 1 second of lightning slowed down into 3 minutes. Yes, 1 sec = 3 mins.

One more to watch: a downward lightning negative ground flash captured at 7,207 images per second

15 Jul 05:55

Spaced #observatory #hawaii @brentnorris #maunakea #Caltech...

#observatory #hawaii @brentnorris #maunakea #Caltech #Submillimeter #bigisland #2009 #trip #travel #rtw @princessfyza #canon #powershot #sd960is

15 Jul 05:50

Church-Ready Look, Why Fear Makes African Americans Dress Up

"I’m ashamed at how long it took me to realize why so many people in my family have been consumed with looking church-ready when they step out the door regardless of time or day."

That Facebook quote came from Phyllis Fletcher, an African-American colleague at KUOW in Seattle. And it reminded me of something my sister once told me when a white friend teased her about taking too long to get ready when they went on joint shopping expeditions. “Why are you getting all dressed up? Just throw on some jeans, like me, and let’s go."

"You can do that," my sister pointed out. “Not me." She would then explain that unless black shoppers look, essentially, church-ready, they are served very casually — often after others who came after them — or followed about not-too-subtly by salespeople who insist on “helping" them instead of allowing them to browse on their own until they need help.

There is a version of this that black mothers tell their sons: Don’t go out of the house with your hoodie flipped up or your pants on your hips. “Their white friends can do it, sure," one mother told me a couple of months ago, “but these young black boys think they live in a world where everything and everyone is the same." On the one hand, she doesn’t want to burst that bubble. Things are better than they were when she was growing up. On the other hand, she wants him to live long enough to understand the wisdom behind her worry.

Saturday night was one of those times, when black parents ponder what they’ll say when they have that hard conversation with their male children — especially their young men moving toward adulthood. On social media, there is a lot of public agonizing that it has come to this, especially for parents whose children live very integrated lives. But the sad fact remains, the tweets, the Facebook posts say: black boys are still more suspect, and less valued. So looking church-ready may be what saves their lives one day.

They feel a Florida jury has just reinforced why there is a continued need to point this out.


15 Jul 05:46

finding the right running shoe is a complicated affair. he...

finding the right running shoe is a complicated affair.

he promises they come in something other than pink.

15 Jul 05:45

Lotus Flower #lotus #flower #fiji #2009 #water #plant #beautiful...

Lotus Flower
#lotus #flower #fiji #2009 #water #plant #beautiful #pink #green #yellow #suva #travel #trip #rtw #worldtour #canon #powershot #sd960is

14 Jul 06:44

News You Can Lose

Cooper Griggs

Seriously? No one checked this before putting it on the air? Dumbasses.

A TV station was pranked with fake names for pilots involved in an airline crash.
14 Jul 02:47

(10) Tumblr

by walkman
Cooper Griggs

This is oddly sexual, no?

14 Jul 02:46

Virgin Burners seeing the playa for the first time



14 Jul 02:45

fighting against the empire with the perfect soundtrack

fighting against the empire with the perfect soundtrack

13 Jul 21:49


13 Jul 21:46

Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

by Heather Hands

It wasn't until a few years ago, that I sunk my teeth into a real ice cream cookie sandwich. Bigger than the palm of my hand, enough calories to keep me going for the day. Soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies held together with the creamiest ice cream you could imagine. It was a tradition - these ice cream sandwiches. In a land, far far north, amongst Ontario's Crown Forest, lies a tiny island. To reach it, you must drive a lengthy distance down a dirt road, or if you're feeling adventurous, you can make a running jump onto a boxcar, and ride it past. You will need to jump back off though, which probably takes a bit more practice. From the dirt road, lies a smaller dirt driveway leading to a small cottage owned by a family friend. From there, there is a small boat tied to a dock. You must untie the boat, place your belongings in, and ride it across the water to the island. Brent's father spends a few months there each summer. It belongs to his side of the family, shared amongst an aunt and uncle, and 2 cousins. They live much closer, a few hours, so they get to enjoy it often. For Brent's dad, after and 9 hour drive, I can see why he remains there for much of the summer. Trying to soak in as much outdoor bliss as possible. 

