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16 Sep 19:01

Not sure what to watch?

by Melanie Pinola
16 Sep 18:59

nevver: Charles Burns

Björk, 2005

Tina Fey, 2003

Dr. Strangelove, 2009

Phiip Seymour Hoffman, 2004

Ice Cube, 2004

Gas Mask, 2010

Amy Winehouse, 2011

Mark E. Smith, 2005


Charles Burns

16 Sep 18:51

My Neighbor Magritte

by Grant

Read the full comic in my series "Who Needs Art?" at
16 Sep 18:50

It Just Got Real


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: wars , penguin , funny
15 Sep 23:15


15 Sep 23:14

Você sabe em que filmes/séries estes cartoons são inspirados?

by Alessandro Martins

O artista Jublin (Justin White) criou uma série de ilustrações de filmes importantes, relendo-os como se eles fossem animações para a tevê. Você consegue adivinhar que filmes são esses?

Ah! As ilustrações estão à venda na Galery 1988. Fica em Los Angeles, mas você pode comprar clicando no link.

15 Sep 23:12

TV: Great Job, Internet!: There’s something that looks a whole lot like the TARDIS in that newly discovered Van Gogh painting 

In case you missed the big news in the art world, a painting in a Norwegian industrialist’s attic was recently verified as a work of Vincent Van Gogh, the first discovery of a new full-sized painting by the Dutch master since 1928. Not everyone is excited about the verified new painting—The Guardian condescendingly expressed horror that Van Gogh painted “Sunflowers” during the same summer. But detail-oriented Doctor Who fans may notice a vaguely familiar figure in the upper-left corner of the painting. Though the piece is titled “Sunset At Montmajour” and the structure in the background is likely ...
13 Sep 16:10

out with the robot

out with the robot

13 Sep 16:10

Crazy Monster is enjoying the coffee

Crazy Monster is enjoying the coffee

13 Sep 16:10

I haven’t quite figured it out yet New drawings at...

I haven’t quite figured it out yet

New drawings at from titles sent to me this morning @Explodingdog

13 Sep 16:10

we never sleepwalk alone

13 Sep 16:09

Leatherbound Sandman Omnibus

by Cory Doctorow

Vertigo has published a 1,000-page, black-edged, leather-bound Sandman Omnibus, containing the first half of the comic's run (a second volume is due in November). Jshillingford got a copy, and posted some drool-inducing photos to Tumblr. The Amazon listing has an arbitrary and inaccurate image, but Gaiman has confirmed that it's the real deal.

It's $92 on Amazon.


13 Sep 15:50

Ig Nobel Prize Winners 2013

by René

Gestern Nacht wurde der Ig-Nobelpreis 2013 verliehen, eine „satirische Auszeichnung, die von der Harvard-Universität in Cambridge (USA) für unnütze, unwichtige oder skurrile wissenschaftliche Arbeiten verliehen wird“ (Wikipedia). Ich hatte mir die Verleihung gestern im Video-Feed live angesehen, hab’ dann aber irgendwann ausgemacht, weil mir die Musik-Nummern auf den Senkel gingen. Aber die Preisträger und ihre Arbeiten sind, wie jeder Jahr, höchst erstaunlich: Aufstehende Kühe, Flugzeugentführer in Päckchen und Penis-essende Enten. Hier meine Favorites:

- PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE […] for confirming, by experiment, that people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive.

- SAFETY ENGINEERING PRIZE: The late Gustano Pizzo [USA], for inventing an electro-mechanical system to trap airplane hijackers — the system drops a hijacker through trap doors, seals him into a package, then drops the encapsulated hijacker through the airplane’s specially-installed bomb bay doors, whence he parachutes to earth, where police, having been alerted by radio, await his arrival. US Patent #3811643, Gustano A. Pizzo, “anti hijacking system for aircraft”, May 21, 1972.

- ARCHAEOLOGY PRIZE: Brian Crandall [USA] and Peter Stahl [CANADA, USA], for parboiling a dead shrew, and then swallowing the shrew without chewing, and then carefully examining everything excreted during subsequent days — all so they could see which bones would dissolve inside the human digestive system, and which bones would not. […]

- PEACE PRIZE: Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, for making it illegal to applaud in public, AND to the Belarus State Police, for arresting a one-armed man for applauding.

