Shared posts

22 Jan 20:17



Постапокалиптика Yuri Shwedoff



22 Jan 20:16


by rade
22 Jan 19:49

A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL: 2014-15 Season

22 Jan 19:43

Samsung engineers are working on wearable for early stroke detection

by Billy Steele
Cooper Griggs


Samsung has quite the diverse family of products, and for the last two years, a team of engineers have been working on yet another. Folks from its smartphone and washing machine teams are building a wearable sensor that monitors brainwaves to detect ...
22 Jan 19:40

The California State Supreme Court now has ZERO white male justices

odinsblog: *bloop*

oh my god… did we finally do something right?

22 Jan 19:38

MakerBot's Thingiverse finally lets you share 3D models with groups

by Devindra Hardawar
You'd think by now creating groups for sharing 3D models would be old hat for Thingiverse, MakerBot's online community for 3D printing enthusiasts, but sadly, you'd be wrong. That all changes today: MakerBot announced that Thingiverse users will fina...
22 Jan 19:34

(1) Tumblr

by walkman
22 Jan 19:32

Drones: the tech-savvy trafficker's new drug mule

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

There's something I didn't think about before.

A quadcopter has recently crashed into a Mexican supermarket parking lot located somewhere near the country's California border, and one of the possible reasons is that its payload was just too heavy for it. No, it wasn't carrying cameras or even fer...
22 Jan 19:30

4chan creator Moot steps down after more than a decade

by Mariella Moon
When Christopher Poole founded messaging board 4chan 11 and a half years ago, he was just a 15-year-old kid. Now, he's stepping down an adult with a Ph.D. (in large-scale community management, which fits him well) and more than a decade of experience...
22 Jan 19:29

NVIDIA's newest GPU crams in tons of power without a hefty price

by Devindra Hardawar
Cooper Griggs

This card looks nuts. It's a Transformer, probably a Decepticon.

If you've been tempted by NVIDIA's high-end GTX 970 and 980 video cards, but couldn't justify their high prices, the company's latest entry is made for you. NVIDIA is rounding out its Maxwell family of video cards today with the GTX 960, a desktop GP...
22 Jan 19:25

Nessie, el Cucharón del Lago Ness [Actualizado: ya a la venta]

by Troy

Hay gente que asegura haberlo visto. Juran y perjuran que, en alguna ocasión, mientras removían el caldo de verduras, han visto la perturbadora imagen del imponente Monstruo del Lago Ness asomando la cabeza entre patatas, acelgas y zanahorias. La ciencia, como es habitual, se ríe de esas tonterías. Y nosotros también.

Por eso vamos a intentar traer lo antes posible ya tenemos disponible en nuestra tienda QueLoVendan a este simpático cucharón del Lago Ness, para que podáis sacudirle con él en la cabeza al próximo cocinero que os venga con esas tonterías.

comprar Cucharón Nessie, monstruo del lago ness Ver más: cocina, cuchara, cucharón, Lago Ness, monstruo
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

22 Jan 19:24

lightningstrucktower: if anyone is wondering how cold it is in...


if anyone is wondering how cold it is in Chicago, it’s ICE COLD.

22 Jan 19:23

Chocolatexture: A Series of Chocolates to Represent Japanese Words For Texture Created by Nendo

by Johnny Strategy









Japanese design office Nendo has created 9 different types of chocolate. While each are the same size, not a single piece from the Chocolatexture collection look alike. That’s because Oki Sato, who leads the Tokyo and Milan-based firm, rethought the concept of chocolate by focusing on texture. “There are many factors that determine a chocolate’s taste,” says Sato, referring to factors like the origin of cocoa, the percentage used, and the various different flavors. But by instead turning his attention to attributes like pointy, smooth and rough, the designer has created distinctive chocolates that all use identical ingredients but taste completely different due to the various textures.

