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30 May 00:36

grooveland: (via Pantone Breakfast | hovercraftdoggy)

29 May 23:55

Paizo Publishing Meet the Iconics: Jirelle

by RPGnet News

yay female iconic with armor and no boob window! yay not being white! yay looks awesome even though she's WAR'd up like her artist is prepping for a Rob Liefeld convention!

Meet the Iconics: Jirelle

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds
Introducing the first of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Jirelle the swashbuckler. While the complete rules for making your own swashbuckler characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Jirelle herself features in the our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday June 21st.
Jirelle may have been born and raised on a ship, and she might call the Shackles her homeland, but she never considered herself a pirate, even if only to distance herself from the darkest part of her childhood: her mother.
Today, Jirelle is a friendly sort with a biting wit and a charming personality. She makes new friends as swiftly as she strikes with her rapier, and while she has a flair for the dramatic (why merely attack a foe when you can make a show of it with a twirl of the cape or a somersault or two?), she never favors ostentation or glory over the opportunity to help a friend in need. Jirelle understands that the strength of one's relationships with friends, allies, lovers, and family make one strong. It was her mother's failure to forge such bonds that allowed a young Jirelle escape from a life that would have likely seen offered as sacrifice to the shark demon Ovonovo before the close of her thirteenth birthday.
On the subject of her mother or her ship, the Bloodcrow, the typically light-hearted half-elf grows serious. Jirelle does not share the secrets of her childhood with just anyone. As such, few know how she engineered the sinking of the Bloodcrow and the death of her wretched elven mother off the coast of Tempest Cay. Jirelle often jokes that she befriends for life, with the playful, only slightly malicious glint in her eyes implying what might happen to those who would betray such friendship.
After escaping the Bloodcrow, Jirelle spent some time surviving as a street rat in the alleys of Drenchport. Armed with a fine rapier and clad in her her mother's magical cloak (the only two things she managed to escape the Bloodcrow's wreckage with), Jirelle kept every coin and bauble she earned in a thrice-locked chest she keeps well hidden and protected. At first, she'd hoped to save enough money to afford a move from the Shackles to distant Taldor, drawn by tales of a land where duels and extravagance and civility promised a better life. But when rumors of a strange, ghostly ship plying the sea-ways of the Shackles reached her—fearful stories of a vessel commanded by an imperious banshee and bound by undeath—Jirelle realized that in sinking the Bloodcrow she'd done the exact opposite of what she'd intended. Rather than spare the Shackles of a brutal pirate queen, she'd unleashed an even deadlier scourge upon the Fever Sea.
Today, Jirelle seeks the funds to someday finance a ship and crew of her own. She plans not to become a pirate—for a life of plunder and cruelty holds no appeal for the daring swashbuckler—but to finish the job she started on the eve of her thirteenth birthday. Jirelle knows she can't do this on her own, though. So she seeks true and able allies, knowing that only with bravery and trust will the Bloodcrow's days be numbered.
James Jacobs
Creative Director
Tags: Iconics, Jirelle, Meet the Iconics, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Swashbuckler, Wayne Reynolds

(Original RSS Post)
29 May 23:54

"Right now we have an X-Men franchise that has sidelined Kitty Pryde, completely mishandled Storm,..."

Right now we have an X-Men franchise that has sidelined Kitty Pryde, completely mishandled Storm, Emma Frost and Rogue, robbed Jean Grey of any agency, and has yet to properly introduce Psylocke, Jubilee and Polaris.

The latest film does feature a number of non-white characters, but every single one of them (Storm, Blink, Sunspot, Warpath, Bishop) is relegated to outside guard duty while all of the white characters (Xavier, Magneto, Kitty, Wolverine) handle the important, emotion-heavy, world-saving work.

There’s even been a surprisingly anti-international slant towards one of the most international teams in comics as Colossus, Banshee, Quicksilver and Storm all lost their cultural identities in the transition from page to screen.


Brett White from CBR on in order for the X-Men to survive, they need to diversify.


