Shared posts

22 Jul 13:25


by Doug


More video games!

15 Jul 20:31



- Só pelo prazer da zueira!
11 Jul 20:32

Jesus Celebrating A Long Paddle Board Session With Some Friends

Jesus Celebrating A Long Paddle Board Session With Some Friends

11 Jul 18:27

7-Year-Old Receives Reply From NASA After Writing About His Dreams to Be an Astronaut & Go to Mars

by Kimber Streams

NASA Letter

Seven-year-old Dexter wrote to NASA about his desire to become an astronaut and go to Mars, and NASA responded with an encouraging letter with information about space camps and how to become an astronaut as well as photos of Mars and the Curiosity rover. According to his mom, who shared the story on reddit, her son hasn’t “been this excited since Christmas.”

NASA Letter

NASA Letter

NASA Letter

NASA Letter

NASA Letter

images via kattybopatty

via reddit

11 Jul 18:25

How to Get the Best Deals During This Week's Steam Sale

by Alan Henry

Steam’s annual winter Sale is on now, but before you go and empty your wallet, here are some helpful tips to make sure you get the most for your money and catch the titles you really want.


11 Jul 18:14

As Férias de Verão chegaram no Steam, portanto é hora de gastar!

by Ronaldo Gogoni

Bioshock Infinite

Todo ano os jogadores de PC aguardam pacientemente aqueles dois períodos em que fatalmente todos ficam mais pobres: as promoções malucas das Férias de Verão e Natal. E hoje, começando duas horas mais cedo do que o normal (talvez para compensar o atraso de vários dias), a loja entrou com as ofertas das férias de meio de ano, que vão durar até o dia 22.

Quem já participou das promoções anteriores já sabe como funciona: a cada 24 horas as ofertas diárias são substituídas e durante esse período são oferecidos games que vão desde clássicos a lançamentos quentes, com preços variando entre honestos, deliciosamente atraentes e inacreditáveis de tão baratos.

A loja do Steam está no momento enfrentando problemas de estabilidade, mas felizmente consegui acessar e já vi as ofertas do primeiro dia, que são as seguintes:

  • Bioshock Infinite – de R$ 94,99 por R$ 47,49 (50% de desconto);
  • Left 4 Dead 2 – de R$ 34,99 por R$ 8,74 (-75%);
  • Toki Tori 2+ – de R$ 24,99 por R$ 16,49 (-34%);
  • Endless Space: Emperor Edition - de R$ 49,99 por R$ 16,99 (-66%);
  • Hotline Miami – de R$ 16,99 por R$ 4,24 (-75%);
  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger – de R$ 29,99 por R$ 20,09 (-33%);
  • MARS: War Logs – de R$ 34,99 por R$ 23,44 (-33%);
  • Antichamber – de R$ 34,99 por R$ 11,89 (-66%);
  • Don’t Starve – de R$ 24,99 por R$ 19,99 (-20%);
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited – de R$ 34,99 por R$ 8,74 (-75%);
  • Defiance – de R$ 69,99 por R$ 23,79 (-66%).

Destaque para obviamente Bioshock Infinite, candidato fortíssimo a melhor game do ano que está com um preço muito atraente e Hotline Miami, um jogo sensacional que está quase de graça.

Fora essas promoções há as ofertas-relâmpago, que duram apenas oito horas e no momento os jogos contemplados são:

  • Skyrim: Legendary Edition - de R$ 119,99 por 71,99 (40% de desconto);
  • Counter Strike: Global Offensive – de R$ 24,99 por R$ 8,49 (-66%);
  • GRID 2 – de R$ 84,99 por R$ 50,99 (-40%).

Valem as dicas de sempre: a menos que os preços estejam ridiculamente baixos, evitem comprar games fora das ofertas diárias ou relâmpago, pois há sempre a possibilidade daquele game que você quer aparecer a qualquer momento. Portanto fiquem de olho na loja, rezem para a instabilidade passar logo e boas compras! :)

11 Jul 18:14

Muita calma nessa hora: começou a liquidação do Steam

by Leo Martins

Summer sale! \o/

Respire fundo e não perca o controle. Atradicional promoção de julho do Steam começou nesta quinta-feira (11). Serão 10 dias de ofertas tentadoras e pacotões de jogos que provavelmente nunca vamos jogar depois de comprar. E glória, glória ao todo poderoso Gaben.


