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29 Nov 23:24

autonomous-geordie: anarchadelphia: Last night during the...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Last night during the Ferguson protests in Philly there were at least two dozen people in full bloc mixed throughout the march. In addition there were dozens of people with bandannas, or scarves covering their faces. A friend pointed out two undercover cops early on. I hadn’t even noticed them yet, but I am positive that I would have known they were cops immediately.

What I saw was two beefy white macho-guys in jeans (one in a blue jacket and one in a red phillies hoodie with a baseball cap) wearing two black and white paisley bandannas, and holding similar signs (same shape, same thickness of marker, similar vague slogan, same stick holding them up.) We had a good laugh at the (chumps) and I went right up to them and took a few pictures (unfortunately not many good ones.) These “protestors” (See. cops) were walking right next to the row of bike cops, always on the left side. They barely “infiltrated” the march by any means of geographical depth.

Time went by and I decided to follow them and see what they were up to. Another friend rolled up next to me and told me they were undercover cops, I told them I knew. Time went by and that friend went back into the march and I lingered off to the side. The Cop in red was behind me and the cop in blue was right next to me.

I heard the cop in blue loudly talking to the bike cops to “back up” and other pseudo-aggressive statements that the cop thought a protestor would say to cops. He then walked over to me (who was alone next to the march) and said:

"Do you want to fucking jump these guys?"

And I couldn’t help but laugh right in his face. Did he not remember when I went right up to him and took pictures of his face? from about two or three feet away?

I immediately said “Show me your badge number or shut the fuck up.”
His eyes widened and then became angry immediately.

"Oh is that right?"
"Yeah, you can shut the fuck up and stop talking to me."

He walked away. I went up to a Legal Observer that I was familiar with and told them about the situation and showed them the pictures. I moved on to tell as many friends in bloc about them. I never saw the blue shirted cop again that night, but I was later pointing out the phillies hoodie cop to a group and as I was pointing at him, watched him turn away out of the crowd.

Obviously the philly cops haven’t learned that big beefy white men with jeans and a bandanna stick out like a sore thumb. Most people I talked to about it either already knew, or were not surprised to find out.

It’s business as usual, but I guess this is just an heavy-winded way of saying to only work with your crew. Don’t listen to strangers. Especially if it’s random advice and bad idea. (during a completely nonviolent march, the idea of two people taking on a row of 100 bike cops is preposterous. I would have laughed at my best friend if they had proposed the same idea)

Just keep secure and keep safe. Get work done and keep fighting. Not to push the whole (outside agitator or infiltrator) trope but be careful. Remember, the cops (in Philly) are obviously incompetent as fuck at this. We can laugh at their weakness, but should also warn any younger or less experienced radicals to be careful.

P.S. The guy in orange was posing as a reporter but went up to a group of people in bloc outside of the police station (where the march was holding a rally) and tried to film our faces under his arm. We pointed out we could see the shape of his gun tucked into the back of his jeans and he laughed and walked away. Not minutes later I took the picture of him talking to the cops. Later as the march began moving towards city hall again, he was on the other side of the line of bike cops (the cops being between him and the protestors.)

The police are terrible at trying to infiltrate protests and blocs, they have to be identifiable to their fellow pigs in uniform so its always easy to spot them.

29 Nov 23:23

thecharliecharmander: naturepunk: Apparently in an attempt to...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Apparently, in an attempt to paint Michael Brown as anything less than innocent, people have been spreading an image of an armed 17-year-old Joda Cain around the web and claiming that it’s Michael Brown.

Joda Cain is accused of murder in my home state of Oregon, and has literally jack shit to do with the Michael Brown murder in Ferguson, Missouri. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE. Anyone using the above image as “proof” that Michael Brown “deserved” to be shot should be called out for defamation, and promptly thrown down a spiral staircase. 

The bottom photo is the real Michael Brown. He was called a “gentle giant” by friends and family. He was unarmed and innocent, and he was murdered by a police officer after being shot more than five times at close range. Witnesses, including a friend who was with him at the time of the shooting, all agree that he was doing nothing deserving of such violent actions from the officer who gunned him down. 

A reminder, since I’ve seen the image circling again.

29 Nov 21:18

wizardries: With swelling, sail, sail away! by Valenberg


With swelling, sail, sail away! by Valenberg

29 Nov 21:18

Unofficial Map/Infographic: Renting a 1-Bedroom Apartment near...

