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22 Jul 14:42

Four Rainbows Over Banks Lake, Washington

Quadruple Rainbow Small

Photographer: Robert Orleth
Summary Authors: Robert Orleth; Jim Foster

The photo above shows three obvious rainbows over Banks Lake in Washington State. It was taken a little before sunset on June 18, 2014. The bright primary rainbow is at left and its secondary rainbow is at right. In the middle is the primary's reflected bow, standing nearly vertical. In this case the third bow isn't a result of a third reflection of sunlight within raindrops, rather it's due to the reflection of sunlight off of Banks Lake, then being refracted in the raindrops. You can tell that it's a reflection because the color scheme (blue on inside, red on outside) is the same for both the primary and reflected bows. Note that if you look very closely you can detect a fourth rainbow. The reflected bow has a very faint secondary bow as well -- just to the right of the major secondary bow.
Photo details: Camera Model: Canon PowerShot G11; Focal Length: 6.1mm; Aperture: f/4.0; Exposure Time: 0.017 s (1/60); ISO equiv: 80.
17 Jul 19:40

Farmers Fighting New Housing Development With Signs Warning Of Noisy, Smelly Animals Having Sex

by Mary Beth Quirk

I don't live there so I have no idea if this subdivision is a good thing or not, but I love the sign. Please don't move to the country, next to a farm and then start complaining to the county about the farm noises, smells, and sights.

When the barn’s a rockin’, farmers know not to come a-knockin’. But all those stinky animals might want to get it on outside, too, so rural residents who are against a new housing development near their farms are fighting back by warning people what they might potentially see, hear and smell.

The rural residents of a Florida community don’t want a proposed housing development of about 80 homes to move in, reports WWSB, saying it would impact their lives and anyone else who wants to buy in the area. And besides, it just won’t fit in with all the animal stuff they’ve got going on.

There are about 20 mini farms in the Englewood area, “hobby farms,” as the woman who put up the signs explains. She raises sheep, chickens, horses, and peacocks, all for visitors who want to come and see animals.

The land is currently zoned for eight homes, which is just right, she says.

“They want to put 80 homes on what used to be an equestrian farm. We just don’t want to be changed in the zoning. We are farms, and Englewood should have farms.”

Her sign reads:


“People like it. Nobody is offended,” she says, adding it’s meant as a warning to those who might move into the development who will likely want to get rid of any disturbances nearby.

“It’s like moving next to an airport and complaining about the traffic patterns. If you move next to a farm, we have animals that make noises and they smell,” she explains. “A lot of people enjoy them but they are not meant for everybody.”

At least planes can’t get busy with each other, right? Or… CAN THEY? (They can’t, they’re planes.)

Englewood sign warns of farm animals having sex [WWSB]

15 Jul 18:24

Whoopsie Daisy!

11 Jul 17:43

Real Beauty is Real Life

Real Beauty is Real Life

Submitted by: (via Laney Lopez)

Tagged: beauty , curves , funny , rhinos , unicorn
11 Jul 14:16

I'm Read to Go to Space Now


Small washer or big kitty?

I'm Read to Go to Space Now

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Cats , gifs , washing machine
10 Jul 21:47

07/09/14 PHD comic: 'Professor Vacation'


Can't explain why, but I'm totally LOL'ing.

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Professor Vacation" - originally published 7/9/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

08 Jul 19:33

You Can't Blame Fracking for Every Natural Disaster

by Annalee Newitz

Reasonable article nicely explaining (at least to me, not really a 'lay reader') the differences in injection well types and tracking. The comments are making me want to beat my head against the desk.

You Can't Blame Fracking for Every Natural Disaster

I'm seeing a lot of stories about the link between injection wells and induced earthquakes in Oklahoma , but most of them make the same error. This study had nothing to do with fracking. The injection wells in Oklahoma causing the swarms of small-magnitude earthquakes are actually used for getting rid of wastewater.


08 Jul 19:13

We Call Him a Centipoodle

We Call Him a Centipoodle

Submitted by: (via thefridgeandi)

Tagged: dogs , FAIL , panorama
18 Jun 22:12

I Hate Camping...

I Hate Camping...

