Shared posts

08 Apr 22:12


by David Durand
08 Apr 22:09



credit: pineappleglazedham

08 Apr 21:11

malformalady: Dylan Menges snapped this haunting silhouette...


Dylan Menges snapped this haunting silhouette left behind when he moved the still-warm corpse of a roadkilled coyote: “She hadn’t been there long  and moving her carcass off the road revealed the salty silhouette from passing cars on a winter highway.”

Photo credit: ©2010 Dylan Menges

08 Apr 21:07



08 Apr 21:01


08 Apr 20:50

headlikeanorange: A western diamondback rattlesnake (Earth...


A western diamondback rattlesnake (Earth Unplugged - BBC Earth)

08 Apr 20:16

Cello Cover of ‘Game of Thrones’ Theme Song by Break of Reality

by Kimber Streams

We’ve seen HBO’s Game of Thrones theme song performed by dogs and violinists alike, and now cello rock band Break of Reality has created their own energetic cover of the show’s iconic theme.

via Cinema Blend, Jezebel

08 Apr 20:15


08 Apr 20:13

not-blonde: Winona Ryder in high school “I was wearing an old...


Winona Ryder in high school

“I was wearing an old Salvation Army shop boy’s suit. As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, faggot’. They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the shit out of me. I had to have stitches. The school kicked me out, not the bullies.

“Years later, I went to a coffee shop and I ran into one of the girls who’d kicked me, and she said, ‘Winona, Winona, can I have your autograph?’ And I said, ‘Do you remember me? Remember in seventh grade you beat up that kid?’ And she said, ‘Kind of’. And I said, ‘That was me. Go fuck yourself.’”

08 Apr 19:49

Experience the Apollo 11 moon landing in real time!

Experience the Apollo 11 moon landing in real time! :

Such a cool interface to experience this historic event. Totally worth the time!

08 Apr 19:49

Time Warner Cable - What can we do worse? (by Glenn Britt)

Time Warner Cable - What can we do worse? (by Glenn Britt)

08 Apr 19:49

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut

by Christopher Jobson

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

The Rubber Barber: Make a Mistake and Give Your Eraser a Fancy Haircut rubber office erasers

Designed by Chen Lu Wei for Megawing this fun set of four erasers lets you assume the role of barber while you work, all you have to do first is make a mistake. By using the eraser you slowly shave away the rubbery hair surface resulting in a funky new hairdo for your desktop pal, effectively turning an act of destruction into an act of creation every time you erase. Pretty sure my kid would just start with the face. May or may no be available here. (via

08 Apr 09:16

Aurora, Meet Asteroid!

Aurora, Meet Asteroid!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: asteroid , landscape , aurora , destination WIN! , g rated Share on Facebook
08 Apr 08:57


Cooper Griggs


08 Apr 08:56

damn-it-hirschberg: hiddleswife: oshcoruful: thewindsatyourback: themotherfuckingmarchesa: overs...








13 years of school and im still not sure if its “grey” or “gray”

It’s grEy in England and grAy in America.






08 Apr 08:47

No we won’t

08 Apr 08:45



08 Apr 08:36


08 Apr 08:30

Bras we have known. (via LOL, DAMN!, dstroym)

Bras we have known.

(via LOL, DAMN!, dstroym)

08 Apr 08:11

Should I use a QR Code?

Should I use a QR Code?

08 Apr 08:02

Val Kilmer Hilariously Embraces His Batman Reputation

Watch, as Kilmer accepts his place in the Batman universe.
08 Apr 07:36

Fifty Years of Space Exploration

Fifty Years of Space Exploration

08 Apr 07:33


08 Apr 07:26

How a banner ad for H&R Block appeared on—without Apple’s OK

by Nate Anderson
Cooper Griggs

not cool man, not cool.

The ghost of Steve Jobs will not be pleased to see this. Zack Henkel

Robert Silvie returned to his parents' home for a Mardi Gras visit this year and immediately noticed something strange: common websites like those belonging to Apple, Walmart, Target, Bing, and eBay were displaying unusual ads. Silvie knew that Bing, for instance, didn't run commodity banner ads along the bottom of its pristine home page—and yet, there they were. Somewhere between Silvie's computer and the Bing servers, something was injecting ads into the data passing through the tubes. Were his parents suffering from some kind of ad-serving malware infection? And if so, what else might the malware be watching—or stealing?

Around the same time, computer science PhD student Zack Henkel also returned to his parents' home for a spring break visit. After several hours of traveling, Henkel settled in with his computer to look up the specs for a Mac mini before bedtime. And then he saw the ads. On his personal blog, Henkel described the moment:

But as rendered in my browser, I realized I was in for a long night. What I saw was something that would make both designers and computer programmers wince with great displeasure. At the bottom of the carefully designed white and grey webpage, appeared a bright neon green banner advertisement proclaiming: “File For Free Online, H&R Block.” I quickly deduced that either Apple had entered in to the worst cross-promotional deal ever, or my computer was infected with some type of malware. Unfortunately, I would soon discover there was a third possibility, something much worse.

