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23 Feb 16:22

How I Think of College

Submitted by: netmask
Posted at: 2012-10-21 15:44:33
See full post and comment:

23 Feb 16:22

My name is Perry, not Terry.

Submitted by: hezzyzeus
Posted at: 2012-10-21 15:57:13
See full post and comment:

23 Feb 16:22

Go Home Bus, You Are Drunk

23 Feb 16:22

Serra distribuiu material igual ao 'kit gay' em SP

O candidato a prefeito de São Paulo José Serra (PSDB) distribuiu para as escolas paulistas, em 2009, quando era governador, um material semelhante ao que o MEC (Ministério da Educação), na gestão de Fernando Haddad (PT), começava a elaborar para combater a homofobia nas escolas. O guia do governo de SP é assinado por Serra, pelo então vice-governador Alberto Goldman e pelo então secretário estadual de Educação, Paulo Renato Souza (Leia a notícia aqui) Até um dos vídeos recomendados pelo kit tucano, "Boneca na Mochila", é igual ao que o ministério estudava divulgar. Leia mais (15/10/2012 - 11h03)
23 Feb 16:22

Anúncio com twitter torna obsoleta publicidade de 4 anos atrás

by Carlos Cardoso


Em 2008 a Esquire revolucionou a publicidade impressa trazendo algo que só existia em ficção científica: Anúncios com imagens em movimento. Uma tela de e-ink (na verdade duas, um anúncio dentro da revista também usava a tecnologia) mostrava fotos e textos animados. As baterias duraram meses, foi algo nunca antes visto, gerou mais Buzz que fábrica chinesa de boneco do Toy Story.

Agora, 4 anos depois, a Entertainment Weekly publicou um anúncio que fez o da Esquire parecer… mídia impressa. Publicidade da CW Network, a propaganda tem uma telinha que mostra nada menos que… Twits em tempo real.


Isso mesmo. Você abre a revista, uma telinha do anúncio exibe o que está sendo tuitado com a hashtag do canal.

COMO isso é feito? O pessoal do Mashable dissecou o anúncio, com uma voracidade digna de professor frustrado de faculdade de comunicação, revelando o mistério:

Nada menos que um celular Android, com uma bateria enorme e até uma porta USB para futura recarga do anúncio.

Isso mesmo: Um celular inteiro, rodando um programa específico, com um chip da T-Mobile! Os caras conseguiram até fazer ligações, meio sem-querer. O aparelho é um Android genérico, montado pela Foxconn.

A economia de escala chegou a esse ponto: Smartphones baratos o suficiente para serem distribuídos de graça, como publicidade em uma revista. Claro, a ação deve ter custado uma pequena fortuna, mas será algo comentado por anos, ninguém jogará fora a revista.

É algo tão ousado que o maior mérito não vai nem para quem criou, mas para quem aprovou. Também é uma senhora demonstração do ainda influente poder da mídia impressa. Uma ação dessas não teria sentido em qualquer outro formato,

Infelizmente dados os custos locais não acredito que encontremos algo assim numa Veja da vida. Nem pendrive, que hoje em dia é mais barato que mariola, colocam de brinde. Que dirá um celular. Tecnologia “embarcada” em revistas, só o faqueiro da Caras.

PS: Agradecimentos ao Roniuj por ter gentilmente me enviado a Esquire com e-ink.

23 Feb 16:22

Clientes comilões são banidos de restaurante buffet livre britânico

Dois homens foram impedidos de frequentar um restaurante buffet livre de culinária mongol na cidade britânica de Brighton porque comem demais. George Dalmon e Andy Miles, ambos de 26 anos, vinham frequentado o restaurante Gobbi duas vezes por semana há dois meses, tirando proveito da oferta de 12 libras (cerca de R$ 24) por refeições ilimitadas no estabelecimento. Mas após terem comido cinco pratos do buffet livre em sua última visita, Dalmon e Miles foram chamados de ''porcos imundos'' e barrados pelo proprietário do local, a quem chamaram de ''grosseiro''. Leia mais (05/10/2012 - 08h43)
23 Feb 16:22

Date unknown A crow tucks a little boy into bed. (via...

Date unknown

A crow tucks a little boy into bed.

(via submission)

23 Feb 16:22


23 Feb 14:23

Vinte e um anos depois, diante do pelotão de fusilamento, o Coronel Aureliano Buendía se deu conta que ainda não...

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
Vinte e um anos depois, diante do pelotão de fusilamento, o Coronel Aureliano Buendía se deu conta que ainda não...
23 Feb 14:20

Ads of the World

23 Feb 14:17

Boxing cats filmed by Thomas Edison in 1894

by Jason Kottke

The electric lighbulb, the phonograph, and the movie camera were invented (or significantly improved upon) by Thomas Edison, so lets give him credit for one more: LOLcats:

This short film was shot at the world's first movie studio, The Black Maria, located in West Orange, NJ. The entire building was built on a turntable so that the building could rotate with the sun for the best lighting conditions. (via "robin sloan")

Tags: movies   Thomas Edison   video
23 Feb 13:14

The Internet Archive To Pay Salaries Partly In Bitcoin, Requests Donations

by timothy
hypnosec writes "Bitcoin is gaining popularity among mainstream sites lately and the latest to adopt the digital currency as a medium of donations and payments is the Internet Archive. Ready to accept donation in the form of Bitcoin, the Internet Archive announced that it wants to do so to pay some part of employees' salaries, if they choose to, in Bitcoin. The Archive, known for its storage of digital documents (especially the previous version of webpages), is looking to start part salary payments in Bitcoin by April 2013 if everything goes well."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

23 Feb 13:03


23 Feb 12:50

até que enfim walking dead faz algo digno dos quadrinhos!'

