Shared posts

07 Jun 05:57


07 Jun 05:56


07 Jun 05:55


07 Jun 05:55

Balloon Ballooff | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by ilovedoodle
06 Jun 19:44

prostheticknowledge: MATAERIAL A 3D Printing system that can...



A 3D Printing system that can create forms without the hindrance of gravity - video embedded below:

A brand new method of additive manufacturing. This patent-pending method allows for creating 3D objects on any given working surface independently of its inclination and smoothness, and without a need of additional support structures. Conventional methods of additive manufacturing have been affected both by gravity and printing environment: creation of 3D objects on irregular, or non-horizontal surfaces has so far been treated as impossible . By using innovative extrusion technology we are now able to neutralize the effect of gravity during the course of the printing process. This method gives us a flexibility to create truly natural objects by making 3D curves instead of 2D layers. Unlike 2D layers that are ignorant to the structure of the object, the 3D curves can follow exact stress lines of a custom shape. Finally, our new out of the box printing method can help manufacture structures of almost any size and shape.

More at the project’s website here

06 Jun 19:30

The Visual Patterns of Audio Frequencies Seen through Vibrating Sand

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs


The Visual Patterns of Audio Frequencies Seen through Vibrating Sand  sound science sand

Youtube user Brusspup (previously here and here) who often explores the intersection between art and science just released this new video featuring the Chladni plate experiment. First a black metal plate is attached to a tone generator and then sand is poured on the plate. As the speaker is cycled through various frequencies the sand naturally gravitates to the area where the least amount of vibration occurs causing fascinating geometric patterns to emerge. There’s actually a mathematical law that determines how each shape will form, the higher the frequency the more complex the pattern.

06 Jun 19:26

fuck yeah dementia!!1!

by ladybird13
06 Jun 19:25

fuck yeah dementia!!1!

by ladybird13
06 Jun 19:25


06 Jun 19:25

tumblr_m7tmdlx2lu1qzf9gso1_500.gif (imagen GIF, 500 × 267 píxeles)

by kndll
06 Jun 19:19


06 Jun 19:18

me taking a selfie

me taking a selfie

06 Jun 19:18


06 Jun 19:17

M’s #m&m #candy #paper #orange #blue #peanut...

M’s #m&m #candy #paper #orange #blue #peanut #chocolate #lines #shadows #apad #tbt #california #work #break

06 Jun 00:22

A Softer World

06 Jun 00:22

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli

by Christopher Jobson

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Rock Candy Icefall

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Carmel Apple Accident

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Caramel Salt Harvesters

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Cheesecake Daredevil

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Cherry Pitters

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food
Cookie Bear Ambush

Portion Control: New Photos of Tiny People Living in a World of Food by Christopher Boffoli miniature food

Fine art photographer Christopher Boffoli (previously) just released a new body of work as a continuation of his Big Appetites series where he imagines tiny people living in a world of giant food. Boffoli opens a new exhibition tomorrow night called Portion Control at Winston Wächter Fine Art in New York where he’ll also have a few copies of his forthcoming book Big Appetites. All images courtesy the artist.

05 Jun 22:56

Stupid calculations

by Nathan Yau

iphone skyline

Josh Orter takes back-of-the-napkin math to the next level with Stupid Calculations, which promises to turn practical facts into utterly useless ones. Stupid calculation number one is the size of a giant iPhone screen if you combined all the iPhone screens ever sold into one.

The eye-glazing calculations are laid out below for those who appreciate the dirty work but, skipping ahead, the Kubrick-inspired monophone would stretch 5,059 feet into the sky and have a base measuring 2,846 feet across (Central Park is 2,640 feet wide). Its surface area would take in 2.07 billion square inches. That's 14.39 million square feet or 330.54 acres. The new World Trade Center, by comparison, will have a surface area of 23 glass-clad acres, giving us enough screenage to watch Game of Thrones on all four sides of fourteen WTCs.

See also how long it would it take to drink the water in an olympic-sized pool through a straw.

05 Jun 19:09

Spurious Charge

Cooper Griggs


Finally, Apple's new "Wave" technology allows you to quickly recharge your ‪‎iPhone‬ by microwaving it. Not.
05 Jun 19:08


05 Jun 18:51

A tragic end to the story... | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by bortwein
05 Jun 18:51

honkuponku: Don’t Watch TV Badge, DO GOOD, 2009.


Don’t Watch TV Badge, DO GOOD, 2009.