“First, Bryan Singer has to go. This may come as a surprise considering that I just heaped a ton of praise on the director’s latest film, but I’ve done so while also purposely avoiding mentioning his name. Based on the sexual abuse allegations currently piling up around him, I just feel icky — an understatement — giving the guy any praise.”

(via geekbap)

29 May 23:52



poor sloth

29 May 23:51



via Lori

29 May 23:50

TRO BlackHat_Matt ban vs zend0g: huh?

by g33k

'I can understand his interpretation that really, a company cannot "fire" fans (particularly with the free-PDF-policy they have)'


Over here (I hope I cited correctly):
BlackHat_Matt banned zend0g for a day.

I don't get it; I don't see the bannable offense.

The ban says "for group attacks."

Is the "group" in question (that he's attacking) Transhuman Studios? Is this not allowed? Is it the suggestion that they are making an empty gesture and profiting from the deaths of innocents not allowed?

I mean... really, I don't think he is *correct* that they are being that callous; but I can understand his interpretation that really, a company cannot "fire" fans (particularly with the free-PDF-policy they have). But even if he's (provably) wrong, I didn't understand that as "bannable".
29 May 23:49

US charges five Boston airline employees with smuggling cash - Chicago Tribune

Boston Globe

US charges five Boston airline employees with smuggling cash
Chicago Tribune
BOSTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors in Boston on Thursday charged five U.S. airline employees with agreeing to use their security passes to smuggle $417,000 in cash that the employees believed to be the proceeds of illegal drug sales through the city's ...
Airline employees charged in cash-smuggling stingScottsbluff Star Herald

all 51 news articles »
29 May 23:48


29 May 23:45

The Soylent Revolution Will Not Be Pleasurable -

firehose shared this story .

Soylent’s biggest failing, though, is its stultifying utilitarianism. Even Mr. Rhinehart describes Soylent mainly in terms of its functional promise. “The most important aspect of this product is simplicity,” he told me. “We’re trying to abstract away the complexity. Here’s this drink that has everything you need, so if it’s your go-to meal, you don’t have to worry about anything else.”

But there is something troubling about the notion of a “go-to meal.” During the last week and a half, I consumed Soylent for most, but not all, of my meals. There were a couple of days when more than 90 percent of my calories came from the powder. At first, as Mr. Rhinehart promised, I did find Soylent to be extremely convenient. It alleviated some of the stress I often feel when I’m pressed for time on a busy workday and need to find something healthy to eat.

That feeling faded. The longer I used it, the more Soylent began to feel like a chore. I began to yearn for the mechanics of solid meals — chewing, swallowing, using my hands and silverware and experiencing a variety of textures and temperatures. I missed crunchy foods, salty foods, noisy foods and hot foods. (Soylent, like revenge, is best served cold.)

Most of all, I missed variety. Soylent’s instructions suggested adding peanut butter, fruit, vanilla extract or other flavorings to the drink. I did, but still, Soylent tasted pretty much the same from day to day — like gritty, thinned-down pancake batter, inoffensive and dull.

29 May 23:45

The Nebula Awards Writing About Other Cultures panel was half a trainwreck

by gguillotte
When it came back around to her, she pointed out that the panel was all white, with no representatives from other cultures (although Chaz Brenchley noted that being English was another culture, true enough). And then she launched into a spiel about how today the "uber-PC" people would create a "shitstorm" if she wrote a half-Arab woman who was a terrorist because they require any non-white characters to be "saintly," they are not allowed to be "not nice." I have no earthly idea where she got that notion. Chaz Brenchley and Tad Williams chimed in with the idea that they were only responsible for their own writing, not everyone else's, even if they were criticized by a member of a marginalized group for falling into an overused trope like the "gay psychopath." Yes, you're only responsible for what you write, but you don't write in a vacuum, and when someone tells you that you're contributing to a harmful stereotype, you should check your privilege and listen. I sat there for twenty minutes listening to white people be INCREDIBLY DEFENSIVE about writing other cultures and I wanted to cry. I have never wanted to cry at a panel before. I had come to the panel to learn about how one writes about other cultures well, not how annoying it is when people from other cultures tell you you're writing about their cultures wrong.
29 May 23:27

