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27 May 07:16

Engineers Use Their Drafting Skills to Chart Out the Construction of the Perfect Cocktail

by Lori Dorn

Cocktail Construction Chart
(larger image)

In 1974, engineers in Region 8 of the United States Department of Agriculture used their drafting skills to chart out the construction of the perfect cocktail, complete with measurements, mixers, garnishes and metric conversions.

image via The National Archives Catalog

via The World’s Best Ever

09 Apr 11:16

Artist Uses Molten Glass to Scorch Beautiful Abstract Designs on Paper

by E.D.W. Lynch

Abstract Art Created With Molten Glass by Etsuko Ichikawa

In her Pyrograph series, Seattle-based artist Etsuko Ichikawa creates gorgeous abstract art using a most unlikely tool: molten glass. Ichikawa uses the incredible heat of the glass–2,100-degrees Fahrenheit–to scorch her designs on paper. The creation process is a mesmerizing performance on its own, as Ichikawa waves the glass over her work surface and allows strands of the viscous material to fall on the paper (miraculously, without burning the paper to ashes).

Abstract Art Created With Molten Glass by Etsuko Ichikawa

Abstract Art Created With Molten Glass by Etsuko Ichikawa

Abstract Art Created With Molten Glass by Etsuko Ichikawa

Abstract Art Created With Molten Glass by Etsuko Ichikawa

photos via Etsuko Ichikawa

via Spoon & Tamago

09 Apr 11:14

’50 Foods in 50 Days’, Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

by E.D.W. Lynch

Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

In her recently completed illustration series 50 Foods in 50 Days, Australian artist CJ Hendry depicts foods on ornate Hermes plates in startlingly realistic pen drawings. As the Brisbane Times reports, Hendry has found considerable success through her popularity on Instagram. Her food illustrations, which debuted on Instagram, were all sold before their gallery exhibition in Melbourne back in March.

Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

Hyperrealistic Food Drawings by CJ Hendry

photos via CJ Hendry

via This Isn’t Happiness

09 Apr 07:52

No One Tells You About The Banana Peels: My Very Brief Career In Surgery

by Matt McCarthy

It started with a banana peel.


09 Apr 07:39

I Cannot Stop Watching This Food Science Porn

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

I never would have guessed I would spend an entire afternoon glued to the screen watching corporate instructional videos, but these food science equipment videos are fascinating stuff. See peanut butter act like spray paint and learn about how how companies test the strength of pasta noodles.


09 Apr 07:34

Artist Niyoko Ikuta Uses Layers of Laminated Sheet Glass to Create Spiraling Geometric Sculptures

by Christopher Jobson


Since the early 1980s Japanese artist Niyoko Ikuta has explored the properties of glass which she uses to make etheral geometric sequences manifested as layered sculptures. One of the leading figures in Japanese glass art, Ikuta’s works have been collected by institutions worldwide including the V&A in London and the Corning Museum of Glass in the U.S. She shares about her work via V&A:

I am captivated by the complexity of light as it reflects, refracts, and passes through broken cross sections of plate glass. In 1980 I began making artwork by laminating sheets of glass using adhesive and exposing the cross sections. My motifs are derived from feelings of gentleness and harshness, fear, limitless expansion experienced through contact with nature, images from music, ethnic conflict, the heart affected by joy and anger, and prayer. In creating my pieces it is like imagining an architectural space when viewing blueprints, deciding on an image by reading into the intentions of the architect, or imbuing a space with dynamic energy to bring it to life.

You can explore more of her work at Yufuku Gallery. (via Art Ruby)









09 Apr 07:33


09 Apr 07:31

Dutch man jailed for horsemeat sales

Dutch horsemeat trader Willy Selten is found guilty of falsifying documents and sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.
09 Apr 07:29

Doodle Time by Sarah Anderson [tumblr | twitter | facebook]

Doodle Time by Sarah Anderson [tumblr | twitter | facebook]

08 Apr 17:45


08 Apr 16:57

Crashing Glass Waves Frozen Into Elegant Vessels by Marsha Blaker and Paul DeSomma

by Kate Sierzputowski

Photo by Paul Schraub

Husband and wife team Paul DeSomma and Marsha Blaker translate their oceanic inspirations directly into their collaborative glass sculptures, frozen glass waves caught mid-crash and appearing to spray surf from the contained vessels. The works exist as seamless gradients, dark blues circling the base while white froth circles the top of the pieces crafted from molten glass.

Although the couple works collaboratively on the vases, they also adhere to individual practices. Blaker focused on the textures and colors found within detailed marine environments while DeSomma’s work emphasizes the clarity and form of colorless and transparent glass.