05 Jun 18:50

Retrotechtacular: How I wrote Pitfall for the Atari 2600

by Mike Szczys


This week we’re taking another departure from the ordinarily campy videos featured in the Retrotechtacular section. This time around the video is only two years old, but the subject matter is from the early 1980′s. [David Crane], designer of Pitfall for the Atari 2600 gave a talk at the 2011 Game Developer’s Conference. His 38-minute presentation rounds up to a full hour with the Q&A afterwards. It’s a bit dry to start, but he hits his stride about half way through and it’s chock-full of juicy morsels about the way things used to be.

[David] wrote the game for Activision, a company that was started after game designers left Atari having been told they were no more important  than assembly line workers that assembled the actual cartridges. We wonder if any heads rolled at Atari once Pitfall had spent 64-weeks as the number one worldwide selling game?

This was a developer’s panel so you can bet the video below digs deep into coding challenges. Frame buffer? No way! The 2600 could only pump out 160 pixels at once; a single TV scan line. The programs were hopelessly synced with the TV refresh rate, and were even limited on how many things could be drawn within a single scan line. For us the most interesting part is near the end when [David] describes how the set of game screens are nothing more than a pseudo-random number generator with a carefully chosen seed. But then again, the recollection of hand optimizating the code to fit a 6k game on a 4k ROM is equally compelling.

If you like this you should take a look at an effort to fix coding glitches in Atari games.

[via Reddit]

Filed under: Software Development, software hacks
05 Jun 17:30

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero

by Christopher Jobson

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals
Baluarte, in progress

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Four New Murals by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero street art murals

Artists David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero (previously) recently finished four new pieces on the streets of Winter Haven, Florida. The duo continued their exploration of human figures and the natural world with their fractal-like forms of faces and eyes. See much more here.

05 Jun 17:26


05 Jun 17:24

Pew Surveys 39 Countries

by Joe
From the survey report:
Attitudes about homosexuality have been fairly stable in recent years, except in South Korea, the United States and Canada, where the percentage saying homosexuality should be accepted by society has grown by at least ten percentage points since 2007. These are among the key findings of a new survey by the Pew Research Center conducted in 39 countries among 37,653 respondents from March 2 to May 1, 2013. The survey also finds that acceptance of homosexuality is particularly widespread in countries where religion is less central in people’s lives. These are also among the richest countries in the world. In contrast, in poorer countries with high levels of religiosity, few believe homosexuality should be accepted by society.
More charts are at the link.
05 Jun 17:19

Rippling high-rise building

by Arnold Chao

Aqua tower

Aqua Tower

Day 31 - Aqua by Night

View from Balcony

Aqua Tower

Part skyscraper and part sculpture, the tower appropriately named Aqua has a rippling effect with waves of balconies and windows appearing like vertical bodies of water on its facade. The contemporary design garnered awards for American architect Jeanne Gang and the Studio Gang Architects. For $300 million, the 82-story building was completed within 2 years in downtown Chicago located near Lake Michigan.

Photos from Filippo Secchi, Endika Lazkano Iriondo, WallyFlood, Londer, and ifmuth.

05 Jun 17:18


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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05 Jun 17:17

Protests against Turkish government

by Arnold Chao
Cooper Griggs

Say you live in New York City. Manhattan. And say the powers that be said they were going to build a shopping mall in Central Park. How would you feel? How would you react?
Would you protest? Peacefully? Imagine you did and, during the protest, the police show up and start beating people and shooting tear gas into the crowd and people die as a result of the action. What then? What action would you carry out next?

Taksim Olayları


Gezi Park, Istanbul

istanbul protests



A clash between police and demonstrators in Turkey has turned into a week-long movement against the Turkish government. On May 28 at Taksim Gezi Park, an urban recreational area in Istanbul, demonstrators rallied to oppose the government-approved redevelopment plan of the park — including the removal of trees and building a shopping mall. A riot erupted that has triggered more demonstrations across the country. Hundreds of people have now been arrested and injured. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s leadership in reaction to dissidents is under scrutiny as a public angered by his authoritarian style grows, and support of opposing Erdogan has spread beyond Turkey’s borders in European and U.S. demonstrations.

Photos from eser.karadag, Ufuk Akarı, ebestel, SimonSawSunlight, Thorsten Strasas, and Karl Schönswetter.

05 Jun 17:13


[shouted, from the field] 'Aunt Beast hit a pop fly to second! Dive for it, Mrs Whatsit!'
05 Jun 17:12

The only ultimate disaster that can befall us, I have come to... - but does it float

by atleykins