The Bones of A Mythical Japanese Water Demon Are Going On Display

by Mark Strauss

The Bones of A Mythical Japanese Water Demon Are Going On Display

According to Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a monstrous creature that inhabits lakes and rivers. Occasionally, though, the demon will leave its watery lair and challenge humans to single combat. If so, one of them lost: the alleged mummified remains of a Kappa, shot to death in the year 1818, will soon be exhibited.


29 May 23:27

James McAvoy Won't Do Star Trek Impressions For Patrick Stewart

by Meredith Woerner

wherein Ian McKellen tells Michael Fassbender that he's "working on your body, and the bright blue eyes"

Watching Michael Fassbender And James McAvoy do impressions of their future selves in the X-Men movies right in front of the magnificent actors who play said future selves, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, is WONDERFUL.


29 May 23:06

80s Punk Rock Icon Exene Cervenka is a Santa Barbara Shooting Truther

by Rebecca Rose

via Kellygo

80s Punk Rock Icon Exene Cervenka is a Santa Barbara Shooting Truther

A recent series of posts on Twitter reveal 80s punk rock singer Exene Cervenka believes the Santa Barbara shooting was a hoax.


29 May 22:58

Great Job, Internet!: Watch Morgan Freeman’s unboxing video from Se7en

by Rob Dean

A+ great job

(Spoilers for a 20-year-old movie follow)

1995 was a simpler time; it was a decade before the launch of YouTube, Justin Bieber was only one, and film studios would insert numbers into their film titles without any rhyme or reason. The comedy group NonRandomNonSense returns to that quaint era by using two things YouTube viewers love—unboxing videos and Morgan Freeman impressions—to reveal the grisly contents of the parcel at the end of Se7en. There is a surprising attention to detail in this video, faithfully recreating the tense climax while still deviating for moments of inanity inherent to every unboxing entry. The filmmakers also show remarkable restraint in not making a Goop or Coldplay joke upon discovery of Gwyneth Paltrow’s head.

29 May 22:56



via Bunker.jordan


29 May 22:54

jiboiando: Idade mental: Soluçando de rir disso




Idade mental: Soluçando de rir disso

29 May 22:54

Newswire: Metallica’s Black Album crushes the competition yet again

by Josh Modell

Metallica’s self-titled 1991 album—commonly known as The Black Album—has just surpassed 16 million U.S. sales according to SoundScan, making it both the first album to cross that threshold and, accordingly, the biggest selling album since SoundScan started counting, also in 1991. For reference, there are 313 million people in the United States, which means that approximately one in every 20 has purchased a copy of Metallica at some point. (When adjusted for demographics like males with mullets, age 14-24, the number rises perilously close to one in one.) The album has also notably spent a whopping 307 non-consecutive weeks on the Billboard 200, including 20 weeks this year alone. (You don’t need to shift as many units nowadays to chart, but still, it’s an impressive number.) But Metallica shouldn’t rest on its laurels and piles of money and impressive art collections yet: Shania ...

29 May 22:47

Garden Support and Water Stake #3dthursday

by Pedro Ruiz

Garden Support and Water Stake

Joe Murphy shares this great Garden Support and Water Stake combo:

A garden stake which support the plant and also helps get water down to the roots. Print, place in the ground, and twist tie plant to stake.

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

29 May 22:42

Harmonix lays off 37, CEO moves into new role

by Samit Sarkar

Harmonix Music Systems laid off 37 full-time employees today, and Alex Rigopulos, CEO and co-founder of the studio, is moving into a new management role, a representative for the company confirmed to Polygon today.

"Harmonix is in the process of restructuring our organization to bring it into alignment with our current and future product development plans. Unfortunately, this means making the difficult decision to reduce the number of full-time staff. We sincerely appreciate the work of each and every one of these employees. Harmonix is working to ensure that those affected are well taken care of as we make this change," said the spokesperson.

