Shared posts

06 Mar 16:45

This High School Hockey Hit Is Going To Make Your Entire Body Scream In Horror

by Ashley Burns

When tipster Robert sent us this video yesterday and proclaimed it to be “one of the biggest high school hockey hits you’ll ever see,” I scoffed and replied, “I’ll be the judge of that, pal.” After all, I watch so much footage of high school hockey on a daily basis that I can’t even remember half of the hits that I see, let alone the teams, players and actual stuff that happened. So I went ahead and accepted his challenge and watched the clip from this semifinal game between West Salem High School and Lincoln High School in Wisconsin Rapids and OHMYGODTHATGUYGOTF*CKINGCRUSHEDBRO!

According to Yahoo! Sports, the young man applying the (apparently) completely legal hit is Grant Scharmer and the player being sent to the ice is Zach Pierce, who would later get his revenge with an assist on the game-winning goal. For further analysis, I’d like to hand it over to high school hockey expert and YouTube commenter “mrbubetube”

Hockey comment

Boom, you just got hockeyed, dork.

06 Mar 14:35


03 Mar 18:46

Watch A Philadelphia Reporter Get BURIED By A Passing Snow Plow On Live Television

by Danger Guerrero

Here’s a video of Philadelphia Fox29 reporter Steve Keeley standing on the side of a snow-covered Pennsylvania road.

One plow goes by…

He’s out there to inform viewers about the ongoing issues the area is facing after yet another winter storm this weekend dropped a covering of snow and ice everywhere.

A second plow goes by…

Hey, it seems like those plows are getting awfully close to where he’s standing. He might wanna take a few steps back so the next one doesn’t bury him in mountain of snow on live televisi…


I tried to warn him. My hands are clean here.

Full video here:

Source: Philly Mag

03 Mar 17:16


01 Mar 00:08

‘The Stand’ Falls To ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ Director, Goes Rated-R

by RoboPanda
Josh Boone, next director of The Stand

Getty Image

The Wrap reports Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) is replacing Scott Cooper as the most recent director — among many directors, including Ben Affleck — of a feature film based on Stephen King’s The Stand. Boone will reportedly adapt The Stand as a single, R-rated movie. Wait. R-rated you say?

Does this mean they’re keeping the scene where a dwarf object rapes Trashcan Man with a revolver? And how are they going to fit this 1,152-page-long death and rebirth narrative into just one movie? And will this get made before The Dark Tower? And will there still be a role for Casey Affleck now that Ben Affleck isn’t directing? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

Here’s an interesting sidenote. Director Josh Boone is a huge Stephen King fan who convinced King to do a cameo in his first movie, Stuck in Love. Maybe King will do a cameo in The Stand as the dwarf. It’s amazing what they can do with CGI (and revolvers) these days.

28 Feb 19:46

A Worthless Clock Featuring the Armless Black Knight From ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ Not Showing The Time

by Justin Page

The Most Worthless Clock by Phil Jones

Look, you stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!” – King Arthur

Minneapolis artist Phil Jones has created “The Most Worthless Clock,” a clever illustration featuring the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail standing in the middle of the clock with his arms chopped off and laying at his feet, rather than pointing to the current time. Prints of Phil’s illustration are available to purchase online at Society6.

Here is the original scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail for reference:

The Most Worthless Clock by Phil Jones

images via Phil Jones, video via ObscureQuotes

via reddit, Neatorama

28 Feb 19:26

About That Time John C. Reilly Robbed A Freight Train

by Kris Maske

John C. Reilly is the best. No one denies this. So when his conversation with Conan last night rocketed off on a tangent about the time he robbed a freight train on the south side of Chicago for a lifetime supply of cereal and then eventually developed diabetes everyone left the show better for it. Enjoy.

Team Coco

28 Feb 19:17

Teen "Definitely Recommends" Using a Hot Pocket as a Cheesy Fleshlight

by Jay Hathaway

Worth it for the screencap of one of his tweets

Teen "Definitely Recommends" Using a Hot Pocket as a Cheesy Fleshlight

A teenager who's DTF pretty much anything you can put in a microwave just gave a revealing interview about how he became famous for getting all American Pie on a Hot Pocket.


