Shared posts

31 Dec 12:17

Dogs team up in unimaginably cute fashion to retrieve ball

by Rob Beschizza

Either that, or the small merle one is unsuccessfully attempting to eat the large black one. Photo credit unknown!

31 Dec 12:16

Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack to Release as Cassette

Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack to Release as Cassette

The Awesome Mix Volume 1, is set to hit store shelves on November 28, but it's a limited release only at Independent Record Stores participating in Record Store Day. No word on how many copies will be made, but make sure to be there early, just in case.

Submitted by: (via Billboard)

30 Dec 20:09

Sign? What Sign?

by Brinke

[Silly hoomins. Don't they know birds can't read? Duh.]

22 Words.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds
30 Dec 20:09

Dia das Crianças

by ricardo

feliz dia das crianças :)

ajude a manter as tiras

30 Dec 17:37


Ночной Амстердам.

30 Oct 20:29

Vai lá tirar selfie com o capeta.

by Zanfa


29 Oct 19:14

I Send On Average Five Takedown Notices To Web Hosts Every Day

by A Photo Editor

I sent takedown notices to a store selling phone cases, to Etsy for an artist hawking pirated prints of a fire ant, and to Twitter for an exterminator heading his company account with one of my bed bug photographs.This rate of commercial infringement is normal, as photographers and other online visual artists can attest. I deal with most cases by using a provision of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMCA that requires Web hosts to remove infringing content when informed. I send, on average, five takedown notices to Web hosts every day, devoting ten hours per week to infringements. Particularly egregious commercial infringers get invoices.

I actually have let a few of my most commonly infringed images go unenforced. I could not keep up, so I left these as a natural experiment. The result confirmed what I suspected: images that become widespread on the Internet are no longer commercially viable. Thousands of businesses worldwide now use one of my Australian ant photographs to market their services, for example, and not a single paying client has come forth to license that image since I gave up.

Copyright infringement for most artists is death by a thousand paper cuts. One $100 infringement here and there is harmless enough. But they add up, and when illegal commercial uses outnumber legal ones 20 to 1 in spite of ambitious attempts to stay ahead, we do not have a clear recourse. At some point, the vanishing proportion of content users who license content legally will turn professional creative artists into little more than charity cases, dependent only on the goodwill of those who pity artists enough to toss some change their way.

via Bugging out: How rampant online piracy squashed one insect photographer | Ars Technica.

29 Oct 19:09

ginnymydear: DUUUUUUDE



25 Oct 01:06


23 Oct 07:16

Windows Update drivers bricking USB serial chips beloved of hardware hackers

by Peter Bright

Hardware hackers building interactive gadgets based on the Arduino microcontrollers are finding that a recent driver update that Microsoft deployed over Windows Update has bricked some of their hardware, leaving it inaccessible to most software both on Windows and Linux. This came to us via hardware hacking site Hack A Day.

The driver in question is for a line of USB-to-serial chips designed by Scottish firm FTDI. FTDI's chips are incredibly popular in this space, as just about every microcontroller and embedded device out there can communicate over a serial port. But this popularity has a downside; there's a vast number of knock-off chips in the wild that appear to be made by FTDI, but in fact aren't.

FTDI develops drivers for its chips. The drivers can be obtained directly from FTDI, or they can be downloaded by Windows automatically, through Windows Update. This latter feature is a great convenience for most people, as it enables plug-and-play operation. The latest version of FTDI's driver, released in August, contains some new language in its EULA and a feature that has caught people off-guard: it reprograms counterfeit chips rendering them largely unusable, and its license notes that:

Read 9 remaining paragraphs | Comments

23 Oct 00:47

We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind

by but does it float
The Bus by Paul Kirchner Title: J.G. Ballard Atley
22 Oct 23:28

dafuq?! where the fuck?

dafuq?! where the fuck?

22 Oct 23:22

Newswire: Netflix shows off images from its Daredevil series, reveals who Rosario Dawson is playing

by Sam Barsanti

Apparently there’s more to New York Comic-Con than cartoon raccoons and people distancing themselves from terrorist organizations, as Marvel and Netflix also used the convention as an opportunity to promote the streaming service’s upcoming Daredevil show. A writer for io9 sat in on the panel and posted a good account of the clips that Marvel showed, which included Daredevil kicking some guy’s ass, Daredevil having a moment with Rosario Dawson’s character, Daredevil (as Matt Murdock) talking to future-love interest Karen Page, and a scene featuring Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin that was—in io9‘s words—“SENSATIONAL.”

It sounds like the show is going to stress that the Kingpin isn’t the outright villain he’s usually portrayed as, with him being more of a complicated man who sometimes does good things. Also, speaking of Rosario Dawson’s character, she won’t be playing Elektra—as ...

22 Oct 23:11

Newswire: Courtney Love says all of Smashing Pumpkins’ hits are about her

by Sean O'Neal

Like everyone currently slumped over life’s jukebox, Courtney Love is convinced that this Smashing Pumpkins song is about her—they’re all about her—and no, you need to call a taxi. Possibly in search of some late-night halal, Love recently wandered into BBC Radio 6, where she slurred about some of her musical influences—specifically the music that she influenced, a list she says includes nearly all of Smashing Pumpkins’ best-known songs. Unfortunately for him, Love says, Billy Corgan “stopped writing about me and stopped having hits” (choosing instead to write for her and stop having hits), leaving him in a place where “he just can’t seem to get over the lump and become relevant again.” These assertions were made nearly in the same, presumably hot breath, with Love once again hearing only what she wanted in them.

“There’s one on Siamese Dream called ‘Spaceboy’—that ...