Unofficial Map/Infographic: Renting a 1-Bedroom Apartment near BART

A nicely stylised and illustrated BART map/infographic illustrating the absolutely insane prices of rental properties in the Bay Area. This much. For one bedroom. Ow.

Source: RadPad Blog

29 Nov 21:08

adiaphory, n.


'Indifference, impartiality, neutrality; spec. religious indifference; adiaphorism.'

29 Nov 21:03

Whites during racial incidents: well the news said this and they are right and i'm not going to dig any deeper...because the news said....

Whites during racial incidents: well the news said this and they are right and i'm not going to dig any deeper...because the news said....
Whites any other time: You know what? you just can't trust the media, it's so corrupt and wrong, see this news channel doesn't have their facts straight, why do we sheeple even listen to this trash!!!
29 Nov 21:03

jadebrieanne: Elizabeth Lauten, Communications Director at...


Elizabeth Lauten, Communications Director at United States Congress, decided to shame the First Kids on her Facebook page.

dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at the bar.

She then followed it up by saying that all Ferguson residents should be arrested (couldn’t get a screen cap of it, or the comment I left).

The backlash caused her to delete her Facebook. I am currently looking into how to contact her supervisor. 

29 Nov 20:59

Bad Lockup Bug Plagues Linux

by timothy

'The patch had a comment that read "the line below does not always work. Needs investigating!" But it looks like this issue was never properly investigated.'

jones_supa (887896) writes "A hard to track system lockup bug seems to have appeared in the span of couple of most recent Linux kernel releases. Dave Jones of Red Hat was the one to first report his experience of frequent lockups with 3.18. Later he found out that the issue is present in 3.17 too. The problem was first suspected to be related to Xen. A patch dating back to 2005 was pushed for Xen to fix a vmalloc_fault() path that was similar to what was reported by Dave. The patch had a comment that read "the line below does not always work. Needs investigating!" But it looks like this issue was never properly investigated. Due to the nature of the bug and its difficulty in tracking down, testers might be finding multiple but similar bugs within the kernel. Linus even suggested taking a look in the watchdog code. He also concluded the Xen bug to be a different issue. The bug hunt continues in the Linux Kernel Mailing List."

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29 Nov 20:59

DNA survives a ride into space—on the exterior of a rocket

by John Timmer

The ability of biomolecules—and entire organisms—to survive space has implications for a number of scientific questions: whether molecules from space could have seeded life on Earth, or whether life could spread among the inner planets following impacts. It also has practical implications, in that it dictates how careful we need to be in sterilizing hardware we send to other planets.

Chance gave some biologists access to a rocket, and they figured out a way to answer one of the questions. While prepping a sounding rocket for an experiment that briefly lofted some of their samples to space, they decided to put some DNA on the rocket's exterior. And when it returned to Earth 780 seconds later, they were able to recover the DNA and put it to use.

Sounding rockets are typically used for payloads that only have to be put into space briefly. In this case, the researchers were putting cells into the payload of a VSB-30, a two-stage, solid-fueled rocket manufactured in Brazil. While doing so, they decided it would be interesting to see what happened to samples outside of the protection of the payload. So they obtained some DNA called a plasmid that carried two genes: one that provides antibiotic resistance to bacteria, and a second that encodes a green fluorescent protein.

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments

29 Nov 20:58

How Oligarchs Destroyed Houston



A startling change for the worse has occurred in central Houston over the last few years. Entire historic neighborhoods, while superficially modernized, have had their character destroyed. How can change on this scale take place so fast, who are the people behind this transformation, how do they get what they want, and who gets hurt by their callous disregard?
29 Nov 20:58

Music Publishers Finally Pull The Trigger, Sue ISP Over Piracy


all carriers suck forever

BMG Rights Management and Round Hill Music have sued Cox Communications for copyright infringement, arguing that the Internet service provider doesn't do enough to punish those who download music illegally.
29 Nov 20:55



welcome to wikipedia

There are many possibilities to classify a work itself as ecchi, but these elements have to occur quite often (for example in all episodes of an anime). Graphically speaking, different techniques are used to show sexy pictures, usually by revealing parts of the female body. Some of these patterns are recurrent, such as scenes in a shower, onsen, or fighting scenes in which clothes are torn apart by weapons or magic. This involves the back, buttocks or even breasts and panchira. The imagination of characters is also a common excuse to show its sexual fantasies, as well as transformation scenes of magical girls. In the end, any excuse is valid to show a character partially or completely nude.[1]


