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08 Apr 17:09

Iconic Archie Comics Character Archie Andrews Will Die in the July 2014 Issue of ‘Life With Archie’

by Brian Heater


Issue 36 of Life With Archie will mark the death of the iconic redheaded comic character. Due out in July, the double-sized issue finds Archie Andrews meeting his maker while “sacrificing himself heroically.” The followup issue will explore the Riverdale gang’s reactions to the event.

We’ve been building up to this moment since we launched Life With Archie five years ago, and knew that any book that was telling the story of Archie’s life as an adult had to also show his final moment.

The death of its titular protagonist is the latest in a series of high profile events in the Archie Comics world, including a 2009 storyline in which Archie married both Betty and Veronica in separate issues and 2010’s introduction of Kevin Keller, Riverdale’s first openly gay character.

image via Archie Comics

08 Apr 14:09

Christina Hendricks Thinks She’d Be The Perfect Fit For A Role On ‘Game Of Thrones’

by Andrew Roberts

While I’m sure there will plenty to see of Christina Hendricks come this Sunday when Mad Men returns for its final season: part one, it doesn’t mean that’s the only glance of Ms. Hendricks we will get this week. She stopped by Conan tonight to promote the return of Don Draper and the crew, but also put to bed the rumors that she is interested in working on Game Of Thrones.

In fact, she hasn’t even seen the show. The rumor was born by red carpet small talk, much like the latest Goonies rumor, and spiraled out of control from there. Way to get our hopes up, Hollywood!

Hendricks added fuel to the fire by saying she feels she’d look great in the outfits they have in Westeros, which the point where I blacked out because my inner-nerd collided with my brain. If I don’t see Joan in some sort of animal fur bikini before the end of the week, I’m going to be very disappointment in the creeps of the internet.

(Via Team Coco)

06 Apr 00:57

You Won’t Believe This Model’s Terrifying Transformation Into A ‘Real Life’ Marge Simpson

by Andrew Roberts

I never thought I wanted to see a real life character from The Simpsons, especially Marge Simpson, but no one truly cares what I think. Russian photographer Alexander Kholov, make-up artist Veronica Ershova, and hair stylist Mikhail Kravchenko teamed up to bring this terrifying creation to life as part of Kholov’s Art Of The Face series and managed to turn this model into a real life cartoon character. From Laughing Squid:

Marge Simpson is a cult cartoon character in the present world. We love Marge, that’s why we decided to make her alive using the skills of make-up, hairstyle, floristics and photography. It was important to pay attention to the details of original image. Veronica Ershova, the make-up artist, painted the model face and the stylist Mikhail Kravchenko created the huge hair – the calling card of Marge’s image. We wanted to make unusual hairstyle and Mikhail used real chrysanthemums painted in blue and special frame. With the real flowers we achieved necessary volume and texture.

I don’t care what anyone says, I’ll be having nightmares for weeks. The final, completed makeup job is below and is only rivaled in terror by the creativity involved. Bravo, folks, for ruining my night with your wild creative insights.

Real Life Marge Simpson

Alexander Khokhlov

(Via Alexander Khokhlov)

04 Apr 06:10

“De-Chiefing” is becoming a thing among Indians fans

by Craig Calcaterra
A nascent movement among fans who hate the racist Indians logo has spurred a backlash.
03 Apr 17:23

NPR’s April Fool’s Day Prank Was An Absolute Masterpiece

by Vince Mancini


A few days ago, I wrote about how much I hate April Fool’s Day, but NPR played a prank I can totally get behind. They posted the above headline to their Facebook page, a story about “Why Doesn’t America Read Anymore?” If you actually clicked on it, you were sent to this:

Now, if you’ve ever been on Facebook before, or, say, run the Facebook account for a news site, you know that one thing people love is to comment on a story without reading it. This goes doubly so if they can take personal offense to a generalized headline. “Many Americans Today Can’t Do Their Own Taxes,” say, where the first five comments are all “GAY. I lern to do tax in 5 grade idiot, wut wrong w ppl X(”

So you can probably guess how this one turned out:

“I read between 5 and 20+ books a month.” Aahahahahaha, it’s perfect. Drink in the shame, dickweeds.

We have truly reached the point where every “fact” is simply an excuse for you to skip to discussing whatever it is you wanted to talk about in the first place.

[hat tip: Lamebook]

03 Apr 14:02

‘Jeopardy’ Chat Got AWKWARD AS HELL When A Contestant Accused Trebek Of Wearing Suits Made In Sweatshops

by Danger Guerrero

hoooly shit

The little chat sessions that Alex Trebek does with Jeopardy contestants coming out of the first break are never not awkward. This is somewhat understandable, as visibly nervous people trying to pass along humorous anecdotes about themselves in 15-20 seconds is not exactly a recipe for silky smooth television. But it is often a recipe for magic, usually because something has gone disastrously awry. Last night was one of those nights.

