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13 May 15:38

Life Advice from Machines: Um Tumblr com a verdadeira sabedoria das redes

by Samanta Fluture
De tempos em tempos você se depara com um Tumblr que parece que foi feito para você, se apegando às fotos e frases que fazem boas observações sobre a vida. Life Advice from Machines pode ser um desses.

Em uma era onde a tecnologia nos engrandece e está totalmente inseria na vida, faz sentido buscar também por palavras de sabedoria que venham destas ferramentas.

Life Advice from Machines se apropria de insights retirados de manuais de instruções de aparelhos comuns, e nos mostra como são aplicáveis não somente em instalar ou fazer funcionar uma máquina, mas também nós mesmos.

Revelando as verdades por trás de uma TV, de uma impressora ou de uma câmera fotográfica, temos frases como “Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times”, retirada do manual de uma DREMEL MultiPro Rotary Tool, que nos faz carregá-la como um mantra de meditação ou filosofia de livro de bolso.

Quem diria que grandes conselhos de vida estariam escondidos bem debaixo do nariz, por entre estes inseparáveis aparelhos que nos fazem funcionar.

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Na teoria da socióloga Tricia Wang, uma rede como o Facebook, que impõe registrar o nome real e consiste de familiares e amigos de uma pessoa, incentiva o uso limitado de identidade e expressão.


como este mostram que não é uma surpresa a ferramenta ter se tornado mais popular entre os adolescentes do que qualquer Twitter ou Facebook. Ao contrário destas redes, o Tumblr pode ser simplesmente um nome na tela, sem qualquer traço da sua vida social.

Por outro lado, o Tumblr permite criar, experimentar e jogar. Cada tumblr criado é como um novo “eu”, testando e colocando tudo para fora para ver onde se encaixa. Pode ser uma página só de GIFs, uma de fotos de viagem, outra de frases de amor, e também dos desenhos que faz nas horas vagas. Ou até, como neste exemplo, a busca por significados e histórias nos lugares mais inusitados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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13 May 15:28


13 May 15:27

Netflix starts streaming Disney movies in Ireland and the UK

by Jon Fingas

Netflix begins offering Disney movies to Ireland and the UK

Netflix scored a big coup with its semi-exclusive Disney deal late last year, but the newly expanded content didn't reach everybody in one shot -- just ask the British and Irish, who've been left high and dry so far. To viewers' relief, the companies have mended that gap with immediate availability of Disney and Disney-Pixar movies in Ireland and the UK. The initial mix includes not-quite-recent movies like Wall-E as well as back-catalog classics like The Aristocats; the months ahead will see Netflix' selection catch up slightly by introducing the most recent Pirates of the Caribbean movie, among other titles. Combined with the upcoming additions of some DreamWorks and Marvel movies, the Disney pact should hopefully keep the kids (and, we'll admit, ourselves) entertained just as the summer is about to start.

Filed under: Home Entertainment, Internet, HD


Source: Netflix (1), (2)

13 May 15:26

Capitalism is evil, now proven by Science (and mice!)

by René

In einem Experiment haben Wissenschaftler Belege dafür gefunden, dass wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen am Markt die Wertschätzung anderer Lebewesen beeinträchtigt. Konkret ging es darum, Überschüsse an Labormäusen aufzukaufen, die andernfalls getötet werden würden. Die Probanden haben durchaus bezahlt, die wirtschaftlichen Verhandlungen aber haben die Preise gedrückt. Daraus folgt, dass wirtschaftliches Handeln den moralischen Kompass verändert und das Leben der Mäuse an Wert verliert: Capitalism is evil.

The possibility that market interaction may erode moral values is a long-standing, but controversial, hypothesis in the social sciences, ethics, and philosophy. To date, empirical evidence on decay of moral values through market interaction has been scarce. We present controlled experimental evidence on how market interaction changes how human subjects value harm and damage done to third parties.

In the experiment, subjects decide between either saving the life of a mouse or receiving money. We compare individual decisions to those made in a bilateral and a multilateral market. In both markets, the willingness to kill the mouse is substantially higher than in individual decisions. Furthermore, in the multilateral market, prices for life deteriorate tremendously.

Morals and Markets (via Improbable Research)

13 May 15:22

Crazy Monster sings the best song.

