Shared posts

05 May 18:13

Safety First

Safety First

Submitted by: (via letssmile)

Tagged: animals , funny , stupid , people , zoo
30 Apr 21:40

Complaint Asks Library To Remove ‘Hop On Pop’ Because It Promotes Violence Against Dads

by Mary Beth Quirk

Every complainant should have to read the book they want removed. And show they understand the content.

But don't.

But don’t.

When you’ve got a system that allows the general public to air grievances, it’s pretty much guaranteed that there will be some off-the-wall issues. Or at least, problems that seem to not be all that serious: the Toronto Public Library received a complaint asking for librarians to remove Dr. Seuss’ Hop On Pop, claiming that it promotes violence against well, pops, dear old dad, father dearest. You get it.

That being said, we are very pro-pops here at Consumerist, pro-parent, really, and would never want any dad to be harmed as a result of reading Hop On Pop.

Moving along — yes, this is a real(ish) issue, according to a document the library posted online with seven books that the library was asked to remove over the year (via UPI).

The complaint says the 1963 Seuss favorite “encourages children to use violence against their fathers,” according to the complaint.

Whoever wrote it asked that the library should apologize to Toronto fathers and pay for any damages resulting from the book.

That being said, the Materials Review Committee has made the decision to keep the book in the children’s collection, saying that it’s “humorous,” “well-loved” and that it has “appeared on many ‘Best of’ children’s book lists.”

And besides, anyone who’s actually read Hop On Pop instead of rushing to make a frivolous complaint and waste everyone’s time would know, at the end, the book tells kids not to actually jump on dad. A very important life lesson.

Toronto library asked to shelve Dr. Seuss’ ‘Hop on Pop’ because it promotes violence [UPI]

30 Apr 20:02

Yogi Cat Says You Have Good Form

Yogi Cat Says You Have Good Form

Submitted by: beernbiccies

Tagged: gifs , Cats , funny , yoga
30 Apr 20:00

They All See the Same Stylist

They All See the Same Stylist

Submitted by: (via Sofa Pizza)

Tagged: dogs , dog show , funny , hair
24 Apr 14:41

What? But...That Can't Be...

What?  But...That Can't Be...

Submitted by: (via Bits and Pieces)

23 Apr 19:27

The Proof is in the Pudding


Do you really need the cat door? Wouldn't the cat just jump over, thereby teaching the dog how to thwart the barrier?

The Proof is in the Pudding

Submitted by: (via funsterz)

Tagged: Cats , dogs , mans-best-friend
23 Apr 15:09

Quick! I Need a Hug NOW!


Don't we all feel that way sometimes?

Quick!  I Need a Hug NOW!

Submitted by: beernbiccies

Tagged: cute , hugs , gifs , love , monkeys
23 Apr 14:09

04/21/14 PHD comic: 'An Honest Methods Section'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "An Honest Methods Section" - originally published 4/21/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

22 Apr 14:31

Every Man's Best Friend

18 Apr 18:40




16 Apr 16:39

A Map Showing The Popularity Of Musical Genres Across the US

by George Dvorsky

Interesting map. It also nicely illustrates the problem of not controlling for population density. I'm pretty sure the Midwest isn't just 'meh' about all music except metal.

A Map Showing The Popularity Of Musical Genres Across the US

We recently showed you maps of the most loved and hated popular musical acts in each U.S. state. Now, there's a new interactive map showing the popularity of musical genres across the country. Rock may still be king, but other genres are defying regional stereotypes.


16 Apr 15:51

April 11, 2014

15 Apr 16:10

I'll Tell You When You Can Have Some!


Skinny kitty is thinking "but I need it more."

14 Apr 21:37

You're Embarrassing Me!


Daaaaaaaad! That's so uncool.

11 Apr 15:36

Maybe I Misheard the Lyrics...

10 Apr 18:21

The Cage Was Open When I Got Here...


Nothing to see here. Move along.

10 Apr 15:24

There's Nothing Wrong With Those Full Figured Unicorns

08 Apr 14:58

I Trained at the Academy, You Know...


Just like Honey, the early days of dating.

I Trained at the Academy, You Know...

