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10 Jul 19:36


10 Jul 19:22

A Geometric Labyrinth of 200 Fluorescent Lights at Frye Art Museum

by Christopher Jobson

A Geometric Labyrinth of 200 Fluorescent Lights at Frye Art Museum light installation

A Geometric Labyrinth of 200 Fluorescent Lights at Frye Art Museum light installation

A Geometric Labyrinth of 200 Fluorescent Lights at Frye Art Museum light installation

A Geometric Labyrinth of 200 Fluorescent Lights at Frye Art Museum light installation

Through Hollow Lands is a 2012 installation by visual artists Etta Lilienthal and Ben Zamora of LILENTHAL|ZAMORA at Frye Art Museum in Seattle. The suspended labyrinth was constructed from 200 fluorescent lights in various configurations, creating a sort of immersive geometric canopy of light. If you liked this, also check out the work of Esther Stocker. Photos above by Malcolm Smith courtesy Frye Art Museum. (via colossal submissions)

10 Jul 19:20

Iris van Herpen's Spectacular 3D Printed Shoes

by Syuzi

Iris van Herpen's work leaves me breathless. Look at that barnacle cape?! 


Presented at Paris Fashion Week, the 3D printed shoes were a collaboration with Rem D Koolhaas, Creative Director and Founder of United Nude.


Enjoy the interview with Herpen and Koolhaas below.

10 Jul 19:17

me irl

me irl

10 Jul 19:16


10 Jul 19:13

Paul Thomas Anderson

Cooper Griggs

Yes. Awesome.

Paul Thomas Anderson

10 Jul 03:09

Full screen, volume up! This is SpaceX’s Grasshopper on...

by rion

Full screen, volume up! This is SpaceX’s Grasshopper on June 14, 2013, using its state of navigation capabilities to execute a precision hover and landing sequence: 

Grasshopper is a 10-story Vertical Takeoff Vertical Landing (VTVL) vehicle designed to test the technologies needed to return a rocket back to Earth intact. While most rockets are designed to burn up on atmosphere reentry, SpaceX rockets are being designed not only to withstand reentry, but also to return to the launch pad for a vertical landing. The Grasshopper VTVL vehicle represents a critical step towards this goal.

According to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, this highly-controllable, reusable rocket technology could significantly cut-costs in space travel.

Previously: Grasshopper’s December 2012 test launch from a camera *on* the rocket. 

via Bad Astronomy.

10 Jul 03:06

wilwheaton: tush: "My wife didn’t appreciate my fridge magnet...



"My wife didn’t appreciate my fridge magnet poem."

Well, I sure did.


10 Jul 03:06

copyranter: Still: the best cat GIF ever.


Still: the best cat GIF ever.

10 Jul 01:57

my-esl-student: The deer is a lost deer.  It wanted to use my...


The deer is a lost deer.  It wanted to use my computer to write a bulletin board to search for its parents as soon as it came in my house.  What a surprise that it used its own two forefeet to type letters.

10 Jul 01:06

Beatbox Brilliance: Tom Thum at TEDxSydney

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

Reminds me of Beardyman a bit.

Beatbox Brilliance: Tom Thum at TEDxSydney singing performance beatboxing

At about two minutes in to this ten minute performance by beat boxer Tom Thum my jaw was already hanging open, by about six minutes I had nearly thrown my computer off my lap. The Guardian was absolutely correct when it stated Thum “appears to have swallowed an entire orchestra and several backing singers”. The performance was shot at TEDxSydney last May in the famous Sydney Opera House and was just released online yesterday. Excuse me while I step outside to show this to random people on the street.

10 Jul 00:45

Grease Monkeyed

TV news investigation shows Jiffy Lube outlets charging customers for auto maintenance work that was never done.
10 Jul 00:45



10 Jul 00:44

I need a guide: matt wisniewski

by turn
09 Jul 21:20

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal

by Christopher Jobson

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Monumental Plant Sculptures at the 2013 Mosaicultures Internationales de Montréal plants gardening

Mosaïcultures Internationales de Montréal is an international mosaiculture competition held in Montréal, Canada. According to their website, mosaiculture “is a refined horticultural art that involves creating and mounting living artworks made primarily from plants with colourful foliage (generally annuals, and occasionally perennials).” The 2013 competition and exhibition opened June 22 and runs through September 29 at the Montréal Botanical Garden and features some 22,000 plant species and cultivars distributed throughout 10 exhibition greenhouses and 30 themed gardens.