The ads unnerved both Silvie and Henkel, though neither set of parents had really noticed the issue. Silvie's parents "mostly use Facebook and their employers' e-mail," Silvie told me, and both those services use encrypted HTTPS connections—which are much harder to interfere with in transit. His parents probably saw no ads, therefore, and Silvie didn't bring it up because "I didn't want [them] to worry about it or ask me a lot of questions."

Read 30 remaining paragraphs | Comments

08 Apr 07:15

"I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was..."

I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was on the pill until he found them in my purse.

I went to the Student Health Center—they were completely unhelpful, choosing to lecture me about the importance of safe sex (recommending condoms) instead of actually listening to my problem.

Then I went to Planned Parenthood. The Nurse Practitioner took one look at my fading bruises and stopped the exam. She called in the doctor. The doctor came in and simply asked me: “Are you ready to leave him?” When I denied that I was being abused, she didn’t argue with me. She just asked me what I needed. I said I need a birth control method that my boyfriend couldn’t detect. She recommended a few options and we decided on Depo.

When I told her that my boyfriend read my emails and listened to my phone messages and was known to follow me, she suggested to do the Depo injections at off hours when the clinic was normally closed. She made a note in my chart and instructed the front desk never to leave messages for me—instead, she programmed her personal cell phone number into my phone under the name “Nora”. She told me she would call me to schedule my appointments; she wouldn’t leave a message, but I should call her back when I was able to.

And that was it. No judgment. No lecture. She walked me to the door and told me to call her day or night if I needed anything. That she lived 5 blocks from campus and would come get me. That I wasn’t alone. That she just wanted me to be safe.

I never called her to come to my rescue. But I have no doubt that she would have come if I had called. She kept me on Depo for a year, giving me those monthly injections in secret, helping me prevent a desperately unwanted pregnancy.

I cannot thank Planned Parenthood enough for the work they do.


Curious Georgiana (via ifonechitiri-g)

08 Apr 07:13

WikiLeaks' 'Kissinger Cables' is largest release ever with over 1.7 million diplomatic records

by Sam Byford

WikiLeaks has returned with its largest ever release of formerly confidential information. The "Kissinger Cables" include over 1.7 million diplomatic records from 1973 to 1976, of which 205,901 are connected to controversial US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In total, the release is around 700 million words long, and contains what WikiLeaks describes as "significant revelations about US involvements with fascist dictatorships, particularly in Latin America, under Franco's Spain (including about the Spanish royal family) and in Greece under the regime of the Colonels." However, rather than receiving leaked information from a source, for this release WikiLeaks has created a searchable database of public records.

"The US administration cannot be trusted to maintain the history of its interactions with the world."

WikiLeaks says that although the files should have been reviewed for declassification after 25 years, the government has repeatedly attempted to reclassify them; furthermore, there are no diplomatic records from later than 1976 available. In order to make the earlier documents accessible, WikiLeaks obtained all the files from the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) and collated them into a single, searchable database.

The Kissinger Cables form the largest part of WikiLeaks' Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD), which also launches today and stores a total of two million records for perusal. While the release won't be as explosive as previous leaks on still-classified events such as the Iraq war, WikiLeaks' aim is to make government documents easier to access for the public. "The US administration cannot be trusted to maintain the history of its interactions with the world," said founder Julian Assange. "Fortunately, an organisation with an unbroken record in resisting censorship attempts now has a copy."

08 Apr 07:12

kamikaze-kumquat: kamikaze-kumquat: onefishybastard: sulaco-ac...









BIkers Against Child Abuse Helps Make Abused Children Feel Safe Again

“A biker’s power and intimidating image can even the playing field for a little kid who has been hurt. If the man who hurt this little girl calls or drives by, or even if she is just scared, another nightmare, the bikers will ride over and stand guard all night.

If she is afraid to go to school, they will take her and watch until she’s safely inside.

And if she has to testify against her abuser in court, they will go, too, walking with her to the witness stand and taking over the first row of seats.”


i love these guys

omfg are they giving her a bikers denim jacket???



This made me cry a bit.

Rock on, you mighty beasts!

Reblogging again because their awesomness has had me crying for an hour, and they are now on my list of charities I always give what little extra money I might have when I can.

I wish they had been around when I was a kid.  I might have found the courage to tell people what my father was doing to me and actually be able to leave his house…I’m so very thankful these guys are there now, though.  Please, never let this stop…

08 Apr 07:03

oI7Mn84F6pjumax2noaWckCLo1_400.jpg (Image JPEG, 378x490 pixels)

by mitchum
08 Apr 07:02

this isn't happiness™ Peteski

by turn
07 Apr 20:24
