Shared posts

11 May 12:17


Matthew Koch

Fair's fair. (Comic SFW, other comics and ads frequently NSFW)

11 May 11:45

geometrymatters: Macoto Murayama is a Japanese architect who...


Macoto Murayama is a Japanese architect who has delved into art with this intricate series of floral blueprints. His process is quite fascinating. First he dissects a flower with scalpel and observes it with a magnifying glass. Next he makes sketches and photographs the parts of dissected flower. With the sketches complete, he begins modeling using 3ds Max (CGI software). He then renders separate parts and creates a composition using Adobe Photoshop. According to Murayama, the transparency of his work refers not only to the lucid petals of a flower, but to the ambitious, romantic and utopian struggle of science to see and present the world as transparent (completely seen, entirely grasped) object. His work was recently featured in a Panasonic spot. Be sure to check out that video after the jump.

08 May 11:54

androidgyne: ampullae: cosmo sex tip #1553: as he is about to climax, tell him to look at himself,...



cosmo sex tip #1553: as he is about to climax, tell him to look at himself, a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as he runs through your corridors. how can he challenge a perfect immortal machine like you

I am so down for this scene.

07 May 22:23

garbagechansan: Cards Against Humanity is the only thing that...


Cards Against Humanity is the only thing that gets me

06 May 23:01

Watch These Breakdancing Monks Honor the Late Beastie Boys Rapper Adam Yauch

05 May 20:06

androidgyne: lovelydeck: arkane81: prostheticknowledge: SCiO ...






This is a bit future-shock …

A small consumer-level molecular scanner lets you analyze the objects around you for relevant information, from food calories or quality, medicine, nature etc … This could be the start of the Internet of Everything

The Kickstarter was launched yesterday and made it’s $200,000 goal within 24 hours - the potential for this tech is huge. Watch the video embedded below to see the potential:

Smartphones made it easy to research facts, capture images, and navigate street maps, but they haven’t brought us closer to the physical environment in which we live – until now. 

Meet SCiO. It is the world’s first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your hand. SCiO is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone.

Out of the box, when you get your SCiO, you’ll be able to analyze food, plants, and medications.

For example, you can:

  • Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: salad dressings, sauces, fruits, cheeses, and much more.
  • See how ripe an Avocado is, through the peel!
  • Find out the quality of your cooking oil.
  • Know the well being of your plants.
  • Analyze soil or hydroponic solutions.
  • Authenticate medications or supplements.
  • Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on Earth to our database. Even yourself !

You can find out more about the product at it’s Kickstarter page here


Whoa could you drug test your drinks to make sure no one puts anything in it?!

So, you’re saying it’s a tricorder?

01 May 12:34

abandonedography: Municipal Bath, Berlin Closed for...


Municipal Bath, Berlin

Closed for dilapidation, this municipal bath in the Eastern part of Berlin is an unremarkable building from the early 20th century. But under the roof of the central staircase, which links the seperate pool sections for men and women, there is this forgotten gem, a Roman sauna. This sauna is in the so-called expressionistic architectural style, which was rarely ever used except for the facade design of settlement buildings and commercial facilities.

Photograph by David Kregenow from his series Sede Vacante. A publication is work in progress.

30 Apr 19:42

scarlettsiren: tardiscrash: Star Trek + Social Commentary...

TNG 5x17 'The Outcast': An androgynous race prohibits any expression of gender, as it is viewed as 'primitive'.

TOS 3x15 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefied': Two members of the same species view the other as inferior because of which color is on which side of their body.

VOY 7x13 'Repentance': Voyager rescues passengers from a prison ship whose prisoners are on their way to be executed.

TNG 2x9 'The Measure of a Man': Data's sentience is brought into question when he is forced by Starfleet to undergo an undesired procedure.

TNG 7x20 'Journey's End': The Enterprise is ordered to relocate a population of Native Americans from their planet of 20 years because of a treaty with the Cardassians.

ENT 2x14 'Stigma': T'Pol is recalled when it is discovered she has Pa'Nar syndrome, a disease transmitted through mind-melds conducted by an unaccepted sub-culture of Vulcans.

DS9 6x13 'Far Beyond the Stars': Benny Russel is fired from his writing job when his story about a black space station commander receives scrutiny from the publisher.

TNG 7x9 'Force of Nature': Two Hekarans board the Enterprise to convince them that their warp drive is damaging their home world and the space around it.

TOS 1x23 'A Taste of Armageddon': The Enterprise discovers a 500 year war on a planet that is run by computers that calculate the fatalities and force those people to die.

VOY 3x6 'Remember': B'Elanna experiences the memories of a telepathic woman's youth, where her lover and his people are relocated and murdered without repercussion.