Crazy Monster sings the best song.

13 May 15:22

Sometimes The Doctor Does Seem Villainous

13 May 15:16

When a drop falls from a moderate height into a shallow pool,...

When a drop falls from a moderate height into a shallow pool, its impact creates a complicated pattern. The photo above is a composite image showing a top-down view 100 ms after such an impact. On the left side, the flow is visualized using dye whereas the right shows a schlieren photograph, in which contrast indicates variations in density. Both methods show the same general structure - an inner vortex ring generated at the edge of the impact crater and formed mostly of drop fluid and an outer vortex ring, consisting primarily of pool fluid, formed by the spreading wave. Both regions show signs of instability and breakdown. (Photo credit: A. Wilkens et al.)

13 May 13:50

National Geographic Traveler Magazine: 2013 Photo Contest

The National Geographic Traveler Magazine photo contest, now in its 25th year, has begun. There is still plenty of time to enter. The entry deadline is Sunday, June 30, at 11:59 p.m. Entrants may submit their photographs in any or all of the four categories: Travel Portraits, Outdoor Scenes, Sense of Place and Spontaneous Moments. The magazine's photo editors showcase their favorite entries each week in galleries. You can also vote for your favorites. "The pictures increasingly reflect a more sophisticated way of seeing and interpreting the world, making the judging process more difficult," says Keith Bellows, magazine editor in chief. (The captions are written by the entrants, some slightly edited for readability.) As always, you can take a look at some of last year's entries and winners.. -- Paula Nelson ( 40 photos total)

OUTDOOR SCENES - Portrait of an Eastern Screech Owl - Masters of disguise. The Eastern Screech Owl is seen here doing what they do best. You better have a sharp eye to spot these little birds of prey. Okeefenokee Swamp, Georgia, USA. (Photo and caption by Graham McGeorge/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

13 May 13:12

Oh God.

by Luke Plunkett

Oh God. FreeCiv, the open source "tribute" to the classic strategy series, now runs on HTML5. Meaning it can run in browsers. And on your phone. Play here. Thanks PC Gamer.

13 May 13:12

Birds and Dinosaurs

Sure, T. rex is closer in height to Stegosaurus than a sparrow. But that doesn't tell you much; 'Dinosaur Comics' author Ryan North is closer in height to certain dinosaurs than to the average human.
13 May 13:01

DR HOUSE - Empiezo a creer que nunca estaba actuando

13 May 12:54

PADRES, TÍOS Y DEMÁS - He aquí unos cuantos trucos para lidiar con los pequeños de la casa

13 May 09:44

the REAL story behind how programming languages were founded


1991 - Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum travels to Argentina for a mysterious operation. He returns with a large cranial scar, invents Python, is declared Dictator for Life by legions of followers, and announces to the world that "There Is Only One Way to Do It." Poland becomes nervous.

13 May 09:36

Quadrin 13/05/2013 - Piratas Do Tiête (Laerte)

by quadrin

Piratas Do Tiête Laerte
13 May 09:36

MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript

13 May 09:35

Samsung announces 5G data breakthrough

Samsung Electronics said Monday it had successfully tested super-fast fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology that would eventually allow users to download an entire movie in one second.
13 May 09:32

Surviving a DDoS attack

by sharhalakis

Submitted by choult

13 May 09:31

A few months ago, you requested I record Space Oddity. From my last full day on board the International Space Station - I hope you enjoy it.

13 May 09:27

Space Oddity

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is leaving the ISS Monday after five months of sending us wonderful videos, photographs, and Tweets from space. His farewell musical performance is a custom version of "Space Oddity." -Thanks, Mike G!

13 May 01:12

Community salva pela Internet aos 48 do 2º tempo, mas não foi sofativismo

by Carlos Cardoso

Community é (ou era, segundo alguém, não eu) uma das melhores séries da atualidade. Humor inteligente, personagens tridimensionais que evoluem, uma verdadeira aversão a clichês e uma incrível capacidade de referenciar cultura pop sem parecer forçado.

Há episódios intimistas, episódios surreais, episódios com zumbis e até um episódio todo passado em um videogame de 16 bits. Há linhas do tempo alternativas e há a Alison Brie.

