Shared posts

04 May 06:20

Wringing a Wet Towel in Orbit

What happens if you wring out a wet towel while floating in space? What happens if you wring out a wet towel while floating in space?

04 May 06:17

A Raging Storm System on Saturn

It was one of the largest and longest lived storms ever recorded in our Solar System.   It was one of the largest and longest lived storms ever recorded in our Solar System.  

04 May 06:12

Everything Will Be Okay | Tang Yau Hoong

by tang
04 May 06:11

I need a guide: fabian buergy

by turn
04 May 06:11


by turbo2000
04 May 06:11

pezo von ellrichshausen architects: solo houses

by reindesign
04 May 06:11

A Softer World

04 May 06:10

A Softer World

04 May 06:10

A Softer World

04 May 06:09

A Softer World

04 May 06:08


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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04 May 06:07


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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04 May 06:06


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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04 May 06:06

Eyes of architecture: Staircase spirals

by Arnold Chao

Stairway to Gaudi's Heaven

Blinded by the Light

Ascend This

red queen

ecological bulb

Stairway to...

Golden Spiral

Many of you turned a usually monotonous stairway ascent or descent into fascinating architectural explorations through photos, and here’s a sample of the vertigo-inducing designs captured in stunning shots across the globe. From Antoni Gaudi’s nautilus-shaped steps of La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain, to the golden spiral inside the Hilton Hotel of Reykjavik, Iceland, these stairwell-centered pictures show visual appreciation for functional swirls found in a variety of buildings worldwide.

See more photos curated today in the Stairway Spirals gallery, and share your photos with the Escaleras/Stairs group.

Photos from A Sutanto, Swissrock, yushimoto_02, john_coffee, Alt_Gr, and Thad Roan.

04 May 06:05

Student gets dream education for free “thanks to Flickr”

by Ameya Pendse

“It’s incredible just how much Flickr has impacted me as a photographer,” says high school student Jackson Stack, known on Flickr as Jacksonian22.

“It’s changed my life.” he tells The Weekly Flickr in this week’s episode. “I basically got my college education for free thanks to my Flickr community.”

Jackson describes his photography as emotive and dark. He’s drawn to conceptual photography because he says it allows him to express himself more artistically compared to other mediums of photography.

“I truly believe photography is the visual documentation of life,” he says. “When I go out on shoots, I really like to experiment with different concepts and try to incorporate emotions and atmosphere into my pictures.”

Childhood disbelief makes the imaginary a reality.  Where is my mind? - Twohundredsixty

Jackson first joined Flickr in 2010 and used it mainly to post pictures from his photography class. He called himself “an amateur at best”, taking photos with black and white film. However his passion quickly evolved when he began a 365 project and received positive feedback from Flickr users.

A lot of the advice he received dealt with the colors and themes of his photos and how to work with the technical aspects of editing.

“I really didn’t know much before I joined Flickr,” says Jackson. “But I saw all these people who posted these incredible photos with beautiful colors and tones. I really wanted to emulate their style and everyone really helped me to get to that point.”

Catching Fire - Threehundredfourty   All my friends tell me I should move on - Twohundredsixtythree (Explored)

More importantly, Jackson was inspired by the different concepts and themes he came across.

“It was so inspiring to me to see people who put their emotions out there in such a raw way with their photos,” Jackson says. “It really helped me to be more adventurous with my photography.”

By the time Jackson ended his 365, he felt he had truly grown as a photographer – especially after posting this picture, Finding Lost Ground.

“I finally understood how much photography meant to me,” he says. “I realized it’s my passion, it’s what I want to do, and I decided I was going to apply to school for photography.”


Jackson had his sights set on Cooper Union School of Art – a prestigious school that only accepts 65 applicants nationwide with each applicant receiving a full tuition scholarship. Jackson put his heart and soul into their home test.

The prompt he chose asked him to create a series defining an object of varying weight. After careful thought and reflection on his work, Jackson decided to depict emotional weight.


“All my years on Flickr inspired me because it helped me with self portraiture,” Jackson says. “I had been immersed in conceptual photography for so long that I knew I could make something incredible. Once I came to that decision, everything else just fell into place.”

Hometest Prompt 5   Hometest Prompt 4

One of his favorite photos from his Cooper Union home test is called, Adulthood. The photo depicted the end of the series, which is the the final representation of all this compounded emotional weight. He took three separate photos, composited and edited them together resulting in one beautiful shot.

After spending a month on his prompt, Jackson was extremely proud of his final work. However that feeling couldn’t compare to the moment he received his acceptance letter to Cooper Union.

