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12 Feb 15:52

Alien vs Magician

by Doug
13 Jan 15:30

Here's what the computer code on TV really means. (Hint: Not much.)

by Ria Misra

Here's what the computer code on TV really means. (Hint: Not much.)

When our favorite TV and movie heroes find themselves in a technological jam, they'll often pull up some source code to spot an incredible, unlikely solution. But what exactly does the code they're looking at mean? Turns out, not so much.


09 Jan 19:52

The Most Disturbing Episode of The Flintstones

basic instinct,funny,flintstones,sharon stone

Submitted by: Unknown

09 Jan 19:28

Campanha neozelandesa mostra porque não se deve dirigir em alta velocidade, mesmo em vias rápidas

by Duquian

45 mil mortos por ano é altíssimo. Conta rápida: que metade da população use carros e motos: seriam 100.000.000 pessoas no Brasil. 45.000 mortos por ano / 100.000.000 = 0.00045 = 0.045% de chance de morrer EM UM ANO.

Em 45 anos de direção, mantendo a proporção, isso dá uma probabilidade ASSUSTADORAMENTE GRANDE de 2% de chance de morrer no trânsito.

Uma bela campanha de educação no trânsito, veiculada na Nova Zelândia leva ao extremo a velha máxima ‘dirigir por mim e pelos outros’ e nos mostra o quanto pode ser fatal dirigir em alta velocidade, mesmo em vias rápidas.

No vídeo podemos perceber que muitos acidente podem ser evitados se dirigirmos em menor velocidade, mesmo se o erro partir de um descuido do outro motorista. Detalhe importante: 83 pessoas morreram em 2013 por causa de acidentes de trânsito, na Nova Zelândia. No Brasil é média é de 45 mil mortos por ano.

09 Jan 18:33

metalmusicismylife: Vote for Odin


Vote for Odin

09 Jan 17:37

Viva Intensamente # 141

09 Jan 15:35

And What a Purpose it Is


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: funny , life , worse , purpose
09 Jan 15:34

Business buzzwords, the interactive chart

by Rob Beschizza

Thomson Reuters' chart about business buzzwords is perfect storm of game-changing interactivity. A disruptive deep-dive into what is, admittedly, a low-hanging fruit, it's a win-win for the web. [via Felix Salmon]


09 Jan 15:33

A Song Is Playing In Your Head Right Now

by Brad

Gifs with sound without sound

09 Jan 15:29

xombiedirge: Hulk the Pooh Commissions by Charles Paul Wilson...


Hulk the Pooh Commissions by Charles Paul Wilson III

09 Jan 15:28


09 Jan 15:27

If you don't get Dave Collinson's joke, start singing (and counting)....

by Luke Plunkett

nana nana nana nana

If you don't get Dave Collinson's joke, start singing (and counting)....


09 Jan 15:26

Chen Guangbiao’s ridiculous business card reminds Chinese why they don’t trust philanthropists

by Lily Kuo
​ Sina Weibo

Eccentric Chinese millionaire Chen Guangbiao, the irrepressible publicity hound who says he wants to buy the New York Times (or, failing that, the Wall Street Journal) is earning international guffaws with this business card. In particular, Chen’s claim to be “Most Charismatic Philanthropist of China,” is generating particular ridicule on Chinese social media, reflecting citizens’ broad mistrust of philanthropy, which has become synonymous with corruption and fraud.

One blogger (registration required)—among tens of thousands on Sina Weibo and other forums who chimed in about Chen’s new card and the attention it is getting—contrasted him with the recently deceased Hong Kong entertainment mogul Run Run Shaw, who gave generously to hospitals and schools on the mainland. “If you compare Chen and Run Run, you’ll see the difference between true charity and pseudo-charity. What Chen leaves to this world is just a bunch of noise and gimmick,” the user said. Another blogger responded: ”I’ll give you another title: Most Shameless Person in China.”

High-profile charity work doesn’t have a great reputation in China, where as many as a third of registered charity groups don’t meet international standards for transparency, according to a government report last year. China’s Red Cross infamously misused donations for Sichuan earthquake victims in 2008, and recently Chinese media have questioned whether actor Li Yapeng is profiting from a fund (link in Chinese) for children with cleft palates.

Chinese media have also accused Chen of faking donations. In 2010, Chen claimed to have donated 1 million yuan (about $165,000) to China Foundation of Human Rights for relief work in Haiti, but reporters with the China Business Journal found that the organization didn’t exist.

