Shared posts

30 Apr 16:11

Os Hipsters Mentirosos do Coachella 2013

by EvelRyu

DJ Fubá! (DJ Cornmeal)

Hipsters são todos iguais, sempre se gabando de conhecer aquilo que ninguém mais conhece e se uma banda fica famosa, meio que perde um pouco da graça. O Apresentador americano Jimmy Kimmel resolver fazer um teste com os Hipsters do Coachella 2013 e saiu perguntando se eles conheciam bandas inventadas por ele. E o resultado não foi muito diferente do esperado…

Sim, uma das bandas é real, mas não menos absurda que as outras.

Via: Samurai LOL Tradução: mvpetri

30 Apr 16:07

BIFALAND - Autor(Allan Sieber)

30 Apr 16:06


by Laerte

30 Apr 15:45

Beer Mapper: An experimental app to find the right beer for you

by Nathan Yau

Beer map

Kevin Jamieson, an electrical and computer engineering graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, put his work in active ranking into practice. The experimental app is called Beer Mapper.

The application presents a pair of beers, one pair at a time, from a list of beers that you have indicated you know or have access to and then asks you to select which one you prefer. After you have provided a number of answers, the application shows you a heat map of your preferences over the "beer space."

Around 10,000 beers with at least 50 reviews on RateBeer were used as the foundation of the recommendation system. The reviews were reduced to just the individual words and counts, which gives sort of a profile for each beer (or a "weighted bag of words"). You rate beers, and the system tries to find profiles that are mathematically most similar.

Two caveats. The first is that it looks like the app just gives you a heat map of the styles of beer you might like. A recommended list of actual beers would be way better. Second, the app is a research project that likely won't be in the app store any time soon, so the first point is moot. Sad face. Maybe Untappd should read Jamieson's paper. [via Fast Company]

Data Points: Visualization That Means Something is available now. Order your copy.

30 Apr 15:39


30 Apr 15:38

Two-time Oscar-winning shrug

by laurabuu

Two-time Oscar-winning shrug

30 Apr 15:37

History of famous artists

Italian design studio H-57 created a series of brilliant illustrations that show the history of famous artists, musicians, and politicians.

30 Apr 15:36

wagatwe: historicalheroines:  I’ve created these flyers for a...

by wagatwe



 I’ve created these flyers for a school activist project where I bring more attention to the women in history that have been forgotten or ignored. This blog will be an extension of those flyers where I post longer biographies of these women and other bad-ass women like them. Too often women’s achievements have been pushed aside, either by others in their lives, or else by the historians who choose to ignore them. This tumblr is dedicated to celebrating them and bringing their achievements to light!

Wow, eff you, Otto Hahn.

30 Apr 15:33

Virgin aciona com sucesso motor da VSS Enterprise

by Carlos Cardoso


Para alegria dos trekkers e desespero dos lacaios de George Lucas a Virgin Galactic continua com seu projeto de criar naves espaciais reutilizáveis que cheguem ao limiar do espaço, levando passageiros, turistas e cientistas aonde pouquíssima gente jamais esteve.

Contando com os abissais bolsos de Tony Stark Richard Branson como fonte de financiamento, a empresa não tem pressa. Querem fazer tudo direito, sem correrias e explosões tão comuns a programas espaciais incompetentes.

Algumas semanas atrás eles testaram a VSS Enterprise em vôo planado, depois com o motor ejetando N20, sem iniciar combustão. Agora pela primeira vez ligaram o bicho pra valer.

Levada a uma altitude de 47 mil pés por sua nave-mãe, o avião White Knight Two, a Enterprise foi solta, caindo com estilo planando por alguns momentos, para em seguida acionar o motor-foguete. O teste só durou 16 segundos, o suficiente para acelerar a nave a Mach 1,2; quebrar a barreira do som e atingir 55 mil pés de altitude.

Farão mais alguns testes semelhantes, depois mirarão para o espaço, na casa dos 100 mil pés, e até o final de 2013 iniciarão operações de rotina. Se é que um vôo que custa US$ 200 mil por passageiro pode ser chamado assim. Espero que sirvam mais que barrinhas de cereal.

Aqui o vídeo do teste. Assista em FullHD, é lindo.

