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28 Jan 00:50


<bofh> how did little endian come about anyway?
<tgies> ok you know about the original sin right
<bofh> like big endian seems fairly obvious as it's how we typically read numbers, and it was also used by the TCP/IP spec
<bofh> as in the trig function?
<tgies> no the biblical original sin
<tgies> god showed up
<tgies> and he was like
<tgies> ok, since you guys are dillholes and dont know how to fucking listen
<tgies> from now on you have to work for your food
<tgies> childbirth will be painful
<tgies> and you'll have to work with this fucking stupid god damn system for representing numbers where the least significant byte comes first
Comment: #animutation
27 Dec 12:19

Minha teoria de quem não gosta de panetone é que só ganhou/comprou panetone de pobre

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Minha teoria de quem não gosta de panetone é que só ganhou/comprou panetone de pobre
27 Dec 12:19

Seth Godin: a armadilha da meritocracia

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
Seth Godin: a armadilha da meritocracia
26 Dec 20:09

The meritocracy trap

by Seth Godin

This recent quote from an early PayPal exec is absurd: “If meritocracy exists anywhere on earth, it is in Silicon Valley.”

It's pretty common for successful people to imagine that their success is solely the result of merit. It's more satisfying than pointing to all the external factors that have contributed to that success. The trap is in being satisfied. Satisfaction in their meritocracy causes companies, industries and cultures to calcify, to harden themselves against new ideas and new people.

CULTURE is something we create, and culture works against pure merit. That's because culture creates insulation and connections and histories that count at least as much as the pure horsepower of merit.

HEAD STARTS get compounded. Early success gives people the resources, confidence and connections that can be used to create later success. 

LOCK IN means that organizations and ideas can succeed far longer than they would without it. You don't give up on a social network or smart phone merely because one element of it isn't the best available one. It's easier to stick than to switch.

And of course, lock in goes way beyond operating systems. It includes worldviews, friendships, momentum of all kinds.

At the philharmonic, the first chair violinist might believe the job came solely as a result of merit, through blind auditions. But the combination of culture (going all the way back to the age of 5, combined with access to teachers, combined with the tenure that comes with many roles) means that even at these rarified heights, merit alone isn't the guiding force. On this day, is this violinist actually the very best violinist in the world? (And defining merit gets super difficult once we mix it together with vague measures of effort and potential).

And so, in Silicon Valley there is a deeply ingrained culture that rewards people who understand it, that play by certain rules and have access to various resources that seem out of reach to many. A great idea, powerful work ethic and good design are rarely sufficient on their own. And lucky people who are bold enough to dig in often find that early effort leads to a head start, that they can choose to compound, which, in the most legendary cases, leads to a lock-in a market that can last for a decade or more. 

And of course, it's not just Silicon Valley. It's the breaks I got along the way, the resources that let me do my work and the ability to post this blog daily, it's the farmer who was born with access to a better piece of land, it's everywhere where we build a culture, a system for creating utility, a network. And it works. Until it doesn't.

For me, the huge hurdle we face is, "seems out of reach." In cultures and economies with rapid change (and the Valley certainly qualifies) there are huge opportunities, but too many people talk themselves out of reaching, aren't thirsty enough to take a leap. Part of that resistance comes from the industry itself proclaiming its meritocracy as opposed to actively opening doors and selling people (hard) on finding the thirst, the desire to leap.

[If someone is looking for a true meritocracy, where the deck is reshuffled and the best weighs in first, check out pumpkin growing].

26 Dec 08:31

RT @viniciuskmax: árvore de natal em javascript que o @dildog fez com menos de 140...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @viniciuskmax: árvore de natal em javascript que o @dildog fez com menos de 140 caracteres:…
26 Dec 08:31

morrão de inveja que meu natal não teve uva passa no arroz e nem pavê

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
morrão de inveja que meu natal não teve uva passa no arroz e nem pavê
26 Dec 02:39

vortex-mmxii: YES BLACK PEOPLE! Fuck Fox! #AntonioMartin...