Submitted by: (via Adorable_Cupcake)

Tagged: camping , dogs , corgis , gifs
13 Jun 14:25

Mind-controlled Exoskeleton Opens World Cup, But You'd Never Know

by George Dvorsky

A paraplegic doing the commemorative first kick is ignored? What is wrong with this world????

Mind-controlled Exoskeleton Opens World Cup, But You'd Never Know

Talk about dropping the ball. Earlier today, Juliano Pinto — a 29 year-old paraplegic — successfully kicked off the 2014 FIFA World Cup by using a mind-controlled exoskeleton. But sadly, most TV networks failed to show it.


09 Jun 17:48

Bee Stings are the Worst


Poor baby! And he'll still try to snatch 'em out of the air next time.

Bee Stings are the Worst

Submitted by: (via Jmunnny)

Tagged: ouch , dogs , bees
05 Jun 20:46

LEGO Realizes There Are Female Scientists

by Chris Morran

About time!

The Research Institute set includes an astronomer, a paleontologist, and a chemist -- all female.

The Research Institute set includes an astronomer, a paleontologist, and a chemist — all female.

It would seem that all is possible in the mix-and-match world of LEGO, but if anyone wanted to have a female scientist LEGO minifig, you had to build it from the base of a male scientist character. But as a result of widespread support for a proposal from a female geochemist/LEGO fan, the company has come to the realization that a Y chromosome — even a plastic one — is not needed to do science stuff.

“The idea for the project came very naturally,” writes Ellen Kooijman, whose proposal on the LEGO Ideas platform quickly reached the 10,000 votes needed for the company to review it. “As a female scientist I had noticed two things about the available LEGO sets: a skewed male/female minifigure ratio and a rather stereotypical representation of the available female figures. It seemed logical that I would suggest a small set of female minifigures in interesting professions to make our LEGO city communities more diverse.”

And so, after considering her project, LEGO announced earlier this week that it will be introducing three female scientist minifigs — under the label of “Research Institute” this August.

“This awesome model is an inspiring set that offers a lot for kids as well as adults,” writes the company.

Some hope that presenting female scientists to children will encourage girls to consider the sciences, a field that is still predominantly male in the U.S.

At the very least, you can’t complain about having new LEGO characters to build with.

[Via Washington Post]

04 Jun 16:17

You're Such a Dog

You're Such a Dog

Submitted by: (via spoki)

Tagged: dogs , girls , selfie
04 Jun 16:17

Now's My Chance!


This is pretty much any time I try and do something on the floor.

Now's My Chance!

Submitted by: (via emmanomoly)

Tagged: dogs , gifs , funny , yoga
03 Jun 14:13

Hobby Lobby Breaks New Christmas Creep Ground, Puts Out Decorations In May

by Laura Northrup

Another reason to not shop there.

The last time we noted the first display of Christmas decorations at Hobby Lobby was in 2010, when they first put out the decorative items in mid-June. That’s only about six months before the holiday, though: clearly they’ve been missing out on some sales. That’s why this year, the Christmas decorations are out before the end of May.


Reader Justin liberally decorated his e-mail to Consumerist with festive question marks. “Seriously??? Christmas creep before June??” he wrote. “Why even take it down at all?”

30 May 15:12

Clownfish Make The Best Keepers

29 May 17:24

PETA Tries To Pretend Dairy Products Have Something To Do With Autism

by Charlie Jane Anders

I have to share this WTF? with more people.

PETA Tries To Pretend Dairy Products Have Something To Do With Autism

This is the most cynical, horrifying thing I've heard in ages. PETA has restarted a campaign to try and pretend there's some link between "autism and dairy products," in an attempt to scare people into going Vegan.


29 May 17:24

No One is Safe From Spider-Cat!


Was Spider-cat raised in a barn? He's letting flies in!

29 May 14:09

Man Keeps His Home Safe With a Dragon Hedge

by Katharine Trendacosta

And some awesome to wash to WTF? out of your mouth.

Man Keeps His Home Safe With a Dragon Hedge

John Brooker sculpted this out of the 10ft-high hedge at his rented cottage in East Rudham, Norfolk. Brooker's reasoning? "I was standing at my kitchen sink one day and thought the hedge was boring so decided to do something with it." Fair enough.