You can see hundreds more photos over on Flickr, however all photos here are copyright Guy Boily courtesy MIM. If you liked this, also check out the Bloemencorso parade in Zundert, Netherlands.

09 Jul 20:42

California's Prison Sterilizations Reportedly Echo Eugenics Era

At least 148 female inmates at two state facilities underwent tubal ligation surgery between 2006 and 2010, according to the Center for Investigative Reporting.

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09 Jul 17:04


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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09 Jul 17:03

Geometry Daily

by kirill
09 Jul 17:03

All at once and nothing first, Just as bubbles do when they burst - but does it float

by atleykins
09 Jul 17:03

Mini Man #burningman #theman #black #rock #desert #nevada #bmorg...

Mini Man
#burningman #theman #black #rock #desert #nevada #bmorg #theburn @burning_man_pics @in_dust_we_trust @this_one_time_at_bm #mini #man #sunset #beautiful #clouds #sun #blue #sky #valley (at Black Rock City, NV)

09 Jul 17:01

Bringing Instagram to Life with @joselourenco With small pieces...

Bringing Instagram to Life with @joselourenco

With small pieces of cardboard and a dash of acrylic paint, Portuguese artist José Lourenço (@joselourenco) is bringing the Instagram app to life.

Nine weeks ago, José posted his first play on Instagram symbology—a simple screenshot of the comment, like and follow notification that he captioned “two hearts." He liked that first post so much that he started thinking of ways to bring Instagram design elements into three dimensions. With the introduction of Photos of You, the idea really took flight. José created custom Photos of You labels for the clouds, houses, trees and even giraffes.

For José, these posts add a new angle to the way he shares the world around him. “With the symbols I can create new universes and recreate elements of world history like Atlantis and The Thinker." He is always looking for the right scene to match his designs: “The symbols are all designed at scale for the scene I photograph or video and are very light and easy to carry around. Yes, I carry the symbols with me all the time!" To see more of José’s creations, be sure to follow him @joselourenco on Instagram.

09 Jul 16:57


09 Jul 16:51

The Unsung Heroes of the Crash Landing in San Francisco

by Lisa Wade, PhD
Cooper Griggs

Seriously, these people deserve some praise and respect.

We’re celebrating the end of the year with our most popular posts from 2013, plus a few of our favorites tossed in.  Enjoy!

Like many people, I’ve been following news about the crash landing in San Francisco. It’s a frightening reminder of the risks that come with air travel, but an uplifting one thanks to the small number of casualties.  The Mayor of San Francisco was quoted saying: “We’re lucky we have this many survivors.”  And the Chief of the San Francisco Fire Department said that it was “nothing short of a miracle…”  At CNN, after mentioning the two confirmed fatalities, the reporter writes, “Somehow, 305 others survived.” Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, wrote that it was a “serious moment to give thanks.”  But to whom?


There’s a kind of person who is trained to maximize survival in the case of a plane crash: the flight attendant.  Airlines don’t advertise the intense training their flight attendants receive because it reminds potential passengers that air travel is risky.  As a result, most people seriously underestimate the skills flight attendants bring on board and the dedication they have to the safety of their passengers.

Flight attendants have to learn hundreds of regulations and know the safety features of all of the aircraft in their airline’s fleet. They must know how to evacuate the plane on land or sea within 90 seconds; fight fires 35,000 feet in the air; keep a heart attack or stroke victim alive; calm an anxious, aggressive, or mentally ill passenger; respond to hijackings and terrorist attacks; and ensure group survival in the jungle, sea, desert, or arctic.

It isn’t just book learning; they train in “live fire pits” and “ditching pools.”As one flight attendant once said:

I don’t think of myself as a sex symbol or a servant. I think of myself as somebody who knows how to open the door of a 747 in the dark, upside down and in the water (source).

This is why I’m surprised to see almost no discussion of the flight attendants’ role in this “miracle.” Consider the top five news stories on Google at the time I’m writing: CNNFoxCBS, the Chicago Tribune, and USA Today.  These articles use passive language to describe the evacuation: ”slides had deployed”; all passengers “managed to get off.”  When the cabin crew are mentioned, they appear alongside and equivalent to the passengers: the crash forced “dozens of frightened passengers and crew to scamper from the heavily damaged aircraft”; ”passengers and crew were being treated” at local hospitals.

