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28 Dec 02:39

BOBBINS for December 24th 2014

28 Dec 02:33

No Matter How Great Your Christmas Tree...

by djublonskopf

No Matter How Great Your Christmas Tree...

...this mall in Japan has you beat.


28 Dec 02:32

Why Wonder Woman Has Trouble Understanding Mortal Holidays

by Lauren Davis

Why Wonder Woman Has Trouble Understanding Mortal Holidays

Religious celebrations on Themyscira must be a lot more interesting.


23 Dec 23:17

Your normal is someone else’s freaky.

by Jessica Hagy


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23 Dec 20:52

Amazing Princess Bride Theory Dreamed Up By A Child Just BLEW OUR MINDS

by Meredith Woerner

Amazing Princess Bride Theory Dreamed Up By A Child Just BLEW OUR MINDS

This kid's take on the story behind the story of The Princess Bride is blowing our minds. All it took was one character speaking the classic "As you wish" line and suddenly, everything has changed.


23 Dec 20:50

This Orangutan Is Now A Legally Recognized Nonhuman Person In Argentina

by George Dvorsky

This Orangutan Is Now A Legally Recognized Nonhuman Person In Argentina

History was made this past weekend in Buenos Aires when an appeals court ruled that an orangutan held in a zoo is a nonhuman person unlawfully deprived of its right to bodily autonomy.


22 Dec 06:14

Everglades National Park

by toni


The Everglades is massive. We only saw one part of it – the part that looks pretty similar to Illinois’ wetlands, but scaled up and with more buzzards, snakes, and alligators.

22 Dec 06:13

ablacknation: This is so powerful.


This is so powerful.

19 Dec 17:41

#1086; In which an Elixir is hawked

by David Malki

impatiently expect the name brand to perform miracles. applaud the generic knockoff for not tripping over its shoelaces. this is the world we could inhabit if we just insist.

19 Dec 17:39


18 Dec 21:24

Hanukkah + hip-hop = Dr. Dreidel

by Xeni Jardin

A clever tchotchke created by Hannah Rothstein. Read the rest

18 Dec 21:21

Congress ends federal ban on medical marijuana

by Mark Frauenfelder

The federal spending measure passed this weekend, and one of the provisions in it "effectively ends the federal government's prohibition on medical marijuana and signals a major shift in drug policy," reports the LA Times.

Read the rest
18 Dec 20:05


by Jessica Hagy


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17 Dec 21:55

How much do you want to know?

by Jessica Hagy


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15 Dec 00:48

Staffed by mimes

by Seth Godin

If someone asked you how to do something, would you act it out, using no words at all? 

Of course not. Yet, in our increasingly post-literate world, it seems like organizations are afraid to use prose. It doesn't cost anything, and when you post a link, you have all the room in the world to clearly write out a narrative of how something works. You can even do it in 200 languages without too much trouble.

Here's the fundamental mistake that marketers make: Great design often needs little explanation. And so, natural, organic, effective design often comes without written instructions. But, and it's a huge but, the converse is not true. Shipping something without instructions doesn't mean it's a great design.

What are the chances that a guest is going to use this hotel shower properly the first time? 

Why does Ikea believe that providing nothing but little pictures is the best way to teach someone to do something?

After wasting hours trying to figure out the proseless instructions for a fancy lamp I purchased from an Italian company, I wrote a narrative for the company, in the vain hope that perhaps they'd save other people the trouble.

Most people would never to choose to read it. Except the people who are stuck and confused, which is precisely the group you write instructions for. When in doubt, write it down. By all means, you still need pictures, even video. But there's nothing to replace the specificity that comes from the alphabet. Use labels. Use words.

15 Dec 00:47


09 Dec 19:34

Taxpayers pick up the tab for violent, abusive, murdering cops 99.8% of the time

by Cory Doctorow

99.8% of the $735 million paid out by in 9,225 large-city police misconduct settlements came from tax revenues; 0.2% was paid by the officers who committed the infractions. In more than 80 small/mid-sized cities studied, police officers contributed nothing to settlements for their misconduct. Read the rest

08 Dec 20:17

Parable of the Polygons: segregation and "slight" racism

by Cory Doctorow

Vi Hart and Nicky Case created a brilliant "playable post" that challenges you to arrange two groups of polygons to make them "happy" by ensuring that no more than 2/3 of their neighbors are different. Read the rest

08 Dec 06:12

"When I was a freshman, my sister was in eighth grade. There was a boy in two of her periods who..."