Each of the 9 chocolates were inspired by an onomatopoeic word from the Japanese language that describes texture. The chocolates correspond with words like “toge toge” (sharp pointy tips), “sube sube” (smooth edges and corners) and “zara zara” (granular, like a file). Chocolatexture was created for the Maison & Objet trade fair currently taking place this week in Paris. 400 limited edition Chocolatexture sets were created and will be sold during the event in Paris at what’s being dubbed the “Chocolatexture lounge.” (syndicated from Spoon & Tamago)

22 Jan 19:22

Russia's new combat robot shoots guns and drives ATVs... slowly

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

Skynet watch

When someone describes a machine as a "combat robot," you'd probably imagine something akin to the Terminator or perhaps even Boston Dynamics' BigDog. Maybe that's why Russian president Vladimir Putin didn't look impressed when he was presented his c...
22 Jan 19:21


22 Jan 00:56

“The Facebook” in a TV commercial from 1995 that never actually was

by Xeni Jardin
Cooper Griggs

via Bewarethewumpus

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

By comedian Brent Weinbach.


21 Jan 22:44

Scientists Develop Hydrophobic Metal That Causes Water to Bounce

by Christopher Jobson



Researchers at the University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics led by professor Chunlei Guo have developed a new type of hydrophobic surface that is so highly water repellant, it causes water droplets to bounce off like magic. Unlike earlier hydrophobic surfaces that rely on temporary (and slowly degrading) chemical coatings such as teflon, this new super-hydrophobic surface is created by etching microscopic structures into metal with the help of lasers. Potential applications include airplane wings that resist icing, a whole new type of rust proofing, or even a toilet that wouldn’t require water. Watch the video above to see the surface in action, and you can read Guo’s research paper here. (via Sploid)

21 Jan 21:52

Lip Moss

Rumor: Eos Lip Balm can grow black or green mold under some conditions.
21 Jan 17:43

Comic for 2015.01.21

Cooper Griggs

There are starving people right here in America too.

21 Jan 17:41

Solar Impulse 2 starts historic round-the-world flight in March

by Steve Dent
The Solar Impulse 2 team has revealed the route and schedule for its audacious attempt to cross the world powered only by the sun. It'll launch from Abu Dhabi around early March and stop in spots like Chongqing, New York City and Southern Europe befo...
21 Jan 17:40

America's healthcare portal is sharing your personal data with ad agencies

by Daniel Cooper
Cooper Griggs

Oh you mean like Facebook and Google + do?

Enabling millions of people to access vital healthcare services they otherwise couldn't have afforded is a very noble cause, but it looks as if those behind the service haven't been playing fair with your private information. A report by the AP has r...
21 Jan 17:40


by cerensek
21 Jan 06:40

Please don't use these passwords. Sincerely, the Internet

by Steve Dent
You may have protected your personal data with strong passwords, but when hackers seize control of other computers, the resulting "botnets" can cause plenty of collateral damage. The depressing part is that one of the biggest holes is the easiest to ...
21 Jan 03:26

"A better politics is one where we appeal to each other’s basic decency instead of our basest fears."

“A better politics is one where we appeal to each other’s basic decency instead of our basest fears.”

- POTUS (i’m not near a tv, so i read the state of the union and, foolishly, hope for this… still.)
21 Jan 02:42

White House releases State of The Union address online ahead of time

by Richard Lawler
Cooper Griggs

Watching this now.

As is customary, tonight the President will give his State of the Union address but in a first-time move, the entire speech is available for anyone to read online. It's usually released to reporters early under embargo, but this is the age of the int...
21 Jan 00:02


Cooper Griggs

via Arnvidr


20 Jan 23:57


by turbo2000
20 Jan 21:33

Netflix will have 'The Interview' streaming on Saturday

by Richard Lawler
Cooper Griggs

That didn't take long.

In the midst of Netflix's Q4 financial report (if you're wondering - it added the expected amount of subscribers this time, unlike Q3) it revealed a few things viewers will actually be interested in. First of all, it's going to have The Interview ava...
20 Jan 19:19

The NSA knew North Korea hacked Sony because it hacked North Korea first

by Steve Dent
The US government recently took the rare step of directly blaming North Korea for the crippling hack of Sony in retaliation for its satire film, The Interview. But how could it be so sure in the face of doubters, who said another hacking group disgui...
20 Jan 18:15

it's a wee bit foggy

which means everyone in southern california has forgotten how to drive.