Star Trek + Social Commentary (context in the captions)

This is the reason star trek exists. This is why it is important. Without this there is no point of making it, you can add all the flashing lights and CG explosions and half naked women you like but without this, right here, you are not making Star Trek.


24 Apr 22:42

"I love those mornings when you wake to darkness and no one is asking anything of you. You’re under..."

“I love those mornings when you wake to darkness and no one is asking anything of you. You’re under no pressure to exist. This is something of which I am in constant need.”

- C.R.
24 Apr 22:40

This Hardcore Pigeon Loves Racing Cars

Submitted by: (via Justin Jay)

Tagged: racing , pigeon , birds , cars , Video
24 Apr 14:27

lohrien: Illustrations by Rebecca Yanovskaya website l tumblr


Illustrations by Rebecca Yanovskaya website l tumblr

18 Apr 17:23

bunnyfood: *yawn* (via dpaf:video)



(via dpaf:video)

18 Apr 13:12

Jellied Babies (late 1970s)

by About me
This week's theme of human consumption continues with this popular Jellied Babies confectionery packaging from the late 1970s.

It's that time of the year when people tear unborn offspring away from incarcerated, drugged, distraught adults, paint them lurid colours, as if to mock them, then devour the helpless, would-be babies in front of the tormented parents. It's a bit like an annual jolly pogrom.

However, in the spirit of fairness, people in Scarfolk believed that chickens should not be the only creatures to lose their young during the festive spring period. Rabbit and otter eggs were also frequently consumed in Scarfolk, and human orphans in aspic were a particular favourite. Jellied Babies went into production after the council realised that the cost of foster care was prohibitive, especially because funds were needed for more beneficial things, such as quality garden furniture for the second homes of politicians.

In general, child donation can actually be financially lucrative. For example, when God sacrificed his own child for the good of society, he made sure he got a cut of the publishing and merchandising rights.

Happy Ēostre from Scarfolk Council.
Click to enlarge
If you have any unwanted children please write to: KiddyKomestibles Ltd, Scarfolk Industrial Park, SC1 6FG to arrange for a FREE pick up.
16 Apr 19:44

phandom-doodles: Just press play. You won’t regret it.

Matthew Koch

This has been making the rounds again.


Just press play. You won’t regret it.

16 Apr 07:07


by jon


Have you been watching Cosmos? Me neither.

But seriously, folks, it’s mandatory teevee in my home. I’m literally forcing the kids to watch it. Luckily there are no complaints. This is indoctrination at its finest.


14 Apr 12:12

complexae: Ph. Conan Thai


Ph. Conan Thai

11 Apr 19:51

kristintipping: "All the beauty in the world was made within...


"All the beauty in the world was made within the oppressive limitations of time, and death, and impermanence."

-Welcome To Night Vale Episode 42 (Numbers)

I made a couple posters based on a line from the end of episode 42 that stood out to me. Hope you like them.

11 Apr 19:51

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia by night"When the night comes, the...

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia by night

"When the night comes, the starry sky reflects on its surface like in a mirror, and you have the feeling of being in space."

10 Apr 22:10

neatomosquitoshow: excerpts by Victoria Selavy from ‘The First...


excerpts by Victoria Selavy from ‘The First Book of Philosophical Sexts’ by Victoria Selavy and Stephen Michael McDowell

Somehow, it had escaped my notice until now that there was a whole book of these (see link above). Excellent.

09 Apr 19:53

caitmonster42: greasercreatures: All new Patron Saint candles...



All new Patron Saint candles now available in my Etsy shop!
Only $6.99 each!

The Tom Waits one is fantastic.

05 Apr 15:17

A Person with Contagious Measles Spent Time at a Lot of Well-Populated Places in Seattle and Pierce County Last Week | Slog

A Person with Contagious Measles Spent Time at a Lot of Well-Populated Places in Seattle and Pierce County Last Week | Slog:




If you were at ECCC and spent any time in Pike Place Market, please read this! If you are feeling sick GO TO A DOCTOR!

Today I am grateful for vaccines. This is a lot worse than the usual “convention crud”. 

It’s important to note that if you were exposed and you think you may have measles. you need to call the doctor or the hospital you are going to BEFORE you go. They need to be prepared for your arrival so that you don’t spread measles to others. 

Fucking hell. Signal boost for people who were at Emerald City ComicCon and stopped by Pike’s on the 29th.

03 Apr 20:09

Citizens United 2.0: Major Supreme Court Ruling Will Further Expand Reach Of Money In U.S. Elections

by JacobSloan
Matthew Koch

well fuck

supreme courtThe Supreme Court’s conservative majority feels that any limit on the flow of money into political campaigns is a violation of free speech, the New York Times reports:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a major campaign finance decision, striking down some limits on federal campaign contributions for the first time. The ruling, issued near the start of a campaign season, will change and most likely increase the already large role money plays in American politics.