I have been there once, three years ago. I remember the island, the small cute cottage where Brent spent most of his summers as a kid. The hand painted pictures strung up on the walls made by a smaller and much younger Brent. The tiny black stove, the same stove that Brent's grandmother used to bake fresh blueberry and lemon pies. I remember swimming in the lake, riding the boat at sunset, listening to the loons, watching the water ripple like a soft silky sheet. Taking the boat across the lake to a small general store, jumping out and running like a small child, opening the big freezer door and grabbing a chocolate chip ice cream sandwich. I ate it in the boat as we cruised around the lake, not a person for miles. Aside from tasting incredible, it's the memories associated with this occasion that keep the fondness alive. I am so thankful that I got to experience a bit of Brent's youth. Seeing what he did, the cottage and all of its belongings still intact, like they were 20 years ago. After hearing so many stories on what a great place it is, having it all come to life was something special. Brent's dad and sister are up at the cottage now. Fishing and enjoying the fresh air. Sometimes I wish we lived a bit closer to home.

Longing for cottage life and tranquil water, I devised a plan to recreate a bit of it at home. What I should have done was filled a kiddie pool with water one the balcony, but of course, I turned to the option that resulted in food. I though about being super fancy and creative, and making some sort of wild and crazy ice cream sandwich involving elderflower and cherries etc. And then Brent said something to me that really resonated. He said "people like simple classics, done right. There is no need to overcomplicated things. I completely agreed 100 percent. 

I have been contemplating the purchase of an ice cream machine for about 4 years now. Each time the idea crosses my mind, I quickly become terrified at how little self control I have, and then I put it off for a few more months. My friend Andi, whom has been a religious follower of my blog from the beginning, generously lent me her ice cream machine a few weeks ago, accompanied with the book - Jenis Splendid Ice Creams At Home. I wouldn't call myself an expert. I've been making ice cream for about 2 weeks, therefore I don't think that I could start experimenting, or trouble shooting. I am however an ice cream connoisseur, and have basically travelled the world in search of the best ice cream. 

I chose to use Jenis vanilla ice cream recipe, because the result is soft, smooth, and silky. Perfect really, for squishing between two sandwiches. If you wan to delve into the world of ice cream, I suggest picking up a copy of her book. She has great tips and tricks, and explains things on a scientific level, which is super fun and interesting. As for the cookie recipe, I turned to the Brown Eyed Baker, because her recipes are always amazing, and I was drawn to her photo representing this recipe. I wanted a chocolate chip cookie that was soft and chewy, subtly sweet with a touch of salt. I wanted to used dark brown sugar for sweetness and color, and add chopped chunks of dark chocolate - I love they way they look. I experimented with a few batches, trying to perfect a perfect ratio of cookie to ice cream, a perfect size sandwich, and ultimate chewiness. What I have learned is that personally, I enjoy a smaller sandwich, each cookie weighing 1 oz before baking. A half inch thickness of ice cream. And a slightly under cooked cookie will result in the best texture. These little sandwiches are the perfect sweet treat, and wont leave you feeling regret after you eat the whole thing.

makes 19 small sandwiches
notes: making ice cream sandwiches is a little finicky. You will need to work quickly when you are adding the ice cream to the sandwich - it tends to melt fast, especially on a hot day. If the ice cream melts too much before placing the sandwich back into the freezer, the weight of the cookies will squish the ice cream out of the sides. 

Remove the cookies and the ice cream from the freezer. Let the ice cream melt for a few minutes so that you can easily mold it between the cookies. Place a scoop of ice cream on one of the cookies. Place the other one on top and press down. With a knife, smooth the sides. Wrap the cookies in wax paper and place into the fridge. Can be stored for up to a month. 

makes one pint 

1 tbsp + 1 tsp corn starch
2 cups whole milk
3 tbsp (1.5 oz) cream cheese, softened
1/8 tsp salt
ice bath
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp light corn syrup
2/3 cups white sugar

In a small bowl, dissolve the corn starch with 2 tbsp of the milk. Stir to break down any lumps with a wire whisk. In a medium size bowl, combine the cream cheese and salt with a whisk. In a large pot, bring the rest of the milk, cream, vanilla, corn syrup, and sugar to a rolling boil on medium heat. Boil for 4 minutes, constantly stirring with a spatula. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cornstarch slurry. Place the pot back on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute, stirring, until it starts to thicken. Remove the pot from the stove and pour the milk into a large Ziploc bag. Seal the bag, and then place it into an ice bath - a large bowl filled with ice and cold water - for 30 minutes or until cold. With the ice cream machine running, pour in all the mixture. Let it churn for 10 - 20 minutes, until the ice cream freezes and pulls away from the sides. Scoop the ice cream into a container with a seal and place into the freezer for at least 4 hours before serving.

makes 38 small cookies
adapted lightly from Brown Eyed Baker 

12 tbsp (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted
2 cups + 2 tbsp (10 5/8 ounces) unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (7 oz) dark brown sugar
1/2 cup (3.5 oz) white sugar
1 egg + 1 yolk
1 tsp pure vanilla
150 g (5 1/4 oz) dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces
Preheat the oven to 325ºF. Rearrange the oven racks so that one of them is in the middle. Melt the butter in a small microwave safe dish for 20 seconds or in a small saucepan on low. Then let the butter cool to warm.

