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17 Apr 13:30

Turbina no painel do carro? Olha só o que esse maluco descobriu!

by Budah

Esse maluco descobriu uma coisa bizarra no painel do seu carro. Veja só o que acontece na saída do ar condicionado:


17 Apr 13:30

Biblioteca Parque Estadual – Rio de Janeiro

by Moreno Barros

Mais uma grande biblioteca pública do país reabriu suas portas, depois de longos anos fechadas, e taí. Nada melhor do que um projeto inovador para oxigenar a crença pública nas bibliotecas.

Todas as informações da biblioteca podem ser encontradas no site, que também ficou da hora:

[fotos encontradas livremente na internet, preguiça de conceder créditos]

17 Apr 13:29

Why So Curious? by andyhunt - $11

by (Layne Hunter)
Mens: Bright Yellow Womens: Pale Yellow

08 Apr 19:17

policymic: 15 famous landmarks zoomed out that tell a different...

08 Apr 18:09


08 Apr 18:09


04 Apr 23:58

The time travel movie 12 Monkeys is becoming a TV show in 2015

by Jon Fingas


If you're so enamored with time travel in TV shows that even Doctor Who isn't enough, we have good news: you're about to get a lot more of it. Syfy has ordered production of a series based on Terry Gilliam's classic movie 12 Monkeys. While the show...
04 Apr 23:12

SQL Injection Fools Speed Traps and Clears Your Record

by James Hobson


Typical speed camera traps have built-in OCR software that is used to recognize license plates. A clever hacker decided to see if he could defeat the system by using SQL Injection…

The basic premise of this hack is that the hacker has created a simple SQL statement which will hopefully cause the database to delete any record of his license plate. Or so he (she?) hopes. Talk about getting off scot-free!

The reason this works (or could work?) is because while you would think a traffic camera is only taught to recognize the license plate characters, the developers of the third-party image recognition software simply digitize the entire thing — recognizing any and all of the characters present. While it’s certainly clever, we’re pretty sure you’ll still get pulled over and questioned — but at least it’s not as extreme as building a flashbulb array to blind traffic cameras…

What do you guys think? Did it work? This image has been floating around the net for a few years now — if anyone knows the original story let us know!

Filed under: computer hacks
04 Apr 23:11

How To Make Aquaman Better

by Doug

How To Make Aquaman Better

Dedicated to Dee L. because it’s her birthday tomorrow. Hope you have a great day, Dee!

Here are more superheroes.

04 Apr 23:11

Mysteries of the Mind

by Doug
04 Apr 23:09

Newswire: Five-year-old cracks Xbox One password security

by John Teti

A young scamp from San Diego recently uncovered a security flaw in the Xbox One’s password system, allowing him to cast off the shackles of the console’s parental controls to play whatever game he damn well pleases. Kristoffer Von Hassel, a 5-year-old from the San Diego area, discovered that if he incorrectly guessed his father’s password, waited for the “try again” screen, and then hit the space bar a bunch of times, the Xbox would shrug and say “close enough,” logging him in. After Von Hassel’s father (who happens to be a computer security researcher) reported his discovery to Microsoft, the company rewarded the kid with $50 worth of games and a one-year subscription to Xbox Live Gold. The flaw has been patched, too. Michael Chen and the KGTV San Diego news team broke this piping hot story:

Because an adorable child discovered the vulnerability, this ...

04 Apr 23:06

Watch an X-Class Solar Flare Ignite the Skies Over Iceland

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Watch an X-Class Solar Flare Ignite the Skies Over Iceland

On February 25th, the Sun let loose an X4.9-class solar flare . It was our parent star's most violent outburst of the year. When the debris from the ensuing coronal mass ejection collided with Earth's atmosphere, it produced one of the most colorful auroral displays in recent memory.



04 Apr 12:21

3 juegos nuevos para iPad que tienes que descargar inmediatamente


Os presentamos 3 juegos para iPad que ofrecen calidad y horas de diversión a cualquier gamer: Hearthstone, Faster Than Light y Block Legend. Dos de ellos han llegado hoy mismo al App Store.

