Shared posts

07 Apr 20:21

The ATF Wants 'Massive' Online Database To Find Out Who Your Friends Are

The ATF doesn’t just want a huge database to reveal everything about you with a few keywords. It wants one that can find out who you know. And it won’t even try to friend you on Facebook first.
07 Apr 20:13

laughingatmynightmare: Happiness is Always an Option – The...


Happiness is Always an Option – The first documentary by Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc.

FireRock Productions, producers of the LAMN documentary, will donate $1 to LAMN for every new like on their page from the time of the premiere tonight through 7pm on 4/5/13, up to $1000. Go to to “like” and earn LAMN another $1 towards their mission to make the world a happier place and support the fight against muscular dystrophy!

This is beautifully done. Shane is about as inspirational as they come. 

07 Apr 19:15

"(Morons) don’t tend to be fans of bones — they’ve grown up with nuggets (and a fear of..."

““(Morons) don’t tend to be fans of bones — they’ve grown up with nuggets (and a fear of everything remotely frustrating, and an eternal desire to be over-coddled four-year-olds for their entire lives),” said KFC spokesman Rick Maynard, referring to (infantile jerkoffs, but certainly not all) people in their 20s and 30s.”


KFC to offer easy-to-eat boneless chicken - Yahoo! Finance


07 Apr 19:07

prguitarman: I looked up from my phone and saw this.


I looked up from my phone and saw this.

07 Apr 19:06

minusmanhattan: CMYK by Skurktur.


CMYK by Skurktur.

07 Apr 18:14

German Court Finds Apple's 'Slide To Unlock' Patent Invalid

by timothy
New submitter anderzole writes "Germany's Federal Patent Court on Thursday invalidated all of Apple's claims for its slide-to-unlock patent. They death blow for Apple's slide to unlock patent was likely a Swedish phone called the Neonode N1m that launched well before the iPhone and featured its own slide to unlock implementation. The N1m was released in 2005 while Apple's own patent for slide to unlock wasn't filed until December of 2005."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

07 Apr 18:10

California judge rules anti-texting laws also ban using a phone's map while driving

by Adi Robertson

The debate over distracted driving laws has mostly focused on texting, but a California court ruling has confirmed that any cellphone use that takes a driver's hands off the wheel is fair game. Law professor Orin Kerr has uncovered a court case from late March in which the judge determined using a phone's map while driving was a violation of state law. "The primary evil sought to be avoided is the distraction the driver faces when using his or her hands to operate the phone," writes Judge Kent Hamlin in his opinion. The driver had argued that since the phone wasn't being used for conversations, the usual anti-texting and anti-talking laws didn't apply.

"That distraction would be present whether the wireless telephone was being used as a telephone, a GPS navigator, a clock or a device for sending and receiving text messages and emails," continued Hamlin. That means if someone is taking their hands off the wheel frequently to navigate, it can be just as much of a distraction. Judge Hamlin acknowledged that the law could unfairly single out electronic devices, when using plenty of other objects "poses just as great a risk to the safety of other motorists." But that, he says, is a matter for legislators to consider; the interpretation of the law itself is clear.

07 Apr 17:44

Life Hacks 2

by Jonco




07 Apr 17:38

doctordonna10: castielsunderpants: mattykeehl: gallifrey-feels...














Hitler flirting with Eva Braun.

I don’t know how this makes me feel

It makes me feel very uncomfortable

You know what’s so uncomfortable about this? It shows that perhaps one of the most evil men in history, was a human being. That, on occasion, he could be nice, even flirty. That’s not all. You want to see evil people as evil, screaming horrible stuff over a desk with 20 microphones with 20, 000 people saluting them. The evil is clear and recognizable then. This shows a completely different image, it scares you because that means that evil isn’t a stereotype, that evil is not recognizable, that evil could be anyone. It scares you because this shows that could be lurking inside anyone and you’ll never ever know. Maybe in you? 

i reblogged this literally like 2 minutes ago, but i want this version because of that comment ^

That comment is one of my favorite post commentaries, because it’s completely right. People aren’t inherently evil. Like good, it’s a role they grow and live into. We have just as much potential to destroy as this man exhibited. And it’s a very eye opening experience to realize that.

does anyone even remember that one time hitler attended that luncheon between world leaders, some guests of which even included china’s socialist leader as well as Stalin. And then when they were ordering, everyone was gladly ordering impressive dishes one after the other, but Hitler placed an order for barley tea and a pheasant (considered a peasant’s meal by standard). When he was questioned as to why he would order something like this in something as grand as a world leader’s congress, he replied,

“I don’t smoke when my people cannot smoke, and I cannot eat when my people are going hungry.”

He wasn’t evil for its own sake, let’s try to remember that despite the countless murders, but for a moment, he did actually believe he was doing something for the good of his countrymen.


No, he’s right. Hitler, though extremely wrong in his views, did everything for what he thought would better the lives of his people. It was wrong. It was disgustingly, horribly wrong. But he did not do it because it was evil and he was evil. He did it because he believed it would help Germany and those who needed a better life. Those who don’t understand or even try to understand the human brain will always label men like him as ‘evil’ because it is easier to accept. But he wasn’t ‘evil.’ He felt love and loyalty and responsibilities. He simply took these aspects and morphed them into a twisted, violent thing. 

Tumblr is probably the only place we could have this conversation and not be lynched.

oh my god reblogging if only for the last comment

this is literally the best thing on tumblr

07 Apr 17:33

PETMAN robot struts and squats in hazmat attire

by Amar Toor

PETMAN, the creepily lifelike robot from Boston Dynamics, has made some remarkable strides in the last few years. Once nothing more than a headless walker with a penchant for push-ups, PETMAN has now morphed into a veritable Terminator, capable of squatting, swiveling, and celebrating, as evidenced by the company's latest video.