Por isso tudo Community foi um fracasso de público, só agradando a uma pequena fração dos espectadores. Justamente a fração que assiste séries em todo lugar menos na TV. Para piorar o criador da série brigou com a emissora, foi devidamente saído, e antes que pudessem se reestruturar Chevy Chase achou que ainda estava nos Anos 70, quando era relevante, e brigou com todo mundo.

A série teve sua quarta temporada dividida em duas. A segunda parte foi adiada sem prazo para ser exibida, e só voltou agora em 2013. Os episódios estavam perdidos, pela primeira vez com queda visível de qualidade. O consenso era que Community não teria uma quinta temporada. O sonho de seis temporadas e um filme havia morrido.

Eis que, do nada, a NBC, famosa por decisões inteligentes como cancelar Star Trek, renova a série que sabotou, nunca prestigiou e tratou como patinho feio. Qual o motivo?

Bem, digamos que a audiência da NBC está tão baixa quanto era zoada em 30 Rock. Eles não podem se dar ao luxo de perder mais público, e Community se mostrou um fenômeno online, em serviços como Netflix e Amazon. Se a série for tirada do ar, o público fiel assistirá as reprises somente online, e pior cenário, a série pode ser comprada por um desses serviços e ressuscitada, como a Netflix fez com Arrested Development.

Se for preciso manter no ar uma série da qual ninguém no canal é fã, que seja.Os serviços de streaming estão mordendo o bolo das grandes redes. Não são mais meros repetidores de conteúdo. Séries como House of Cards mostraram que são capazes de produzir conteúdo original, invertendo o caminho. A meta das emissoras é impedir -ou mais realisticamente- atrasar isso.

A mídia tradicional está perdida, todo o modelo das Famílias Nielsen não leva em conta as duzentas formas diferentes que usamos hoje para consumir midia. Na verdade não leva nem em conta a presença de mais de uma TV por residência. Esse castelo de cartas irá cair em breve, e com ele as verbas milionárias de publicidade. O lado ruim é que o orçamento das séries será igualmente cortado, com o investimento em propaganda espalhado por muito mais veículos.

Talvez aí a salvação sejam projetos de kickstart, onde os próprios fãs banquem parte da produção. Sinceramente não teria problemas em desviar R$ 5,00 ou R$ 10,00 de minha assinatura da SKY, para garantir um Da Vinci’s Demons ou um Justice League: Unlimited. Muito melhor que que ver meu dinheiro indo premimos caixa comum e financiando aquele descabelado do History Channel.

12 May 21:34

Working on an Android tablet: first six weeks

12 May 21:34

the-absolute-funniest-posts: My lovely followers, please follow...


My lovely followers, please follow this blog immediately!

12 May 21:33


12 May 21:05

estoy aqui - shakira ♪ (

estoy aqui - shakira ♪ (

12 May 21:05

nevver: Pat Perry

by wagatwe
12 May 21:04

Why Google Glass Will Crater

by Brian Ford

Google Glass is now “unofficially officially” out in the wild, early reviews are in, and they’re not spectacular. I’ve been a Glass skeptic from the start, but now I’m just going to come right out and say it: If the developer version is at all an accurate representation of what Glass will look like as a finished product, it's going to fail.

Here's why.

No One Likes To Wear Glasses

If people liked wearing glasses, we wouldn’t live in a world where many people opt to wear contacts. I actually don’t like wearing contacts (my eyes are sensitive) and because my insurance covers the cost of buying glasses I dutifully trot in, excited by the prospect that this time, I’m going to find the perfect pair.

(See also: Google Glass Unboxing Photo Gallery: Meet The Future Of Mobile)

An unboxing and overview of what's in the box with Google Glass, a moonshot project that might just be crazy enough to catch on. I speak from experience: No matter how well they’re fitted, glasses slip. They pinch. They’re easy to forget. They cause headaches. They’re inconvenient when they’re on and even more so when we need to take them off. Put simply, glasses are a hassle and despite my best intentions I give up on wearing them after only a couple months.

No matter your level of respect for Google, it won’t have solved these problems. If anything, they’re only going to be exacerbated by the fact that Glass will need to fit perfectly in order to work perfectly. Also by the fact that people who like to wear glasses can't currently wear Glass, because it doesn't work with... glasses!