Submitted by: (via Dump a Day)

Tagged: dogs , cute , mom , protect
02 Apr 19:44

The wonder of cracking open a xenobomb

by Callan


On “Border to Beltway”‘s visit to Kilbourne Hole, after we whet our appetite with Hunt’s Hole, Michael finds a xenobomb. Ernie and Boris look on with envy:


A “xenobomb” is a xenolith (in this case, of mantle peridotite), slathered in a coating of lava and tossed out of a volcano in the middle of a liquid droplet (a bomb). Here’s what they look like in cross-section:


You can experience some of the wonder of these extraordinary structures by exploring this macro GigaPan…

02 Apr 16:31

Almost, Almost Got it...Darn



Almost, Almost Got it...Darn

Submitted by: catophile (via

Tagged: dogs , chips , stolen , gifs , almost , noms
02 Apr 14:13

The Very Best April Fools Jokes from 2014, Starring Adventure Kitty!

by Meredith Woerner

Adventure Kitteh!

The Very Best April Fools Jokes from 2014, Starring Adventure Kitty!

It's April Fools, the day where everyone tries to be funny — and some people actually succeed! We've rounded up the best of the internet's pranks, so you won't be fooled into believing that tiny kitten hiking boots are a reality — sob!



01 Apr 17:30

My Favorite Fashion Week Trends

by Gracey the Giant

I'm pretty sure the 'Hello Kitty' fashions would be considered altruistic by many passers by. Just not any you'd actually want to have a conversation with.

I've been meaning to write this post for the past month, but I figure today is as good a day as any to talk about my favorite trends from the Fall/Winter 2014 Fashion Shows.

Sexy Rickets

First up we have a look I like to call sexy rickets.  I've personally always loved the look of bow legs, but my parents couldn't afford a horse and it's too late to dedicate years to malnutrition and the eventually bowing of my poor, malnourished bones.  Happily, the boots from Alexander Wang's Fall 2014 Ready to Wear line does the work for you, giving you the illusion of bow legs without the actual disfigurement.  Win win!

Hello, Kitty

Apparently 2014, like 2013, is going to be the Year of the Crotch.   If you're an exhibitionist, this is your year.  Several designers sent down looks that flash, embellish and otherwise present your lady bits in ways  that allow any passerby to say hello to your kitty without even having to know your name!  We have the floral faux merkin, the always-subtle crotch window, and the otherwise modest dress cut up to your hip bones.  If you're proud of your waxer and want to show off their fine, fine work, this trend is for you.

The Advertorial

This is one of the more altruistic trends (although, I guess Hello, Kitty is pretty altruistic too depending on where you wear it) to come down the runway.  Every year, companies spend millions of dollars on advertising and they may not ever recoup those monies in revenue.  That's where designers like Jeremy Scott for Moschino and Anya Hindmarch come in.  They've come up with a way to allow you, the consumer, to advertise for your favorite beer/chocolate/chips/cereal without the company having to pay a dime.  No, instead, you, the consumer, buy your favorite advertorial piece and the company gets free advertising.  If this catches on, we can save those poor companies millions of dollars a year!


Needless to say, my thighs are all over this trend.  They believe that every woman should have thighs the size of small countries and with these pants, everyone can.  Not only do they make your hips, thighs and derriere larger, they're perfect for pairing with that newsboy cap you've been itching to wear!

Futuristic Artists' Commune

If there is anything my years of watching futuristic films have taught me, it's that we'll all be wearing soft, shapeless, soothing layers of non-colors in the future.  Well, for several designers, the future is now.  And it's taking place in an artists' commune.  Just look at these and tell me they wouldn't be equally perfect for years of deep sleep as you travel to your home on Glorgon-9 and for painting the seven moons of Glorgon-9 once you get there and join your kibbutz.  Right?  Right.

April Fools!  These are, obviously, some of the trends I found to be the most ridiculous for Fall 2014.  I'd totally take that striped Marc Jacobs bag though.  I'm just sayin.'

Happy Monday, All!


Note: All images via
28 Mar 19:26

Nice Try With Your Feeble Lid Technology, Human!


And, we should probably be glad they can't leave the water for very long.

Nice Try With Your Feeble Lid Technology, Human!

Submitted by: (via Google)

Tagged: amazing , gifs , octopus , smart
28 Mar 14:24

Crows Understand a Fundamental Part of Logical Reasoning

by Jason G. Goldman on Animals, shared by Annalee Newitz to io9

We should probably be thankful they don't have hands.

