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27 Feb 23:43

Funny Children’s Book Satirizes Modern Art

by John Farrier

The Ladybird Book line still exists, but in the traditional sense, the name refers to a line of British children’s books that were published from the 1940s through 1970s. The had a standardized format including a listing of key vocabulary words on each page.

Miriam Elia, a writer and artist, has released the book We Go to the Gallery. It's a satire on modern art that in the form of a fake Ladybird book:

“I thought it would be humorous to see Mummy, Peter and Jane going to a really nihilistic modern art exhibition”, she says. Among the works confronted by the trio on their cultural outing are pastiches of Emin, Creed and Koons, through which they learn about sex, death, nothingness “and all of the debilitating, middle-class self-hatred contained in the artworks.”

You can see more a few more pages at The Independent.

-via American Digest

27 Feb 16:42

Unusual Fashion Photography By Madame Peripetie

by Zeon Santos

Fashion photography is supposed to show off the clothing, evoke a feeling about the ensemble and try to sell the viewer on some aspect of the designer’s image, whether real or make believe.

Madame Peripetie's approaches these ideals with a sense of avant garde experimentalism and freedom from the ordinary that probably appeals to the fashion forward, but not so much to the more uptight designers who just want to showcase their clothes.

The images are interesting to look at to say the least, and unlike most fashion photos the clothes take a back seat to the overall visual impact of each shot.

-Via Hi-Fructose

25 Feb 23:39

Neatolinks: Did You Know The Internet Causes Procrastination?

by Jill Harness
25 Feb 23:34

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by jamesdouble
24 Feb 22:55

Totally Knotty Wooden Doll Make-Up

by Zeon Santos

It’s the job of the make-up artist to turn ordinary people into extraordinary creations that both bring the artist's vision to life and please the directors behind the scenes.

But making soft skin look like it’s made out of wood is quite a challenge, and if the facial appliance is too bulky or rubbery, and/or the paintjob isn’t really selling the feel of natural wood, you’ve got a mighty obvious rubber mask thing going on and the director probably won’t be happy.

This wooden doll makeup, which was put together by make-up artist Stephanie Hernandez using prosthetics and makeup from The Scream Team, has definitely achieved a realistically wooden effect which makes her friend Laura Jones look like both a knotty girl and a total stiff!

-Via Nerd Approved

24 Feb 14:39

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by mlz
23 Feb 06:38

Black and WTF

by gumhands
23 Feb 06:36

(1) Tumblr

by phillipl
23 Feb 06:22

Wiry Limbs, Paper Backs

by Alex Santoso

Terry Border, who created the awesome Bent Objects project we featured on Neatorama a while back, has a new project called Wiry Limbs, Paper Backs where he brought some of our favorite books to life thanks to a little wire and a lot of ingenuity.

Take a look:

View more over at Terry's website - via 22 Words

22 Feb 00:35

Philip Glass on Sesame Street in 1979

by Jia Tolentino
by Jia Tolentino

I'm so late to this party, but what a party it is. "Geometry of Circles" via FACT, and this great new Tumblr, Experimental Music on Children's TV.

21 Feb 12:34

Me summoning the power to just do that one last thing.

Me summoning the power to just do that one last thing.

20 Feb 18:26

Shanghai Dumpling Wars: A New Contender Emerges in Paradise Dynasty

by Fiona Reilly
There's an open battle being waged, probably for centuries now, over who makes Shanghai's best xiaolongbao

Not sure what xiaolongbao are? They're Shanghai's famous soup-filled dumplings, small steamed dumpling miracles that defy the laws of nature by having hot soup held delicately inside them, along with a fragrant mix of pork and seasonings. And Shanghai locals feel very, very passionate about their xiaolongbao and who makes the best ones.

(If you're still not sure you could check out Xiaolongbao - The Complete Guide)

The battle really comes down to what you, as an eater, prefer.

Do you crave authenticity or novelty? 
Do you like your dumpling skins rolled or hand-flattened?
Do Shanghainese people make the best xiaolongbao? Or can anyone do it?

