Shared posts

01 May 23:43


by ladybird13
01 May 23:43

unurth - street art

by unurth
01 May 23:43

tumblr_lo6tsvuhnw1qdxiqqo1_500.jpg (500×346)

by turbo2000
01 May 23:42


by unicornthis
01 May 23:41

cthulhu fhtagn on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by samizdat
01 May 23:40

tumblr_lv0xktdkgb1qef8umo1_500.jpg 500×375 pixels

by reindesign
Cooper Griggs

next gen from the 1st gen

01 May 23:39


Cooper Griggs

Name this movie!

01 May 23:38


01 May 23:37


01 May 23:36


01 May 23:36

in which we encounter every type of weather within 3 hours we...

in which we encounter every type of weather within 3 hours

we were looking forward to the spinc trail hike in the wicklow mountains. it’s a 4-hour route that takes you up to the top of a mountain (pictured to the left of me in the last photo) and then back down through a dazzling heather-strewn valley.

we started the hike in sunny skies. then, about a half hour in, we started to get a bit of rain on and off. as we got close to the top of the mountain, we got some hail.

undaunted, we continued.

and then a storm sped in… and it started to snow… horizontally… with 20+ mph winds…

on the top of the mountain, along the cliffs, standing there halfway through the loop, both of us being lifted off our feet with each biting gust, we had a several-minutes-long and difficult debate about whether or not to continue on the trail.

on the one hand, we were halfway through and wanted to finish. on the other hand, if we continued we’d likely fall off the mountain and die.

we headed back the way we came, treated to a mid-mountain rainbow and laughing at the sun shining on our frozen faces.

thus ended our first full day in ireland.

01 May 23:34

bored-im: Sickest Candle ever.

01 May 23:34


01 May 23:33


01 May 23:33


01 May 23:30


01 May 23:29


01 May 23:29


01 May 23:28


01 May 23:28

Beaten To The Punch

Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now.

You have @THEKarlaPacheco to thank/blame for this comic. I cannot stop laughing at Claire's face in panel four.

We have some wonderful new items available in the QC Store! You should check them out!

01 May 23:26


01 May 23:24

Is It Worth the Time?

Don't forget the time you spend finding the chart to look up what you save. And the time spent reading this reminder about the time spent. And the time trying to figure out if either of those actually make sense. Remember, every second counts toward your life total, including these right now.
01 May 23:16

The Book Vase by YOY

by Christopher Jobson

The Book Vase by YOY plants books

The Book Vase by YOY plants books

The Book Vase by YOY plants books

The Book vase by YOY Design Studio (previously) is a house planter camouflaged as a book. Made of PMMA and PVC for water proofing the vase can be opened up to reveal the dirt inside and when closed can be inserted amongst the rest of your books to save desk space. (via fuck yeah book arts)

01 May 23:16

A Hurricane on Saturn

by Christopher Jobson

A Hurricane on Saturn weather space Saturn hurricanes

Photographed in November of 2012 by the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera, this is a photograph of a hurricane nearly 1,250 miles wide on the surface of Saturn. Via NASA:

The spinning vortex of Saturn’s north polar storm resembles a deep red rose of giant proportions surrounded by green foliage in this false-color image from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. Measurements have sized the eye at a staggering 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) across with cloud speeds as fast as 330 miles per hour (150 meters per second).

This image is among the first sunlit views of Saturn’s north pole captured by Cassini’s imaging cameras. When the spacecraft arrived in the Saturnian system in 2004, it was northern winter and the north pole was in darkness. Saturn’s north pole was last imaged under sunlight by NASA’s Voyager 2 in 1981; however, the observation geometry did not allow for detailed views of the poles. Consequently, it is not known how long this newly discovered north-polar hurricane has been active.

The Cassini–Huygens is a robotic spacecraft launched in 1997 for the purpose of studying Saturn. Since arriving in 2004 the orbiter’s mission has been extended twice. It most recently studied the Great White Spot, a massive storm that occurs at roughly 30 year intervals that is so large it can be seen from Earth with a simple telescope. (via this isn’t happiness)

01 May 23:15

‘Screengrab’ Will Mess with Your Brain

by Christopher Jobson

Screengrab Will Mess with Your Brain video art paper

Filmmaker Willie Witte is currently working on a documentary series for PBS but in his spare time he makes fun experimental films. His latest, SCREENGRAB, was made without the help of computer effects though I can’t quite figure out how. After watching this three times the hemispheres of my brain are the equivalent of cross-eyed. Music by Kevin McAlpine. (via booooooom)

01 May 23:14

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands

by Christopher Jobson

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

Delta Lamp: A Customizable Light Made from Rubber Bands  rubber bands lighting

The Delta Lamp is the latest creation from French designer Malet Thibaut (previously). The light is composed of five wooden pieces and 60 rubber bands that can be assembled in practically unlimited configurations to create different lighting patterns for maximum geometric shadow fun. The Delta Lamp will be available for purchase via his website in the near future.

01 May 23:13

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

There are public pools up the east coast of Australia all very close to the beach and sometimes filled with ocean water.

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy David Corbett

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy David Corbett

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy David Corbett

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy Lizzie Buckmaster Dove

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy Lizzie Buckmaster Dove

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy Bernie Fischer

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy Bernie Fischer

Pool, The Alchemy of Blue—Found Concrete Installations by Lizzie Buckmaster Dove rocks moon land art installation
Photo courtesy Bernie Fischer

Coledale is a small seaside village in New South Wales, Australia, a place known for its surfing and slow pace of life. It’s also home to artist Lizzie Buckmaster Dove who for years has taken daily walks along the beach, stopping to pick up things she found along the way. One of the objects she collected most frequently were smooth stones painted light blue on a single side which she would eventually discover were fragments of an oceanside sea pool that was being slowly consumed by the surf.

With help from a grant provided by the Australia Council for the Arts, Dove set to work on a series of installations using the swimming pool concrete. Titled Pool, The Alchemy of Blue, the works are meant as sort of an homage to lunar cycles and the moon’s power to create the tides that reclaimed the Coledale pool. Before an imminent construction project to completely resurface the pool Dove collected even larger pieces of the pool which would eventually help form the suspended installation you see above at Wollongong City Gallery.

You can see a video of Dove discussing the series by Theme Media and see much more work on her website.

01 May 23:12

The World’s Largest Rubber Duck Arrives in Hong Kong

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

holy crap!

The Worlds Largest Rubber Duck Arrives in Hong Kong sculpture Hong Kong ducks

The Worlds Largest Rubber Duck Arrives in Hong Kong sculpture Hong Kong ducks

The Worlds Largest Rubber Duck Arrives in Hong Kong sculpture Hong Kong ducks

This week conceptual artist Florentijin Hofman brought his gargantuan Rubber Duck artwork to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong. The huge inflatable duck measures nearly 46 feet tall and 55 feet long and is shown above being pulled by a tug boat only a fraction of its size. Hofman is well known for his grandiose and whimsical sculptures that seem born with the primary goal of inducing as many smiles possible. Via the artist’s website:

The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn’t discriminate people and doesn’t have a political connotation. The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relieve mondial tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages!

According to SCMP Rubber Duck will be on display in the harbor through June 9th, 2013. (via laughing squid, my modern met)

01 May 23:10


01 May 23:08
