Shared posts

21 Apr 07:13

immersus: Every airline flight in the world over 24 hours.


Every airline flight in the world over 24 hours.

21 Mar 08:53

Credited Childsplay

Call Center | USA

(I work for a service that answers phones for TV commercials. One commercial in particular is giving us all fits! It is for a cup that freezes sweet liquids into slush-ice. The kids have been calling in, in DROVES, trying to get one. The offer is to be paid with a credit card and you have to be 18 or over to get it. This caller sounds like a five year old.)

Me: “Thank you for calling for [Cup Product]! How may I help you?”

Caller: “Yeah. I wanna [Cup Product] thing.”

Me: “Ma’am, do you have a credit card?”

Caller: “Yeah. It’s 123456789.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but that is not a card number. How old are you?”

Caller: “Uh… I’m a hundred.”

Me: “Ma’am, please get your mommy to come to the phone. If you want a [Cup Product], you have to have an adult with a credit card.”

Caller: *getting crafty* “Uh, well, I already ordered it an’ used my Mommy’s—uh, my card. So, you can send it. Okay?”

Me: “Now look, honey… You need to have an ADULT come to the phone. Go get someone older.”

Caller: “Okay.”

(There is the sound of the receiver being put down, then instantly picked up again. I hear the same voice, now pitched much lower.)

Caller: “Hello? This is my Daddy. Please send me the [Cup Product] thingy, please!”

21 Mar 08:51

Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

Car | Ireland

(We are in the car, listening to ‘The Boxer’ by Simon and Garfunkel. It includes the lyrics, ‘Just a come-on from the whores on 7th Avenue. I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there.’ I am maybe eight or nine, singing along with gusto.)

Mum: “Maybe we shouldn’t be listening to this.”

Brother: “It’s fine. She doesn’t understand it anyway.”

Me: *indignant* “I do, too!”

Brother: “Oh yeah? What does it mean, then?”

Me: “He’s sad and lonely because he moved away from his family. But he made friends with a horse who lives on 7th Avenue, and when he’s sad the horse says, ‘Come on! You can do it!’ And that comforts him.”

Mum: “… you are 100 percent right.”

21 Mar 08:21

Blind To The Naked Truth

Pool | Calgary, AB, Canada

(I’m a lifeguard. I get a complaint that the ladies changing room is dirty. I go in to clean it up. I am approached by an elderly patron who is as naked as the day she was born.)

Patron: “Can I ask you a question?”

Me: “Umm… sure. Go ahead.”

Patron: “Do you like working in a pool?”

Me: “Yeah. It’s not the greatest job in the world, but it’s better than working retail or fast food.”

Patron: “I think I would hate it! I mean, you must see lots of people wearing clothes that they’re too fat for.”

Me: “Yeah. That happens occasionally. Fortunately, I don’t need to stare at them. I just need to make sure they’re not drowning every thirty seconds or so.”

Patron: “But still! So many fat people come here! And then you poor souls have to clean up the changing rooms, where so many people walk around completely naked without any shame!”

(The patron is still standing there in all her naked glory.)

Me: “Yeah. It’s even more awkward when the patron engages me in a long conversation.”

Patron: “Exactly! Some people just have no shame!”

21 Mar 03:24

Tumblr | b6c.png

08 Mar 01:12

Today's tips

by Grumpy, M.D.

1. If you drive, don't drive drunk.

2. If you get caught for driving drunk, don't drive drunk again.

3. If you get caught for driving drunk a second time, don't drive drunk again.

4. If the police notice you're driving erratically because you're drunk (again), pull over.

5. Do not run away from your vehicle in the forest.

6. If you run away from your vehicle, do not leave your wallet in it.

7. Do not run through deep snow. You leave footprints.

8. If it is cold out, do not toss your jacket aside. If the footprints keep going, they will follow them, not your jacket.

9. Do not climb a frozen tree, especially to a height of 30 feet. You're not fooling anyone.

10. If cornered by police while up in the tree, do not ask them if they caught "the guy who was driving" in slurred speech.

11. If the police point out that there was only one set of tracks, do not insist that "the other guy" (presumably the one who was driving) carried you on his back.

12. Insisting that you're an innocent owl, instead of a drunk guy in a tree, isn't going to fool them.

13. Shaking the branches to make snow fall on officers, and then yelling "Look! It's snowing!" isn't going to make them go away. They will just get a chainsaw.

14. Claiming that you were "just out for a run" isn't compatible with previously claiming to have been an owl. They fly.

And if you don't think one drunk guy could do all of the above, think again.

22 Feb 04:45

Tumblr | 378.png

22 Feb 04:34

owlturdcomix: Google, no.


Google, no.

22 Feb 04:33

Twitter | ec0.png

18 Feb 07:11

GIF | ffd.gif

18 Feb 07:11

Tumblr | a29.png

18 Feb 07:09

mechaneu v1 3D printed spherical gear system kinetic sculpture

by rodrigo caula I designboom

developed to explore the limits of 3D printing as an art form, the miniature sculptures feature an elaborate network of 64 interlocking gears and support structures.