28 Feb 19:03

Jon's Basketball Game: Creating a sports video game has proven to be rather difficult

by Jon Bois

Inspired by video games such as NBA 2K14, Jon Bois decided to create a sports video game of his very own. It went terribly.

Even though a video game costs only $50 or $60 to purchase, it typically costs over $1,000 to make, and sometimes much more. Creating a game such as Madden 25 or NBA 2K14, in fact, requires an entire team of people:

- Computer programmer
- Person who looks through and checks whether any of the code is wrong
- Assistant for random stuff
- Boss

But making a great video game is just like making the next Facebook or Twitter: all you need is a computer, big dreams and a great attitude. By that logic, I decided to set about making my own video game, which I have called Jon's Basketball Game.

I created the game all by myself, thereby cutting out so much of the bloat that hampers big-budget enterprises. I felt as though the credentials I brought to the table were more than enough to get the job done:

- I'm a big sports fan who has watched lots of basketball games, some of which I watched from the very beginning until the very end
- I have a thorough grasp of BASIC, and once authored a variant of the TI calculator classic "DRUGWAR" in which you could do the drugs yourself and the numbers would add wrong
- I'm pretty good with my computer -- if you watched me use the computer, you'd admire how quickly I zip from page to page, and from application to application
- I care deeply

You need more Jon Bois

So this week, I set to work. I purchased Garry's Mod from the Steam store for $10. It's essentially a program that allows you to build your own 3D world. You fill it with buildings, objects and all sorts of different folks, and you can also set laws of physics for your world and build simple machines. I'd never used it before, but given my qualifications (see above), I didn't think I would have much trouble.

I feel that I need to temper your expectations just a bit. I know you're excited to see Jon's Basketball Game, but creating a basketball video game all by myself proved to be quite difficult, and I ran into a countless number of issues during development. In fact, you may not even think that it's a good game at all. Some elements of the game are so poor in appearance and function that I'm rather embarrassed to show them to you.

I will let you decide for yourself, though. Here, through a series of GIFs, is a preview of Jon's Basketball Game.


Constructing a pair of rudimentary baskets and backboards wasn't too difficult, but the ball was a whole different issue. Firstly, since Garry's Mod is based on the Half-Life universe, the player does not actually hold the ball; instead, the player uses the Gravity Gun to pick up and throw the ball. While it looks unnatural, it still does the trick.

More problematic was the lack of a basketball model in Garry's Mod. I had to run through a series of objects to determine which would work best as a basketball.

1. A large tire


As you can see, I got pretty good with my tire-ball, but it was so dang large that I couldn't even attempt half-court shots. I had to look elsewhere.

2. A crate


Finally, a video game with crates! Like a basketball, it was empty inside and relatively light, but it shattered to pieces every time I made a shot. To play an entire game under such circumstances would not have been feasible.

3. A crate which is on fire


I don't know why I thought this might work. I had just got done trying out the regular, not-on-fire crate, and that didn't work, so there was pretty much no chance that this would be a good basketball.

4. A guy


While it's true that a guy was small enough to fit through my improvised hoop, and I could throw him quite far, dribbling him proved to be a fool's errand. Moreover, the spectacle was frankly a little too macabre for my tastes.

Part of the backboard is missing because it burned down during the "crate on fire" phase of development. I fixed it later.

5. A metal ball


At first, I was loathe to use this as the basketball, because it's so heavy that I often died while trying to rebound a shot. However, its size, shape and behavior were closer to that of a real basketball than any other item I tested, so I decided to go with it.


Unfortunately, I lacked the know-how to construct artificial-intelligence models for the computer-controlled players, so I had to rely solely upon what Garry's Mod made available. Many of the human models simply stood around and wouldn't do anything, but I did find one model -- the security guard -- who would at least follow me around while I ran upcourt.

I made four copies of him, but none of them demonstrated any degree of basketball I.Q. This kept happening whenever I tried to pass them the ball.


You might be tempted to compare them to a terrible NBA team, such as the 76ers. But in fact, the 76ers are far better than the average basketball player, and would have run circles around these guys -- guys who had no idea of how to catch a pass, much less perform any more sophisticated basketball actions.

This was the stage of development in which I realized that Jon's Basketball Game was essentially unplayable as a traditional basketball simulator, and that I would have to get creative with the gameplay to establish anything of value. I spawned a dune buggy in the hope that a player could literally drive to the net.