Quick background: The show is currently in the middle of its Battle of the Decades, in which champions from years past return to compete against each other. Last night featured three contestants from the 2000s named Russ, Larissa, and Tom. After pleasant anecdotes from Russ and Larissa about spam and academic challenges, respectively, Alex got to Tom, and they had the following conversation, which I have helpfully transcribed:

ALEX: Tom Cavanaugh… million dollars at stake in this tournament. And if you win it you’re going to spend a lot of it to work on a documentary. What’s the documentary going to be about?

TOM: It’s on sweatshop labor.

ALEX: In our country.

TOM: In our country and around the world. So I went to Bangladesh about 10 years ago and toured a garment factory, and I thought… what if I saw a shirt I was wearing being made by these people? So it’s to try to put a face on who makes our clothes. Maybe you can find out the names of the 8 year olds who made your fancy suit there, Alex.

So, basically…

H/T @coreyspring

02 Apr 13:30

Four Weddings and a Funeral | 1994 | dir. Mike Newell

Four Weddings and a Funeral | 1994 | dir. Mike Newell

01 Apr 17:45

April Fools.

April Fools.

01 Apr 17:45

How Stella Got Her Groove Back | 1998 | dir. Kevin Rodney...

How Stella Got Her Groove Back | 1998 | dir. Kevin Rodney Sullivan

30 Mar 16:07


28 Mar 21:46

leslieknope11: Dear 10-Year-Old Self, Before you ask me when...


Dear 10-Year-Old Self,

Before you ask me when you have your first kiss or if you’ll ever have a boyfriend, I need to tell you some more important stuff first. What’s more important than a first kiss, you ask? Plenty.

First of all, don’t let that kid in your class, Danny, who called you fat, make you self-consciously wear oversized sweatshirts for the next four years to hide your body. That kid is horrible and years from now he will be boring and bald and trying to get in touch with you to come to the set of the TV show you work on. No, you don’t work on Cheers. That show’s not on the air anymore. That would’ve been awesome, though.

Another thing: Say thank you, always. Gratitude is the closest thing to beauty manifested in an emotion. When you’re grateful, people are attracted to you.

Also: Make sure you appreciate Mom and Dad. Yes, they never seem to let you do anything now except read books. Once you turn 18 you’ll never get to live with them again, and you’ll live far away, and you will miss them so much it hurts.

Next: Learn forgiveness and bestow it generously.

Finally: Don’t let anyone give you any crap. Mastering a balance of these last two will take you a lifetime, so you had better get started now.

Mindy Kaling

Life advice from one of my favorites. 

28 Mar 21:01

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Gooey Bars

by admin


27 Mar 19:18

Every Man in North Korea Now Has to Get a Kim Jong-Un Haircut

by Jay Hathaway

Every Man in North Korea Now Has to Get a Kim Jong-Un Haircut

North Korean Dear Leader/monster Kim Jong-Un is now requiring every man in the country to copy his exact haircut. The rule was reportedly introduced in Pyongyang two weeks ago.


24 Mar 21:17

Someone's Pretending To Be Obama While Playing Titanfall

by Tina Amini on Kotaku, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker

Probably the best thing about these videos from GameSocietyPimps is that everyone involved is such a good sport. Often these "character plays a multiplayer first-person shooter" pranks lean toward the cruder side, but this impression artist stays in fairly true character. Imagine Key & Peele's Obama skit but a little less...angry.


22 Mar 02:51

oldblueeyes: Same.



21 Mar 17:15

This Sign Posted Outside A ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Tournament Confirms Every ‘Magic’ Stereotype

by Josh Kurp

body odor magic

Everything stereotype you think about Magic the Gathering players is probably true. Are tournaments full of smelly dudes with their butt cracks showing? Unfortunately, yes, unless that’s your thing. Then you be you, smelly butt lover. Anyway, the sign above was posted outside “a hobby store where Magic: The Gathering tournaments are held,” according to Redditor C-Ron, and it’s not an isolated incident, either.