Rigopulos, who founded Harmonix with Eran Egozy in 1995 and has held the position of CEO since then, is taking the role of chief creative officer. Steve Janiak, who most recently served as Harmonix's head of publishing and business operations, is the new CEO.

According to Harmonix, today's layoffs don't affect any games that are currently in production at the studio, including Fantasia: Music EvolvedAmplitude, which was funded on Kickstarter earlier this month; or support for the recently released Record Run. The spokesperson added that the layoffs are unrelated to Microsoft's decision to unbundle the Kinect from the Xbox One.

29 May 22:28

Nintendo Made A GameCube Controller Adapter For Wii U

by gguillotte


Sneaky Nintendo—at the end of a video advertising their upcoming Smash Bros. tournament at E3 in two weeks, the house of all things Mario just announced a GameCube controller adapter for the Wii U.P It's unclear how this will be sold, if it's sold at all. Nintendo says the Wii U version of Smash Bros. will be playable with GameCube controllers, so presumably we'll be able to get our hands on this thing in some way or another:
29 May 22:23

Dovetailed Launches 3D Food Printer That Uses Spherification to Create … Edible Fruit! #3DxFood #3DThursday #3DPrinting

by Matt

neat tech but aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA application

Cambridge company Dovetailed launches 3D printer that creates fruit you can eat Cambridge Small Business News Cambridgeshire Business Corporate News Cambridge News

Dovetailed Launches 3D Food Printer That Uses Spherification to Create … Edible Fruit! From

Cambridge design company Dovetailed is today launching its 3D fruit printer, creating ‘fruit’ you can eat.

The company, which is working with Microsoft in Cambridge, says it takes just seconds to print an apple or a pear, or any other type of fruit.

The printer uses a molecular-gastronomy technique called spherification. It combines individual liquid droplets with different flavours into a fruit shape.

It is aimed at chefs, foodies and anyone interested in making creative dining experiences. No specialist knowledge of cuisine or molecular-gastronomy is required, and, the fruit produced is all organic.

…Vaiva Kalnikaitė, creative director and founder of Dovetailed, said: “We have been thinking of making this for a while. It’s such an exciting time for us as an innovation lab. Our 3D fruit printer will open up new possibilities not only to professional chefs but also to our home kitchens – allowing us to enhance and expand our dining experiences. We have re-invented the concept of fresh fruit on demand.” …

Read More.

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! We also offer the LulzBot TAZ – Open source 3D Printer and the Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer in our store. If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

29 May 22:05

lawfulgoodness: chad-hunter: LUPITA NYONG’O IS LITERALLY GOD...


Idris Elba and Lupita Nyong'o for every role forever




She is one of us!

29 May 22:03

'Curiosity' Lead Engineer Suggests Printing Humans On Other Planets

by timothy


Jason Koebler (3528235) writes "Adam Steltzner, the lead engineer on the NASA JPL's Curiosity rover mission, believes that to send humans to distant planets, we may need to do one of two things: look for ways to game space-time—traveling through wormholes and whatnot—or rethink the fundamental idea of 'ourselves.' 'Our best bet for space exploration could be printing humans, organically, on another planet,' said Steltzner."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

29 May 22:00

Oprah: The big question I have for you is this: Where did your...

Oprah: The big question I have for you is this: Where did your confidence come from? I’ve never seen anybody who exudes more confidence than you, and I don’t mean false, modest bravado, but from the inside out, you’ve got the stuff.

Maya: There are so many gifts, so many blessings, so many sources that I can’t say any one thing—unless that one thing is love. By love I don’t mean indulgence. I do not mean sentimentality. And in this instance, I don’t even mean romance. I mean that condition that allowed humans to dream of God. To make it. To imagine golden roads. That condition that allowed the “dumb” to write spirituals and Russian songs and Irish lilts. That is love, and it’s so much larger than anything I can conceive. It may be the element that keeps the stars in the firmament. And that love, and its many ways of coming into my life, has given me a great deal of confidence about life.