But PETMAN's newest, and perhaps scariest feature is its camouflaged wardrobe, replete with gasmask. According to Boston Dynamics, the robot's temperature-regulated hazmat suit is embedded with sensors capable of detecting chemical leaks. Developed as part of the Defense Department's Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) program, PETMAN will be used to test similarly protective clothing in the future.

07 Apr 17:25

chameleon actors: Gary Oldman

chameleon actors: Gary Oldman

07 Apr 17:21



via the internets.

The dog’s reaction is priceless. Almost like “Sorry man, that thing is crazy. I’m out.”

07 Apr 17:20

Flickr Finds No. 30

by Christopher Jobson

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Masashi Wakui

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Lesley Ann Ercolano

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Paul Baggaley

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Akihisa Nakamura

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Reggie Ballesteros

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Satoki Nagata

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Roeselien Raimond

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Cathy Hammer / New installation by Kaarina Kaikkonen

Flickr Finds No. 30 flickr finds
Paul Andrews

So here we are at our 30th edition of Flickr Finds, my personal challenge to ferret out the greatest photos found on Flickr every few weeks. It should be bi-weekly, it never is, but I think we all benefit from the quality versus the regularity. This is a really phenomenal week for photography, and if you like what you see here please click through each photo above to learn more about the individual photographers—this is truly only the tip of the iceberg for each of these artists. If you’d like you can check out previous Flickr Finds.

07 Apr 17:19

A Softer World

07 Apr 16:34


by willa
05 Apr 07:23


05 Apr 07:10


by Thea Lamkin

colors of bamboo* 04

一人静   hiding from the rainshower (Tenryuuji temple, Kyoto)


大河内山荘   colors of bamboo* 01

Cormorant fishing   ---鵜飼---

Arashiyama River Banks   Autumn Gate

Momiji (Maple leaves) 3

k   At the end of a day....

Bamboo trail

Arashiyama, or “Storm Mountain”, is one of Japan’s designated Historic Sites and can be found on the western edge of Kyoto. The district features Shinto shrines, natural parks, and a stunning walk that winds through its bamboo forest. Take some time to explore even more of Arashiyama’s beauty through photos from others who have visited.

Photos from * tathei *, Shibazo, Marser, Kevin Tadge / Laura Lamp, yocca, Teruhide Tomori, arcreyes, Marie Eve K.A., TORO*, and Silent Star 101.

05 Apr 07:10

jonyorkblog: Bryan KruegerHigh Pass, 2013


Bryan Krueger
High Pass, 2013

05 Apr 06:50


Photograph purportedly shows an anti-rape device known as RapeX.
05 Apr 06:46

tumblr_lfa3j2fBrz1qawzs7o1_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 495x700 pixels) - Scaled (91%)

by achangeisgonnacome
Cooper Griggs

This puts to the test, the saying, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."

05 Apr 06:46

Flying Over the Earth at Night

Many wonders are visible when flying over the Earth at night. Many wonders are visible when flying over the Earth at night.

05 Apr 06:35

Touch Gesture Reference Guide - Emily Chang – Designer

by algo
05 Apr 06:34


by turn
05 Apr 06:33


05 Apr 06:33

Blood Alley

Blood Alley

05 Apr 06:32


05 Apr 06:32

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain

by Christopher Jobson

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

The 2012 Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain stunts Spain castellers

You’ve probably seen photographs of the Concurs de Castells, the human tower competition held in the region of Catalonia, Spain, but photographer David Oliete got a pretty unique perspective in 2012, shooting the entire event at what appears to be a nearly aerial position. As the throngs of castellers—hundreds of men, women and even children—push forward in a claustrophobic mass to build their best human towers, biological shapes reminiscent of insects or even animal cells begin to form. Oliete shares with me via email about the competition:

The most important Human Tower Competition is called “Concurs de Castells” and it takes place in the city of Tarragona once every two years. Its XXIV edition took place during the 6th and 7th October 2012 with the participation of 32 teams from all around Catalonia and a live audience of more than 20,000 people. During the competition, the higher and difficult to build a tower is, the more points a team gets. Every human tower is usually between six and ten levels high. Teams are made of between 100 to 500 women and men. Young and light members form the top of the tower while heavier members form the base.

The “castells” have also been one of the most important cultural traditions in Catalonia for more than 200 years. “Strength, balance, courage and common sense” is their motto. In 2010, the castells were declared by UNESCO to be amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”.

You can see many more shots from Oliete’ shoot of the Concurs de Castells 2012 over on Flickr, and you can also catch up with him on Facebook. (via devid sketchbook)

05 Apr 06:30

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

The dragonfruit, wow.

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days food

For almost every day last month Malaysian artist/architect Hong Yi (who often goes by the nickname Red) created a fun illustration made with common (and occasionally not so common) food. Her parameters were simple: the image had to be comprised entirely of food and the only backdrop could be a white plate. With that in mind Yi set out to create landscapes, animals, homages to pop culture, and even a multi-frame telling of the three little pigs. The project, which still appears to be ongoing, has been documented heavily around the web, but if you haven’t seen it all head over to her Facebook and read an interview on designboom. Photos will also be appearing on her Instagram at @redhongyi.

05 Apr 06:29

Apple’s iMessage encryption trips up feds’ surveillance

by admin
The DEA is not happy about Apple's iMessage transmissions, which it says are "considered encrypted communication and cannot be intercepted."
05 Apr 06:28