27 May 19:07

This Amputee Turtle's Prosthetic Fins Are Modeled On Fighter Jet Wings

by Lauren Davis


This Amputee Turtle's Prosthetic Fins Are Modeled On Fighter Jet Wings

What do an injured turtle and an F-22 Raptor warplane have in common? In this case, they glide thanks to a very similar wing design.


20 May 14:18

This Seat is a Little Small

This Seat is a Little Small

Submitted by: ToolBee

Tagged: Babies , dogs , gifs
14 May 14:16

Tonight at the Lucky Stardust Lounge

by john (the hubby of Jen)

Is the last cake decorated with green olives and paprika?

"You... are... so beautiful..."

" me."

"Thank you. Thank you very much."


[Leaning on piano]

"You... are... soooo beautiful..."

" meeee."

"The Goldmans, everyone! Fifty years today! Aren't they adorable?


"Can't you SEEE-EEE-EE?!?"

[sliding to front of stage on knees]

"You're... ev'ry-thing I HOPED for!"

[grimacing in pain]

"You're EVERYTHING I neeeeeeeeee..."


[winking at waitress]


"You... are... so beautiful..."

"Toooo... meeeeEEEEE."


Thank you, Nia C., Krystal C., Karen R., Julie R., Alison V., and Joshua P. Thank you so much. No, really. Thank you. Really. You're too much. Thank you. Tip your waitress!


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

13 May 17:19

Who Wore it Better?

Who Wore it Better?

Submitted by: (via awwsauce)

13 May 16:26

That horrible crunching sound.

by Jessica Hagy

watch your step!

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09 May 16:09

Palcohol Creator: “You Won’t Get Drunk Faster Snorting Powdered Alcohol”

by Chris Morran

On snorting - has he heard about the "cinnamon challenge" craze? Just because it's stupid and painful doesn't mean people won't do it. But, just because there are stupid people out there doesn't mean something should be banned.

A couple weeks back, the Internet went a bit nuts when it learned that federal regulators had given the green light to a powdered alcohol product called Palcohol. Then a backlash ensued, fueled in no small part by things mentioned on the product’s nascent website, and regulators quickly rescinded their approval while some called for a ban on the product. But in a recently released video, Palcohol’s creator attempts to show that this is much to do about very little.

In the powder-dry above video, which looks like it was shot on Betamax on the set of a 1984 public access talk show, Palcohol creator Mark Phillips addresses the each of the major concerns about powdered alcohol — that it could be snorted for an easy high; that it would make it easier to sneak booze into a theater or other venue; that it would make it easy to spike another person’s drink; and that children would have easy access to it.

The Palcohol website had initially mentioned that one could snort the powdered alcohol, but Phillips claims that this and other statements on the site were an ill-advised attempt at “edgy” marketing on a site that wasn’t ready to be seen by the public. In reality, he says Palcohol isn’t just painful to snort; it’s also impractical.

“Because of the alcohol in powdered alcohol, snorting it is very painful,” says Phillips. “It burns — a lot!”

But would it be worth the quicker high? No, says Phillips.

“Palcohol is not some super-concentrated version of alcohol,” he explains in the video. “It’s simply one shot of alcohol in powdered form.”

So according to Phillips, it would take about one hour for someone to snort one shot’s worth of powder (though he doesn’t explain how he calculated that time frame).


He asks, “Why would anyone choose to spend an hour of pain and misery snorting all of this powder to get one drink in their system? When they could just — oh, I don’t know — drink a shot and accomplish the same thing? You won’t get drunk faster by snorting powdered alcohol, an you’ll go through a lot of pain.”

Regarding claims that you could more easily sneak Palcohol into a movie theater or concert or boring work meeting, Phillips points to the 4″ x 6″ size of the resealable foil pouch.

“Powdered alcohol won’t make it easier to sneak alcohol into places because the bag is too big to conceal,” he explains, arguing that it would be much easier to sneak in airplane-size bottles of booze than it would a pouch of Palcohol.


Between the two options, Phillips say, “You’re not gonna choose Palcohol; the package is too big! Heck, you could sneak… four bottles in the same space as one packet of Palcohol.”