Oprah: So when you walk into a room and heads turn, it’s not just confidence in yourself that we see?

Maya: Oh, no. That’s why, though I was never pretty, I did command something—because of my reliance on life. 

Oprah: When we see you, we’re seeing all of your history. 

Maya: That’s right—all of my history as an African-American woman, as a Jewish woman, as a Muslim woman. I’m bringing everything I ever knew [and all the stories I’ve read]—everything good, strong, kind and powerful. I bring it all with me into every situation, and I will not allow my life to be minimized by anybody’s racism or sexism or ageism. I will not. So I will take the Scandinavian story of the little princess, I will take the story of Heidi in the Alpine mountains, I will take the story of O-Lan in Pearl S. Buck’s book The Good Earth, I will take them all. I take them, and I know them, and I am them. So when I walk into a room, people know that somebody has come in—they just don’t know it’s 2,000 people!

Oprah: How do you remain connected to those who came before you?

Maya: I have the blessing of seeing our connection and the courage to admit what I see. Timidity makes a person modest. It makes him or her say, “I’m not worthy of being written up in the record of deeds in heaven or on earth.” Timidity keeps people from their good. They are afraid to say, “Yes, I deserve it.”

Oprah: I know you don’t believe in modesty.

Maya: I hate it. It makes me wary. Modesty is a learned affectation. And as soon as life slams the modest person against the wall, that modesty drops. 

Oprah: So when you hear someone being modest….

Maya: I run like hell. The minute you say to a singer, “Would you sing?” and they say, “Oh, no. I can’t sing here,” I say, “Oops! I wonder, where is that train to Bangkok?” 

Oprah: Because?

Maya: Because that person is not reliable. She may not know it, but modesty speaks volumes about falseness.

(credit: Oprah magazine, December 2000)

29 May 21:23

Why Time’s Profile Of Laverne Cox Is A Big Step Forward For Transgender Equality


via Matthew Connor

Time Magazine - Transgender Tipping Point Laverne CoxTime Magazine has declared that society has reached a “transgender tipping point,” offering up a new feature that includes an extensive “Transgender 101″ article covering the gamut of issues affecting the trans community, a photo essay of transgender individuals, and a personal interview with Laverne Cox, the openly trans actress who stars in Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black.

The cover story and its other components comprise what is perhaps the most positive and in-depth representation of transgender life experiences ever presented in mainstream print media. After recent incidents of transgender misrepresentation, such as Katie Couric’s insensitive interview with Cox and model Carmen Carrera, Piers Morgan’s two combative interviews with activist Janet Mock, and the Grantland story about “Dr. V’s Magical Putter,” the Time feature is a breath of fresh air. Here’s a look at the many important points Time’s Katy Steinmetz got right in the new cover story:

  • The stories focus not on what it means to transition, but on what it’s like being transgender in a world that is not accepting and understanding of transgender people.
  • Though it’s already the magazine’s style, the article boasts, “This article will use the names, nouns and pronouns preferred by individuals, in accordance with TIME’s style.”
  • The main feature emphasizes the discrimination transgender people experience, including how they are “significantly more likely to be impoverished, unemployed, and suicidal than other Americans.”
  • In a brief history of society’s understanding of trans identities, Steinmetz parses out the differences between the biology of sex, the culture of gender, and the differences between sexual orientation — “who you want to go to bed with” — and gender identity — “who you want to go to bed as.”
  • Relaying the story of transgender homecoming queen Cassidy Lynn Campbell, Steinmetz highlights how transgender victories can still be shrouded in confusion and negative reactions.
  • Steinmetz highlights many obstacles that remain to transgender equality: full inclusion in public schools and in athletics, inclusion in the military and at women’s colleges, changes to legal documentation, access to inclusive health care coverage, and blatant discrimination in employment, housing, and basic services — and the mental health consequences that follow.
  • The photo essay profiles both trans men and trans women, highlighting the unique challenges each has faced in their different journeys.
  • Steinmetz invites Cox to get personal about why people might respond defensively to understanding what it means to be transgender. She explained, “People need to be willing to let go of what they think they know about what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman… I think the reality is that most of us are insecure about our gender.”

