Shared posts

12 Oct 04:31


It's like I've always said--people just need more common sense. But not the kind of common sense that lets them figure out that they're being condescended to by someone who thinks they're stupid, because then I'll be in trouble.
12 Oct 04:26

715 – Old Friends

by Drunken-Novice

715 – Old Friends

This comic is reader supported. To help keep this comic rolling become a patreon here!

Well, here it is everyone. A lot sooner than I imagined when I made the Patreon goal, A big thank you to all the lovlies out there that made this happen.
Now, enjoy the first twogag in almost a year. First of many I hope!

04 Oct 14:55

October 2017

And yet I have no trouble believing that the start of the 2016 election was several decades ago.
02 Oct 16:58

Self Driving

"Crowdsourced steering" doesn't sound quite as appealing as "self driving."
29 Sep 16:59

Active Ingredients Only

Contains the active ingredients from all competing cold medicines, plus the medicines for headaches, arthritis, insomnia, indigestion, and more, because who wants THOSE things?
28 Sep 22:26

USB Cables

Tag yourself, I'm "frayed."
28 Sep 03:51

Real Estate

I tried converting the prices into pizzas, to put it in more familiar terms, and it just became a hard-to-think-about number of pizzas.
11 Sep 16:19

Still in Use

'Which one?' 'I dunno, it's your house. Just check each object.' 'Check it for *what*?' 'Whether it looks like it might have touched a paper towel at some point and then forgotten to let go.' '...' 'You can also Google to learn how to check which things are using which resources.' 'You know, I'll just leave the towel there and try again tomorrow.'
01 Sep 23:06

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Spinoffs


Odio este cómic... pero a veces, muy a veces hacen algo que me gusta

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

They also sent a guy to the regular moon.

New comic!
Today's News:
24 Aug 20:19

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Say My Name


Este cómic se sigue salvando de ser borrado por subir uno bueno cada mes

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Was it because I spent 20 minutes talking about exactly how much money I saved on condoms by buying in bulk?

New comic!
Today's News:
24 Aug 02:31

Total Eclipse of the Art

by Adam

En general estos cómics son buenos, pero este me gustó más de lo normal


I had this panicky thought while I was standing outside during the eclipse on Monday.

11 Aug 16:35

Computers vs Humans

It's hard to train deep learning algorithms when most of the positive feedback they get is sarcastic.
11 Aug 16:10

A Gigantic Buddha Statue Emerges from the Top of a Hill in Japan

by Johnny Strategy

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs by Shigeo Ogawa.

Normally a cemetery wouldn’t be on our list of recommended sites to see, but the Makomanai Cemetery is one of the most awe-inspiring places we’ve ever been. Located in the outskirts of Sapporo, a large stone Buddha occupies the sprawling landscape. All 1,500 tons of it has sat alone there for 15 years. But when the cemetery decided they wanted to do something to increase visitor’s appreciations for the Buddha, they enlisted architect Tadao Ando, who had a grand and bold idea: hide the statue.

Photo by Hiroo Namiki.

“Our idea was to cover the Buddha below the head with a hill of lavender plants,” said Ando. Indeed, as you approach “Hill of Buddha” the subject is largely concealed by a hill planted with 150,000 lavenders. Only the top of the statue’s head pokes out from the rotunda, creating a visual connection between the lavender plants and the ringlets of hair on the Buddha statue’s head.

Upon entering, visitors are forced to turn left or right and walk around a rectangular lake of water before entering the 131-ft (40-meter) long approach tunnel. The journey is a constant reminder of the weather, the breeze and the light, and is works in tandem to heighten anticipation of the statue, which is only visible once you reach the end of the tunnel.

Any time of the year, visitors will have a different experience. The 150,000 lavenders “turn fresh green in spring, pale purple in summer and silky white with snow in winter.” It really is a miraculous work of environmental art. (Syndicated from Spoon & Tamago)

Photo by Hiroo Namiki.

Photo by Hiroo Namiki.

09 Aug 03:43

Capa de Superman para el Superoficinista

by Troy

Alguien más tiene que entrar a la página para ver los posts?

Existen muchos profesionales que se ganan día a día el calificativo de "heroicos": bomberos, policías, maestros de escuela infantil, superhéroes de todo tipo...

Son personas que, efectivamente, suelen afrontar situaciones en las que ponen en juego sus propias vidas para salvar las de sus congéneres. Admirable.

Por desgracia, existen otras profesiones que, siendo tanto o más valiosas para la integridad de la raza humana, no son valoradas con el mismo entusiasmo; hablamos de oficinistas, informáticos, ingenieros, científicos y otras especies que desarrollan sus tareas sentados en una silla, generalmente delante de una pantalla de ordenador.