- PROBABILITY PRIZE: […] for making two related discoveries: First, that the longer a cow has been lying down, the more likely that cow will soon stand up; and Second, that once a cow stands up, you cannot easily predict how soon that cow will lie down again.

- PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE […] for the medical techniques described in their report “Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam” — techniques which they recommend, except in cases where the amputated penis had been partially eaten by a duck.

The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

Vorher auf Nerdcore:
Ig-Nobelprize Winners 2011
Ig Nobel Prize 2012

13 Sep 15:48

Flight 666 goes to HEL on Friday the 13th

by Miss Cellania

Finnish and Danish airline passengers aren't particularly superstitious, or this flight would be empty. On the contrary, Finnair flight AY666 bound for Helsinki (code HEL) is almost full.

"It has been quite a joke among the pilots," said veteran Finnair pilot Juha-Pekka Keidasto, who will fly the Airbus A320 from Copenhagen to Helsinki. "I'm not a superstitious man. It's only a coincidence for me."

The daily flight AY666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki falls on Friday the 13th twice in 2013. Friday the 13th is considered bad luck in many countries and the number 666 also has strong negative biblical associations.

The forecast for the flight is for calm skies over the Baltic. Link -via reddit

13 Sep 15:42

IT Crowd returns on 27th September

by René

„The IT Crowd Special will be on your screens Friday 27th September on Channel 4 at 9pm!“ There you have it. Jump around.

13 Sep 15:42

First reported self-healing polymer that spontaneously and independently repairs itself

Scientists in Spain have reported the first self-healing polymer that spontaneously and independently repairs itself without any intervention. The new material could be used to improve the security and lifetime of plastic parts in everyday products such as electrical components, cars and even houses.
12 Sep 16:02

The secret to pouring a smooth beer? Keep your eye on the vacuum, physicist says


Poor Hong Luo. Or would that be... "Pour, Hong Luo".

Hong Luo doesn't drink beer himself—he's allergic to alcohol. But Luo, chair of the University at Buffalo's physics department, knows all about the secrets of pouring a smooth brew. That's because it's just basic physics.
12 Sep 15:46

Just a Turtle Wearing a Raspberry, No Big Deal

by Jill Harness

worst evolutionary strategy =P

This could be the worst evolutionary strategy ever -replacing a hard shell with a delicious, soft fruit. Of course, it's possible that this is secretly a brilliant strategy -make yourself too adorable to resist.


11 Sep 16:05

The most popular coding fonts

by Rob Beschizza


Slant rounds up the most popular monospace fonts good for cranking code. Adobe's Source Code Pro is top of the pile, but Consolas is only a couple of votes off. My favorite? Orator 10 (not Orator Std), an oldie from the Selectric days. [via HN]

10 Sep 15:49

Sheet music from hell...Is it even possible to play this?


"Remove cattle from stage"

10 Sep 15:47

dat-chem-nerd: tonialforehead: stupidfuckingquestions: The...




The Australian Sex Party Campaign Ad 2013 (x)

meanwhile, in australia.


10 Sep 15:40

Confira os melhores episódios de Arquivo X, para comemorar 20 anos da série

by vana

São 202 episódios em nove anos de programa. Ou seja, se você gastar 40 minutos para assistir a cada um deles – no DVD, sem comerciais -, vai ter passado 8080 minutos acompanhando as aventuras de Mulder e Scully. São 134 horas, 5 dias e meio sem dormir, comer ou sair da frente da televisão.
Para te poupar deste estresse todo, e ainda te ajudar na comemoração dos 20 anos de Arquivo X, completados neste dia 10 de setembro, trazemos alguns dos melhores episódios que a atração já teve. A seleção foi feita pelos ex-roteiristas da ficção científica Glen Morgan e Frank Spotnitz, ao lado da professora Sharon Yang, autora do livro The X Files and the Literature (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), tudo especialmente para a Monet.
Portanto, prepare a pipoca, o espírito nostálgico e lembre-se: a verdade está lá fora, mas é melhor não confiar em ninguém.

Jose Chung’s From Outer Space – 03×21
Um episódio bastante desafiador, que brinca com estereótipos dos fãs sobre as séries de ficção científica e as histórias de detetive, produzidos inclusive pelo próprio Arquivo X. Abordando mais uma vez a abdução alienígena, o capítulo, no entanto, cresce em humor, desde a abertura com referências a Star Wars.



