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23 Jan 19:39

Rug "typo" at Sheriff's Office: "In Dog We Trust"

by David Pescovitz

A new $500 emblem rug sat in the entrance of the Pinellas County, Florida Sheriff's Office for two months before a deputy finally noticed that it said "In Dog We Trust." (more…)

23 Jan 05:56

Proof That We Need A 16-Bit Guardians Of The Galaxy Video Game

by Lauren Davis

CineFix has been reimagining all the recent action movies as pixellated videogames, but few movies translate so perfectly as Guardians of the Galaxy. Now we want to play this game for real — especially with that soundtrack.


23 Jan 04:23

How to sneak choclate into American movie theatres.

22 Jan 20:42

Note for Thursday, Jan 22, 2015

Washington's best known quote about friendship is: Be courteous to all but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence; True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation. Five years of beating the crap out of Pat (and getting the crap beaten out of him) is probably plenty enough shock to deserve the term.

See you on Monday!

Support the comic by becoming a Patreon sponsor, or by reading the novels set in the same universe.
20 Jan 18:26

Home Cooking

by Greg Ross

The map of the continental United States contains an elf making chicken.

He’s known as Mimal, after the states that make him up: Minnesota (hat), Iowa (head), Missouri (shirt), Arkansas (pants), and Louisiana (boots).

Fittingly, the chicken is Kentucky and the tin pan is Tennessee.

19 Jan 19:26

Eric Holder: no more civil forfeiture without warrant/charges

by Cory Doctorow

In a surprise move, the US Attorney General has ordered police departments to cease the practice of civil forfeiture (basically, stealing stuff and selling it) unless the forfeiture is related to a specific warrant or charge. Read the rest

19 Jan 19:18

Brown V. Board was handed down in 1954.

by Jessica Hagy


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19 Jan 06:30

"Tim is patient, Tim is kind.

by Robbie Gonzalez

"Tim is patient, Tim is kind. Tim does not envy, Tim does not boast, Tim is not proud. Tim is not rude, Tim is not self-seeking, Tim is not easily angered, Tim keeps no record of wrongs." Some Guy Named Tim Edits The Book Of Corinthians To Replace All Instances Of "Love" With "Tim."


18 Jan 18:21

Back to the gym

by The Awkward Yeti

Back to the gym

18 Jan 17:33

The story of Grace Hopper (aka Amazing Grace)

16 Jan 20:31


If you encounter a hex bolt, but you only brought screwdrivers, you can try sandwiching the head of the bolt between two parallel screwdriver shafts, squeezing the screwdrivers together with a hand at either end, then twisting. It doesn't work and it's a great way to hurt yourself, but you can try it!
12 Jan 19:55

There Are Now Lego Astronauts Aboard The ISS

by James Whitbrook

There Are Now Lego Astronauts Aboard The ISS

These aren't the first pieces of Lego to break the surly bonds of gravity, but they're some of the coolest - as part of New Year celebrations aboard the ISS, the current crew of station were gifted three custom-made Astronaut figures.


12 Jan 19:48

Progress bar art by Viktor Hertz

by Xeni Jardin


Playful, simple series of visual jokes by Swedish illustrator and graphic designer Viktor Hertz. Read the rest

12 Jan 19:47

Monsters in America: a cryptozoological map of the USA

by Xeni Jardin
Hog Island Press.

Courtesy Hog Island Press.

You're gonna need this.