Quiero comenzar este artículo con una "súplica" a los desarrolladores para que comiencen a considerar Android como una plataforma en la que lanzar los juegos desde un primer momento. Hoy os vamos a presentar 3 juegos para iPad que salieron estos días y que serán imprescindibles en cualquier tablet, proporcionando horas y horas de diversión allí donde estés.

Vamos a hablaros de dos "viejos conocidos" que acaban de llegar a iOS y que suponen un verdadero acontecimiento dentro de la plataforma: FTL y Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, dos juegos que conocemos por su versión de escritorio pero que son ideales para disfrutarlos en una pantalla táctil.

FTL: Faster Than Light

juegos para iPad

Uno de los juegos indie más famosos de los últimos años llega por fin al iPad, un dispositivo ideal para jugar a este título de estrategia en tiempo real. Nuestro objetivo es capitanear una nave espacial, la cual debe transportar datos muy importantes a la sede de la federación Galáctica. Además, se incluye la expansión ("Advanced Edition"), así que prepárate para disfrutar de horas y horas de combates intergalácticos.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

juegos para ipad

Ya os habíamos hablado de lo bueno que es este juego de cartas de Blizzard en nuestro análisis publicado el mes pasado. Todos los amantes de Magic de Gathering (y los que no lo sean también) se encontrarán con un estilo de juego muy dinámico y que es ideal para partidas rápidas desde una tablet. Además, es gratuito, así que definitivamente debes darle una oportunidad.

Aunque el juego sólo esté disponible por el momento en Australia, Canadá o Nueva Zelanda, si eres muy impaciente crear un iTunes ID de esos países es algo extremadamente sencillo. En iTunes, desloguéate de tu cuenta actual y acto seguido intenta bajar cualquier aplicación gratuita, aparecerá un cuadro de diálogo pidiéndonos iniciar la sesión o crear una nueva cuenta. Creamos una nueva cuenta y cambiamos la región a Australia/Canadá/Nueva Zelanda, introducimos una dirección de email válida, en opciones de facturación elegimos "Ninguna" y como dirección postal ponemos la de una Apple Store, por ejemplo. Una vez la nueva cuenta esté creada buscamos el nombre de la app en el buscador y la bajamos. La versión para Android y iPhone aseguran que llegará "muy pronto".

Block Legend

juegos para iPad

Un gran descubrimiento. Este juego, además está disponible para iPhone y iPod Touch y existe una versión para Android. Básicamente, en Block Legend han conseguido mezclar a la perfección un videojuego de puzzles con toques de RPG. Es como si jugásemos una mezcla entre Candy Crush y Final Fantasy.

Una mezcla entre Candy Crush y Final FantasyA medida que caen los diferentes bloques, podremos decidir que aspectos queremos ir mejorando de nuestro personaje. Posteriormente, irán apareciendo enemigos y tendremos que intentar juntar celdas de ataque para hacer más daño. El juego es muy divertido y existe mucho contenido que se irá desbloqueando a medida que avanzamos.

04 Apr 12:18


04 Apr 12:17


04 Apr 12:17

A 7.2 ton, 43,200 pages book, contestant for Guiness World...

A 7.2 ton, 43,200 pages book, contestant for Guiness World Record. It contains all tax rules approved in Brazil since 1988 Constitution. Complied by lawyer Vinicios Leoncio in protest against the maddening bureaucracy faced by anyone trying to run a company in the country. 