There is a local game shop here in Oklahoma City that holds regular MtG tournaments and hosts a lot of table top role-playing nights. They have a brass engraving that states something along the lines of “If you smell and haven’t showered in the last 24 hours you need to leave. And don’t let the door hit you on the way out, it doesn’t need to smell either.” I will get a picture of it when I get back into town. (Via)

Meanwhile, the Pokémon players next door laugh at the Gatherers, comforted by the fact that they slathered magazine cologne samples all over their body before heading out for the night.

magic gathering odor

Via Reddit

21 Mar 15:44

This Website Tracks The Rise And Fall Of Every TV Show In Graph Form

by Josh Kurp

dexter hannah

I miss Dexter. Or more specifically, I miss the idea of Dexter. No show in recent memory has gone from being as unanimously beloved to widely hated as Showtime’s serial killer drama, and I’ve honestly grown fond of the way it brought people together. No matter your beliefs, we all could agree on one thing: Dexter was terrible. And now you can see just how bad it became in visual form, thanks to Graph TV.

Graph TV attempts to graph tv show ratings by episode. Assigns a different color to each season and generates a simple linear regression from the ratings given to episodes each season. Each point on the graph displays the episode title, rating, and other data and is clickable to reach its IMDb. (Via)

Here are some notable shows with dramatic rises and tragic falls (so, Dexter).

Breaking Bad


The Office


The Simpsons










Via Graph TV

19 Mar 15:20

Behold: Vin Scully with a koala

by Craig Calcaterra
I see your Clayton Kershaw with a kangaroo and raise you Vin Scully with a koala: Shut down the Internet: — Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers) March 19, 2014   My biggest takeaway is that Vin Scully travels around the world and still thinks to pack pocket squares. I go 300 miles and I’m 50/50…
19 Mar 15:03

An American Hero Dropped A ‘Deeez Nuuuts’ On ‘The People’s Court’

by Josh Kurp

deez nutz

There are very few things music fans can agree on, but everyone recognizes that Dr. Dre’s “Deeez Nuuuts” is the greatest rap skit ever. Hell, I’d even go so far as to say it might be the greatest intro to ANY song ever. It gave people named Dee all over the world hope, hope that one day they’ll be able to say their name, followed by the word “nuts.” Anyway, here’s a guy wearing an American flag sweater dropping a well-timed “deeez nuuuts” on a recent episode of The People’s Court. It’s the “Deeez Nuuuts” of courtroom show clips.

19 Mar 13:33

First 10 Minutes of Captain America : The Winter Soldier!

by Alain Littaye
The first 10 minutes of Captain America : The Winter Soldier have been released and it includes the ( almost ) full version of the attack of the ship  - the one with the french pirates and their chief speaking french with a Quebec accent! Picture and video: copyright Disney - Marvel
17 Mar 16:32

300-Pound Relay Racer Runs Like He Was Shot Out Of A Cannon

by Tom Ley

holy smokes

300-Pound Relay Racer Runs Like He Was Shot Out Of A Cannon

Freddie Booth-Lloyd is a 6-foot-1, 300 lbs. defensive lineman from Cocoa, Fla., who will be playing football for Temple University next year. For now, though, he's also a member of his high school's track and field team. This is what it looks like when he runs the second leg of the 4 x 100:



17 Mar 12:28


16 Mar 18:40

UPROXX @ SXSW: What It’s Like To Climb The Wall From ‘Game Of Thrones’ With DJ Hodor

by Josh Kurp

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,


Either Maisie Williams is the greatest actress of all-time, or she was legitimately terrified. Williams, who plays diminutive badass Arya on HBO’s Game of Thrones, was trapped inside a TARDIS-looking box on Friday night in front of a crowd of spectators. She clutched the rails that separated her from us, holding onto dear life while “climbing the Wall,” the one thing her bastard brother Jon Snow knows something about. Her screams filled the entire Austin Music Hall during SXSW, from wall to (the) Wall. I wish I could say I handled the situation with more machismo than Williams, being a manly man and all, but NOPE. That sh*t’s terrifying.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

One of SXSW’s big gets this year is the Game of Thrones Exhibit, featuring the “Ascend the Wall” scenario.

The attraction, called “Ascend the Wall,” provides a virtual reality visit to that huge, menacing structure that protects the Seven Kingdoms from wildlings and those creepy ghost-zombie creatures…HBO teamed with Relevent to create the virtual reality experience using Oculus Rift technology. (Via)

In less nerdy-nerd speak, it basically means you step into a box, put on face-visors and headphones, and enter Castle Black (OK, that’s no less nerdy-nerd). The simulation, which was put together by the same group that worked on Gravity (incidentally, you lose your breath the same way you do while watching that movie), begins on a rickety, wooden elevator that eventually takes you to the top of the Wall. But before you get there, you’re allowed to admire the snowy landscape around you, taking in the endless mountain terrains and oh yeah, get freaked out that if you look down, you can’t see your hands. That’s what most threw me off — well, that, and once you reach your destination, you’re forced to walk (“walk”; your physical body stays in place) to the verge of the Wall. I’m not afraid of heights, but I’ve also never stood 700 feet in the air on a sort-of wooden diving board. Also affecting you: that you look like a total weirdo to people not in Westeros.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