Read the rest

12 Jan 19:47

The FCC will vote on Net Neutrality in February

by Xeni Jardin
Tom Wheeler, head of the US Federal Communication Commission. (REUTERS/JASON REED)

Tom Wheeler, head of the US Federal Communication Commission. (REUTERS/JASON REED)

In an announcement ending weeks of speculation, Federal Communications Commission officials today said that federal regulators will introduce and vote on new proposed net neutrality rules in February. Read the rest

12 Jan 19:44

Highly specialized tattoos

by Cory Doctorow

Link: the artist is Eric Brunning of Vancouver's Adorned (via JWZ)

12 Jan 19:39

This ingenious machine turns feces into drinking water

by Mark Frauenfelder

"I watched the piles of feces go up the conveyer belt and drop into a large bin. They made their way through the machine, getting boiled and treated. A few minutes later I took a long taste of the end result: a glass of delicious drinking water." Bill Gates reports on the Omniprocessor, a machine that converts sewer sludge into clean water and electricity.

11 Jan 23:26

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

by Jessica Hagy


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09 Jan 22:11

maggie-stiefvater: destielhiseyesopened: umiko-hitara: poisonp...







Uh oh

wouldn’t that be awkward

Can I get some credible sources?

Here’s one

and another

and one more for the road

Theology nerd side of Tumblr, reporting for duty!

There are roughly five and a half fucktillion extracanonical gospels out there. For the first couple centuries after Jesus bit it, his followers wrote a ridiculous amount of fanfic. There were a gajillion different headcanons floating around about exactly who and what he even was (God pretending to be human? human who got possessed by God at his baptism? human who got promoted to demigod after his death? simultaneously God and human all along??) and lots of early Christian communities ~conveniently~ discovered a Totally 100% Authentic Eyewitness Account that supported their pet theory (and also, proved that their fave disciple was clearly the best).

Big Name Fans argued about all the major disagreements, periodically throwing conventions specifically to bicker until they reached some sort of consensus (more or less – sometimes the hold-outs ended up saying “screw you guys, we’re gonna go form our own church!”) Toward the end of the second century, a guy named Irenaeus wrote a meta arguing that there were four fics worth reading – no more, no less – and they were ones that folks somewhere along the line started to claim were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This idea caught on as a popular bit of fanon, and over the next couple of centuries it gained so much support that it was declared canon.

So, what’s the point of this Jesus fandom history lesson? Basically, that the discovery of yet another extracanonical text isn’t particularly earth-shattering. Headlines like “Ancient Bible changes everything! Pope freaking out!” are bullshit, but that’s how it’s always framed cause more accurate headlines like “Old manuscript discovered – Historians say ‘Ooh, nifty!’” aren’t very good click-bait.

The actual history and politics of the various gospel texts are really fascinating though (if you’re a huge fucking nerd, like me). In the Gospel of Judas, he’s the only disciple who really understands Jesus, who told Judas to “betray” him. Also, God’s a Glow Cloud. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas has kid!Jesus smite other kids for being little shits. The Gospel of Peter is hella anti-Jewish, but has one cool bit with a character that’s literally a walking, talking cross. There’s a whole book called “Q” which has never even been found, but scholars are pretty sure exists cause Matthew and Luke copied a lot from it.

Seriously, leaning about this stuff made me go “woah, this is freaking awesome – why the hell did my parents’ church make the Bible seem so damn boring??” Well, probably cause all those white upper middle class folks didn’t want us kiddies to dig too deep and find out what a radical, anti-establishment bamf Jesus really was, but that’s another rant for another time…

Reblogging because this is what I live for. As a medieval history major, I got taught first and foremost that we’d be spending four years reading lies and biased half-truths and mythologies. Our job was to find the places they agreed and work the rest out from there. “Do the edge pieces first, Maggie.” I took an entire seminar on forgeries, because so many of the sources historians use to piece together the past are known fakes, but the best they can do is read between the lines or have no lines at all. There’s a reason why medieval historians read farm reports featuring travel descriptions and saints’ lives involving demons-living-in-buckets with the same attention to detail. Every dry history text you’ve read in your life comes from a pile of sources like this, bits of maybe-truth cobbled together with toothpaste and narwhal horn dust.

The moral of the story is be curious, and look for the lies in truth and the truth in lies. It’s pretty great: hello, history, riddle me this.