“It was best moment of my life,” he says. “And it wouldn’t have happened without my Flickr community. It was their help and inspiration to pursue my photography that lead me here. I’m living proof that if you put in the time, hard work and dedication – dreams do come true.”

Jackson’s advice to other young photographers: “Never give up. If you work at it continually and give it your all, you will get better and find your passion. Once you have that, you can go anywhere with it.”

Visit Jackson’s photostream for more of his photography.

WeeklyFlickr LogoDo you want to be featured on The Weekly Flickr? We are looking for your photos that amaze, excite, delight and inspire. Share them with us in the The Weekly Flickr Group or tweet us at #theweeklyflickr.

04 May 06:04

#FlickrFriday: Defying Gravity

by Thea Lamkin

sunny Glasgow hover-boarder  [explored]

Defying Gravity   Matches   Hard Way Home

Spin it, magistern!

27 - April - 2013 -- Defying Gravity   Defying Gravity   Gravity-Defying


28 - April - 2013:  Aisha defying Gravity - [Explore]   superhero   Defying Gravity

defying gravity

# Last Flickr Friday we asked you to capture something in the moment that it’s Defying Gravity.

We loved the physics-flouting submissions that turned up for this theme, from wonderful examples of levitation shots, to leaps and bounds shot in mid-air. The more interpretive photos featured architectural feats and illusions of anti-gravity. Don’t miss all the contributions in the Flickr Friday group pool, and stay tuned for our next theme that we’ll announce bright and early tomorrow!

Photos from gerard ferry, unoforever, convergingphoto,petertandlund, krissen, reway2007, mswickedmonton, unslugged, Patty Maher, Ash if, Amerikajin, Denzil Jennings, and gypsymarestudios.

#FlickrFriday is a weekly photography project that challenges your creativity. For a chance to be featured on FlickrBlog, follow @flickr on Twitter & like us on Facebook and look for the weekly theme announcement every Friday. Browse the Flickr Friday category for more.

04 May 06:03

nevver: Black Fax

04 May 06:03


04 May 06:00

Airwave Afterlife

Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now.

This comic was inspired in equal parts by the untimely death of Jeff Hanneman from Slayer and this SMBC strip. RIP Jeff.

We have some wonderful new items available in the QC Store! You should check them out!

04 May 05:58


04 May 05:57


04 May 05:56



04 May 05:55

Catch the 99.

Catch the 99.

04 May 05:54

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

*sigh* how I love the ocean

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Liquid Sculptures: Powerful Waves Photographed by Pierre Carreau Seem Frozen in Time waves water ocean high speed

Photographer Pierre Carreau was born in 1972 near Paris surrounded by a family of artists including a photographer, painter and sculptor, all of which would influence his creative upbringing as well as his artistic output. As a child he was always fascinated by the manifestation of waves and the diversity of color, shape, and size found in each of them. Some of his first photography projects involved work for surfing magazines and water sport equipment manufacturers.

Carreau’s work has now moved into fine art as he shoots waves with a variety of high speed cameras using various macro and wide angle lenses, capturing water shapes that appear more sculptural than liquid. These are truly some of the most remarkable wave photos I’ve ever seen and you can see many, many more over on his website. He also has a number of fine art prints available over at Clic Gallery.

04 May 05:53

The Best of Humanity Caught on Russian Dash Cams

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

yay for good news

The Best of Humanity Caught on Russian Dash Cams video art Russia

To help thwart rampant insurance fraud in Russia many cars are now equipped with dash cams to capture what unfolds in front of vehicles in an attempt to aid innocent persons, law enforcement, and insurance firms. This has lead to almost unlimited hours of footage found online of unbelievable accidents, close calls, and some of the worst of human behavior. Luckily somebody took it upon themselves to edit together some of the most amazingly thoughtful actions and tender moments caught with these same dash cams and edited into this short clip. And can I just say what on Earth is up with that kid running around on the highway!? (via kottke)

02 May 12:53

FBI claims default use of HTTPS by Google and Facebook has made it difficult to wiretape

by admin
A government task force is preparing legislation that would pressure companies such as Face­book and Google to enable law enforcement officials to intercept online communications as they occur, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with the effort. Driven by FBI concerns that it is unable to tap the Internet communications of terrorists and […]
01 May 23:46

by dipre
01 May 23:46


by walkman
01 May 23:44

Super Duper Awesome Gifs Ever (no porno) - Page 132 - supertrash - superfuture

by nowave
Cooper Griggs

I dunno, that looks like science porn to me.

01 May 23:44


by gocko