Shared posts

19 Feb 14:45

Dalek Baby Stroller Is Here To EXTERMINATE Your Heart

by Meredith Woerner

We've seen the Tiki Dalek and lots of Dalek dresses — but this is the best Dalek costume ever. Just remember: Even though this Dalek looks sort of like a cute baby, it still aims to exterminate all life forms. So don't trust it!


19 Feb 14:44

February 14, 2015



13 Feb 14:52

This might be a weirdly inappropriate Valentine or I might be reading too much into this.

by thebloggess

Re: Conclusion - Maybe a bit of both?

I found this vintage Valentine at a garage sale and I couldn’t stop looking at it because it seems weirdly and inappropriately sexual.   The woman running the garage sale disagreed with my assessment so I’m sharing it here so you can see if you’re as messed up as I am:



1.  Look at this girl’s feet.  She’s straddling a flaming bucket labeled “MY VALENTINE.”  Her vagina is literally on fire here.  That’s not healthy or appropriate.

2.  Why is she even burning valentines?  Was it an accident?  Does she like arson?  Is this how she lures firemen to her home?  So many questions.

3.  Sometimes a hose is not a hose.  Also, you’re not even aiming at the fire, sir.  It’s like you’ve never even had fire training.

4.  The hose seems to have a mind of its own and is spraying everywhere.  The entire place is a wet spot.  Plus, why does she look so excited that she’s about to get soaked?  Her only expression seems to be “AWESOME.  But not in my hair.”

5.  That hose isn’t even attached to anything.   It just winds back into the guy.  And the guy is like, “LOOK AT MY MAGNIFICENT HOSE” and the girl is all, “THAT HOSE IS SPECTACULAR.”   In fact, they’re both so “THIS HOSE IS EVERYTHING” that they are entirely distracted from the impending inferno and smell of burnt gingham.  I suspect this valentine was drawn by a man.

6.  Why is “fire” in quotes?  That’s not how quotes work.

7.  I realize it’s a cartoon, but that’s some mighty spermy looking water.

Conclusion:  This is the most subliminally sexual valentine I’ve ever seen in my life.  Or possibly it’s just me and I need to get my head out of the gutter.  Also, I just noticed that the boy’s hose is pointing to the words “PUT OUT”.  Yeah.  My work is done here.

10 Feb 18:43

Way to go TrigDog

10 Feb 15:22

Researchers in London Are Using Lego Bricks On Its Bug Specimens

by Katharine Trendacosta

Researchers in London Are Using Lego Bricks On Its Bug Specimens

Insects are fragile, and scientists researching them have to be very careful with their specimens. Unfortunately, the devices out there are expensive and size-specific. So a group of entomologists have turned to that most customizable of materials to serve their needs: Legos.


09 Feb 19:04

How not to solicit business in 2015 or ever

by (Wil Wheaton)

This email was waiting for me when I got back from the JoCo Cruise:


Maybe it’s the fact that the boat is still moving, or the fact that I have real coffee in my veins for the first time in almost two weeks, or maybe it’s just because I’m easily amused, but here is my response:


Happy Monday, everyone! May all your emails today be amusing.

09 Feb 18:47

The Littlest Nope


Time to nap until Spring.

Submitted by: (via

Tagged: snow , nope , winter , Cats
09 Feb 18:45

Teen HPV Vaccine Does Not Spur Riskier Sex


What!?!?! A vaccine doesn't change teen behavior?

Counter to the fears of some parents, teen girls who are vaccinated against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus do not go on to catch more STDs than their peers

09 Feb 17:21

He's SuperDog!

06 Feb 18:37

To his friend...


It's what the DoD was looking for from the begining.

05 Feb 20:34

What Really Powers A Tesla


That's one powerful hamster!


Submitted by: ToolBee

Tagged: mindwarp , gifs , cars , critters , hamsters , tesla
05 Feb 18:38

Animal of the Day: Atchoum the Cat Might Actually Be an Evil Wizard


It's a cat. It's a dog. It's a mad scientist (TM)!


Meet Atchoum, the 9-month-old creepy cat from Quebec who is winning over the Internet with his long hair and strange gaze.

His signature long hair is actually the result of a hormonal disorder called hypertrichosis, which makes him look more like a cute little werewolf or a wizard than a cat.

But that just adds to his allure.

Watch out Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub, there’s a new celebrity feline in town.