09 Jan 20:35

Gut Fauna

I know it seems unpleasant, but of the two ways we typically transfer them, I promise this is the one you want.
09 Jan 20:33

January 06, 2015

09 Jan 20:18

Close the Loop

sleep is dumb
09 Jan 15:32

nubbsgalore: someone in the world is maimed or killed by a...


someone in the world is maimed or killed by a landmine every hour. apopo is a not for profit ngo that has spent the last twenty years developing and implementing “hero rats” to clear affected areas of their landmines - over 1500 in tanzania, where apopo is headquartered, 2,728 in mozambique, and 657 in thailand. there are also ongoing operations in angola and cambodia. 

rats are known to be amongst the most sensitive animals when it comes to smell, with more functional genes for their olfactory system than any other mammal. a rat’s nose is constantly active and moving, and is always close to ground where vapour concentrations are highest and wind speeds are lowest.

the african giant pouched rat, being highly sociable and native to sub saharan africa, is specifically trained to detect tnt and mine casing minerals. using a combination of click training and food rewarding that begins shortly after birth and lasts nine months, the rats are able to cover 100 square metres of land in 20 minutes - something a human would need an entire day to do.

weighing just over a kilogram, the rats are too light to set off a landmine, and not one has died from the work. apopo adheres to very strict animal welfare protocols, and the rats are treated with the greatest of care and attention, with most meeting their expected eight years of life.

photos by sylvain piraux. consider adopting a rat, where you’ll get real time updates on your rat’s training and life saving work. you can also chose to instead have your rat trained to sniff out tuberculosis in sub saharan african villages (apopo has trained rats to do in ten minutes what it takes lab technicians a day to detect)

08 Jan 20:56

The US treasury secretary's signature was unfit to print on currency

by Mark Frauenfelder

Above: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's signature. Barack Obama said, “Jack assures me that he is going to work to make at least one letter legible in order not to debase our currency, should he be confirmed as secretary of the Treasury.”

Visit Futility Closet to see the version of Lew's signature that's used on US Federal Reserve notes.

04 Jan 17:50

RT @claubito: Sei tudo de html tenho até uma tatuagem sobre o assunto

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @claubito: Sei tudo de html tenho até uma tatuagem sobre o assunto
31 Dec 22:07

United and Orbitz sue Skiplagged, a service you should totally use

by Cory Doctorow

Skiplagged finds cheap one-way fares by surfacing weird airline pricing strategies, like pricing a NY-SFO-Lake Tahoe flight cheaper than an NY-SFO flight, so you book all the way through to Tahoe, debark at SFO, and walk away from the final leg. Read the rest

31 Dec 17:47

Happy Public Domain Day: here are the works that copyright extension stole from you in 2015

by Cory Doctorow

Jennifer Jenkins writes, "What could have been entering the public domain in the US on January 1, 2015? Under the law that existed until 1978 -- Works from 1958. The films 'Attack of the 50 Foot Woman,' 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,' and 'Gigi,' the books 'Our Man in Havana,' 'The Once and Future King,' and 'Things Fall Apart,' the songs 'All I Have to Do Is Dream' and 'Yakety Yak,' and more -- What is entering the public domain this January 1? Not a single published work." Read the rest

30 Dec 17:49

[Comic 12-29-14] Every Time

30 Dec 16:49

loveneverdidrunsmooth: ewebie: pearswhy: i don’t like...




i don’t like dinosaurs and am happy they are not real

If I went on a date and the person asked me what my stance is on dinosaurs, I’m pretty sure the date would rapidly end when I tucked my arms into my sleeves and started stalking around the restaurant making velocoraptor noises.

If someone is offended by your velociraptor noises, ewebie, they’re probably not worth dating anyway. You should be with people who appreciate your true majesty.

Isn’t “Dinosaurs Y/N?” in everyone’s Tindr profile?

28 Dec 01:51

RT @neiltyson: On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @neiltyson: On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642