The couple met at the esteemed Pilchuck Glass School in 1989, marrying shortly after and opening their studio in Live Oak, California in 2001. Together the couple is known internationally for their glass and ceramic work. (via Creative Boom and Amusing Planet)

Photo by Paul Schraub

Photo by Paul Schraub

Photo by Paul Schraub

Photo courtesy Laughing Dog Gallery

Photo courtesy Laughing Dog Gallery

Photo courtesy Laughing Dog Gallery

Photo by Russell Johnson

Photo by Russell Johnson

08 Apr 10:03

High Winds Make for a Terrifying Experience for These Window Washers

by Lisa Marcus

The window washers in the footage above were trapped at the mercy of high winds for 15 minutes on the 91st floor of the Shanghai World Financial Center April 2. The scaffolding they were perched upon swayed drastically from side to side and violently hit the windows of the 1,600-foot-tall building (shown in the photo below) numerous times. According to this article at Gizmodo, the Shanghai World Financial Center is the seventh tallest building in the world. Can you imagine? My heart is beating out of my chest just from watching the video!

Shanghai World Financial Center | Image: Wikipedia

08 Apr 09:57

Technically Speaking, Wonder Woman Is Bulletproof

by John Farrier

She's not as invulnerable as Superman, but small arms fire can't hurt her a bit. It just . . . nudges her. A little bit. Enough to be noticeable. And enough to annoy her.

Photoshop artist Kerry Callen rewrites classic comic books to show funny scenes. In the past, he's created animated .gifs of famous covers, depicted Batman as a hoarder, and shown what Superman is trying to do in his first appearance.

08 Apr 09:47

Modern Pool Tables

by Lisa Marcus

Who likes to shoot pool? I certainly do. I also wouldn't mind owning one of these sleek, transparent pool tables. The Elite Innovations company patented a surface called Vitrik, which they claim is a flawless substitute for the rolling resistance of a felt table, and laid over strengthened glass instead of slate. Some elaborately carved wooden tables are beautiful as well, but to suit a modern interior, this would be just the thing.

Read more on and see other styles of these pool tables and see a video of their use here. 

Via: Design You Trust | Images: Elite Innovations

08 Apr 09:46

He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!

by Jill Harness

Redditor Sloppy_Episiotomy posted this picture of his baby's nursery saying, "The wifey said I have to take this down from my daughter's nursery immediately or she's taking the baby and leaving me." While some sites, like Nerd Approved have claimed that this is not appropriate decor for a baby's room, others have argued that it's a perfect way to start indoctrinating your children to love geeek culture from a young age. It's also a great option if you want your child to get possessed by a god. What do you guys think?

08 Apr 09:42

The Kinekt Gear Necklace is the perfect tech bling for your favorite fem-geek

by Julie Strietelmeier


Many people may consider wearables like the Fitbit Charge HR to be tech bling, but for real geek jewelry, the Kinekt Design’s Gear Ring and new Kinekt Gear Necklace are the real thing. We reviewed the Gear Ring five years ago and now Kinekt is offering a necklace which is styled for the fairer sex. The Gear Necklace is made from brushed stainless steel and features a ball chain that is threaded through three rotating gears all set within a heart-shaped pendant. The balls along the chain engage the gears so that sliding the pendant up and down the chain will cause the gears to rotate. The necklace comes with a lifetime warranty, is available in lengths of 18″, 20″, and 30″, and is priced at $185. For more info visit Kinekt Design.

Filed in categories: Miscellaneous, News

Tagged: Geek jewelry

The Kinekt Gear Necklace is the perfect tech bling for your favorite fem-geek originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on April 7, 2015 at 9:00 am.

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08 Apr 07:07

Infografía sobre los tres tipos de eclipses conocidos [Actualizado] Ahora con emoticonos

by Troy

[Actualizado] Ahora con emoticonos (Visto en Microsiervos)


Entender los diferentes tipos de eclipse que se pueden producir en el planeta Tierra es complicado para muchas personas, pero este gráfico lo explica muy bien.

Eclipse de Luna
El eclipse lunar ocurre cuando la Tierra se interpone entre el Sol y la Luna. La Luna se oscurece debido a la sombra que la Tierra proyecta sobre ella.
Puede ser total, parcial o penumbral y es el menos espectacular de los tres.

Eclipse de Sol
Cuando la Luna se interpone entre la Tierra y el Sol estamos ante un eclipse solar. Es el segundo eclipse más espectacular que podemos contemplar. Su ocurrencia no es habitual y solo se puede observar en pequeñas zonas del planeta cuando se produce. También puede ser total, parcial o penumbral.