Cox had previously placed fifth in a poll for Time’s “most influential people,” but didn’t make the top 100 list. This feature seems to be the magazine’s answer to excluding her at the time.

Time’s broad treatment of transgender issues could go quite far to raise awareness about who the members of this community are and what they’re experiencing in society. All that it took was inviting people to share their stories and presenting them in a way that respected their identities and experiences.

The post Why Time’s Profile Of Laverne Cox Is A Big Step Forward For Transgender Equality appeared first on ThinkProgress.

29 May 21:18

Lucky Penny - 138

by Ananth


Lucky Penny - 138
On a dark and stormy night
29 May 21:16

Getting to work on diversity at Google

by Emily Wood

via Ibstopher
ha ha! nice job using dark colors to indicate how white you are

We’ve always been reluctant to publish numbers about the diversity of our workforce at Google. We now realize we were wrong, and that it’s time to be candid about the issues. Put simply, Google is not where we want to be when it comes to diversity, and it’s hard to address these kinds of challenges if you’re not prepared to discuss them openly, and with the facts. So, here are our numbers:
There are lots of reasons why technology companies like Google struggle to recruit and retain women and minorities. For example, women earn roughly 18 percent of all computer science degrees in the United States. Blacks and Hispanics each make up under 10 percent of U.S. college grads and each collect fewer than 10 percent of degrees in CS majors. So we’ve invested a lot of time and energy in education.

Among other things, since 2010 we’ve given more than $40 million to organizations working to bring computer science education to women and girls. And we’ve been working with historically black colleges and universities to elevate coursework and attendance in computer science. For example, this year Google engineer Charles Pratt was in-residence at Howard University, where he revamped the school’s Intro to CS curriculum.

But we’re the first to admit that Google is miles from where we want to be—and that being totally clear about the extent of the problem is a really important part of the solution. To learn more about our work on diversity—for our workforce, for the web and for the tech leaders of the future—visit

Posted by Laszlo Bock, Senior Vice President, People Operations

Update May 31: We updated the language of this post to correct the number of degrees black and Hispanic students earn in CS majors, which are 8 percent and 6 percent respectively, according to the National Science Foundation.
29 May 21:15

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft

by Leo Lei

"yuuuuuup imma chew on the tall grass that'll be cool
just sitting in a field looking at spacedicks"

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft

Peak is a minimalist design created by Belgium-based company Aecraft. Peak is unique in that the leather cover also serves as a small stand for the laptop, which pivots the screen and keyboard for added comfort, and improves the user’s overall posture. In addition, the stand increases airflow and allows the computer to breath, which prevents overheating.

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

The case snuggly fits the MacBook Air 13″ and MacBook Retina 13″, and features 100% imported natural South African Merino wool felt and premium Norwegian vegetable-tanned leather, which are then handmade in Belgium. The case features an easy snap-shut closure, with a lifted tab on the leather for easier accessibility.

The case is currently available in either a black vegetable-tanned leather, or a natural vegetable-tanned leather. A small emblem is stamped on the bottom right edge of the leather, while the rest of the case is kept as simple as possible.

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

Peak MacBook Cover & Stand by Aecraft in technology style fashion Category

29 May 21:07

Turn Gmail Into an RSS Reader With IFTTT

by David Nield on Field Guide, shared by Whitson Gordon to Lifehacker

via Tadeu

Turn Gmail Into an RSS Reader With IFTTT

Whether you're still struggling to get over the loss of Google Reader or you want to try out RSS subscriptions for the first time, you can set up Gmail as a makeshift feed reader in just a few minutes. We've outlined the steps you need to follow to turn your inbox into a news ticker below.


29 May 21:06

ktempest: Scott, put your goddamned hand down.


Scott, put your goddamned hand down.