Thus, it’s not a surprise that some say Chen—whose charity work includes personally rescuing earthquake victims, giving cash to villagers, and most recently, paying for reconstructive plastic surgery for burn victims—cares most about appearances. As we wrote, it wasn’t until Chen became famous that his recycle waste business began to win lucrative government contracts. Perhaps Chen should just focus on one of the other titles on his card: “China’s Foremost Environmental Preservation Demolition Expert.”

Gang Yang contributed additional reporting.

09 Jan 15:12

Mobile Face-Recognition-App to identify Strangers

by René

Kiss your Meatspace-Anonymity goodbye: Eine kommende Mobile App gleicht Fotos per Gesichtserkennung mit Social Media-Profilen ab und schickt den Namen von Fremden inklusive Links zu Facebook und Twitter und Dating-Sites. Auf ihrer Website drohen sie schon mit: „this is just the beginning“. Bring out the Creeps!

An upcoming app for Android, iOS, and Google Glass called NameTag will allow you to photograph strangers and find out who they are — complete with social networking and online dating profiles.

Spot someone out and about that you want to identify, and you can capture their face using your device’s camera. The app will send the photo wirelessly to NameTag’s server, where it will compare the photo to millions of online records and return with a name, more photos, and social-media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where the person (or their friends) might have publicly posted photos of themselves.

Facial recognition app matches strangers to online profiles (via Algopop)

09 Jan 01:43

the underworld

09 Jan 01:33

Judith Beheading Holofernes

by Andrea

Advertise here with BSA

Three Versions of Judith Beheading Holofernes:
Caravaggio (1571-1610)
Valentine de Boulogne (1591-1632)
Artemisa Gentileschi (1593-1653)

Judith Beheading Holofernes - Caravaggio

Judith Beheading Holofernes - Valentine de Boulogne

Judith Beheading Holofernes - Artemisa Gentileschi

(via ghost in the machine)

08 Jan 16:25


by Filipe Remedios

08 Jan 15:48

You Tried | f7c.png

08 Jan 15:45

Cute as a Button

by Doug
08 Jan 15:24

New Oculus Rift Prototype Features Head Tracking, Reduced Motion Blur, HD AMOLED Display

by Unknown Lamer
crabel writes "The Oculus rift prototype Crystal Cove shown at CES uses a camera to track over two dozen infrared dots placed all over the headset. With the new tracking system, you can lean and crouch because the system knows where your head is in 3D space, which can also help reduce motion sickness by accurately reflecting motions that previously weren't detected. On top of that, the new 'low persistence' display practically removes motion blur." The new low-persistence AMOLEDs also achieve 1920x1080 across the field of vision. Reports are that immersion was greatly enhanced with head tracking.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

08 Jan 15:20

Bitcoin-Data visualized in Minecraft-Architecture

by René

Youtube Direktcoins

Jay Zehngebot generiert über die Blockchain-API dynamische Architektur in Minecraft, die aktuelle und historische Bitcoin-Daten visualisiert. Nice! Jetzt bitte Kursentwicklungen in Echtzeit.

Bitcoin Statcraft (BTCSC) is a dynamic minecraft environment generated using realtime bitcoin market information.

Bitcoin Statcraft: Data Rep in Minecraft (via ) (via Nerdgold)

07 Jan 18:40

A Coder, a Programmer, a Hacker, a Developer, and a Computer Scientist walk into a Venn Diagram

by Scott Hanselman
Scanned out of an IKEA Catalog - Learning to code and shopping at Ikea

A friend recently said: "I want to learn how to code. How and where do I start?"

I want to learn how to code - Do I go to Ikea or grow my own tree?

It's like woodworking. You can START by growing a tree, then chopping it down and finishing it, sanding it, before you make a table. Or you can go to Ikea. More likely you'll try something in between.

Modifying a WordPress theme is going to Ikea. Writing you own web framework is growing a tree first because you don't like the existing trees. You have to decide where on the spectrum you want to be, from being a custom furniture maker from the Woodright's Shop or someone who assembles prefabricated pieces made by someone else.

Ok, where do I start?

Very cool. I'm always happy when folks want to learn to code. The Facebook thread continued with the usual suggestions:

Then the more interesting questions started to get to the root of the matter.