La Capa de Superman para silla de oficina es un bonito detalle para reivindicar la importancia de presentar una factura a tiempo, solucionar un error en el programa que controla el tráfico aéreo mundial o calcular adecuadamente el número de farloyos por parsec cuadrado que se tiene que aplicar en el rayo láser que moldeará nuestra córnea para hacer desaparecer esas molestas dioptrías.

Visto en Technabob

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Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan

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Un 5% de descuento para ti usando el cupón NPC_EN_RSS, la tienda para frikis y geeks, la tienda de regalos originales
07 Aug 18:43

A Bone to Pick

This comic was written by Norrin. It is about broken dreams.
07 Aug 18:38

Email Reply

I would be honored, but I know I don't belong in your network. The person you invited was someone who had not yet inflicted this two-year ordeal upon you. I'm no longer that person.
07 Aug 18:29

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Apocalypse Soon


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

New plan - win lottery, have Abby Howard draw all of my comics.

New comic!
Today's News:

Hey geeks! We're doing this little crossover thing to celebrate Abby's new book, which features properly protofeathered dinosaurs. Check it out!

PS: She'll also be doing an AMA today on reddit.

03 Aug 21:52

Johnny Wander - Japan Travelogue 2017 - 8


Definitivamente esas son cosas que todos notan y aman cuando van a japón

New comic!
Today's News:

Hey guys! Excited to tell you that if you missed the Omnibus kickstarter then you're in luck! You can now buy the Omnibus, LTD Omnibus and Maw Plush in the online store!


The Cerberus girls who live next door to Percy started an Instagram! Updated... whenever! Check it out!


Hi! Welcome to the 2017 edition of our Travelogues! These chronicle Yuko's latest trip to Japan (and Ananth's first)! Barbarous will return afterwards, with the Chapter 3 that we're working on right now! 


Just a quick plug for the Barbarous tumblr, which we've tried to use to showcase the (surprising) amount of fanart we've received! We are really loving it. The piece below is by Iasmin Omar Ata-- check it out!

01 Aug 01:04

Emoji Movie Reviews

There's this idea that emoji are bad for communication because they replace ambiguity and nuance with a limited set of preselected emotions, but it doesn't really survive a collision with real-world usage of the thinking face or upside-down smiley.
28 Jul 17:23

Positive and Negative Reviews

This restaurant is great! I was feeling really sick, but then I ate there and felt better!
26 Jul 21:30

Eclipse Flights

The captain has turned on the 'fasten seat belt' sign.
25 Jul 04:05

Physics Confession

"You know lightning, right? When electric charge builds up in a cloud and then discharges in a giant spark? Ask me why that happens." "Why does tha--" "No clue. We think it's related to the hair thing."
20 Jul 17:53

City Nicknames

This place has so many demonyms. Northlanders. Fair Folk. Honey Barons. Lake Dwellers. Treasurers. Swamp Watchers. Dream Farmers. Wellfolk. Rockeaters. Forgotten Royals. Remote Clients. Barrow-Clerks. The People of Land and Sky.
20 Jul 17:50

Wifi vs Cellular


Creo que los cómics son más graciosos si te vas de vacaciones unos días y los dejas de leer

According to the cable company reps who keep calling me, it's because I haven't upgraded to the XTREME GIGABAND PANAMAX FLAVOR-BLASTED PRO PACKAGE WITH HBO, which is only $5 more per month for the first 6 months and five billion dollars per month after that.
20 Jul 17:48

On a Hot Streak

by Adam

Ok, esto no lo vi venir


Las Vegas is the only place I’ve ever been where people open ovens to cool off.

20 Jul 17:43

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Regression


Ok, estaba a punto de dejar de seguir este cómic porque seguido son largos y aburridos y saca muchísimos... Pero este post los salvó

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

You must've been a HIDEOUS baby.

New comic!
Today's News:

Thanks, everyone. That was an incredibly successful kickstarter. We had some internal goals that were more than doubled. We are working now to deliver those books as fast as possible!

08 Jul 01:41



No conozco bien la historia del huevo ese, pero me gusta el concepto del cómic

You're saying that the responsibility for avoiding miscommunication lies entirely with the listener, not the speaker, which explains why you haven't been able to convince anyone to help you down from that wall.
08 Jul 01:33

Apocalipsis Geek

by Troy

Había visto la de la cajita feliz, pero no sabía que era una colección

La entrada Apocalipsis Geek se publicó primero en No Puedo Creer.

28 Jun 23:53

Existence Proof


Tantos años en clases y nunca encontré mi clase

Real analysis is way realer than I expected.
24 Jun 01:04

Star Trek IV The Voyage Phone

by Adam


Honestly, this strip was just an excuse to draw Star Trek bugs.