Here are some more photos of Atchoum and you can follow him on both Facebook and Instagram:






Submitted by: (via

Tagged: Cats , animals , wizard
05 Feb 16:06

Word Problems

by Grant

05 Feb 16:03

Cats Want You to Get Fired


Well of course. If you lose your job you'll have more time for ear scratching and kibble pouring. Not to mention the endless opening/closing of the door.


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: jobs , work , late , Cats , funny
02 Feb 20:25

Deal With Hershey’s Puts An End To Import Of Cadbury Chocolates

by Ashlee Kieler

Denise, oh no! It's bad enough you can't get proper Cadbury Eggs but now none of their bars will be imported?!?

It will soon be more difficult for consumers who prefer the taste of British-made chocolate to get their sweet-tooth fix. A new deal between Hershey’s and Let’s Buy British Imports essentially puts a stop to the import of many iconic British chocolate brands from overseas.

The New York Times reports the two parties agreed to stop the import of all British-produced Cadbury chocolate, as well as KitKat bars, Toffee Crisps and Yorkie chocolate bars after Hershey’s claimed the products infringed on its trademarks and trade dress licensing.

(Once again, don’t worry about not having a Cadbury Creme Egg this Easter. Hershey’s has a license agreement to manufacture Cadbury’s chocolate in the U.S., albeit with a different recipe.)

Officials with Hershey’s say that L.B.B. and other groups were importing the products that were never intended for sale in the United States.

The issue doesn’t come down to the chocolate itself, as chocolate made in Britain has a distinctly different recipe.

For example, the Times reports, British chocolate has a higher fat content; the first ingredient listed on a British Cadbury’s Dairy Milk (plain milk chocolate) is milk. In an American-made Cadbury’s bar, the first ingredient is sugar.

Instead the decision to stop importing the goods from overseas rests on the products’ packaging. Toffee Crisps comes in an orange packaging and yellow-lined brown script, which Hershey’s says too closely resembled that of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, while Yorkie bars could be considered an infringement on the York peppermint patty, the Times reports.

“It is important for Hershey to protect its trademark rights and to prevent consumers from being confused or misled when they see a product name or product package that is confusingly similar to a Hershey name or trade dress,” Jeff Beckman, a representative for Hershey’s tells the Times.

While you would often be hard-pressed to find a British-made chocolate bar in the aisle of your local supermarket, many small, independently owned speciality stores regularly stocked the items.

One British goods retailer tells the Times that the ban on importing the treats will likely put her out of business.

“Cadbury’s is about half of my business,” she says, “and more than that at Christmas. I don’t know how we’ll survive.”

After a Deal, British Chocolates Won’t Cross the Pond [The New York Times]

29 Jan 17:04

Morning Roundup: We’ve Found the One Thing That Makes Star Wars Even Better!

by Stubby the Rocket

Kitten Princess Leia

Tumblr user Ivanova-is-god posted this adorable kitten Leia! We would rescue her from a billion Admiral Tarkins.

Morning Roundup brings you tales of the aquatic god Momoa; a look at the loneliness of the long distance mathematician; and an oral history of Area X!

[Um, phrasing?]

Read the full article

27 Jan 16:17

It's pretty cute actually...

26 Jan 21:57

If Only The Shower Coffee Maker + Soap Dispenser Was A Real Thing

by Mary Beth Quirk

I may have to tell Dad about this company, although he already does a pretty good job just by repurposing boxes.

Really for sale, but not really a coffee maker for the shower.

Really for sale, but not really a coffee maker for the shower.

With the dawn comes an age old dilemma — do you make coffee first thing in the morning or take a shower to greet the day? If only those two things could happen at the same time! Maybe they can, but it won’t come in the form of the Bathe & Brew Coffee Maker + Soap Dispenser.

Consumerist reader Brandon wrote in to share a photo his wife Stacey snapped at a Birmingham, AL Walmart, writing that she came across “this genius invention” while browsing for party supplies. Nothing says party like coffee in the shower, that’s for sure.

Indeed, at first glance, Bathe & Brew promises to be the answer to a yawner’s dreams, pledging to “Cut your morning routine in half!” and bragging, “Stainless housing stands up to even the harshest dandruff shampoos!”

Alas, upon further investigation, the Bathe & Brew has revealed itself to be nothing more than a prank box, artfully designed for gift givers to dupe recipients into thinking their soapiest prayers had been answered. It’s basically a way to break someone’s heart.

Here it is as sold by, as one of a series of “genuine fake gift boxes.” It even has its own fake commercial:

Guess this means I’ll have to go back to taking the travel mug into the shower.

26 Jan 17:23

Jurassic Sweets

by Sharyn

O.M.G. the third one is SO CUTE!