This feature was a dud, and I ultimately made the difficult decision to remove it from the game. It will, however, come in handy if I decide to produce Jon's F1 Racer. I think I might attempt that project at a later date. Though my technical skills as a developer are perhaps not what they could be, I think I've clearly demonstrated by this point that I am a hard worker who's determined to find tech solutions and bring them to the mass market. And when it comes to software development, that's really all you need.

For my next simulation, I created an opposing team of five nerdy scientist guys. They would just stand there as I dribbled around them. Their defensive game plan was exploitable in so many ways. Here is one way.


Features like this one led me to change the game's original slogan from

Jon's Basketball Game: Get in the game!


You never know what will happen when you play Jon's Basketball Game!

I will admit, though, that this slogan conceals my deep concerns regarding gameplay. Eventually, I decided to remove myself from the game, and allow two computer-controlled teams to play against one another. Since so few of the character models would actually do anything, I regrettably had to field one team of gun-wielding riot guards.

I set them all up (with a dozen or more players per side, because you never know what will happen when you play Jon's Basketball Game), placed two guys at center court, put the ball between them and turned on their AIs.


This was thoroughly disheartening. After they racked up a dozen fouls, perhaps even more, they started opening fire on me, a bystander. I deleted all these characters, because this is not what Jon's Basketball Game is all about.

It was the latest of a wealth of well-intentioned game features I had to cancel. How could I hope to create a Career Mode or Franchise Mode if half the players couldn't go five seconds without dying? It would have been completely pointless.

In the end, there was nothing left for me to do but perform trick shots. I'm happy to report that in this effort, unlike all others, I did quite well. I had to practice this full-court, through-the-opposite-hoop shot for about 10 minutes before I finally made one:


The 400-foot-tall man, as well as the 20-foot-tall pigeons, were leftover elements from gameplay features that were abandoned at an early stage of development. The scientists have a boat, but I can't remember why. I was probably just joking around, since there's no reason to have a boat on a basketball court.

In all, I have little choice to assess Jon's Basketball Game as a categorical failure. The graphics are decent, but it suffers from unplayable AI, uneven gameplay, and a complete lack of replay value. Arriving at this assessment, frankly, is painful, since I spent many hours developing it.

If nothing else, though, it's a cautionary tale: if you want to design a video game, you will need to take computer programmer classes first.

Would YOU like to play Jon's Basketball Game? Well, you can't.

27 Feb 20:38

Godzilla vs. Heisenberg: A Mashup That Pits Two Of History’s Greatest Monsters Against Each Other

by Ryan Perry

While it’s true that Bryan Cranston stars in the upcoming Godzilla, it’s safe to say he won’t be playing a monster like he did on Breaking Bad. But the idea of him playing a Heisenberg-level menace does raise an interesting question: What would happen if Godzilla trudged all the way to Walter White’s Albuquerque for the ultimate turf war?

AwesomenessX (the same people who brought us the excellent Guardians of the Galaxy-Parks and Recreation mashup) took the theorizing to the next level, mashing together footage from the Godzilla trailer and Breaking Bad to create a tantalizing Godzilla vs. Heisenberg preview.

27 Feb 18:41

Florida Man Poses as Sick Friend's Brother, Takes Him Off Life Support

by Adam Weinstein

An ill widower outside Orlando died after he was taken off life support at the behest of his stepbrother. Only the "stepbrother" turned out to be a mere acquaintance who cleared out the dead man's house and took $106,000 from his bank account, according to a new investigation.


25 Feb 19:38

‘House Of Cards’ Theme Song + ‘Full House’ Opening Credits = ‘Full House Of Cards’

by Danger Guerrero

So someone somewhere took the theme song from House of Cards and laid it over the opening credits for Full House to create a mash-up called Full House of Cards. It’s … okay, I guess. The best part is definitely around the 0:25 mark, when the shots of young DJ Tanner talking on the phone and placing a picture of herself on the family’s mantle combine with the rising strings in the song to make her look like some kind of devious egomaniac. Who’s she talking to? IS IT TUSK?! And whose picture did she clear off the mantle to make room for her own? WHAT IS HER END GAME? IS SHE TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE FAMILY?