Apocalipsis (o Eclipse de Tierra)
Ocurre cuando el Sol se interpone entre la Tierra y la Luna. Solo pasa una vez en la historia, y en la Tierra no ha sucedido todavía. Se piensa, con bastante fundamento, que este es el más espectacular de los tres tipos de eclipse conocidos. Sabremos cuándo se producirá el apocalipsis cuando Deep Thought, el ordenador que lo está calculando, obtenga una respuesta.
Los apocalipsis no son parciales ni penumbrales. Son tremendamente totales.

Consejo para estudiantes: Si has llegado aquí buscando información sobre "eclipses" no hagas copy & paste de esto.

Visto en imgur

Ver más: apocalipsis, eclipse, emoticonos
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

08 Apr 06:36

(via gifsboom:video)

(via gifsboom:video)

08 Apr 06:34


07 Apr 16:37

iamthealphabet:scienceyoucanlove:A remarkable way for the...



A remarkable way for the visually impaired to sample the masterpieces

The No. 1 unspoken rule in an art museum: Don’t touch. Museum guards are strategically placed throughout museums to ensure harmful oils on visitors’ hands won’t corrode artwork.

But at the current exhibition at the Museo del Prado in Madrid, touching is encouraged.

Works from masters such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Francisco Goya, and El Greco can be felt at the exhibition for the museum’s visually impaired guests. It features six three-dimensional works from different genres created using a technique called “Didu” that adds volume and texture. The works are accompanied by text in written in Braille. The museum’s sighted guests can experience the exhibit with darkened glasses and an accompanying audio guide.

“Developed in collaboration with professionals in the sector of visual impairment,” reads the exhibition’s text, “this project allows for the reality of the painting to be perceived in order to mentally recreate it as a whole and thus provide an emotional perception of the work. Non-sighted visitors will be able to obtain a heightened degree of artistic-aesthetic-creative enjoyment in order to explain, discuss and analyze these works in the Prado.”

read more


07 Apr 12:00

Pop Culture Tea Bags

by John Farrier

Adventure Time

Etsy seller Big Nerd Wolf makes tea hangers. These are paper attachments for tea bags. The arms of these figures hang off the edge of your tea cup, steeping the tea while making the bag accessible with your fingers. Also, they look cool.

The tea hangers are available for digital downloading. They include characters from Alien, Escape from New York, Star Wars, and The Legend of Zelda.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Various video games

Various action and horror movies

-via Technabob

07 Apr 10:41

Chair design by Lina

Chair design by Lina Bo Bardi.

07 Apr 09:55

Explore Game Of Thrones with this minimalist website

by Caroline Siede


Designer Nigel Evan Dennis was looking for a creative outlet and he found inspiration in the HBO series Game Of Thrones. Read the rest

07 Apr 09:41

The hypnotic, kinetic wind sculptures of Anthony Howe

by Xeni Jardin

Kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe creates abstract, organic sculptures from various metals and polymers. He is based in Eastsound, Washington state. Read the rest

07 Apr 07:39

cybertronian:Alphonse Mucha model reference photos and final...


Alphonse Mucha model reference photos and final artworks.

07 Apr 07:10

lost-and-confused-fallen-angel: brethewriter:hedwig-of-the-tardi...














What the… but… how… wha…. how did this person…. I…


i just wrote -2-2x= like 75 times on a paper oh god

i filled up both sides

what just happened

this makes me uncomfortable, 

then do =x+2+ for the next part

for “or blow me a kiss, and that’s lucky too” it’s =+1=+1

What is this sorcery?!?!

this is my favorite post on tumblr

the ending is: 12=x1=

So I just worked out the whole song, and here you go:

- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
= + 1 = + 1

- 7 2 + 7
= x + 2 +
= 2 + 2 1
= x + 2 +

- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +

- 7 2 + 7
= x + 2 +

- 7 2 + 7
= x + 2 +
= 7 7 2 +
= x + 2 +
= x - 7
- 2

- 2 - 2 x =
= x + 2 +
= x + 2 1
= x + 2 +
1 2 = x 1 =

My mind just broke

07 Apr 07:00

Tweet Of The Week

by Joe Jervis
07 Apr 07:00


07 Apr 06:06

prettyyiinpunkk:skindeeptales:Double mastectomy floral...



Double mastectomy floral tattoo

“The response to this piece is incredible. Tattooing is a beautiful and absolutely viable option for concealing or altering scars. When coupled with an artist you’ve researched and feel connected to… taking the reigns and regaining some sort of control can be empowering. There is healing in this!” ( David Allen )

by David Allen - Pioneer Studios - Chicago

This is so beyond beautiful and awesome.

06 Apr 09:25