Crows Understand a Fundamental Part of Logical Reasoning

Crows are far more rational than we had realized. New research shows that wild New Caledonian crows can compete with 7-year-old children when it comes to understanding causality, or how one action causes another.


27 Mar 21:28

A Handy Flow Chart on How to Choose a Pet


Why not both?

21 Mar 21:26

Two of the Fuzziest, Cutest Humps You've Ever Seen!


Fuzzy hump!

Two of the Fuzziest, Cutest Humps You've Ever Seen!

Submitted by: (via Google)

Tagged: so cute , Babies , camels , fuzzy
21 Mar 14:07

The True Story of Rapunzel

19 Mar 14:31

Oh There He is...RUN!


Yep, I'd be dead.

Oh There He is...RUN!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: hidden , camouflage , hunting
18 Mar 17:49

Jack Daniel’s In Fight Over What It Takes To Earn The Tennessee Whiskey Name

by Mary Beth Quirk

So Jack is the only "real" Tennessee whiskey? And there is only one way to make it? O.K.

For whiskey to call itself “Tennessee whiskey,” it’s not like booze can just sit around in the state and slap a label on touting its heritage. For the last year, there’s been a law on the books in the state defining exactly which requirements a whiskey must meet to be labeled as such — a law that Jack Daniels is now fighting to keep in place in the face of competition from craft distillers and big businesses alike.

According to the law, Tennessee whiskey must be fermented in Tennessee from mash of at least 51% corn, aged in new charred oak barrels, filtered through maple charcoal and bottled at a minimum of 80 proof, reports the Associated Press.

That’s essentially the exact process used to make Jack Daniel’s, so of course, that company wants to keep the year-old standard. But state lawmakers are now considering loosening up those requirements, saying it’s too hard for others to break into the business and market whiskeys as Tennessee.

Jack Daniel’s is pointing the finger at Diageo PLC, a British company that owns competitor George Dickel nearby.

“It’s really more to weaken a title on a label that we’ve worked very hard for,” says the master distiller at the Jack Daniel’s distillery in Lynchburg, Tenn. “As a state, I don’t think Tennessee should be bashful about being protective of Tennessee whiskey over say bourbon or scotch or any of the other products that we compete with.”

Although the state representative behind this new bill — who acknowledged that Diageo asked him to introduce the measure — says it won’t ditch last year’s completely, he says money could be saved in the business. For example, if distilleries are allowed to age whiskey in used barrels instead of new ones, that could cut costs.

“There are a lot of ways to make high-quality whiskey, even if it’s not necessarily the way Jack Daniel’s does it,” Rep. Bill Sanderson (R) said. “What gives them the right to call theirs Tennessee whiskey, and not others?”

Diageo is also pushing the anti-monopoly angle, saying Jack Daniel’s shouldn’t have such a tight grip on the industry.

“This isn’t about Diageo, as all of our Tennessee whiskey is made with new oak,” said Diageo executive vice president Guy L. Smith IV. “This is about Brown-Forman [Jack Daniel's parent company] trying to stifle competition and the entrepreneurial spirit of micro distillers.

“We are not sure what they are afraid of, as we feel new innovative products from a new breed of distillers is healthy for the entire industry,” he said.

One the line for Jack Daniel’s is a very profitable business: It sold 11.5 million cases of its Black Label last year, compared to Dickel, the second-largest Tennessee whiskey producer, which sold 130,000 cases in 2013.

To put the fight into another light, a lobbyist representing Dickel and another distillery said the law basically makes all Tennessee whiskies identical to Jack Daniel’s, which would be weird in any other context.

“It’s not unlike if the beer guys 25 years ago had said all American beer has to be made like Budweiser,” he says. “You never would have a Sam Adams or a Yazoo or any of those guys.”

Well, thank goodness that didn’t happen and now we can all enjoy an ice cold can of Milwaukee’s Best Light, right? Whew.

You can follow MBQ on Twitter where she will no doubt chronicle the next time she pretends it’s college, drinks a Beast and immediately regrets it: @marybethquirk

Jack Daniel’s fights fellow liquor giant, smaller distillers over Tennessee whiskey law [Associated Press]

18 Mar 14:24

Well, That Backfired...

backfired,sand,litter box,Cats

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: backfired , sand , litter box , Cats