04 Apr 12:08

US Secretly Created 'Cuban Twitter' To Stir Unrest

The team of high-tech contractors had a mission: to launch a messaging network that could reach hundreds of thousands of Cubans. To hide the network from the Cuban government, they would set up a byzantine system of front companies using a Cayman Islands bank account, and recruit unsuspecting executives who would not be told of the company's ties to the U.S. government.
03 Apr 16:48

Christian Bale may play Steve Jobs in upcoming David Fincher biopic

by Nathan Ingraham

We've heard little about the Steve Jobs biopic that Aaron Sorkin is writing, but now we're starting to get a better picture of that the film might look like. A few weeks after word spread that David Fincher was in talks to direct the project, The Wrap is reporting that Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale (The Dark Knight trilogy, American Hustle) is Fincher's first and only choice to portray that Apple CEO. Indeed, Bale's involvement appears to be a critical factor in Fincher officially taking on the project — it sounds like he'll only direct the upcoming film if Bale agrees to take the lead role.

Of course, we're a ways off from this being a done deal — Bale reportedly has not been approached about the role yet, as he's currently...

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03 Apr 12:39

Blizzard's card game Hearthstone launches on iPad

by Philippa Warr

Blizzard has begun the rollout of its digital card game Hearthstone for iPad.

The game sees players take on characters from the World of Warcraft universe and do battle via decks of cards. It's been officially out on PC and Mac since March but fans had been awaiting iOS and Android releases.

Blizzard has kicked off the iOS release by making Hearthstone available for iPad in Australia, Canada and New Zealand with other regions to follow shortly.


By: Philippa Warr,

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03 Apr 11:58

Real-world Nasa mission launches in simulator game

by Philippa Warr
Kerbal Space Program

Space agency simulator Kerbal Space Program's Asteroid Redirect Mission is now available to play.

The mission was developed in partnership with Nasa to mirror an ongoing real-world Asteroid Redirect Mission, which the space agency is conducting.


By: Philippa Warr,

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03 Apr 11:51

Amazon fights Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast with Fire TV

by Katie Collins

Amazon has today announced its own little nugget of hardware, Fire TV, to take on the array of other devices that plug into your telly to make it "smart".

In terms of design, it's not a terribly original offering. It's a little black box, that looks like Apple TV but with pointed corners. Inside is a quad-core processor that Amazon claims will rival the CPU in your smartphone. It offers the same Wi-Fi as a Kindle Fire and comes with 2GB of RAM, which Amazon boldly claims will make it three times as fast as rival products. It'll stream video in 1080p, which also helps to keep it competitive with the best players already available.

By: Katie Collins,

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03 Apr 11:48

It’s Not 2015 Yet But Marty and His Hoverboard Are Already Here!

by James Hobson

The Quest for the Future


Okay now this is seriously awesome. [Rodger Cleye] has made a real working Hoverboard.

You guys might remember the recent [Tony Hawk] and [Christopher Lloyd] viral Hoverboard hoax video… Well, this isn’t that. Nope, not even close. It’s real.

The Hoverboard is a quadrotor on steroids — it features four 1200W brushless motors driving 12″ props, a massive 13.4Ah 5S Li-Po battery, and a [Marty McFly] mannequin wearing the classic red vest. He’s counter-balanced [Marty] and the battery around the rotors which makes for a surprisingly smooth flight. It even has a run-time of over 5 minutes, thanks to a whopping 83% efficiency using the 12″ props.

[Rodger] designed and simulated the entire system in eCalc before construction — He had first attempted a bi-copter design, but opted for the tried and true quad-rotor instead. The frame is made of 1/2″ PVC pipe to conserve the mass budget, but altogether it still weighs an unbelievable 20lbs! How close are we to being able to give toddlers the ability to fly?

Just take a look at the following video — we’re seriously impressed.

This has gotta be one of the biggest home-made quads we’ve seen so far. Mind you the Spruce Goose of quadrotors is still a bit bigger…

Filed under: drone hacks
03 Apr 11:42


03 Apr 11:38

MC Escher Inspires a Reptilian Floor

by Adam Fabio


A simple room refinishing project lead [Kris] to his biggest hack yet, a floor inspired by MC Escher’s Reptiles printMaurits Cornelis Escher is well known for his reality defying artwork. His lifelong passion was tessellation, large planes covered identical interlocking shapes. Triangles, squares, hexagons all EscherExampleinterlock naturally. Escher discovered that if he cut out part of a shape and replaced it on the opposite side, the new shape will still interlock. In Reptiles, Escher created a lizard shape by modifying a hexagon. One side flipped over to become the nose, 4 others to become the feet, and so on. If the cuts are all made perfectly, the final shape would still interlock.