29 Nov 20:54

Why I Left My iPhone 6 For An iPhone 5S


'As it turns out, the thing that most clearly sets the two devices apart—the size and design—is what I find to be the most annoying on the 6. I have small (but not ridiculously tiny) hands, and I basically live in perpetual fear of dropping it. That prompted me to spend even more money on Apple's own leather case, and that improved things a little, but it's still nowhere near as comfortable to hold as the 5S. The idea that big phones are ergonomically worse is far from new—heck, Apple made ads to that effect back when they launched the 5—but it bears repeating just how annoying it can be.

And personally, I don't find the alleged benefits of a bigger screen to be nearly worth it. I've read full-length novels on my 5S before, watched TV shows, browsed Twitter when I really should've been talking to real people. None of that was demonstrably easier or better on the 6.

This isn't just an iPhone gripe, either. Exactly the same thing applies to almost every handset across the board. I've still got last year's Moto X, which I use when I need an Android phone for some reason, and I still prefer it in every way to this year's Motorola flagship. Not only is it a respectable size, but it still runs the latest Android version with the same aplomb as 2014 phones, and so far there's no real exciting features I'm missing out on by owning a last-gen version.'

I needed an unlocked phone, so grabbed my poor, forgotten 5S out of a drawer and took it adventuring. Over the course of a couple days, I realized something: in every different way that matters to me, the iPhone 5S is a better phone.
29 Nov 20:52

Christian Bale Defends Ridley Scott’s Exodus Whitewashing, Doesn’t Think It’s Weird He’s Playing Moses - Let the whitesplaining continue

by Alanna Bennett

exodus gods and kings

The frustration around Exodus‘ puzzlingly, absurdly white cast has been ongoing since, well, we all first realized how thoroughly whitewashed Ridley Scott had cast it. Well, let it continue further! On the heels of Scott’s multiple unsatisfying explanations of why he couldn’t/wouldn’t cast brown people comes Christian Bale. Bale would like you to know that he is completely onboard with Scott’s vision of a mostly-white ancient Egypt, and that he shouldn’t have had to miss out on playing Moses just because he has to “suffer with this skin and can’t deal with the sun.”

Yes really.

As Bale told Entertainment Tonight:

Ridley’s point, which I think is a good one, is what does an Egyptian look like? Especially at that time when this was the empire, so it would be a crossroads of Europe and the Middle East and Africa, and he cast accordingly. I don’t know the fact that I was born in Wales and suffer with this skin that can’t deal with the sun should dictate that Ridley should say, ‘In that case, he’s not the right man to play the role.’ I did the best that I can. I’m certainly not going to pass it up. It’s a hell of a role.

Oh boy.

Rupert Murdoch, of all people, also took to twitter to defend the casting on the grounds that all the Egyptians he knows are totally white:

Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are.

— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014

Okay, there are many shades of color. Nothing racist about that, so calm down! — Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014

Everybody-attacks last tweet. Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves.

— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014

It’s been a pretty notoriously rough week in terms of white people trying to explain things away. Is anyone else just very tired?

Previously in Exodus

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29 Nov 20:52

Newswire: Scott Stapp gently taps the brakes on his public meltdown

by Josh Modell

"calls to his son’s school claiming that ISIS is going to attack it"

“Florida is not safe. Biological weapons on the way. U have to leave with kids and meet me in Atlanta.”

Three days ago, Scott Stapp posted a 15-minute video on his Facebook page that might charitably be described as delusional. In it, the Creed frontman describes how the IRS and “the banks” are attacking him and stealing his money—and how he’s so broke that he can’t eat and has been sleeping in his truck. This all presumably stems from the fact that Stapp’s wife Jaclyn recently filed for divorce, citing Stapp’s abuse of amphetamines, crystal meth, and steroids, according to the Miami Herald. (Stapp and his family live in Florida.) In the filing, Jaclyn included text messages purportedly from her husband, including such lines as “Florida is not safe. Biological weapons on the way. U have to leave with kids and meet me in Atlanta.” TMZ has reported further troubling allegations against Stapp, including calls to his son’s school claiming that ISIS is going ...