The post mechaneu v1 3D printed spherical gear system kinetic sculpture appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.

18 Feb 07:09

Замерзающая Америка - Озеро Мичиган скованное льдами

by trasyy
Температура в Чикаго опустилась ниже -33 С и озеро Мичиган начало сковывать льдами.

Читать дальше...Свернуть )
18 Feb 07:08

GIF | 4aa.gif

18 Feb 07:08

Things With Faces (Pareidolia) | f59.jpg

18 Feb 07:06

Tumblr | 2f3.png

18 Feb 07:06

GIF | a75.gif

18 Feb 07:05

Shelf Desktop Wallpaper | ff9.jpg

18 Feb 07:05

Tumblr | fe6.jpg

18 Feb 07:05

Полицейская погоня в Канаде [gif]

by D. Mon <>
18 Feb 07:04

This person underestimated the power of doge.

18 Feb 07:04


18 Feb 07:03

A velha do pano de prato

by glamour.parecefilme

- Alô, mãe?

- Oi, filha, tudo bem?

- Sim, tudo ótimo. Viu, acho que estou velha.

- Como assim, Camila?

- Um moço acabou de me oferecer panos de prato no farol.

- E por isso você acha que você tá velha?

- Claro! Sempre me ofereceram chicletes, carregadores de celular, balões do Bob esponja, mas nunca, nunca mesmo um pano de prato.

- Ai Camila, que bobagem filha.

- Não, mãe, ainda não terminei a noia. O pior de tudo é que eu senti vontade de comprar.

- E você comprou?

- Não, mas eram bordados bem bonitos…

- Por quanto?

- Três por oito reais.

- O quê? E você não comprou?

- Não.

- Tinha pano de chão também?

- Não vi.

- Ai Camila… te oferecem três panos de prato por oito reais e você nem pensa em perguntar quanto é o de chão?

- Ah mãe, nem pensei… sei lá.

- Fica tranquila minha filha, você definitivamente não está velha.

Dois dia depois:

- Alô, mãe?

- Oi, filha.

- Tô velha sim, ele acha que eu tenho filhos!

- Quem acha que você tem filhos, Camila?

- O cara dos panos de prato. Voltei lá e comprei seis pra você por dezesseis reais… ele falou que é bom levar bastante porque a criançada faz muita bagunça, a criançada mãe!

- Filha, enquanto ele te vender pano de prato por esse preço, ele pode achar o que ele quiser.

18 Feb 06:58

tastefullyoffensive: Seal to the rescue! [x]


Seal to the rescue! [x]

18 Feb 06:54

Cats | 774.jpg

18 Feb 06:49

Tumblr | b77.png

17 Jan 04:23

acid-washed-thoughts: me

17 Jan 04:17

Mapeando a Vida

by Ila Fox
mapeamento genético, exame genes, genética, antepassados, descendencia, ancestrais, 23andme, by ila fox

Já repararam que as pessoas tem uma certa fixação sobre aparência X descendência?

Na última viagem várias pessoas perguntaram sobre minha origem, mas ficavam espantados quando dizia que sou Brasileira. As pessoas não entendem que Brasileiro não tem uma "fisionomia padrão". Esquecem que somos um país novo e por isso somos uma mistura de genes de todos os cantos do mundo. O X da questão é que eu não sabia de quais cantos do mundo meus antepassados vieram, snif.

Daí que eu e Ricbit resolvemos fazer mapeamento genético para esclarecer estas e outras dúvidas existenciais. E para isso fizemos um exame pelo laboratório 23andMe. Neste exame eles mostram a sua ancestralidade, mas também mostram as suas predisposições genéticas, doenças hereditárias, características, sensibilidade à remédios e tal.

O exame é até simples e nem é caro, custa 100 U$. Você se inscreve no site deles e pede um kit que vai chegar no endereço. Segue as instruções, cospe dentro de um potinho e envia de volta. A resposta sai dentro de um mês através do site. Infelizmente só dá para fazer fora do Brasil (nós fizemos nos EUA) pois a Anvisa não permite enviar material biológico pelos correios. Nhé.

Daí descobri que tenho genes:
90.2% Europeus (Sendo uma mistureba entre Portugueses, Alemães, Franceses, Italianos, Britânicos e um pouquinho de Russos e Judeus, nussa!)
4.5% Nativos Americanos (Ou seja, Indios!)
2.0% Africanos e Árabes (Olha que legal!)
3.3% Não identificado (Deve ser extra-terrestre! Só pode!!! hehe)

Quem tiver oportunidade de fazer, faça! Se a pessoa for hipocondríaca talvez fique meio neurótica com as predisposições de doenças, hehe. Mas pelo menos rende uma bela reflexão sobre a vida! Pois é impossível não olhar todos estes dados e não pensar em seus ancestrais e toda sua história... Como será que viviam? O que passaram? O que sentiam? Fico grata por cada um deles, pois graças a suas lutas eu estou aqui hoje!
16 Jan 19:55

4chan | 60f.png

13 Jan 22:45

Don’t be evil El original AQUÍ

Don’t be evil

El original AQUÍ