11 Jul 18:06

Why The Flash is the Only Human Living In the Present

You live in the past. For every possible combination of sensory input you can have, there is some appreciable time between signal and interpretation. Light hits your eye or a sound hits your ear and milliseconds later you actually perceive light or sound. Right now you are looking at this screen as it was a few milliseconds in the past. Reality is on a delay. For you, nothing is now .Realizing this fact is unsettling. If we can only react to the past, how do we manage to navigate the present? It's easy to spiral into a treatise on free will while in the fetal position, overthinking our forever past. Unless you are The Flash. [More]
11 Jul 18:03



11 Jul 18:03

Como estacionar um carro com estilo

by Maurício

Fiquem de olho no teto solar


11 Jul 18:02


11 Jul 15:53

Crowd Control

by Greg Ross

In July 1968, ethologist John B. Calhoun built a “mouse utopia,” a metal enclosure 9 feet square with unlimited food, water, and nesting material. He introduced four pairs of mice, and within a year they had multiplied to 620. But after that the society began to fall apart — males became aggressive, females began neglecting their young, and the weaker mice were crowded to the center of the pen, where resources were scarce. After 600 days the females stopped reproducing and the males withdrew from them entirely, and by January 1973 the whole colony was dead. Even when the population had returned to its former levels, the mice’s behavior had remained permanently changed.

There were no predators in the mouse universe; the only adversity was confinement itself. Calhoun felt that his experiment held lessons as to the potential dangers of human overpopulation, and he urged his colleagues to study the effects of high population density on human behavior. “Our success in being human has so far derived from our honoring deviance more than tradition,” he said. “Now we must search diligently for those creative deviants from which, alone, will come the conceptualization of an evolutionary designing process. This can assure us an open-ended future toward whose realization we can participate.”

(Thanks, Pål.)

11 Jul 15:30

kitty needs some ‘head & shoulders’ 

by pandylynn

kitty needs some ‘head & shoulders’ 

11 Jul 12:40

Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures)

by Brotha Jonze

Pig Beach (also known as Pig Island, Major Cay, and officially Big Major Cay) is an uninhabited island located in Exuma, the Bahamas, and known for being populated by swimming pigs.

The pigs are said to have been dropped off on Big Major Cay by a group of sailors who wanted to come back and cook them. The sailors, though, never returned; the pigs survived on excess food dumped from passing ships.

One other legend has it that the pigs were survivors of a shipwreck and managed to swim to shore[8] while another claims that the pigs had escaped from a nearby islet. Others suggest that the pigs were part of a business scheme to attract tourists to the Bahamas.

The pigs are now fed by locals and tourists and the island is unofficially known as Pig Beach by the locals.

pig beach big major cay 17 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 08 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 09 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 10 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 11 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 12 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 13 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 14 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 15 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 16 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 01 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 02 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 03 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 04 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 05 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 06 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures) pig beach big major cay 07 Swimming Pigs And Piglets Of Big Major Cay, Bahamas (17 Pictures)
11 Jul 12:30

That’s how our world is changing

by moderator
11 Jul 12:28


10 Jul 17:58

Shakespeare in the Park

by Miss Cellania

There's a Shakespeare quote for any situation! This collection is from Grant Snider at Incidental Comics. Link

10 Jul 17:57

tears for fears

by the realist

10 Jul 17:56

Facial Expressions--How Do They Work?

by John Farrier

Oh, so that's why demons sometimes appear when I'm trying to hail a cab! I should keep Reza Farazmand's handy chart nearby.


10 Jul 17:52

157 Years of Nikola Tesla

by Miss Cellania

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. To mark that anniversary, you are invited to find out more about the man and his work. Here are some good places to start:

Tesla: Master of Lightning.

Nikola Tesla's Life in Under 3 Minutes.

7 Geniuses Who Were Completely Insane.

Tesla vs. Edison on the Big Screen.

Epic Rap Battle: Nikola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison.

Tesla's Tower of Power.

Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!

And from the NeatoShop, we have the Tesla Finger Puppet and Magnet!