22 Oct 23:04


21 Oct 08:10

October 20, 2014

Thanks so much to LSC, and to everyone who came out for BAHFest. We hope you all had a grand time!
20 Oct 15:03

thetinkertoyboy: rudimentree: ramblingferret: sizvideos: Penn...





Penn and Teller on Vaccinations - Video

And even if that Autism thing was true (WHich it fucking isn’t) your kid is still safe from these diseases.

What’s fucking worse? You saying you’d rather have dead kid then and Autistic one? Seriously Anti-vaxxers need to banished to the moon something.

preach it

This is also why shit like Autism Speaks is fucking terrible.

People are so terrified of autism due to their campaigning that they’re willing to put LIVES at risk to avoid a child who has it.

Without that fear, the anti-vaccination campaign would have never taken off.

20 Oct 14:44

Pixel art nível master

by IdeaFixa

pixel art5


Pixel Tumblr.

Octavi Navarro é um artista e ilustrador que mora em Barcelona, Espanha, e trata os 8 bits dos jogos de video game dos ano 1980 e 1990 com muita seriedade. Na verdade, ele leva o conceito a um tipo de gourmetização dos 8 bits no tumblr que alimenta com os painéis complexos que contam pequenas histórias. A quantidade de detalhes e a criatividade da narrativa são impressionantes.


pixel art


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The post Pixel art nível master appeared first on IdeaFixa.

20 Oct 14:43


I’m feeling grateful this morning for the thousands of users that have chosen to purchase premium subscriptions to The Old Reader.  We know you have other options and that many of you are paying for premium accounts even though you don’t necessarily need all of the premium features.  It means a lot to us and will ensure the continued growth of this valuable resource.

The Old Reader to us is about having a neutral and ad free tool for keeping on top of the information that is important to you.  It’s also about connecting with other people to share meaningful information.

So in honor of you… we will once again show a picture of a cat.  It’s the least we could do.  Thanks!


14 Oct 10:12

Outside the Box

by Grant

You can order a poster print of this comic at my shop.
12 Oct 10:08

Newswire: The Better Call Saul music video is as catchy as meth

by Sean O'Neal

As promised, AMC used the waning hours of its Breaking Bad marathon to debut a Better Call Saul music video. And while many expected to see Saul Goodman marrying girlfriend Stephanie Seymour while Jesse Pinkman rips an amazing guitar solo in the desert, as Breaking Bad taught us, expectations often go awry and that was “November Rain.” Instead we got country music’s Junior Brown, with lyrical help from Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould, wrangling a little ditty about the myriad misdeeds committed by Saul’s clients—DUI, vandalism, insurance fraud, child abduction, shoplifting a George Foreman grill—and why they’d better call him. Fair warning: Even more so than the Heisenberg ballad “Negro y Azul,” Brown’s song has a chorus that’s meth levels of addictive.

12 Oct 09:26

The Entrancing Cinemagraph Creations of Julien Douvier

by DL Cade

This is beautiful!

The cinemagraph genre is one of the most exciting to follow because, unlike almost every other type of “photography” (in quotes since you they aren’t photos in the traditional sense of the word), it’s not yet oversaturated with phenomenal work.

Almost everywhere you turn you’ll find a great street photographer, or landscape photographer, or fine art photographer. But when you stumble across a master at creating cinemagraphs, he or she is one of only a handful. Julien Douvier is one such photographer.

As you might remember, earlier this month we featured a number of Douvier’s cinemagraphs of moving water.

Douvier is based out of Strasbourg, France, and his ability to combine well-crafted photographic compositions with just a touch of motion somewhere in the frame makes his cinemagraphs some of the most compelling we’ve run across.

Not limited by one genre, his photographs range from landscapes and nature scenes to street photography, sometimes augmented by only the slightest bit of motion, and at other times completely wrapped up by it. Below are some of our favorites from his sizable cinemagraph portfolio:

To see more of Douvier’s work or follow along as he creates more, head over to his website or give him a follow on Tumblr and Behance.

(via My Modern Met)

Image credits: Cinemagraphs by Julien Douvier

12 Oct 08:47


12 Oct 08:43

How to Understand Introverted People

12 Oct 08:40

Alright, Let's Roll

Alright, Let's Roll

Submitted by: (via Bing)

Tagged: gifs , critters , scooters , giraffes
12 Oct 08:39

That Looks Great

That Looks Great

GIF me your food.

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Cats , food , gifs , theft
12 Oct 08:38

I fixed it for you.

by thebloggess

Yesterday I got an email from a very sweet girl who wanted to tell me how happy she was to have found “this tribe of bizarre stranglings” because she finally figured out she wasn’t alone and there were others out there like her.  And it was very lovely, although I did think it was odd that she was witnessing so many stranglings here, but then I realized that she meant “strangelings” (like “changelings” but stranger, and that spellcheck had probably changed it for her because spellcheck is an asshole who doesn’t understand the fluidity of language.)  She also included this quote from the Breakfast Club because she thought it fit our odd community so well:

we're all pretty bizarre

And I agree.

And I decided to write this post in case you needed to be reminded of how important you are to me, and to all the other strangelings and misfits out there who find themselves at this blog, and realize they aren’t alone, and get the support they need to be the dazzlingly odd person they are without apology.  You have no idea how important you are.

And I love the quote, but I did feel it needed a small tweak to reflect the us that we’ve become:


Never change, sweet strangelings.

12 Oct 08:36

Jakub Rozalski's dystopian sci-fi countryside paintings

by David Pescovitz

The future bullies its way into the traditional European countryside in German artist Jakub Rozalski's dystopian paintings. (more…)

12 Oct 08:31



Will never try the right one :/. Ever.

12 Oct 08:27

Demonstrating end-to-end automation to new employees

by sharhalakis

by necessaryaegis