The decision, by a 5-to-4 vote along ideological lines, with the court’s more conservative justices in the majority, was a sequel of sorts to Citizens United, the 2010 decision that struck down limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and unions. But that ruling did nothing to affect the other main form of campaign finance regulation: caps on direct contributions to candidates and political parties.

Dissenting from the bench, Justice Stephen G. Breyer called the decision a blow to the First Amendment and American democracy. “If the court in Citizens United opened a door,” he said, “today’s decision may well open a floodgate.”

The post Citizens United 2.0: Major Supreme Court Ruling Will Further Expand Reach Of Money In U.S. Elections appeared first on disinformation.

03 Apr 13:28

How to instantly turn ‘pencil lead’ (graphite) into diamond


This illustration shows four layers of transformed graphene (single sheets of graphite, with carbon atoms represented as black spheres) on a platinum surface (blue spheres). The addition of hydrogen atoms (green spheres) to the top layer has set off a domino effect that transformed this graphite-like material into a diamond-like film. The film is stabilized by bonds between the platinum substrate and the bottom-most carbon layer. (Credit: Sarp Kaya and Frank Abild-Pedersen/SUNCAT)

Stanford University scientists have discovered by accident a way to produce thin diamond films from graphite, which could be useful for a variety of industrial applications, from cutting tools to electronic devices and electrochemical sensors.

The scientists added a few layers of graphene (one-atom thick sheets of graphite) to a platinum support and exposed the topmost layer to hydrogen.

The ‘Midas touch’?

To their surprise, the reaction at the surface triggered a domino effect that altered the structure of the graphene layers from graphite-like to diamond-like.

“We provide the first experimental evidence that hydrogenation can induce such a transition in graphene,” says Sarp Kaya, researcher at the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis.

Graphite and diamond are two forms of the same chemical element, carbon. In graphite, carbon atoms are arranged in planar sheets that can easily glide against each other. This structure makes the material very soft and it can be used in products such as pencil lead.

In diamond, on the other hand, the carbon atoms are strongly bonded in all directions; thus diamond is extremely hard. Besides mechanical strength, its extraordinary electrical, optical and chemical properties contribute to diamond’s great value for industrial applications.

Domino Effect

With the help of intense X-rays from SLAC ’s Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and additional theoretical calculations performed by SUNCAT researcher Frank Abild-Pedersen, the team then determined how hydrogen impacted the layered structure.

Diamond (3D solid) vs. graphite (2D layers) (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

They found that hydrogen binding initiated a domino effect, with structural changes propagating from the sample’s surface through all the carbon layers underneath, turning the initial graphite-like structure of planar carbon sheets into an arrangement of carbon atoms that resembles diamond.

The discovery was unexpected. The original goal of the experiment was to see if adding hydrogen could alter graphene’s properties in a way that would make it useable in transistors, the fundamental building block of electronic devices. Instead, the scientists discovered that hydrogen binding resulted in the formation of chemical bonds between graphene and the platinum substrate.

Future research will explore the full potential of hydrogenated few-layer graphene for applications in the material sciences.

The research team included scientists from Stanford University, the Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Sciences (SIMES), SUNCAT, and SLAC’s Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) .

Abstract of Physical Review Letters paper

We report on the hydrogen adsorption induced phase transition of a few layer graphene (1 to 4 layers) to a diamondlike structure on Pt(111) based on core level x-ray spectroscopy, temperature programed desorption, infrared spectroscopy, and density functional theory total energy calculations. The surface adsorption of hydrogen induces a hybridization change of carbon from the sp2 to the sp3 bond symmetry, which propagates through the graphene layers, resulting in interlayer carbon bond formation. The structure is stabilized through the termination of interfacial sp3 carbon atoms by the substrate. The structural transformation occurs as a consequence of high adsorption energy.

31 Mar 16:22

slipstreamborne: I laughed the ugliest of nerd laughs.


I laughed the ugliest of nerd laughs.

30 Mar 20:31

Gif of the Day: Parkour Dog Abandons Thread

Gif of the Day: Parkour Dog Abandons Thread

Submitted by: (via Kruce)

26 Mar 20:41

March 26, 2014

A selection of favorite SCIENCE comics is over at The Nib this week!

26 Mar 18:01

steampunktendencies: KTO Tentacle Jewelry Facebook |  Google...


KTO Tentacle Jewelry

FacebookGoogle + | Twitter

24 Mar 16:58

"There was an old man of St. Bees Who was stung in the arm by a wasp. When they asked, “Does it..."

“There was an old man of St. Bees
Who was stung in the arm by a wasp.
When they asked, “Does it hurt?”
He replied, “No, it doesn’t,
But I’m sure glad it wasn’t a hornet.””

- (via glowering)
21 Mar 16:43


20 Mar 19:41