Look at that jerk (me). Anyway, when you’re standing on the edge of terror itself, with the wind in the TARDIS blowing in your jerk face, giant fireballs are fired in your general direction, and then you fall off the Wall and die. Yay! It’s fun in the same way the Back to the Future ride at Universal Studios is fun to five year olds: you might poop your pants, but you’ll also want to do it again. You wouldn’t want to disappoint DJ Hodor.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

To her credit, Williams screamed her brains out one more time, with the massive Kristian Nairn (Hodor) on one side and the equally tall, though far more gorgeous Gwendoline Christie (Brienne) on the other.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

For 90 seconds, you feel like you’re in George R.R. Martin’s world, and for 90 minutes, you’re really glad you don’t actually live in George R.R. Martin’s world. Anyway, here are a few more photos from the exhibit:

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

Dragon head.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

Direwolf head.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

Arya and the Hound’s ragged threads.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

Unfortunately, Margaery’s ice cream cone dress wasn’t on display.

Game of Thrones Press Preview at SXSW at the Austin Music Hall,

No wonder they shared that epic kiss — getting up the Wall is tough, even when you’re in a phone booth.

All photos via Nadia Chaudhury

13 Mar 22:53

World's Saddest Nets Fan Shits Into Urinal While Vomiting (NSFW)

by Tom Ley

World's Saddest Nets Fan Shits Into Urinal While Vomiting (NSFW)

The picture below the jump is not good. It is not good at all. It is probably something you don't really want to look at if you were planning on getting through the day without feeling queasy or generally disappointed in the current state of humanity.



11 Mar 18:58

In case you missed it: A Johnny Carson sex tape reportedly is being shopped.

by Rich Juzwiak

In case you missed it: A Johnny Carson sex tape reportedly is being shopped. Who cares about watching a dead celebrity fuck? No one until they find out that Carson supposedly packed 10 inches. (Dave Chappelle still doesn't care, though.)


11 Mar 13:19

This Justin Bieber/’True Detective’ Photoshop Will Make You Love To Hate Him Even More

by Jeff Sorensen

We’re all reeling from last night’s True Detective finale, so seeing Dave Itzkoff’s photoshop of Rustin Bieber is a refreshingly hilarious thing to behold. After one episode of True Detective with Rustin Bieber, you’ll hope he dies…in the first episode, in the first scene. Okay, that was a bit harsh (*Watches deposition video*).


Nope, nevermind.

Via Twitter

11 Mar 13:19


10 Mar 13:25

Can You Spot The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Photobombing Paul Rudd In This Picture With A Fan?

by Kris Maske


An Irish Redditor shared this above image with the caption, “A friend of mine met Paul Rudd and there’s a surprise guest in the background,” a few hours ago and after it took me far too long to spot The Dink (!!!) I found myself needing a lot more information. Fortunately the internet was all over it and between the Reddit comments and a quick search I had all my answers.

Rudd and Dinklage are apparently well acquainted and were in Donegal, Ireland with a few other notable names (like Joe Lo Truglio and Dallas Roberts) attending what seems to have been some form of kick ass over forty bachelor party and/or dudes’ trip. This image is your confirmation.


The Donegal Democrat even wrote up the visit!

The party arrived in the south of the county on Tuesday last and enjoyed a paparazzi – free stay in Donegal. Last night they all enjoyed a great night in the local pubs of Dunkineely much to the delight of all their new friends.

The party includes Hollywood celebrities Dallas Robert ( the Walking Dead) , Peter Dinklage (Elf and the Game of Thrones), Paul Rudd ( Anchorman and Friends) and Joe Lo Truglio ( Brooklyn Nine Nine ) and others proved they had done their research, well staying off the tourist trail and discovering the real Donegal.

A few additional pics here. I would love to write more about all of this but I’m simply too bummed I wasn’t there.

Via Reddit

08 Mar 08:41

All the quarterbacks with Mouth Eyes!

by David Rappoccio

Cutler and Luck BAH GAWD

So, if you are a football fan and have spent any time at all on the internet, chances are you have seen the greatest sports photoshop ever made:

10 mouth eyes

I don’t know who made it. If I did I would buy that person a beer. Part of me thinks it was never created by human hands, but simply came to be one day. Emerged from the depths of the internet as if summoned by the very will of football nerds.

Today I pay tribute to this glorious image. Time to give all the QBs Mouth Eyes.






carson palmer














Matt Ryan













However, we have two very hot QB prospects coming into the league soon this draft, so lets get ahead of the curve and mouth eyes some Bridgewater and Manziel



07 Mar 23:18


by kickerofelves