As for the contention that one could more easily spike another person’s drink with Palcohol, Phillips points out that you need an entire pouch of the powder to equal one shot’s worth of booze, and that it does not miraculously dissolve instantaneously.


“It will take at least a minute of stirring for all the powder to dissolve,” he explains while stirring in a mess of Palcohol powder into a glass of ice water. “And because this drink is cold, it may even take a little bit longer.”

Phillips once again makes the comparison between what he maintains is Palcohol’s bulky, hard-to-hide pouch and tiny little bottles of alcohol.

“Why would someone try to carry one of these in [holding up Palcohol pouch] and spike someone’s drink when it takes so long to stir when you can do the same thing in three seconds?” he asks.

The final concern is one that Phillips can’t really rebut with any form of demonstration. Instead, he just tries to clarify that Palcohol will only be available for purchase in the same stores you currently buy booze, and that it can’t legally be sold or given to anyone under the age of 21 in the U.S.

[via Eater]

09 May 14:49

The Vet Bills Have to be Paid Somehow

The Vet Bills Have to be Paid Somehow

Submitted by: (via awwcutelittleanimals)

Tagged: stripping , Cats , funny , money
07 May 17:20

Even Sarah McLachlan Changes The Channel When Her ASPCA Commercial Comes On

by Chris Morran

These ads totally do me in but this is shared for her response to the kid being teased for liking her music.

smlachlangrabAnyone who was watched basic cable after midnight in the last seven years has probably come face to face with the 2-minute long heart-rending ASPCA commercial about animal cruelty featuring singer Sarah McLachlan and her oft-karaoked song “Angel.” While it’s been a huge fundraising success for ASPCA, it’s not an easy couple of minutes to watch, especially when you’re just trying to watch a 2 a.m. rerun of House Hunters International. Now the Canadian songstress has a comforting message for those of us who reach for the remote: We’re not alone.

The commercial popped up repeatedly during McLachlan’s Ask Me Anything session earlier today on Reddit.

But when one Redditor admitted that the commercial is such a bummer that the channel must be changed when it comes on, McLachlan confessed, “I change the channel too. It’s the kitten with the droopy eye, or the 3-legged dog, bless them, it kills me.”

In barely related news from the AMA, McLachlan’s best reply was to a 12-year-old boy who says he gets made fun of by his friends for liking her music:

“I think it’s wonderful you were listening to my music, and they’re not really your friends if they can’t support your musical tastes.
Tell ‘em fuck off from me.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the ASCPA ad and have two minutes in which to feel really bad about the world, here you go:

06 May 17:45

Seems Sign-Worthy...

06 May 14:38

National Teacher Apprication Day

by Jen

But spelling is HARD! (The art work on the two "School's out" ones is good at least.)

Educators of the world, get those hankies out.

Because this...[dramatic pause] your story.

Yes, every year you need some good "louck" as you embark upon that harrowing journey:

Back "toschol."


Here you will continue on for an indeterminate amount of time.

"4" more...years?
Sure, let's go with that.


During this time, you will expand your students' cultural horizons:

Perhaps by "celabrating" the mythical continent of "Afraicia."


You will "suport" your prep times:

(While grading the staff room cakes in your spare time.)


And, of course, you will strive to instill a love of reading into your young charges:

Not to mention their "comunity."


Until one day, the unthinkably terrifying will occur.

Your students will turn 18.


Yes, you've ushered another generation into adulthood!

"Yu dib it!!!"


And your reward?

(One baker, two cakes, two different mistakes.)


Now you can join with your students' families in saying...

"Happy Gracturations!"




And if you're really lucky, one day a former student just might come back to visit, bearing cake:

A cake of "apprication."


Aaron R., Marissa S., Alisha G., Kelly D., Amy S., Kim B., Rebecca N., Kasey, Stacey W., Anony M., Rebekah, & Amy S., have you thanked a teacher today?


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

05 May 21:28

05/05/14 PHD comic: 'What to call your Academic Event'


Last week I spoke at the UA-GSA Joint World Congress on Alabama Oil and Gas Research!

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "What to call your Academic Event" - originally published 5/5/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!