In a medium size bowl, add the flour, baking soda, salt and combine. Set to the side. In a large bowl or bowl of a stand mixer, add the butter, brown and white sugar. Using the hand mixer, or stand mixer with the paddle attachment, beat on low-med until combined. Add the eggs and vanilla and beat until combined. Reduce the speed to low, add the flour and mix until it is just combined and no longer visible. Add the chopped chocolate and stir with a spatula.

I divided the cookie dough into 38 small dough balls, each weighing 1 ounce, resulting in a cookie 2 inches wide. If this is your first time making ice cream sandwich cookies, try experimenting. You can try making small cookies, medium, or large, as long as you have two same sized cookies to make a sandwich. Roll the cookie into a ball. Break the ball in half, and then fasten it back together with the rough side facing up.

Space the cookies on a baking sheet 2 inches apart. Bake anywhere from 10 - 15 minutes depending on the cookie size - a shorter baking time for smaller cookies. If you are making small 1 ounce cookies, keep and eye on them starting at 8 minutes. Mine took 10 minutes. I removed them at 12 minutes, but  they got to crispy in the freezer. You want to remove them from the oven when they have puffed up in the middle but still look a bit raw. They will sink once you remove them from the oven, this is normal. Let them cool on the baking sheet for 5 - 10 minutes, cool enough to touch, and then place them into the freezer. Do not over bake or they will become to crispy once frozen. You want them to be soft enough to melt in your mouth with the ice cream. The cookies will harden slightly in the freezer.

13 Jul 19:47


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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13 Jul 19:44

#FlickrFriday: Yesterday

by Thea Lamkin
Cooper Griggs

nice collection of images

Vintage AM Radio & Alarm Clock   Stone


on any given day   Don't look at me I'm indiscreet

En el silencio y de perfil...

21/365   Giro d'Italia Vintage 2013


# Our last Flickr Friday theme was #Yesterday.

Yesterday isn’t just a placeholder that moves as time marches onwards; it’s also an idea that evokes the larger past—a duality which this week’s photos showed beautifully. Some of you captured the previous day’s photo as a snapshot of your life, and some chose to reach even further into the years to emphasize how much things have changed. Explore more of the wonderful submissions for this theme in the Flickr Friday group pool.

To take a nautical tack for the coming week, the new Flickr Friday theme is #OnTheWaterfront. No need to find an actual ocean if a nearby river or pond will do. (Water, it’s everywhere.) A selection of your shots will be showcased right here on the Flickr Blog late next week.

Photos from Gabbbbbbbbbbb, Bryen., mreastwood, lenfels, Laurarama, Ivana Vasilj, Historias Visuales, BlueDog_1199, Giulio Magnifico, and Ainslie!.

#FlickrFriday is a weekly photography project that challenges your creativity. For a chance to be featured on FlickrBlog, follow @flickr on Twitter & like us on Facebook and look for the weekly theme announcement every Friday. Browse the Flickr Friday category for more.

13 Jul 19:42

Brisbane Wheel #brisbane #australia #2009 #trip #travel #rtw...

Brisbane Wheel
#brisbane #australia #2009 #trip #travel #rtw #worldtour #blue #lights #ferris #wheel

13 Jul 19:42

"A clear conscience is usually a good sign of a bad memory."

“A clear conscience is usually a good sign of a bad memory.”

- Steven Wright
13 Jul 19:36

Vintage Camera Lens Bracelets by SDPNT

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

Ok, VERY cool.

Vintage Camera Lens Bracelets by SDPNT jewelry cameras

Vintage Camera Lens Bracelets by SDPNT jewelry cameras

Stefaan duPont over at SDPNT is making some wonderful one-of-a-kind cuffs from old camera lenses. Every bracelet is completely unique and can’t be duplicated. The store opened for the first time about two hours ago, so check it out. (via notcot)

13 Jul 19:35


Cooper Griggs

How is this dick in the media still? Fuck Kanye.

13 Jul 19:29

Love You Good

by twinhenry