When I was little, I read The Enormous Egg, a book about a chicken that laid a triceratops egg, and all the adventures the dinosaur had with its kid.

(By The Cake Geek)

I've secretly wanted a dinosaur ever since.


Mind you, not one of the ferocious ones that will eat your neighbors.

(By Vina of Mionette Cakes)

Although he's actually a real cupcake...
Sort of.


Still, it would probably be a good idea to stick with an herbivore.

(By Sweet Love Cake Couture)

Plus, I'd never have to trim the bushes again!


Yup, I want a sweet dinosaur.

One who stops to smell the flowers...

(By Experimental Cakes)

...before she eats them.


One who likes to gather mushrooms for dinner:

(By Little Cottage Cupcakes)


One who waves when I come home:

(By Cakes Decor member Laura e Virna)


...and one who likes to play fetch!

(By Sweet As Sugar Cakes)

(Although maybe we should stick with sticks after this. o.0)


Hmmm, maybe my dino will be tall enough to help me reach those high places...

(By Sugarland)

(Don't worry. He assures me he's a vegetarian.)


I'm sure my dino will have lots of friends.

(By Karen Dodenbier of Dutch Cakes)


And we'll go on fun adventures!

(By Zeph's Cakes)


I'll just have to keep an eye on Betty while we're out:

(By Michelle Sugar Art)

Sweet kid, but she's a real dodo.
(No, really!)

Yup, I want a sweet dinosaur, but I know I can't really have one.
Except in cake.
And I guess that's Sweet enough. For now. ;)



Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

22 Jan 18:47

How Do Cells Manage To Obey The Laws of Physics?

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

Response to title - It's not really that hard, it's impossible to NOT obey the laws of physics (a fact that upsets Anna every time she has to wait for milk to warm up).

First 2 sentences - It's not hard, add energy. CLOSED systems experience an increase in entropy (chaos); cells are not closed systems.
I haven't read any further, I figure I don't need to.

How Do Cells Manage To Obey The Laws of Physics?

You know what's absolutely impossible? A system going from chaos to order. You know what cells do? Turn a chaotic universe into organized, channeled motion, again and again and again. How can that be?


22 Jan 15:46

Yet Another Reason To Pay Attention During Physics Class

by Robbie Gonzalez

Physics FTW!

Yet Another Reason To Pay Attention During Physics Class

Here now is a practical demonstration on impulsive tension, and why a large force applied for a very short period of time is bad for tow hooks.


20 Jan 22:43

Behold, it is Catosaurus!


Submitted by: (via godotal)

Tagged: work , grooming , Cats
20 Jan 21:48

January 17, 2015


Oh thank God Anna isn't crawling yet.

Realizing I hardly ever post anything in this blog. Probably nobody checks it much any more. Penguins penguins penguins penguins penguins.
16 Jan 19:49

Bloggess Life Hacks that might get you arrested, part 87.

by thebloggess

bloggess life advice

PS.  I put this on twitter a long time ago but people keep asking why it’s not on the blog.  So now it is.  It’s sort of a rerun if you follow me on twitter, but it’s still good, solid advice.

15 Jan 14:23

There Are Now Lego Astronauts Aboard The ISS

by James Whitbrook

There Are Now Lego Astronauts Aboard The ISS

These aren't the first pieces of Lego to break the surly bonds of gravity, but they're some of the coolest - as part of New Year celebrations aboard the ISS, the current crew of station were gifted three custom-made Astronaut figures.


09 Jan 18:57

Animal of the Day: Tortoise Can Walk Again Thanks to Lego Wheelchair

Blade is a spur-thighed tortoise who can’t walk on his own due to a bone metabolism disorder. His heavy shell puts too much strain on his weak legs.

So a German vet name Dr. Carsten Plischke decided to build him a tiny wheelchair made out of his son’s Legos.

He glued the blocks to the bottom of his shell, and with the extra support, he can now glide around much easier while building up strength in his legs.

The video is in German, but the overwhelming cuteness transcends all languages.

For the next iteration how about we upgrade him to a sweet Lego DeLorian?


Submitted by: (via RuptlyTV)

07 Jan 15:57

Achilles' Heel

achilles,dogs,puns,web comics

Submitted by: (via EvTheSmev)

Tagged: achilles , dogs , puns , web comics
30 Oct 14:36

#628 Discounted

by treelobsters
24 Oct 21:26

Caution Pokey Baby On Board

Caution Pokey Baby On Board

Submitted by: (via seri0uslybecca)

02 Oct 14:36

#620 Poor Turnout

by treelobsters