Paradise Dynasty challenges all these assumptions. Coming from Singapore, where they are already an established brand, they have gone straight for the jugular by opening their flagship Chinese store in Shanghai and - wait for it - calling it Paradise Dynasty: Legend of Xiaolongbao. Cheeky. That's like opening your first macaron shop in Paris, right next to Laduree, and calling it Fiona: Legend of Macarons

Just a little bit self-indulgent, but why shouldn't you be when you have the behemoth Paradise restaurant group behind you?
Their signature dish is a basket of eight rainbow-hued xiaolongbao (RMB 68) with novel fillings:

Foie Gras (tan)
Black truffle (black)
Crab Roe (orange)
Ginseng (green)
Mozzarella (yellow)
Garlic (grey)
Szechuan (sic) (dark pink)
Original Pork (white)

The dumpling wrappers are very fine, soft, and strong, and the eight colours looked beautiful sitting on their linen cloth inside the basket.

I tried the original steamed pork flavour first, as a true test of xiaolongbao-ness. It was good - plenty of fragrant soup, a little ginger, a smooth pork filling. The 'szechuan' dumpling was an explosion of chili and flowery Sichuan pepper, although the pepper made the filling a little gritty. The foie gras and crab roe dumplings were rich and full of flavour, the garlic and ginseng dumplings more subtle but still tasty. I wouldn't revisit the mozzarella dumpling though, with its very odd taste and texture, but my girls like it the best of all of them.

The stand out for me was the black truffle xiaolongbao, rich, dark, deeply truffley and intensely satisfying. After trying just one I ordered a whole extra basket of (RMB 65). Any flavour can be ordered separately as a basket of six or ten dumplings.

Paradise Dynasty serves other dishes too - la mian or pulled noodles, which seems odd (given that la mian originated in central China, a Hui Muslim dish, and xiaolongbao are from eastern China's Nanxiang village, now part of Shanghai). But the menu tells us that Executive Chef Ge Sheng is a specialty la mian chef, and it's the female sous chef, Yan Wei, who knows a thing or two about xiaolongbao.

While waiting for our table I watched the chefs in the kitchen making the dumplings, and was amazed to see that they weighed the filling for every single dumpling on a digital scale. That exactitude is rare and spoke of very high standards in the kitchen.

It's a shame then that the same care and attention isn't taken in the dining room - we waited 45 minutes for a table on a regular weekday lunchtime and when we did arrive at our table it was full of dirty dishes from the previous diners and took fifteen minutes to be cleared after three requests from me and one from a neighbouring diner. The restaurant is always this busy, so I'm told, so it should be staffed accordingly. 

The xiaolongbao were delicious, but hard to eat without chopsticks, a spoon, a dish for vinegar, or a bowl. These arrived on request, one at a time, five minutes apart, so by the time we had all the necessary eating utensils the dumplings were cold. A great shame.

So are these Shanghai's best xiaolongbao? You'll have to decide for yourself.

Paradise Dynasty: Legend of Xiaolongbao - Details

IFC Mall, Lujiazui, Pudong
Level Three, Shop 36
Ph +86 21 58342291

Open 7 days for lunch and dinner, last orders 9.30pm.

17 Feb 16:51

Last night, as I tucked in my 4yo, he threw an arm bar across my trachea and whispered, “When...

Last night, as I tucked in my 4yo, he threw an arm bar across my trachea and whispered, “When you stop talking, I’ll stop doing THIS.”

My boy!

12 Feb 01:43

Video Game Romance Novels

by Alex Santoso

Move over, Fabio! Here comes Mario!

Illustrator Echo Chernik collaborated with our pal Shutterstock to come up with what romance novels would look like if they feature 8-bit characters instead of beefcakes. Take a look:

The Forbidden peach, starring Mario, Princess Peach and Luigi, with the tagline "All the coins in the Kingdom couldn't get him the one thing he desired most."

Collector of Hearts, starring Link and Zelda "Their love would become the stuff of legend."

Shot to the Heart: Their Dreams of Desire Just Flew South ... Forever, starring Dog and Duck.

Fierce Moves, starring Ken and Ryu. "They could defend against anything ... except each other"

Chernik said this about this one:

"Street Fighter was fun. I wanted something genuine. I toyed with a fight-scene romance, but finally settled on an image from a very romantic gay-marriage scene, where one man was gripping the other firmly by the lapel. I downloaded textures for the gi collars, and even a hand wrap. To allude to the fight that led up to the romantic situation, I montaged in a wonderful fight scene. Once my montage was in place, I painted on top."

View more over at Shutterstock's blog - Thanks Danny!

