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02 Apr 17:35


Cooper Griggs

"Hey bro, don't cal me bro!"

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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02 Apr 13:11


Cooper Griggs

I don't get it. Someone get this? Or is it just not funny?

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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02 Apr 08:21


02 Apr 07:27


02 Apr 07:26

America Is Raising A Generation Of Interns

"People my age expect to start at the bottom," says one 25-year-old. "But in this economy the bottom keeps getting lower and lower."
02 Apr 07:14

The Shoemaker, Short Film About a 91-Year-Old Brooklyn Shoemaker

by EDW Lynch

“The Shoemaker” is a short documentary about Frank Catalfumo, a 91-year-old shoemaker and repairer in Brooklyn. Catalfumo opened his shoe shop after returning home from World War II in 1945. Despite being well past retirement age, he still works five days a week (along with his son). The film was directed by photographer Dustin Cohen. Cohen has also posted a photo essay about Catalfumo and his shoe shop.

via The World’s Best Ever

02 Apr 07:09

Play-Doh 3D Printer

by Kimber Streams

Play-Doh 3D Printer

The Play-Doh 3D Printer and accompanying iPlay-Doh 3D App allow users to design 3D objects on an iPad and print them using up to three different colors of Play-Doh. The printer is primarily crank powered, and is available for purchase at ThinkGeek.

Play-Doh 3D Printer

Play-Doh 3D Printer

images via ThinkGeek

02 Apr 07:08


02 Apr 06:36



02 Apr 06:35

(I am working a morning shift at a cafe. We are serving breakfast. A little boy and his mother enter the cafe.)

(I am working a morning shift at a cafe. We are serving breakfast. A little boy and his mother enter the cafe.)

Me: “So, what will it be?”


(There is a sudden silence and everyone turns to look. The mother looks very embarrassed.)

Mother: “Eggs… he would like some eggs…”
02 Apr 06:34


02 Apr 06:33


Cooper Griggs

LOL @ the eyes

02 Apr 06:33

Ticket Helper

by Chauncey Plantains
02 Apr 06:23

Floating Ripple Vases (by oodesign) Fill your favorite container...

Floating Ripple Vases (by oodesign)

Fill your favorite container with water and float the vase. According to the movement of the air, the plants change their position within the container.

02 Apr 06:20

bunnyfood: (via 4gifs:via)


(via 4gifs:via)

02 Apr 06:16


02 Apr 06:13


02 Apr 06:08


02 Apr 06:08


02 Apr 05:56

Troll Booth

02 Apr 05:55


02 Apr 05:55

I Before E

trolling,puns,i before e,spelling

Submitted by: Rachel Turek

02 Apr 05:52

Monika Grzymala’s 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone

by Christopher Jobson

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

Monika Grzymalas 3D Tape Drawing Explodes onto the Walls of Galerie Crone tape installation black and white

I’m not sure it’s possible to infuse black tape with more energy than Polish artist Monika Grzymala has accomplished with her piece Raumzeichnung, roughly “Drawing Room”. The three dimensional installation which seems to launch from columns in the basement of Galerie Crone was installed in 2012 and required 3.1 miles (that’s 5km) of stretched, cut, and criss-crossed tape. According to Ignant the artist begins her work from scratch in the gallery, working intuitively with tape to sketch out ideas as she conceives them until the work is done. You can see more of her tape drawings over on Co.Design.

02 Apr 05:51

Happy 80th Birthday to Artist Dan Flavin (1933-1996) For more...

Happy 80th Birthday to Artist Dan Flavin (1933-1996)

For more of Dan Flavin’s works, check out the #DanFlavin hashtag.

Today marks what would have been American minimalist artist Dan Flavin’s 80th birthday. Flavin was a New-York-born artist who used florescent lights to explore how light and color interact with space. His works are still on display in museums and galleries throughout the world, where they’ve become a favorite for Instagrammers due to their bright colors and interesting shadows.