Coder Developer Hacker Programmer Venn

What's the difference between a Coder, a Hacker, a Programmer, a Developer, and a Computer Scientist?

These words might all mean the same thing to you. Perhaps you hear geek, nerd, and dweeb, but we all know these have very important differences. Knowing the differences also can give you a sense of how deep you want to go on your coding adventure.

  • Coders - Can pretty much figure out it. It'll work, but it won't be pretty.
  • Hackers - usually low level folks, skillful, with detailed understanding of some area deeply, often scarily deeply.
  • Programmer - Write code and understand algorithms. Often work alone and well.
  • Developer - Are the best generalists, can use lots of different systems and languages and get them to talk to each other. Are true and broad professionals, work with people, and communicate well.
  • Computer Scientist - Need to be able to prove how computers work, at a theoretical level. Are usually math people also.

If you are closer to one of these already you can get an idea of which direction to head.

Are we assuming web programming?

Everyone on the thread assumed some kind of web programming, which makes sense, since nearly everyone's on the web in 2013. However, just a few years ago we might have sat our friend down and made a Hello World app at the console, or perhaps loaded up Visual Basic, dragged a button, and MessageBox'ed Hello World.

Is Markup Code? Lots of people said "learn HTML and CSS," but I don't think that's coding in the classical sense. As a gateway to JavaScript and Web Services, I think it's a good place to start. The thing is, though, that while not every app is a web application that makes HTML in a browser, most applications are connected applications in some way. Apps consume data from services, send notifications, texts, emails and tweets. Nearly every application is distributed in some way, even if it's just a simple app that calls a web server for some data.

If you want to be a coder today, or, let me go further and say if you want to be an effective coder, you will want understand the web and what really happens when you type in your web browser. Just like you should understand how trees grow if you want to be a carpenter, how engines work if you want to be a race car driver, or where the water comes from if you want to be a plumber. Heck, you should really understand all of these things if you want to be an effective human. ;)

What do we really mean by "I want to learn to code?"

What's the question under the question? Does she want to make websites? Design them? Does she want to make mobile applications and take them on the go? Does she want to create a gadget that will text her when she leaves the garage door open too long? These are all very different endpoints and there's lots of great ways to get started if we dig in a little.

You can totally jump in to the web, learn a little JavaScript and start making web apps, and you should.  But as with everything, if you've got deeper interest, there are a few different paths to going further. Do a little research into the breadth of possibilities available to you, and you just might try a slightly different path.

Related Links

© 2014 Scott Hanselman. All rights reserved.
07 Jan 18:36

Where Isn’t Waldo?

by Scott Johnson
Where Isn’t Waldo?

See what I did there? Flipped it around, didn’t I? Clever, right? RIGHT??

07 Jan 15:20

This person underestimated the power of doge.

07 Jan 15:19

This looks like a scene from Arrested Development.

07 Jan 15:19

I got a rock

07 Jan 15:15



07 Jan 15:11

LG e Netflix anunciam parceria para conteúdo em 4K, resolução ultra-alta

A sul-coreana LG Electronics anunciou nesta segunda-feira (6) uma aliança com o grupo de vídeo on-demand americano Netflix com o objetivo de conseguir conteúdos adaptados para seus televisores de última geração –os aparelhos de ultra alta definição (ultra HD, ou 4K). Todos os televisores ultra HD da LG que puderem se conectar à internet pelo sistema operacional webOS transmitirão filmes e séries streaming e sem precisar de download prévio do catálogo da Netflix, anunciaram ambas as empresas em uma entrevista coletiva, organizada em Las Vegas, na véspera da abertura do Salão Internacional da Eletrônica de Consumo (CES).

CES 2014 Leia mais (01/07/2014 - 11h22)

07 Jan 15:09

50 Nicolas Cage Facts for the 50th Birthday of This National Treasure

by Miss Cellania

Actor Nicolas Cage was born on January 7, 1964, which means he turns 50 years old today. Cage, who took his last name from the comic book superhero Luke Cage, has been in more than 70 movies so far. No, you can't name them all. But there's a lot to learn about him. I had forgotten that he was married to Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis' daughter, in 2002. That didn't last long, which is why I forgot. You'll learn a lot more about Nic Cage in this list of trivia from Time.

Even after all this time, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie is still Raising Arizona. What's yours?

07 Jan 15:04