29 Nov 20:50

No, That Wasn't A Gamergate Reference On Last Night's Adventure Time

by Mike Fahey on Kotaku, shared by Rob Bricken to io9

'A gamergate (pronounced /ˈɡæmərˌɡeɪt/) is a reproductively viable female worker ant that is able to reproduce with mature males when the colony is lacking a queen. gamergate females differ from their fellow workers by a combination of elevated fecundity and aggression-related mutilation of competitors' secondary sexual characteristics. Subsequent to their first mating event, however, aggression is no longer needed as females secrete chemical signals that lead the workers to accept their role as reproducers for the colony.

Gamergates exist in colonies with winged and ergatoid queens as well as singly in monogynous colonies and alongside other reproductively viable gamergates in polygynous colonies. Most gamergate species are solitary generalist foragers living in arid environments.'

No, That Wasn't A Gamergate Reference On Last Night's Adventure Time

Or rather it was, just not the Gamergate concerned with video games. Remember kids, gamergate is also a type of ant.


29 Nov 20:46

sixpenceee: The majority of creepy metallic noises in sci-fi or...


via Toaster Strudel


The majority of creepy metallic noises in sci-fi or horror movies are made by an instrument called a Waterphone. You can hear what it sounds like here.

29 Nov 20:45

Drawing in the snow, Sonja Hinrichsen

Drawing in the snow, Sonja Hinrichsen

29 Nov 20:45

Today in dumb things from Rogue: Sriracha Beer

29 Nov 20:44

son-0f-zeus: Lofoten by Max Rive


via Toaster Strudel

29 Nov 20:40

Washington Redskins Blasted for Offensive Thanksgiving Tweet - Yahoo Celebrity

by gguillotte
the F'n irony of the @Redskins wishing a happy thanksgiving from the dictionary defined slur ref to our bloody scalps
29 Nov 20:36

the-pale-horseman: science-and-things: hlaar: So I’ve heard...


via Toaster Strudel




So I’ve heard somebody wanted to see a gif of that moment when Brian Cox was ran over by Stephen Hawking. Here it is, I hope it loads.

This gif changed my life

I think you’re forgetting the best part. This is from Monty Python Live and Brian is pointing out all the wrong science in The Galaxy Song. Stephen appears, runs him over then trundles off, singing the song.

Priceless and hilarious. Hawking is apparently a huge Python fan.

29 Nov 19:53

teenage-hoodlum: Lenticular clouds over Mount Fuji, Japan....


via Toaster Strudel


Lenticular clouds over Mount Fuji, Japan. These are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, usually perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

29 Nov 19:51

Now Where's the Solitaire Street Art...


via Tadeu

Now Where's the Solitaire Street Art...

Submitted by: (via envyone)

29 Nov 19:50

bauske: dewogong: I’ve been trying to find this gifset because...


via ThePrettiestOne



I’ve been trying to find this gifset because this is relevant now more than ever.

holy crap Adventure Time

29 Nov 19:49



via Toaster Strudel

29 Nov 19:48

CNN Investigates Michael Brown Autopsy Assistant Now, After Months Of Using Him As An Expert - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
An assistant medical examiner who helped perform a private autopsy on Michael Brown and whose medical credentials were called into question by CNN this week wonders why the network is only now bringing accusations against him to light. “Why are you guys bringing this old stuff up, but yet you guys used me on your program several times?” Shawn Parcells, the Kansas-based assistant examiner, said of CNN in an interview with The Daily Caller on Friday.
29 Nov 19:47

Rupert Murdoch Defends White ‘Exodus’ Cast & Stirs Racial Backlash On Twitter - Yahoo TV

by gguillotte
Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are. // Everybody-attacks last tweet. Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves. // Okay, there are many shades of color. Nothing racist about that, so calm down!
29 Nov 19:46


firehose self-portrait

29 Nov 19:07

5 Coffee Myths Debunked | shaw - Zagat

by gguillotte

who the fuck stores coffee in the freezer

1. The freezer is best: “Everyone thinks they should store it in the freezer. It’s actually kind of the opposite. You can grow mold on the coffee if moisture builds up - and you don’t want to be drinking mold.”