02 Apr 02:36

drugera: Aventador | Source |


Aventador | Source |

02 Apr 02:30

Beautiful light bulb explosions

by Ameya Pendse

“When people first look at my pictures, they’re immediately drawn to them,” says Jon Smith who is a chemist by trade and known on Flickr as WideEyedIlluminations.

“But their ‘wow moment’ isn’t until they hear my story,” he tells The Weekly Flickr in the accompanying video. “Photography saved my life.”

Jon first got into photography as a creative outlet. “I needed something to balance out the analytical part of my brain,” he says. “Something that I could control and have fun doing.”

Heartbreaking Three's company

He was drawn to high-speed photography because it captures something we cannot normally see with our eyes.

“It’s this special moment between the before and after,” Jon says. “Where everything just comes together. It’s beautiful.”

Jon specifically likes using light bulbs in his photography because they are so ordinary.

“People see and use light bulbs every day. They’re something we don’t pay attention to,” he says. “By shooting them, having them explode and filling them with different materials creates an interesting juxtaposition that I’m really drawn to.”

Heavy Drinking

Green Explosion

His approach to each photo is always creative and imaginative. Jon starts out by taking apart the bulb from the bottom and filling it with different materials.

“It’s always fun,” he says. “I’ve used feathers, flowers, marbles, chalk dust — just about anything I can find.”

Jon then shoots the bulbs in the dark, inside his garage with a sound activated flash trigger to capture and freeze the moment.

“I’m always surprised at the end result of the picture,” he says. “I have this initial idea of how I want the picture to look but it never comes out how I expect. Instead, it’s even better — more beautiful than I imagined.”

Most of his photos are spontaneous, but others are thought provoking. One of his favorites is ROYGBIV, a light bulb he filled with colored ground pastel chalk.

“The rainbow is a symbol of the LGBT movement,” he says. “I wanted to use the symbolism of the light bulb to evoke the feeling of breaking through antiquated stereotypes people have.”

Jon uses symbolism regularly in his work, but perhaps the biggest is the effect photography has had in his life.

“I was going through a deep depression and was feeling like nothing was going right, nothing was good in my life, and I lost control,” he says. “Photography saved me because it allowed me to see the world in a different way. It reminded me to live in the moment.”

“The light bulb was a symbol of light in a really dark time for me,” he adds.

Heart of Gold

Feathers in Blue

“When I’m preparing these light bulbs, it’s not what it looks like before or after,” Jon says. “It’s that one brief moment when it’s breaking apart that really captures the beauty and destruction. It helped me realize to focus on the now – not the past or future.”

Jon hopes people look at his work and appreciate the moment as well.

“I want them to feel happy and excited,” he says. “If they’re in a dark time or having trouble, I hope they can look at my pictures and feel better…[and] turn a light on in their life like it did with mine.”

Visit Jon’s photostream for more of his photography.

WeeklyFlickr LogoDo you want to be featured on The Weekly Flickr? We are looking for your photos that amaze, excite, delight and inspire. Share them with us in the The Weekly Flickr Group or tweet us at #theweeklyflickr.

02 Apr 02:29


02 Apr 02:28

nevver: Something like this:

02 Apr 02:27

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival

by Christopher Jobson

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival sculpture balloons

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival sculpture balloons

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival sculpture balloons

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival sculpture balloons

Artist Jason Hackenwerth Unveils Massive New Balloon Sculpture at Edinburgh International Science Festival sculpture balloons

New York artist Jason Hackenwerth, known for his organic and biological forms made from latex balloons, just unveiled his latest work at the Edinburgh International Science Festival in the Grand Gallery of the National Museum of Scotland. Titled Pisces the sculpture is the artist’s interpretation of the legend of Aphrodite and Eros: in Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and her son, Eros, escaped the fearsome monster Typhon by transforming into a tightly woven spiral of two fish, a figure which later became a constellation called Pisces. The spiraling form is made from 10,000 balloons which took three staff members nearly six days to blow up, after which Hackenwerth and his assistant Leah Blair wove carefully into this three dimensional structure. Pisces will be up through April 14th, 2013 and you can see much more of it on Flickr.

02 Apr 02:24

(15) Tumblr

by walkman