[Kris] was inspired by a photo of a commercial flooring project using small wooden reptiles as the tiles. He wanted to go with larger wooden tiles for his room. He knew his shapes had to be perfect, so he wrote a computer program to split the hexagon perfectly. Armed with art in DXF format, he went looking for a flooring company to help him. The silence was deafening. Even with artwork ready to go, none of the local custom flooring shops would take his job. Undaunted, [Kris] bought an older CNC machine. The machine was designed to be driven from MS-DOS via the parallel port of a Pentium II era PC. [Kris] substituted an Arduino running GRBL. After some GCode generation, he was cutting tiles.

The real fun started when it was time to glue the tiles down. With all the interlocking parts, it’s impossible to just glue one tile and have it in the perfect position for the next. In [Kris'] own words, “You have to do it all in one go”. Thanks to some family support and muscle, the flooring project was a success.  Great work, [Kris]!

Filed under: home hacks
03 Apr 11:37

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett

by Christopher Jobson

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

Labyrinthine Drawings of Interconnected Rooms by Mathew Borrett drawing architecture

For this spectacularly detailed series of architecturally influenced drawings, Toronto-based artist Mathew Borrett labored with 005 Pigma Micron pens to create networks of compartmentalized dwellings that appear to be carved into the face of a cliff or dug into the ground with isometric perfection. Titled Room Series, the drawings were created in 2003, and Borrett continues to explore imaginary landscapes that appear gently influenced by science fiction and fantasy. You can see more of his work in his website and he has prints available on Fine Art America. Borrett also has a self-published book spanning the last decade. (via Artist a Day)

03 Apr 11:35

bathosphere: The neighbors are going to kill me… YES


The neighbors are going to kill me…


03 Apr 11:30

The Expert, A Hilarious Sketch About the Pain of Being the Only Engineer in a Business Meeting

by EDW Lynch

The pain of being the only engineer in a business meeting is perfectly illustrated in the comedy sketch, “The Expert.” The sketch was written and directed by Lauris Beinerts and is based on the (Russian language) short story, “The Meeting,” by Alexey Berezin.

via reddit, Daily Picks and Flicks

03 Apr 11:29

Photographer Klaus Leidorf’s Aerial Archaeology

by Christopher Jobson

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Remember Summertime

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Scrap Tires

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Sailing Hay Bales

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Summer Toboggan Run

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Isar Nuclear Power Plant

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Stock of Wood

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
River Vils At Schalkham, Bavaria

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Autumn In The Vineyard

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Under Snow

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Poplar Avenue

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Wave Pattern

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial

Photographer Klaus Leidorfs Aerial Archaeology Germany aerial
Technical Break

Perched at the window of his Cessna 172, photographer Klaus Leidorf crisscrosses the skies above Germany while capturing images of farms, cities, industrial sites, and whatever else he discovers along his flight path, a process he refers to as “aerial archaeology.” Collectively the photos present a fascinating study of landscapes transformed by the hands of people—sometimes beautiful, sometimes frightening. Since the late 1980s Leidorf has shot thousands upon thousands of aerial photographs and currently relies on the image-stabilization technology in his Canon EOS 5D Mark III which is able to capture the detail of single tennis ball as it flies across a court. You can explore over a decade of Leidorf’s photography at much greater reslution over on Flickr. All images courtesy the artist.

03 Apr 11:25


02 Apr 15:16

Melting Aluminium With an Electromagnet

popular shared this story from FAIL Blog.

Melting Aluminium With an Electromagnet

Submitted by: (via Fence Hopping)