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
até que enfim walking dead faz algo digno dos quadrinhos!'
23 Feb 04:35

Throw a Le on It

23 Feb 01:32

... para ser um serviçal de samuraaaaai ♪ ah, mas eu tô tão feliz ♪ oppa gangnam style ♪ oppa gangnam style

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
... para ser um serviçal de samuraaaaai ♪ ah, mas eu tô tão feliz ♪ oppa gangnam style ♪ oppa gangnam style
23 Feb 01:12

Por do sol da sexta-feira

by Cacau

Lagoa da Conceição, há poucos minutos

23 Feb 01:11

o negão lá é só mais um político, ok?

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
o negão lá é só mais um político, ok?
23 Feb 00:59

Status: esperando fazerem um mashup de Power Rangers com a novela Que Rei Sou Eu

by OsiasJota (Osias Jota)
Status: esperando fazerem um mashup de Power Rangers com a novela Que Rei Sou Eu
22 Feb 18:19


22 Feb 17:51

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings

by Christopher Jobson

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

Artist Shintaro Ohata Seamlessly Blends Sculpture and Canvas to Create 3D Paintings sculpture painting illusion

When first viewing the artwork of Shintaro Ohata up close it appears the scenes are made from simple oil paints, but take a step back and you’re in for a surprise. Each piece is actually a hybrid of painted canvas and sculpture that blend almost flawlessly in color and texture to create a single image. The cinematic figures are sculpted from polystyrene while the backgrounds are made from traditional painting techniques. Via his artist statement:

Shintaro Ohata is an artist who depicts little things in everyday life like scenes of a movie and captures all sorts of light in his work with a unique touch: convenience stores at night, city roads on rainy day and fast-food shops at dawn etc. His paintings show us ordinary sceneries as dramas. He is also known for his characteristic style; placing sculptures in front of paintings, and shows them as one work, a combination of 2-D and 3-D world. He says that it all started from when he wondered “I could bring the atmosphere or dynamism of my paintings with a more different way if I place sculptures in front of paintings”. Many viewers tend to assume that there is a light source set into his work itself because of the strong expression of lights in his sculpture.

Ohata will have work later this year at the Akita Museum of Modern Art, and you can see much more of his work online here. (via toxel)

22 Feb 16:41


22 Feb 13:56

  Pan’s Labyrinth by Drew Struzan

by brianbendis


Pan’s Labyrinth by Drew Struzan

22 Feb 13:22

Hello, this is dog.

Hello, this is dog.

22 Feb 13:19

staceyjoy: This is sort of mesmerizing. Agreed. But I think it...


This is sort of mesmerizing.

Agreed. But I think it needs a soundtrack.

22 Feb 13:17

A New Perspective of the Day: This is What a Volcanic Eruption Looks Like from Space

A New Perspective of the Day: This is What a Volcanic Eruption Looks Like from Space

Here's a striking view of Sarychev Volcanoin the Kuril Islands, Russia going through its early stage of eruption, taken from the orbit of the International Space Station in June 2009. For more info on this picture, head over to NASA's Earth Observatory!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Reddit)

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22 Feb 13:10

I do, in fact, care who started it

by Fred Clark

The great Randall Munroe takes on one of the classic Stupid Things Adults Say to Children:


The “If all your friends …” bit always bugged me. It’s closely related to the teacher-favorite “It doesn’t matter if everyone else was doing it.”

Teachers love to pull that one on the one kid they’ve singled out as “an example.” So the whole class is talking or disrupting or whatever and they focus on one child to bear the brunt of the punishment. The kid protests that everyone else was doing the same thing and the teacher says that doesn’t matter.

Of course it matters. It matters a great deal. It suggests that the rule isn’t really a rule at all, merely a pretext. Arbitrary and selective justice is not justice. The kid is right. He or she is a fifth-grader, and the kids who get singled out like that aren’t usually the best students in the fifth grade, so they probably aren’t able to articulate why what the teacher is saying is horribly wrong, but it still is wrong. And the kids know it.

Even worse is another favorite of teachers or other adults breaking up fights between kids: “I don’t care who started it.”

Really? You don’t care who started it? You don’t find that morally significant at all? You don’t find the distinction between aggression and self-defense worth considering in evaluating the situation?

St. Augustine cared who started it. That was, for him, a major factor in whether or not war could be considered justifiable.

But teachers don’t care about St. Augustine, and they don’t care who started it.

Again, the kids probably can’t articulate why what the adults are saying there is wrong, but it’s still wrong. Utterly wrong.

Teaching kids that aggression and defense are morally indistinct is wrong. Teaching kids that rules retain their legitimacy when selectively enforced is wrong.

Yeah, I know, all the other teachers are saying the same thing to their students. But if all the other teachers jumped off a bridge …?

22 Feb 02:02

The Best of: Canadian Graffiti

by Georgie

This graffiti is all I need to see to decide I’d really like to visit Canada:


21 Feb 21:52

My take on visually presenting Kurt Vonnegut’s theories about...

My take on visually presenting Kurt Vonnegut’s theories about archetypal stories, designed after researching the subject. 11″x17″ (click for larger version) (via The Shapes of Stories, a Kurt Vonnegut Infographic « Maya Eilam)

21 Feb 21:25

Comentário da Semana

by Lele

No Instagram do Gugu:


gugu1.jpg Comentário da Semana


gugu2.jpg Comentário da Semana