(See also: Google Glass: What Do You Want To Know About Google's Internet Eyewear?)

Whether we like wearing glasses or not, we definitely don’t like wearing ugly glasses and Google Glass is nothing if not ugly. (Take a look at any picture that doesn’t feature a professional model at a professional photo shoot and tell me I’m wrong.)

Those of us who are forced to wear corrective glasses are pretty particular about what we’ll wear, and Google says we can have any design we like as long as it’s ugly.

Google Glass Is Already A Parody Of Itself

The iPad elicited pre-release chuckles because we’re all children and we think feminine hygiene products are hilarious. Apple put an end to our juvenile japes by releasing a product that worked well. More important, perhaps, the iPad was announced and then it was released and reviewed as a finished product.

As a result, we were able to walk into a store, buy one and draw our own conclusions. And we did. Millions of times, collectively.

Not so with Google Glass. The devices are out there, yes, but most of us will never know someone who owns a pre-release pair. Many of us already understand that wearing prescription glasses kind of sucks, and even if we have no real idea what it’s like to meld a tiny screen to that experience, adding to bad doesn’t often make good.

This means we’ll spend the next several months forming our opinions based on preconceived notions, reviews, word-of-mouth and, yes, Saturday Night Live skits.

The Reviews Have Been Terrible

Whether it’s battery life, how well they function, the price to value ratio, or build quality, no one seems to have much nice to say about Google Glass in its current form. (ReadWrite's Taylor Hatmaker is one exception.) You might retort that it’s unfair to review a beta product, but Google could have released Glass alongside an NDA or an embargo, and it didn’t do that. It unconditionally put the “future of tech” in the hands of any journalist who was willing to shell out $1500 and hoped for the best.

Is it possible that Google will completely overhaul their flagship next-generation mobile computer in an effort to address these issues? Sure it is. I think it’s unlikely, but it’s possible. Does it matter? Is “Joe Average” going to spend his money on a first-of-its-kind product that was savaged in early reviews? Not likely.

Word-Of-Mouth Has Been Terrible

Glasshole. It’s not terribly clever — okay, it's actually sort of clever — but it caught on. And it makes a strong and succinct point that if you wear these, you’re kind of a dick. This isn’t a jab at the product, it’s a commentary about the person wearing the product. If you’re wearing them, that person is you.

That’s the kiss of death for any device, let alone an expensive product that also happens to be getting so-so reviews at best. (Maybe Glass won’t be expensive once it's actually released. But Google is cultivating the idea that the device will be expensive by keeping silent about the eventual price.)

Live from New York: Google Glass Is Terrible!

If Glass were well-reviewed, I’d leave this alone. The problem isn’t that Saturday Night Live is making fun of a new tech product; they do that all the time. The problem is that Saturday Night live is parodying a product and it’s hard to tell that it’s a parody. I’ve seen videos of people wearing Glass and they’re experiencing all the issues that Fred Armisen sends up in his sketch.

The joke is that his character is going out of the way to seem enthusiastic about Glass despite all the glitches, and therein lies the difference between parody and reality: Most of the “real” reviewers seem to be just as confounded by things like poor speech recognition, but far from being enthusiastic, they seem mostly disappointed that “the future” is so wonky.

Google needs an army of disciples who will evangelize despite flaws, and thus far, it seems like they’ve just got Robert Scoble. (This is a good time, I think, to bring up my point about professional models again.)

Google needs to get out in front of the impression that Glass doesn’t work well, and it has yet to do so.

Wear No Evil

Add to all that my ongoing concerns about wearer discomfort, the potential for long-term negative impacts on our vision, inevitable privacy issues, and the likelihood that businesses will ban the use of Google Glass outright.

Maybe Google is giving us a preview of the future. Maybe we should all be excited that Google is willing push the envelope by trying something new.

For now, though, maybe we should all come to terms with the idea that Google is facing a failure of epic proportions.

12 May 21:03


by Laerte

12 May 21:01

LOL Pentakill NOOB



LOL Pentakill NOOB

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: computers , pcs , gifs , pentakill , noobs , league of legends Share on Facebook
12 May 21:01

Van Gogh in Dominoes

12 May 21:00


by wagatwe