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27 Apr 19:07

1,500 iOS apps are vulnerable to an HTTPS-crippling bug

by Andrew Tarantola
According to analytics service SourceDNA, nearly 1,500 iPhone and iPad apps currently available in the App Store include a bug that breaks HTTPS. This could leave users' sensitive personal information exposed to hackers. Analysts have identified an o...
22 Apr 16:50

Researchers find another terrifying iOS flaw

by Daniel Cooper
It can't have escaped your attention that security experts have declared open season on Apple products over the last few weeks. At San Francisco's RSA conference, an even more terrifying exploit has been revealed that has the power to send your iPhon...
22 Apr 16:49

Stackable Brain Specimen Coasters Reveal a 3D View of the Human Brain

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs




The brilliant minds at ThinkGeek just launched this set of 10 glass coasters printed with sequential illustrations of the brain. When stacked in the correct order they reveal a complete three-dimensional “scan” of human brain. Available here. (via Laughing Squid)

22 Apr 16:49

New Large-scale Geometric Illusions in Paris by Felice Varini

by Christopher Jobson

Photo © André Morin

Swiss artist Felice Varini (previously) recently opened a new solo exhibition titled “La Villette En Suites” featuring a number of anamorphic projections designed to be viewed from a single location creating an uncanny optical illusion. Varini is fascinated by architecture as backdrop for his artwork and seeks unusual spaces with varying planes of depth for his installations which can grow to be quite dramatic.

The new geometric pieces (which are technically paintings) are installed in both interior and exterior spaces around the Grande halle de la Villette within Parc de la Villette through September 13, 2015. You can see more views of the exhibition on StreetArtNews, and follow Varini directly on Facebook.

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

Photo © André Morin

22 Apr 16:47

stop hitting yourself

after mentioning this to some friends tonight, i feel i can reveal something i did yesterday, april 20th.

at about 2:00pm i was dead dog tired from a busy day and said to myself: “well, at least it’s friday!”

yeah, that went on for about 90 full seconds before i realized it was, in fact, monday.

22 Apr 09:07

Tamara Lichtenstein

by andriuuuu
22 Apr 03:38

New York Times columnist falls prey to signal repeater car burglary

by Jonathan M. Gitlin
Cooper Griggs

via Burly.Thurr

Last week, New York Times columnist Nick Bilton took to Twitter to let the world know that two kids broke into his car before his very eyes. What made the break-in a little more remarkable was the fact that, according to Bilton, the perps used an electronic device to simply unlock his Toyota Prius, rather than doing things the old-fashioned way with a slim jim, coat hanger, or brick.

Bilton has elaborated on the event in his column, where he postulates that the young miscreants gained entry to his car (and those of several of his neighbors) by amplifying the signal between his keyless entry fob and car. Keyless entry systems typically only communicate with their remote fobs over the distance of a few feet, but he thinks that the gadget is capable of extending this range, fooling the car into thinking that the remote is within range even though it was actually in Bilton's House, about 50 feet away. He arrived at this theory after he consulted with Boris Danev, a Swiss-based security expert:

"It's a bit like a loudspeaker, so when you say hello over it, people who are 100 meters away can hear the word, 'hello,'" Mr. Danev said. "You can buy these devices anywhere for under $100." He said some of the lower-range devices cost as little as $17 and can be bought online on sites like eBay, Amazon and Craigslist.

This isn't the first time that signal repeaters have been linked to car burglaries in California. In 2013, we reported on a similar spate of thefts in Long Beach, California, that left local police 'stumped.' And it’s not the only way of gaining entry to a supposedly secure car; The Register has previously covered devices that can eavesdrop on the signal between a BMW and its remote, allowing miscreants to program a blank remote for later use.

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22 Apr 03:01

obviousplant: Doing my best to help prevent crime…

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez


Doing my best to help prevent crime…

22 Apr 01:06


22 Apr 00:27

Michael Brown's memorial tree 'cut down' after one night in Ferguson

by Colin Daileda
Cooper Griggs

via Fatbob


One day after a Michael Brown memorial tree was planted in Ferguson, Missouri, someone appears to have slashed it in half.

A memorial stone placed at the foot of the tree is also missing, according to a local news channel, which was planted by members of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association

Caucus members had planted the tree in January Wabash Memorial Park on Saturday. But just one day later, community members found it cut. Police say they have no idea who desecrated the memorial.

Mike Brown tree dedicated yesterday, decimated today

— Mo Costello (@mocostello60) April 20, 2015

More about Memorial, Police, Shooting, Missouri, and Us World
21 Apr 20:30

Supreme Court Rules Extending Traffic Stop For Dog Sniff Unconstitutional

by Soulskill
bmxeroh writes: The Supreme Court ruled today (PDF) that a police officer may not extend a traffic stop beyond the time needed to complete the tasks related to that stop for the purposes of allowing a trained dog to sniff for drugs. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the majority (6-3) that police authority "ends when tasks tied to the traffic infraction are — or reasonably should have been — completed." The case, Rodriguez v. United States, 13-9972, all started with Rodriguez was stopped in Nebraska for driving out of his lane. After he was given the ticket for that infraction, he was made to wait an additional seven to eight minutes for a drug dog to arrive which promptly alerted to the presence of drugs in the car. Upon search, the officers found a small bag of methamphetamine in his possession.

