Shared posts

21 Sep 14:19

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe…

by CommitStrip

I have always said if you want to know if something is sexist or racist flip it around the other way and see if it still fits.

21 Sep 14:13

Tech Loops


this is my life sometimes

And when I think about it, a lot of "things I want to do" are just learning about and discussing new tools for tinkering with the chain.
15 Sep 15:02

Mr Robot, my girlfriend and me [SPOILER S01E01]

by CommitStrip

I really need to watch this show more

11 Sep 14:21

Online n00b mistake #1 – Sharing fake news

by CommitStrip

My facebook feed all day.

07 Sep 03:12



everytime I hear Cyber anything I lose all respect for that person.

We had gathered that raw information, but had yet to put it all together.
02 Sep 20:23

Coder discussion

by CommitStrip

all day with my friends on Gchat lol

17 Jul 21:07

Listening to vendors hype their product at cons


every meeting we have with a vendor ever

13 Jul 14:20

latest openssl release cites 'severe bug' as a 'security defect'


remember when OpenSSL was secure, those were good days

20 Jun 20:37

Microsoft Confirms Windows 10 Preview Users Will Get a Free Upgrade

by Eric Ravenscraft

this basically means a free version of windows 10 for anyone that wants it regardless of what version you are now on.

We’ve known for a while that when Windows 10 comes out, it will be a free upgrade to most users . What if you’re using the preview version , though? Yep, you’re included. So if you’re on an old version of Windows that isn’t eligible for the upgrade (like XP or Vista), installing the Preview can get you in the door.


09 Jun 21:43


by CommitStrip

one time ATT had this suddenly super urgent project that they wanted everyone to work through the weekend on... while the project manager for it was on vacation. Needless to say it ended poorly.

05 Jun 02:07

Always stuck somewhere in my head

by CommitStrip


20 May 20:04

Tonight at eleven, plane hackers.


I have been preaching this for some time, I am overwhelmingly not surprised that people were able to hack into a phone and control it in flight.

by Alice Bob

Reference: CNN

15 May 15:43

Zackees Turn Signal Gloves


for dan

You know your hand signals. But unless they've been through drivers ed recently, odds are the people around you don't. Zackees Turn Signal Gloves leave no doubt as to your...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
15 May 13:54

Tableau Automatic Plant Watering Tray


this is actually a pretty cool idea, we don't have any indoor plants now that I have the garden going, but if you are in an apartment and want to grow herbs this would be really cool.

Buying beautiful plants is easy. Keeping them that way is not. Unless you have a Tableau Automatic Plant Watering Tray. This Dutch-designed system uses a wet-dry cycle to irrigate your...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
14 May 13:10

The main issue with autonomous cars

by CommitStrip

actually it is pretty bad at handling all those cases right now. outside of a small track near google where everything is super controlled the google car is pretty non functional ATM.

13 May 18:22

Lost Generation

by CommitStrip

the lack of good sysadmins is actually pretty real right now. I decided to look around for a job and have several strong offers from various companies in just a few weeks. Most of them told me they had positions open for a long time (6+ months) because finding anyone qualified was really hard.

30 Apr 14:28

Unnecessary automation

by sharhalakis

no way this could go wrong at all....

by sidusnare and Mesh

27 Apr 15:34

When I have to explain the different jobs in IT

by CommitStrip

Sysadmin we steal other peoples code from the internet and bend it to our will.

21 Apr 13:51

On the subject of merchandising and cultural obsession...


I actually feel the same way a little sometimes. All the hipster nerds never had to suffer in the 90s when being called a nerd was a real insult.

13 Apr 19:08

Ted Cruz's Campaign Website Sure Looks Easy To Hack

by Adam Clark Estes

I want to point out that lack of https does not equal easy to hack (unless it is a man in the middle). That being said ssl certs do not cost that much money and are super easy to install.

As ambitious politicians announce their plans to run for president in 2016, you can be sure that cheeky hackers are gearing up for some good pranks. Who will they hit? Nobody can be sure, but a former developer for the Obama campaign just posted a side-by-side comparison of the security protections on the top four candidates’ websites.


13 Apr 15:13

To Predict Future Diseases, Doctors Will Map Newborns' Genes

by Rachel Fobar

interesting, thoughts anyone?

If you could find out your baby’s future health problems right after he or she was born, would you want to know? Some new parents will get to make that decision soon. This…
10 Apr 16:23

Crisis? What crisis?

by CommitStrip

I have recruiters contact me like every day... That being said getting a position that is on my level can be a bit tricky but if I was willing to settle for lower pay then I could have a new job like overnight.

10 Apr 16:19

U.S. forbids Intel-China chip deal

by Rob Beschizza

this is actually pretty interesting. 10/10 I bet the US does not trust that the Chinese super computer is not up to no good.

061713Tianhe-2master-1371488246512 The Department of Commerce told Intel it's not allowed to ship China chips to upgrade the world's biggest supercomputer. But every sour deal has a sweet lining: "Separately, Intel has signed a $200m deal with the US government to build a massive supercomputer"
10 Apr 16:18

Mistake an apartment for a spaceship? Try to steal it? San Francisco understands.

by Jason Weisberger

meth is a hell of a drug


San Francisco's Santino Aviles has been acquitted of purportedly breaking into an apartment and taking a nap. Aviles, however, believed he was stealing a spaceship.

Read the rest

24 Mar 03:34

Another OpenSSL vuln?


Pretty much how I felt

by infra

16 Mar 15:55



I have a friend who would basically live on free chips and queso/salsa and never leave a tip. Needless to say the times I went out to eat with him were few.

The invisible hand of the market never texts me back.
12 Mar 13:55

When you migrate meterpreter to lsass.exe, only to then be quarantined by the AV you forgot to turn off...


or better yet when Oracle identity management breaks the lsass.exe service on all your production DC's at the same time causing them all to enter a reboot storm because someone used a "&" in their password. That was a fun night. Also Funny story the Oracle people said that is a known bug but it is not a big deal...

'Hi… can you reboot <prod server IP>?… yeah, that's the one… What do you mean it's not coming back up?… Shiiiit…'

by Maven

11 Mar 19:57

Postponing disk replacement for a degraded RAID array

by sharhalakis

we call this YOLO mode

by seqizz

11 Mar 19:55

Is the Stock Market Going to Crash Soon?

by William Cowie

this is actually a great article

Dear Lifehacker,
I've been reading a ton about the stock market hitting more new records. Nobel Prize winning economists are warning that the market is overvalued. Does this mean a crash is coming? What should I do?


06 Mar 16:27

Hard Reboot


I know that feel. There is a certain point in which you just have to nuke it from orbit and start clean.

Googling inevitably reveals that my problem is caused by a known bug triggered by doing [the exact combination of things I want to do]. I can fix it, or wait a few years until I don't want that combination of things anymore, using the kitchen timer until then.