The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati – 07×02
Mais uma vez brincando com referências culturais, a série cita Hamlet e filmes noir de detetives em um mesmo episódio. Mulder precisa passar por revelações bastante impactantes em sua vida pessoal, mas este é um capítulo que diz muito sobre a lealdade entre ele e Scully.


Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose – 03×04
O capítulo é uma homenagem a diversos atores e filmes da era do cinema mudo. E ainda conta com uma linda performance de Peter Boyle, com uma cena poderosa no fim, da despedida entre ele e Scully.


Field Where I Died – 04×05
No capítulo, Mulder encontra uma espécie de ceita que abusa de crianças e faz sacrifícios. Ele consegue pegar o líder antes que ele se mate com suas seis esposas, mas sente uma estranha conexão com uma das mulheres. Este é o episódio favorito do roteirista Glen Morgan, por motivos bastante pessoais. A mulher é a atriz Kristen Cloke, sua esposa na vida real, com quem tem quatro filhos. “É minha carta de amor para ela”, diz Glen.


Qualquer um escrito por Vince Gilligan
O roteirista produziu 128 episódios da série, e assinou o script de 30 deles. Saiu de lá para, seis anos mais tarde, criar Breaking Bad, já considerada uma das melhores séries de TV, antes mesmo de chegara o fim, em setembro deste ano. Segundo seu ex-colega em X Files Frank Spotnitz, o sucesso era fácil de prever. “Quando ele entrou na equipe de Arquivo X, todos nós sabíamos que estávamos diante de um gênio”. Abaixo, a prévia do último escrito por ele, o penúltimo da série, em 2002, Sunshine Days.

E você, tem os seus favoritos? Deixe nos comentários! Aliás, quer saber mais sobre os agentes do sobrenatural e seu legado para a história da TV? Confira a matéria na edição de setembro da Monet!

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Astros de Arquivo X dizem que podem fazer novo filme em painel da Comic-Con

David Duchovny quer 3º filme de Arquivo X: “Vou ser Fox Mulder para sempre”

HQs de Arquivo X serão republicadas e ganham histórias inéditas

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10 Sep 12:18

Six-Clawed Lobster Caught Off the Coast of Massachusetts

by Rusty Blazenhoff

6 clawed lobster

GrindTV is reporting that Captain Peter Brown and fisherman Richard Figueiredo of The Rachel Leah pulled in a rare six-clawed lobster while lobster-fishing off the coast of Hyannis, Massachusetts. They discovered the freaky-looking four-pound lobster’s left side sported five claws and its right side had just one big normal-sized claw. According to scientists, its deformity is caused by a genetic mutation. The lobster, which has been named “Lola,” will be sent to Maine State Aquarium in Boothbay Harbor, Maine where it will be publicly displayed with other unique lobsters.

photo by Richard Figueiredo

Thanks Ruth!

10 Sep 07:59

meanmisterdharma: Zen

10 Sep 07:58


10 Sep 07:48

SNAP SNAP SNAP                 SNAP            SNAP        SNAP ...


10 Sep 07:46


10 Sep 07:42

Drone's-eye-view of Burning Man

by Mark Frauenfelder

[Video Link] Matthew says, "Filmmaker Eddie Codel used a DJI Phantom drone and a GoPro Hero3 camera to film a "drone’s eye view" of Burning Man."


10 Sep 07:28

An army of silkworms built this incredible silk pavilion

by Ian Steadman

The Silk Pavilion was built by 6,500 Bombyx mori silkworms, laying down 6,500 kilometres of thread -- equal to the length of the actual Silk Road -- across a frame of 26 hexagonal panels. The project group, led by MIT Media Lab's Mediated Matter group, in collaboration with James Weaver of Harvard's Wyss Institute and Fiorenzo Omenetto of Tufts University, tracked the silkworms as they span their threads
in order to study their decision-making.

"We started with the goal of designing a fibre-based 3D-printing platform modelled after the silkworm, but ended up using nature herself," says Neri Oxman, assistant professor of media arts and sciences at the lab. "The silkworm embodies everything an additive fabrication system lacks: it jets a structural material with superior function--specific variable properties; it's small and mobile; and it can spin non--homogeneous structures without waste. A silkworm is a multi-material multi-axis 3D printer."

By: Ian Steadman,

Continue reading...
10 Sep 07:26

Geneticists have extended the lifespan of yeast in an experiment that could help slow human aging -- The Japan and New Zealand study is the first to measure the anti-aging effects of more stable rDNA