“When I was a freshman, my sister was in eighth grade. There was a boy in two of her periods who would ask her out every single day. (Third and seventh period, if I remember correctly.) All day during third and seventh she would repeatedly tell him no. She didn’t beat around the bush, she didn’t lie and say she was taken—she just said no.
One day, in third period, after being rejected several times, he said; “I have a gun in my locker. If you don’t say yes, I am going to shoot you in seventh.”
She refused again, but right after class she went to the principal’s office and told them what happened. They searched his locker and there was a gun in his backpack.
When he was arrested, some of my sister’s friends (some female, even) told her that she was selfish for saying no so many times. That because of her, the entire school was in jeopardy. That it wouldn’t have killed her to say yes and give it a try, but because she was so mean to him, he lost his temper. Many of her male friends said it was “girls like her” that made all women seem like cockteases.
Wouldn’t have killed her to say yes? If a man is willing to shoot someone for saying no, what happens to the poor soul who says yes? What happens the first time they disagree? What happens the first time she says she doesn’t want to have sex? That she isn’t in the mood? When they break up?
Years later, when I was a senior, I was the only girl in my Criminal Justice class. The teacher, who used to be a sergeant in the police force, told us a story of something that had happened to a girl he knew when she was in high school. There was a guy who obviously had a crush on her and he made her uncomfortable. One day he finally gathered up the courage to ask her out, and she said no.
The next day, during an assembly, he pulled a gun on her in front of everyone and threatened to kill her if she didn’t date him.
He was tackled to the ground and the gun was taken from him. When my teacher asked the class who was at fault for the crime, I was the only person who said the boy was. All the other kids in the class (who were all boys) said that the girl was, that if she had said yes he would’ve never lost it and brought a gun and tried to kill her. When my teacher said that they were wrong and that this is what is wrong with society, that whenever a white boy commits a crime it’s someone else’s fault (music, television, video games, the victim) one boy raised his hand and literally said; “But if someone were to punch me and I punched him back, who is at fault for the fight? He is, not me. It’s self-defence. She started it, so anything that happens to her is in reaction to her actions .It’s simple cause and effect.”
Even though he spent the rest of the calss period ripping into the boys and saying that you are always responsible for your own actions, and that women are allowed to say no and do not have to date them, they left class laughing about how idiotic he was and that he clearly had no idea how much it hurt to be rejected.
So now we have a new school shooting, based solely on the fact some guy couldn’t get laid, and I see men, boys, applaudin him, or if they’re not applauding him, they’re laying blame on women as a whole. Just like my sister’s friends did. Just like the boys in my Criminal Justice class did.
This isn’t something that’s rare. This isn’t something that never happens, or that a select group of men feel as if they are so entitled to women that saying no is not only the worst possible thing a woman can do, but is considered a form of “defence” when they commit a crime upon them (whether it be rape or murder-as-a-reaction-towards-rejection).
Girls are being killed for saying no to prom invites. Girls are being killed for saying no to men. They are creating an atmosphere where women are too scared to say no, and the worst part is? They are doing it intentionally. They want society to be that way, they want women to say yes entirely out of fear. Even the boys and men who aren’t showing up to schools with guns are saying; “Well, you know, I wouldn’t do that, but you have to admit that if she had just said yes …”
If you are a man and you defend this guys’ actions or try to find an excuse for it, or you denounce what really happened, or in any way lay blame on women, every girl you know, every woman you love, has just now thought to themselves that you might lose your shit and kill them someday for saying no. You have just lost their trust. And you know what? You deserve to lose it.”


cry laugh feel love peace panic:  

"Wouldn’t have killed her to say yes? If a man is willing to shoot someone for saying no, what happens to the poor soul who says yes? What happens the first time they disagree? What happens the first time she says she doesn’t want to have sex? That she isn’t in the mood? When they break up?"


(via feminist-space)


(via stfueverything)

05 Dec 19:55

Obama Calls For Turret-Mounted Video Cameras On All Police Tanks

by Cory Doctorow
05 Dec 19:51

Physics, or sorcery?

by Cory Doctorow

This table is being held up by the weight of the buckets that are resting on it! Read the rest

05 Dec 19:49

87 chokehold complaints filed against NYPD in 2014

by Xeni Jardin

It may be a banned police maneuver, but it sure is popular. Analysis and infographic at Vocativ.

05 Dec 12:35

Stop What You're Doing And Watch This Owl Swim Lake Michigan Like A Pro

by Lauren Davis

Stop What You're Doing And Watch This Owl Swim Lake Michigan Like A Pro

There is something fascinating about watching an animal behavior that we don't normally witness. After two Peregrine Falcons forced this Great Horned Owl down into Lake Michigan, the owl managed to escape with a few strokes of butterfly.


04 Dec 21:09

"As early as the 1920s, researchers giving IQ tests to non-Westerners realized that any test of..."

“As early as the 1920s, researchers giving IQ tests to non-Westerners realized that any test of intelligence is strongly, if subtly, imbued with cultural biases… Samoans, when given a test requiring them to trace a route form point A to point B, often chose not the most direct route (the “correct” answer), but rather the most aesthetically pleasing one. Australian aborigines find it difficult to understand why a friend would ask them to solve a difficult puzzle and not help them with it. Indeed, the assumption that one must provide answers alone, without assistance from those who are older and wiser, is a statement about the culture-bound view of intelligence. Certainly the smartest thing to do, when face with a difficult problem, is to seek the advice of more experienced relatives and friends!”

- Jonathan Marks - Anthropology and the Bell Curve (via mgrable)
28 Nov 19:26


They also showed activation in the parts of the brain associated with exposure to dubious study methodology, concern about unremoved piercings, and exasperation with fMRI techs who won't stop talking about Warped Tour.
27 Nov 18:25

Resistance is Flatulent

sleep is dumb

Tonight’s comic is about human culture.

25 Nov 19:55

Meet Feminist Hacker Barbie, avenger of girl nerds

by Xeni Jardin
She hates Ubuntu and sexism. Read the rest
25 Nov 02:23

How the Sausage is Made

sleep is dumb

The human body is a disgusting marvel.

25 Nov 02:16

Move, you idiot beasts! MOVE.

by Jessica Hagy


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22 Nov 21:33

Girl Genius for Friday, November 21, 2014

The Girl Genius comic for Friday, November 21, 2014 has been posted.