11 Feb 23:58

Bruce Haack & Miss Nelson On Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood?!

by Mike Nipper

It should be no surprise to see experimental synth composer and (ahem) The King of Techno, Bruce Haack, along with his collaborator Miss Nelson on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. C'mon, their '60s kids record series Dance, Sing & Listen is legend, so they were a perfect fit for the then-brand-new Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Haack here is playing his digital sampler/analog Musical Computer and a flute. If only this had been in color!

This clip is "part two" and there is no "part one," as I reckon it included no Haack/Nelson bit; the last couple minutes are here in "part three." Oh, extra points if you can guess the "Wheels" song sample!!!

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11 Feb 16:10

11 Lights That Can Add Some Spark to Your Space

by Jill Harness

You know what every room has no matter what its purpose? Some kind of lighting source. And because lights are the one thing that you need no matter what kind of room you're decorating, they really deserve a lot of thought when you're designing a space.

That's why our newest article on Homes and Hues shows you how to Light Up Your Life With These 11 Uniquely Beautiful Lights.

Of course, if you don't see the perfect light you're looking for in the article, we have plenty of other great lights in the site's lighting category, so be sure not to miss that section as well in order to catch things like the Marfa Tumbleweed Light and ReTech's steampunk lamps.

11 Feb 00:03

Valentines for Alternative Relationships

by Miss Cellania

Scarleteens, a sex education site, presents a collection of Valentine ecards designed by artist Isabella Rotman. These are not your everyday cards, but may fill a niche for relationships that aren’t traditional sweethearts. You’ll see ecards for friends with benefits, one night stands, long-distance relationships, exes, booty calls, polyamorous relationships, and even Valentines you can send to yourself or your sex toy. Look through the selection, but be aware that the subject matter might possibly be NSFW, depending on your employer. -via Metafilter

06 Feb 17:41


by luketheduke
03 Feb 17:00

Opening Tonight: Jobriath A.D.

by David Schmader

JOBRIATH A.D.: A documentary about the man who out-queened Queen.
  • JOBRIATH A.D.: A documentary about the man who out-queened Queen.

"Asking me if I'm homosexual is like asking James Brown if he's black." So crowed the American glam-rocker Jobriath as he commenced his career in the early '70s. Entering a milieu rich with androgynous stars with heterosexual habits, Jobriath proclaimed himself the "true fairy of rock," making it clear that, unlike David Bowie or Marc Bolan, he was a tarted-up rocker who actually took it up the ass. Backing up the faggy hubris was Jobriath's musical talent (he was a classical piano prodigy) and his shameless manager, who unleashed an avalanche of hype—from Times Square billboards to full-page ads in Rolling Stone and Vogue, all before one note of music had been released—that would ultimately prove ruinous. In Jobriath A.D., documentarian Kieran Turner tracks this incredible tale through archival interviews, contemporary interviews, gracefully plot-forwarding animation, and awesome performance footage. No fan of glam rock, musical theater, or pioneering gay artists should miss it.

Trailer below, full Jobriath A.D. screening times here, and read Kathy Fennessy's terrific Line Out post on the man, his music, and posthumous documentary here.

See all of today's and this weekend's recommended films here.

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30 Jan 16:10

Love You Good

by ingi
28 Jan 16:25


by crack-hole

28 Jan 00:00

Love You Good

by ingi
27 Jan 23:59

this isn't happiness™ Peteski

by turn
27 Jan 23:25


20 Jan 17:31

Spain’s ancient fiesta

by Arnold Chao

Máscara de árbol, fiesta de la Vijanera de Silió, Cantábria.

Cantabria - Silió

096.-2014-01-05.- La Vijanera, Silió (Cantabria)


Trapajero. Fiesta de La Vijanera. Silió

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the unique cultural tradition La Vijanera is held on the first Sunday of every year. It’s an annual masquerade festival celebrated in Cantabria, Spain, where costumed characters embody symbolic roles in folkloric acts to welcome the new year and review the passing year.

Photos from carlos gonzález ximénez, eduiturri, ivanvieito, FARAONDEMETAL, and pablo.mazorra.

19 Jan 00:58

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by typersx
18 Jan 01:09


by mugumogu

The round mirror-shaped rice-cake of this year was too big.(Before)

Maru:[I go patrol after a long absence.]


Hana:[What are you doing?]

15 Jan 23:55

R U N W I T H T H E G O L D E N W O L F | A little something in the works..

by ingi
15 Jan 23:54

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by mysteryman
14 Jan 17:15


by calpol