#AntonioMartin #ICantBreathe #Ferguson #AnotherOne

25 Dec 17:33


25 Dec 14:36

RT @waxpancake: Roughest job in the animal kingdom: cricket comedians.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Twitter for Websites
RT @waxpancake: Roughest job in the animal kingdom: cricket comedians.
25 Dec 04:28

Por um wikileaks que divulgue os amigos secretos para o mundo

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Por um wikileaks que divulgue os amigos secretos para o mundo
25 Dec 04:28

RT @SciencePorn:

by Osias Jota
24 Dec 15:28

Pare de usar a palavra "tribo"

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Pare de usar a palavra "tribo"
24 Dec 00:37

Gritty Pooh Reboot

Osias Jota

que diacho é isso

Time for my Hot Takes on Old Media. SOmetimes... they're bad *explosion gif*

24 Dec 00:37

Who invented the fake Ayn Rand film review?

by Andy Baio

Twitter, plagiarism, and multiple discovery

Continue reading on Medium »

24 Dec 00:36

RT @brunafeia: Meu pai me pediu de natal uma bicicleta. Cara, um cicloativista, hipster...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @brunafeia: Meu pai me pediu de natal uma bicicleta. Cara, um cicloativista, hipster de humanas no seio da minha família. Que fase
23 Dec 21:13

lavin-compae: El futuro Sephko en El Definido

23 Dec 21:13

A solução é privatizar o Bolsa Família

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
A solução é privatizar o Bolsa Família
22 Dec 19:51

sakurajoker: Happy birthday Mickey :)


Happy birthday Mickey :)

22 Dec 10:28

Capitão Ammérica I é MUITO pior do que eu esperava. E olha que eu achava que seria...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Capitão Ammérica I é MUITO pior do que eu esperava. E olha que eu achava que seria um lixo.
21 Dec 22:17

she is

by (the realist)

21 Dec 12:21

Corporate Disruption using Snowden Style Moral Warfare

by John Robb
Osias Jota

via Jakkyn

In light of he Sony hack, here's some earlier GG thinking on disrupting corporations.

The most interesting aspect of the Sony hack?  

As we anticipated, nobody cared.  Not the public.  Not the government.  

In fact, most people made fun of the victims and the information released was widely reprinted. 

Why did wasn't there a response?  Three reasons:

  • the attack was bloodless and it wasn't aimed directly at the decaying infrastructure of the nation-state,
  • the wealthy victims don't evoke any empathy with a jaded/abused middle class, and
  • the ability of the nation-state to provide security is diminishing very rapidly (as Snowden showed, they can't even protect themselves).

What does this attack mean?

  • Moral warfare against corporate targets works.   Snowden showed it worked against the NSA.  It is working against Sony due to the mendacity and simple nastiness of the personalities involved.  As a result, Sony, and everyone associated with Sony will suffer economically.  The company is now toxic, further everyone damaged by the hack is going to sue it.  In fact, the damage from these leaks may be severe enough to tank the company.  
  • This is survivable for the attackers.  The lack of punishment for this attack in addition to the earlier example seen with Snowden, shows that it's possible to conduct this type of attack repeatedly without evoking a 9/11 level manhunt.  
  • We're going to see this again and again and again.  JP Morgan was hacked at the root level last year.  All of their e-mails and data may end up being bought and used in a moral war against the company in the future.  We may also see some innovation.  For example, it can be focused on a single individual with ease.  I suspect an attack like this could destroy the net worth of a billionaire if done in the correct way.  Not only that, most people would probably laugh at the victim's descent if the right target is chosen.
21 Dec 12:02

Yarr! Humans evolving to escape from bacterial iron piracy

by Diana Gitig

Bacteria, like all living things, needs iron for a variety of biochemical functions. Humans and other higher order organisms have plenty of iron; we limit bacterial access to it as a means of defending against bacterial infection. So when we need to transfer iron throughout our bodies, we keep it tightly sequestered in a protein called transferrin.

In order to infect us, bacterial pathogens must try to wrest that iron away; they have specialized transferrin binding proteins (Tbps) to do just that. Recent work demonstrates that transferrin "is engaged in ancient and ongoing evolutionary conflicts" with one of these Tbps, TbpA.

By comparing the genetic sequence of transferrin across twenty-one different primate species, researchers found that transferrin has undergone positive evolutionary selection in a manner often seen in molecular arms races between mammals and viruses. Fourteen of the sixteen rapidly evolving sites identified in transferrin are in amino acids that form direct contact with TbpA from bacterial all-stars like Neisseria meningitidis, which causes meningitis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes gonorrhea; and Haemophilus influenzae, which can cause pneumonia.