30 Apr 15:30

April 30, 2013

28 Apr 13:35


28 Apr 13:32

fabiomuniz: Inception



28 Apr 01:10

Visualized: Boeing supersonic airliner concept soars in a wind tunnel, quietly

by Jon Fingas

Visualized Boeing's supersonic airliner design carves wind tunnel air, quietly

No, you're not looking at an early preview of Star Wars Episode VII -- it just might represent the future of air transport, though. Boeing has spent years developing a truly quiet supersonic airliner concept, the Icon II, and what you see is an aerodynamics test of a mockup in a vaguely Death Star-like wind tunnel at NASA's Glenn Research Center. The starfighter design is for more than just show, as you'd suspect. Its V-tail design moves sonic booms further back, reducing the chance that shockwaves will reach the ground (and our ears) intact, while the top-mounted engines isolate engine noise. Boeing and NASA are ultimately hoping for production passenger aircraft discreet enough to fly over land at supersonic speeds, although we can't help but think that the sci-fi look is a convenient bonus.

Filed under: Transportation, Alt


Source: New Scientist

28 Apr 01:09

Automated constrained poetry, made from Markov Chains and Project Gutenberg

by Cory Doctorow

A "Snowball" is a poem "in which each line is a single word, and each successive word is one letter longer." Nossidge built an automated Snowball generator that uses Markov Chains, pulling text from Project Gutenberg. It's written in C++, with code on GitHub. The results are rather beautiful poems (these ones are "mostly Dickens"):




Snowball (also called a Chaterism) (via Waxy)


27 Apr 18:19

"Caverna do Dragão" vai voltar à TV

O canal por assinatura Gloob irá reprisar desenho que foi sucesso nos anos 1980

27 Apr 18:14

What Keeps Employees Motivated?

by caradelany

Listen up, managers and employers: when it comes to your loyal employees, money can't buy happiness. In fact, recent survey found that a whopping 78% of employees cited Recognition as the main motivating factor in their career. How can you better engage with your employees and keep them motivated to do their best? The answers might surprise you.
27 Apr 18:09

Whiskey and Hot Fudge Milkshake

by John Farrier


Now, wait until I tell you what's in it first! Put down the mug and let me describe Barbara Kiebel's breakfast treat. It has Maker's Mark bourbon, vanilla ice cream, scratch whipped cream made with bourbon and scratch hot fudge made with espresso and coffee liqueur. Okay, now you can drink.

Link -via Tasteologie

27 Apr 18:08

De volta pra casa

27 Apr 18:08

Beijaço do Laerte

Beijaço é um movimento iniciado por Laerte nas tiras de 25/04/2013 na Folha para lembrar da primeira sessão da Comissão Extraordinária de Direitos Humanos, que é, por sua vez, um protesto e uma recuperação das discussões abandonadas pela Comissão quando o Pastor Marco Feliciano assumiu.

Para saber mais sobre o evento, clique aqui.


A seguir a lista de todos os beijoqueiros do pôster.

Proféticos -
Vida de Suporte -
Os Levados da Breca -
Nabunda Nada -
RyotIras -
Peixe Aquático -
Juventude Perigosa -
Will Tirando -
Tiras da Jeh -
Talco e Show -
O Diário de Virgínia -
Chairim -
Mulher de 30 -
Mentirinhas -
Como Eu Realmente. -
Tirinhas do Zé -
Esboçais -
Clara Gavilan -
Lobo Limão -
Maurício Rett -
Meus Nervos! -
Sapo Brothers -

27 Apr 18:07

Vertical Perspective of Hong Kong's Immense Skyscrapers

by Katie Hosmer - MyModernMet
Click here to read Vertical Perspective of Hong Kong's Immense Skyscrapers This collection by Romain Jacquet-Lagreze will have your head spinning in a dizzy state of confusion. The French photographer and graphic artist created Vertical Horizon as a visual exploration of Hong Kong and it's rapid growth towards the sky. Using a unique perspective, Jacquet-Lagreze presents the ever-growing city in a repetitively graphic expression of its architecture. More »

27 Apr 13:12

awkwardsituationist: “world of averages” - composite images...


“world of averages” - composite images culled from thousands of individual portraits resulting in symmetrical average faces

27 Apr 12:30

The Most Powerful Food Combinations

by lucettedelacroix

Learn about the most powerful food combinations through a colorful infographic.
27 Apr 01:48

High School Sure Has Changed

27 Apr 01:47


27 Apr 01:47




27 Apr 01:43



27 Apr 01:19

Controversially, Physicist Argues Time Is Real



27 Apr 01:15

saskiakeultjes: Today: I feel like a ghost by Saskia...


Today: I feel like a ghost by Saskia Keultjes  facebook  twitter

I’m on the go.

27 Apr 01:08

This Bob Marley Hairdo Satisfies My Soul

27 Apr 00:56

The Truth About Red Meat

by infographical

A look into the health issues related to the consumption of red meat and why you should reconsider your bovine-dining habits.