The rest of it, however? Eh. I get the feeling you could set any piece of video to the House of Cards theme and it would end up looking twelve kinds of sinister (it’s kind of like the score from Requiem for a Dream in that way), so the degree of difficulty wasn’t too high here. I don’t know. Maybe if they had CGI’d someone tossing Kimmy Gibbler in front of the trolley near the end of the credits. I think that would have helped.

Source: The Daily Dot

25 Feb 18:41

A Tiny Kitten Wiggles Her Ears While Being Fed From a Bottle

by Lori Dorn

In this 2008 video by britaylor85, a tiny two-week old kitten named Polly wiggles her ears while she wolfs down a bottle of formula.

via Daily Picks and Flicks

24 Feb 14:43

Rob Ford Made a Rap Beat Last Night

by Jordan Sargent on Gawker, shared by Samer Kalaf to Deadspin

Rob Ford had some good, wholesome fun on Saturday night. At a fundraising event for an organization called The Beat Academy, Toronto's crackhead mayor hilariously jabbed at a drum machine, making his own rap beat.


22 Feb 06:45

Artist Collaborates With Honey Bees To Create Fascinating Beeswax Covered Sculptures

by EDW Lynch


Beeswax Sculptures by Aganetha Dyck

Since 1990, artist Aganetha Dyck has been making beeswax sculptures in collaboration with honey bees. To make the sculptures she places everyday objects like shoes, figurines, and clothes hangers inside bee hives. Over time the bees coat the objects in wax and honeycomb, creating fascinating waxy sculptures. Dyck’s beeswax sculptures will be on display at the Ottawa School of Art’s ByWard Market Gallery, March 3 to April 13, 2014. Galleries West has more on Dyck’s mixed media art.

Beeswax Sculptures by Aganetha Dyck

Beeswax Sculptures by Aganetha Dyck

Beeswax Sculptures by Aganetha Dyck

Beeswax Sculptures by Aganetha Dyck

photos by Peter Dyck

via Colossal

21 Feb 21:34

TRUE DETECTIVE: SEASON 2 (as suggested by Twitterville)

(as suggested by Twitterville)

21 Feb 20:39

‘Full House’ Without Michelle Paints A Terrifying Glimpse Into The Mind Of A Deranged Psychopath

by Stacey Ritzen

In this YouTube video uploaded earlier this week, someone went through the painstaking labor of completely removing Michelle Tanner from the opening credits and cold open of an episode of Full House. We can all view Full House Without Michelle in our own way, but the way I like to interpret it is that Danny Tanner is a deranged homicidal psychopath, holding his entire family hostage with the the perceived notion of an imaginary child — axe-wielding, and ready to snap should anyone attempt to break down the walls of his hallucination. Don’t believe me? There used to be a fourth Tanner child. And you don’t even want to know what happened to Comet.

“Steph… Just play along. It’s politeness week.” The words never sounded so chilling.

That’s how I like to watch it, anyway.

21 Feb 20:00

The Donkey Knight Returns, A Mashup of ‘Donkey Kong’ and Frank Miller’s ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ Comics

by Justin Page

The Donkey Knight Returns

Brazilian artist Butcher Billy has created The Donkey Knight Returns, an illustrated mashup of the Donkey Kong video games and The Dark Knight Returns comic series written by Frank Miller. The closeup shots of his piece feature modified quotes from the comic series to fit the illustration. Prints, apparel, iPhone cases, and more are available to purchase online from his Society6 and Redbubble stores. We’ve previously written about Butcher Billy and his ongoing collection of mashups.

“I want you to remember, in all the years to come – the one italian plumber who beat you.”

The Donkey Knight Returns

The Donkey Knight Returns

The Donkey Knight Returns

The Donkey Knight Returns

images via Butcher Billy

via Geekosystem

20 Feb 20:35

“But in life, a tragedy is not one long scream. It includes...

“But in life, a tragedy is not one long scream. It includes everything that led up to it. Hour after trivial hour, day after day, year after year, and then the sudden moment: the knife stab, the shell burst, the plummet of the car from a bridge.”
― Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

20 Feb 19:56

Here’s The First Video Of Rocket Raccoon’s Voice In ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’! (UPDATE: And Groot)

by RoboPanda

If that excellent first trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy didn’t have enough Rocket Raccoon for your liking — and of course it didn’t because there’s always room for more Rocket — now Marvel has you covered. They just released the a “Meet the Guardians” video starring Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon, “anger issues” and all.