Read 6 remaining paragraphs | Comments

21 Dec 12:02

RT @marceloindaniel: a gente q é do surf sabe mais do que ninguém que SURF é 40%...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @marceloindaniel: a gente q é do surf sabe mais do que ninguém que SURF é 40% respiração 10% parafina e 50% o pai ter uma casa na praia …
20 Dec 19:22

Quizás en la siguiente temporada... por @juaneortizg

20 Dec 01:16

essa é a melhor música que você vai ouvir esta semana

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
essa é a melhor música que você vai ouvir esta semana
19 Dec 12:50


19 Dec 11:52

CARACA MOLEQUE, isso é culpa do papa!- Imgur

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
CARACA MOLEQUE, isso é culpa do papa!- Imgur
19 Dec 00:07

Toda mulher é uma mulher.

by Luciana Lima
Dentre as tantas bizarrices televisionadas mostradas aleatoriamente e em versão compacta no excelente Um dia na vida (2010), de Eduardo Coutinho, vê-se um recorte de um desses programas em que mulheres passam por uma "transformação completa". Numa das imagens, são mostradas mulheres que, após serem maquiadas, penteadas, vestidas e submetidas a procedimentos estéticos, beijam o espelho e choram compulsivamente. Há comoção do público. Uma mulher que, segundo a legenda, sentia-se muito feia e, por isso, acreditava que jamais iria se casar, finalmente "conquista a beleza".

Esses programas frequentemente atribuem essas "transformações" ao resgate da feminilidade. "Olha como ela está bonita", "Veja como agora está feminina!" são frases que levam a plateia à catarse. 

O conceito de beleza feminina obedece ao rígido princípio de uniformidade. É preciso não ter nenhuma deformidade na aparência. Pele sem estrias, sem celulite, sem manchas, sem depressões, sem rugas, sem linhas finas, sem poros evidentes (!). Dentes perfeitamente alinhados. Sobrancelhas sem pelos fora de um arco milimetricamente formatado. Cabelos sem frizz. Unhas sem cutícula. Peitos e bundas ascendentes e firmes, orelhas e narizes pequenos. Barrigas alinhadas à virilha. 

Campanhas publicitárias, cada uma à sua maneira, naturalizam a ideia de que se deve ser "bonita". E que a beleza é acessível a todas a partir do consumo. Algumas empresas fazem isso sob a alegação de que todas somos iguais, todas bonitas. "Bonita", penso sempre, é um termo que traz toda essa carga de uniformização. Se a genética não a tiver "presenteado" com um corpo "uniforme", será preciso dar duro. Ter disciplina. Comprar cosméticos e dermocosméticos caros. Visitar incansavelmente a dermatologista, a esteticista, a academia, o cabeleireiro, a manicure, a nutricionista. Tudo isso para ser "bonita"; para ser "feminina".

Quando alguém diz "todas as mulheres são bonitas" com ares humanizadores sempre dou uma coçadinha de cabeça. Dizer que "todas as mulheres são bonitas" é reforçar a ideia de que a beleza é o principal ideal a ser perseguido por uma mulher, de que uma coisa está condicionada à outra. Desse modo, século após século, "como você está bonita" se torna a característica mais relevante que uma mulher pode querer ter. Não quero com isso dizer que "ser/estar/se sentir/parecer bonita" não possa ser uma sensação bem-vinda; o problema é essa constatação ter uma carga tão opressivamente protagonista que qualquer coisa que não parta da ideia de "você é bonita" gera a ideia de não pertencimento ao feminino.

Todas as pessoas têm os mesmos direitos, mas as pessoas não são iguais. Não são tampinhas de garrafa produzidas em série. Um adjetivo não é comprovação de gênero, não é passaporte para a existência. 

Toda mulher - independentemente do sexo de nascimento - é uma mulher.

18 Dec 23:53

My friend went to the White House yesterday and this was Barack Obama's reaction to a gift of his first legal Cuban cigar

Osias Jota

CARACA MOLEQUE, isso é culpa do papa!

18 Dec 23:33

latenightseth: If you need more examples, 50 Cent is happy to...

Osias Jota



If you need more examples, 50 Cent is happy to provide them.