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21 Apr 20:14

Philips unveils a $5 LED lightbulb for thrifty environmentalists

by Daniel Cooper
Compared to filament bulbs, the up-front cost of LED lighting can put off plenty of people, even if they'd save cash in the longer term. Philips, however, is doing all that it can to trim the price of its energy-saving bulbs and has managed to craft ...
21 Apr 20:12

Sydney Surfer

Fauxtography: Video purportedly shows a surfer catching a wave at the Sydney Opera House.
21 Apr 19:59

(via gifak-net:video)

(via gifak-net:video)

21 Apr 19:58


21 Apr 19:58


21 Apr 19:56


21 Apr 19:56

(via marniethedog)

(via marniethedog)

21 Apr 19:55

Designer Sylvain Viau Imagines the Hover Cars We Were Promised

by Christopher Jobson


For his ongoing series Flying Cars, French designer Sylvain Viau digitally edits photographs of cars into sleek, wheel-less hover cars that appear to float just above the ground. Viau not only uses his own photography to create these sci-fi cars, but is fortunate to claim many of the actual cars among his own collection. He originally worked only with 80s Citroën vehicles because of their classic space-age design, but has continued to branch out over the last few months to include cars from Peugeot, Toyota, and Renault. You can see many more here. (via Designboom)

Update: Photographer Renaud Marion created a similar series of works in 2013.









21 Apr 02:17

3 ex-cops smoking weed in celebration of 420

by Brian Koerber
Cooper Griggs

via Fatbob


Just a few former police officers chilling out, enjoying some cheeba — legally

Cut Video's clip of grandmothers smoking weed for the first time was adorable, but their latest video of cops smoking up is a euphoric celebration in honor of 420, the stoner holiday

There were some mustache interferences, but overall these coppers had a great time, especially when the munchies came out.

More about Weed, Cops, Marijuana, 4 20, and Watercooler
21 Apr 02:12

The Big Picture: Chevy's self-driving concept car is straight out of sci-fi

by Jon Fingas
Thought that Mercedes' F 015 self-driving car was futuristic? It looks old hat next to GM's autonomous electric concept, the Chevrolet-FNR. The pod-like design appears ripped straight from a sci-fi flick, complete with crystal laser lights, "dragonfl...
21 Apr 02:04

Car safety system monitors your body language to prevent accidents

by Mariella Moon
Many collision avoidance systems watch out for other cars or pedestrians to keep you safe. But this new one called Brains4Cars being developed by Cornell and Stanford University researchers adds a camera that monitors you (or the driver's, if it's so...
21 Apr 00:40

Japanese maglev train breaks its own world speed record

by Andrew Tarantola
The Central Japan Railway company reports that its magnetic levitation bullet train topped 366 miles per hour on Thursday during a test run along a length of test track in the Yamanashi prefecture. This was enough to break its own 12-year-old, 361 mp...
21 Apr 00:39

Justice Department may try to block the Comcast / TWC merger

by Richard Lawler
Cooper Griggs

I thought they already did.

It's been more than a year since Comcast announced its plan to buy fellow cable giant Time Warner Cable in a $45 billion deal, but it still hasn't received the blessings of various regulators. Now, word is leaking out from unnamed sources to Bloomber...
21 Apr 00:38

Google's 'balloon-powered internet for all' is almost ready

by Timothy J. Seppala
In case you wanted another behind-the-scenes look at how Google's internet-by-balloon service is doing, now is your chance. The Project Loon team posted a new video showing everything from how it manages its balloon fleet, the balloon creation proces...
21 Apr 00:38

Comcast's gigabit internet hits northern California in June

by Timothy J. Seppala
Cooper Griggs

Grrrr, so close!

Comcast is bringing its twice-as-fast-as-Google-Fiber internet service to northern California. Potential customers will need installation of professional-grade equipment to access it and, you'll have to be near its fiber network -- Fresno, Monterey, ...
21 Apr 00:18

IKEA's future kitchen tells you how to cook

by Jon Fingas
For IKEA, your future kitchen shouldn't just have the occasional smart appliance -- it should be a technology hub. The furniture store's Concept Kitchen 2025 includes tech and other helpful additions meant to save both time and resources, such as a p...
21 Apr 00:15

goldfish.jpg (JPEG Image, 720×475 pixels)

by arisu
21 Apr 00:15


by dipre
21 Apr 00:15

Xote, fuckyeahpixivranking: 「雪化粧」/「ど~ら@お仕事募集中」

by xote