I won’t waste another second talking about it. Just watch it already.

Holy crap, they just added one for Groot. He is Groot!


20 Feb 18:18

Fantastic Mashup of the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer and the ‘Parks and Recreation’ Intro

by Justin Page

AwesomenessX has created a fantastic mashup video of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer and the intro to NBC’s Parks and Recreation. Actor Chris Pratt stars in the upcoming Marvel film and brings his great sense of humor to the Parks and Rec TV series.


20 Feb 16:37

Meet The Kid Who’s Become A Minor Chinese Celebrity For Looking Like Benedict Cumberbatch

by Nathan Birch


16-year-old Tyler Michell of Norfolk, England looks a lot like Benedict Cumberbatch. Like, a lot.


It’s probably got him into more than his rightful share of knickers, but otherwise, no big deal, right? Well, it turns out Sherlock is super popular in China and Chinese Sherlock fans somehow found Tyler’s Instagram account. Suddenly he has over 15,000 followers, and his posts regularly accumulate thousands of comments.

Recently Tyler put up a picture (which he’s since taken down) telling his Chinese “fans” to stop bothering him, but Tyler doesn’t seem to mind the attention that much…

gammasquadcumberbatchkid3Oh, you don’t like all the attention Tyler? Sure you don’t.  

Enjoy it while you can Tyler, because your celebrity probably won’t last. Hmmmm, unless you kill the real Benedict Cumberbatch and take his place. Who’s going to solve Sherlock Holmes’ murder? Nobody! The only guy that could is dead! It’s the perfect crime! Hell, maybe I’ll kill Benedict Cumberbatch if I get a free weekend sometime.

via Buzzfeed

pics via Tyler Michell’s Instagram account

19 Feb 22:21

The Regal Tenenbones, A Parody of Wes Anderson’s ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’ Starring Dogs

by Justin Page

The Pet Collective has created “The Regal Tenenbones,” a parody of Wes Anderson‘s 2001 comedy-drama film The Royal Tenenbaums starring dogs. We’ve previously written about The Pet Collective’s animal-themed parody videos.

What if Wes Anderson made a movie with only dogs? The Sharp children have been abandoned by their dad, only for him to return looking for a long lost buried bone.

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

19 Feb 12:43


18 Feb 15:03

Reading This 1998 Esquire Profile Of Mr. Rogers Will Feed Your Hungry Soul

by The Cajun Boy

(via Getty Image)

I’m not sure why — perhaps as a Valentine’s gift to all of us or to make up for the guy who yesterday wrote that men who play with LEGOs are not real men — but last night Esquire made one of the best profiles it (or anyone else) has ever published, Tom Junod’s 1998 profile of Mr. Rogers, available online. If this brutal, extended winter has you feeling down and cranky I suggest you give it a read. Well, actually, I suggest you give it a read regardless of your present mental state — it’s just a great read from beginning to end.

My personal favorite piece of the story: Junod describes meeting Mr. Rogers in person for the first time