10 Jul 17:50

In Cairo turmoil, a videographer captured his own death on camera

by (Tim Sampson)

Ahmed Samir Assem, a 26-year-old videographer for Egypt's Al-Horia Wa Al-Adala, appears to have documented his own death in an unnerving video. 

10 Jul 16:53

How the NSA uses PRISM in Latin America

by (Kevin Collier)

The system has been used to track "energy and narcotics" transactions in Mexico, and "data on oil and military purchases from Venezuela."

10 Jul 16:46

Crazy Sky-High Waterspout Captured on Camera in Florida


There are those natural phenomena that we know are coming, like comets, the Supermoon and this year's forthcoming Manhattanhenge, causing shutterbugs around the world to prepare their cameras. Then there's the stuff we have no idea is coming, like earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes. But the prevalence of cell phone cameras mean we're now capturing images from the latter category too. Yesterday a series of photos out of Oldsmar, Florida, went viral as a handful of residents were able to capture a waterspout—a sort of oceangoing tornado—that formed around sunset on Monday.


Naturally there's video of it too; unsurprisingly most of it is grainy and ill-composed. After wading through a bunch of it, we found Oldsmar resident John Bosker's footage, which he showed to ABC News, to be the cake-taker. It starts around 0:44 below, and you can of course ignore the news hype before and after the footage:

This second video is kind of funny because you can hear the typical American parent-child interaction in the background (NSFW language):


10 Jul 16:45

Happy Wednesday, here are some of the best responses to the...

Happy Wednesday, here are some of the best responses to the question “How many of you have a photograph of the single best moment of your life?" 

10 Jul 15:58

BUEN INTENTO - Casi logras engañarme, mamá

10 Jul 15:52, New Encrypted Messaging Service From Brokep of the Pirate Bay

by Unknown Lamer
First time accepted submitter freddej writes " ("secret" in Swedish), is a new peer encrypted messaging service from some of the guys behind TPB and Flattr. They describe it as this: 'Our focus is your privacy so we are building everything from software to company structure to protect that. The others are focused on maximizing profit.' So if you agree on the mantra that 'if you're not paying, you're the product' then you might want to check them out." Caveats: they are begging for money and there is no mention whether this will be Free Software or some kind of proprietary service (in which case, how can you really trust it?). It looks more likely it will be a closed application/service: "We're building a message app where no one can listen in, not even us. We would rather close down the service before letting anyone in ... [what will codes unlock?] It will give you access to extended features of like sending image messages and other stuff in the future. Pre-register username will let you register your username before the app is released."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

10 Jul 15:40

Seth Vidal, creator of yum, killed in hit and run

The Fedora community and the wider community are mourning the loss of Seth Vidal, who was killed by a hit-and-run driver while out cycling on Monday

09 Jul 23:36

July 09, 2013

Hey poli sci geeks - my brother, Greg Weiner (yes there are more Weiners), is writing some articles here. Fair warning: They involve nuance and politics, so you will probably be angry at some of them. Enjoy!
09 Jul 20:24

All Natural Mosquito Repellent

by Jonco

Agora entendi quando tinha um desses no restaurante.

Mosquito repellant2Have a mosquito problem???

At your next outdoor gathering try this SAFE and EFFECTIVE method of keeping mosquitoes at bay! Simply slice a lime in half and press in a good amount of cloves for an ALL NATURAL mosquito repellent.

Thanks Grace H

09 Jul 20:22

Tic-Tac-Toe squared

by Cory Doctorow

Want to play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe that's genuinely challenging and hard? Try "Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe," in which each square is made up of another, smaller Tic-Tac-Toe board, and to win the square you have to win its mini-game. Ben Orlin says he discovered the game on a mathematicians' picnic, and he explains a wrinkle on the rules:

You don’t get to pick which of the nine boards to play on. That’s determined by your opponent’s previous move. Whichever square he picks, that’s the board you must play in next. (And whichever square you pick will determine which board he plays on next.)...

This lends the game a strategic element. You can’t just focus on the little board. You’ve got to consider where your move will send your opponent, and where his next move will send you, and so on.

The resulting scenarios look bizarre. Players seem to move randomly, missing easy two- and three-in-a-rows. But there’s a method to the madness – they’re thinking ahead to future moves, wary of setting up their opponent on prime real estate. It is, in short, vastly more interesting than regular tic-tac-toe.

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe (via Kottke)