Only one of these five stories, at Fox, acknowledges that the 16 cabin crew members worked through the crash and its aftermath.  The story mentions that, while passengers who could were fleeing the plane, crew remained behind to help people who were trapped, slashing seat belts with knives supplied by police officers on the ground.  The plane was going up in flames; they risked their lives to save others.

I don’t know what the flight attendants on this plane did or didn’t do to minimize injuries or save lives, but I would like to know.  Instead, they are invisible in these news stories as workers, allowing readers and future passengers to remain ignorant of the skills and dedication they bring to their work.

Cross-posted at JezebelPolicyMic, Huffington Post, and BlogHer.

Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

(View original at

09 Jul 12:48

yimmyayo: In memory of Adam Yauch.  Captured in 2004...


In memory of Adam Yauch. 

Captured in 2004 by Alessandro Simonetti

08 Jul 23:55




08 Jul 23:17

Farm-to-Table Dinners with Outstanding in the Field Jim Denevan...

Farm-to-Table Dinners with Outstanding in the Field

Jim Denevan founded Outstanding in the Field (@out_inthefield) in the late 1990s following a series of "farmer dinners" he hosted in Santa Cruz, California. From these dinners, Jim realized that people wanted to learn more about where their food was coming from. Now, over a decade later, Outstanding in the Field hosts farm-to-table dinners all across the United States, and they’re inviting you to join in by following along on Instagram.

Jim and his crew travel the United States in a vintage red and white bus, hosting dinners at local ranches, vineyards and orchards along the way. The crew teams up with farmers and chefs at each location to prepare dinners using local, seasonal ingredients for over 100 people per sitting. Guests tour the site and meet the farmers before gathering at a long table — often in a scenic area such as a mountaintop or sea cave — to enjoy their meal together.

Follow @out_inthefield to see more photos and videos from the team as they cook up delicious farm dinners around the United States.

08 Jul 21:36

Une Fille Comme Les Autres (by Matthew Frost)

Cooper Griggs

Evil and yet entertaining.

Une Fille Comme Les Autres (by Matthew Frost)

08 Jul 18:27

An autonomous boat across the Atlantic

by Brian Benchoff


While we may be waiting for unmanned drones to deliver a pizza, there’s already an unmanned ship plying the Atlantic on a transoceanic voyage. It’s called Scout, and it’s the product of about two years worth of work by a very close-knit group of friends.

Scout is a 12.5 foot ship constructed out of foam and carbon fiber loaded up with solar panels, electronics, an electric motor and a SPOT satellite tracker. The team has been working on Scout for the last two years now, and this last week the autonomous ship finally set out on its mission: a 3500 mile journey from Rhode Island across the Atlantic to Spain.

Right now, Scout is just over four days into its mission having travelled 90 miles from Rhode Island on its way to Spain. You can follow Scout on its journey on this very cool live tracking site.

Filed under: drone hacks
08 Jul 17:56

Seeded Results

How the consumption of poppy seeds used on bagels and muffins can produce positive results on drug screening tests.
08 Jul 17:50

skin in the game i cut my finger today, so much so that there...

skin in the game

i cut my finger today, so much so that there was talk of stitches.

after i’d realized i’d cut it (while making stew), i ran to the tap and started yelling “phil! phil! phil! phil! phil!" at the top of my lungs.

he scurried downstairs and proceeded to wash, wrap and compress my finger (which quickly bled through, over again).

i was beside myself. it hurt a lot and i gave way to being babied as i nearly fainted, phil pressing on the large V-shaped slice i’d managed to whittle away while cutting an onion.

at i write this i’m on my 3rd bandaged dressing, but i’m pretty sure i can grit my teeth past going in for stitches, if i can just keep from using my left hand (she says, typing…).

so now, a couple of things:

1) it is wonderful to be able to yell at the top of one’s lungs the name of someone, and then have that someone appear.

2) it is also remarkably wonderful to have that someone dress your wound when you can’t look down, when you can’t face it.

and then this: life is unexpected.


and i realized, i’ve been dragging my feet a bit on getting us life insurance, and filling out our healthcare directives, and the like.

but, not now.

tonight i settled in, 9 fingers typing, to put that all in motion. i want this, us, taken care of, in our unexpected lives.

… i called, and he came.

we’ve got skin in this game.