THE FIRST TIME I CALLED MISTER ROGERS on the telephone, I woke him up from his nap. He takes a nap every day in the late afternoon—just as he wakes up every morning at five-thirty to read and study and write and pray for the legions who have requested his prayers; just as he goes to bed at nine-thirty at night and sleeps eight hours without interruption. On this afternoon, the end of a hot, yellow day in New York City, he was very tired, and when I asked if I could go to his apartment and see him, he paused for a moment and said shyly, “Well, Tom, I’m in my bathrobe, if you don’t mind.” I told him I didn’t mind, and when, five minutes later, I took the elevator to his floor, well, sure enough, there was Mister Rogers, silver-haired, standing in the golden door at the end of the hallway and wearing eyeglasses and suede moccasins with rawhide laces and a flimsy old blue-and-yellow bathrobe that revealed whatever part of his skinny white calves his dark-blue dress socks didn’t hide. “Welcome, Tom,” he said with a slight bow, and bade me follow him inside, where he lay down—no, stretched out, as though he had known me all his life—on a couch upholstered with gold velveteen. He rested his head on a small pillow and kept his eyes closed while he explained that he had bought the apartment thirty years before for $11,000 and kept it for whenever he came to New York on business for the Neighborhood. I sat in an old armchair and looked around. The place was drab and dim, with the smell of stalled air and a stain of daguerreotype sunlight on its closed, slatted blinds, and Mister Rogers looked so at home in its gloomy familiarity that I thought he was going to fall back asleep when suddenly the phone rang, startling him. “Oh, hello, my dear,” he said when he picked it up, and then he said that he had a visitor, someone who wanted to learn more about the Neighborhood. “Would you like to speak to him?” he asked, and then handed me the phone. “It’s Joanne,” he said. I took the phone and spoke to a woman—his wife, the mother of his two sons—whose voice was hearty and almost whooping in its forthrightness and who spoke to me as though she had known me for a long time and was making the effort to keep up the acquaintance. When I handed him back the phone, he said, “Bye, my dear,” and hung up and curled on the couch like a cat, with his bare calves swirled underneath him and one of his hands gripping his ankle, so that he looked as languorous as an odalisque. There was an energy to him, however, a fearlessness, an unashamed insistence on intimacy, and though I tried to ask him questions about himself, he always turned the questions back on me, and when I finally got him to talk about the puppets that were the comfort of his lonely boyhood, he looked at me, his gray-blue eyes at once mild and steady, and asked, “What about you, Tom? Did you have any special friends growing up?”

“Special friends?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Maybe a puppet, or a special toy, or maybe just a stuffed animal you loved very much. Did you have a special friend like that, Tom?”

“Yes, Mister Rogers.”

“Did your special friend have a name, Tom?”

“Yes, Mister Rogers. His name was Old Rabbit.”

“Old Rabbit. Oh, and I’ll bet the two of you were together since he was a very young rabbit. Would you like to tell me about Old Rabbit, Tom?”

And it was just about then, when I was spilling the beans about my special friend, that Mister Rogers rose from his corner of the couch and stood suddenly in front of me with a small black camera in hand. “Can I take your picture, Tom?” he asked. “I’d like to take your picture. I like to take pictures of all my new friends, so that I can show them to Joanne….” And then, in the dark room, there was a wallop of white light, and Mister Rogers disappeared behind it.

And it just goes on and on in much the same way from there. Read it all when you have time, especially if you’re binging on House of Cards this weekend. You’ll probably need an infusion of something like this to restore your faith in humanity after an overload of Frank Underwood.

14 Feb 16:09

Beer Bread Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Caramelized Onions

by Paul

Beer Bread Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Caramelized Onions (via Damn That Looks Good)

Beer Bread Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Caramelized Onions


14 Feb 13:23


14 Feb 02:55

A GoPro Camera Falls From a Plane, Survives After Landing in a Pig Pen, and Then Gets Gnawed on by a Pig

by Justin Page

Cloverdale, California-based Mia Munselle recently found a GoPro camera that had been laying around on her property for approximately 8 months. After reviewing the footage saved on the camera, she found out that the camera had fallen from a plane, surprisingly survived a landing in the middle of her pig pen, and was then gnawed on for a while by a pig. Now that’s what we call durability.

via reddit, Daily Picks and Flicks

13 Feb 21:48

Here's a look at Derek Jeter's dating diamond.— SportsNation (@SportsNati

by Barry Petchesky


Here's a look at Derek Jeter's dating diamond.

— SportsNation (@SportsNation) February 13, 2014



13 Feb 19:04

The Space Jam Mod For NBA 2K14 Finally Lets You Play As A Godless, Next-Gen-Realistic Bugs Bunny

by Brandon Stroud

NBA 2K14 Space Jam mod

This is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Also, I’m never sleeping again.

By way of Kotaku comes a game mod that (finally) combines the next-gen realism of NBA 2K14 with the 1996 classic Space Jam, wherein Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny play interstellar basketball with a bunch of aliens who thought Shawn Bradley was good enough to magically steal talent from.

This mod is fascinating to watch and somehow gets funnier the longer you watch it. And the best part?

Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 11.48.04 AM

WAYNE KNIGHT MAKES THE CUT. That’s how good this is. Thank you, you dedicated and wonderful nerds.

Oh, and never forget the original.