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07 Oct 11:44

October 04, 2013

I promise this is the last day I'll nag you to buy BAHFest tickets. Thanks everyone for all of your support.

We should have a livestream available on the BAHFest site, and we will be recording.
05 Oct 03:50

The Game of Life Select the difficulty level: Easy (Fácil) /...

The Game of Life

Select the difficulty level: Easy (Fácil) / Normal / Hard (Difícil)

[ cinismo ilustrado ]

04 Oct 18:08


04 Oct 18:07


by Allie
Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens," and then actually be able to make that thing happen. 

It is also dangerous. 

And it is especially dangerous when applied to four-year-olds. 

Four-year-olds lack the experience to wield power responsibly. They have no idea what to do with it or how to control it.

But they like it.

The dinosaur costume was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. The previous Halloween, which was the first Halloween I could actually remember, my parents had dressed me as a giant crayon, and the whole experience had been really uncomfortable for me.

But being a dinosaur felt natural.

And powerful. 

The feeling had been slowly intensifying ever since I put the costume on that morning, and, as I stood there in the middle of the classroom, staring off into the distance in an unresponsive power trance, it finally hit critical mass.

I had to find some way to use it. Any way. Immediately.

The other children screamed and fled. The teacher chased me, yelling at me to stop. But I couldn't stop.  I was a mindless juggernaut, a puppet for forces far greater than myself. I had completely lost control of my body. 

All I knew was that being a dinosaur felt very different from being a person, and I was doing things that I had never even dreamed of doing before.

Of course, I had always had the ability to do these things — even as a person — but I didn't know that. I'd just assumed that I was unable.  As a dinosaur, I didn't have any of those assumptions.  It felt like I could do whatever I wanted without fear of repercussions.

The repercussions were also exactly the same as they were before I became a dinosaur.

I just experienced them differently.

My parents had to come pick me up at noon that day.  The teacher explained that it must have been all the Halloween candy.  "Some kids really can't handle sugar," she said.  "It turns them into little monsters."

I suppose it was a reasonable enough conclusion, but it only served as a distraction from the real problem.

The thing about being an unstoppable force is that you can really only enjoy the experience of being one when you have something to bash yourself against. You need to have things trying to stop you so that you can get a better sense of how fast you are going as you smash through them. And whenever I was inside the dinosaur costume, that is the only thing I wanted to do.

The ban on sugar provided a convenient source of resistance. As long as I was not supposed to eat sugar, I could feel powerful by eating it anyway. 

I'm sure the correlation started to seem rather strong after a while. I'd find some way to get sugar into myself, and then — drunk on the power of doing something I wasn't supposed to —I would lapse into psychotic monster mode. To any reasonable observer, it would appear as though I was indeed having a reaction to the sugar.

My parents were so confused when the terror sprees continued even after the house had been stripped of sugar. They were sure they had gotten rid of all of it. . . did I have a stash somewhere? Was I eating bugs or something?

They still weren't suspicious of the costume.  

I lost weeks in a power-fueled haze. I often found myself inside the costume without even realizing I had put it on. One moment, I would be calmly drawing a picture, and the next I'd be robotically stumbling toward my closet where the dinosaur costume was and putting myself inside it.

It started to happen almost against my will.

Surely my parents made the connection subconsciously long before they became aware of what was really going on. After weeks of chaos, each instance punctuated by the presence of the costume, I have to imagine that the very sight of the thing would have triggered some sort of Pavlovian fear response.

They did figure it out eventually, though.

And the costume was finally taken away from me.

I was infuriated at the injustice of it all. I had become quite dependent on the costume, and it felt like part of my humanity was being forcibly and maliciously stripped away.  I cursed my piddling human powers and their uselessness in the situation. If only I could put on the costume . . .  just one more time.

But that was the costume's only weakness — it couldn't save itself. I had to watch helplessly as it disappeared inside a trash bag. 

There was nothing I could do.

And so my reign of power came to an end, and I slowly learned to live as a person again.

04 Oct 17:51

sweaterkittensahoy: Some days, you just can’t get rid of a...


Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb.

04 Oct 16:36

Audiosurf 2 hits Steam Early Access with Workshop support

by Michael McWhertor

Stay Connected. Follow Polygon Now!

By Michael McWhertor on Oct 02, 2013 at 9:00p

After a slight delay, Dylan Fitterer's rhythm racing game Audiosurf 2 is now available on Steam through Early Access. The pre-release version comes with Steam Workshop support for sharing mods, game modes and skins for the Audiosurf sequel.

Audiosurf 2 through Steam Early Access is available for $14.99 on Windows PC. A handful of mods from Fitterer and the community are already available to download from Steam Workshop.

The sequel, previously known as Audiosurf Air, lets players ride songs from their personal music library and adds a new Wakeboarding mode that allows music surfers to distort their tunes while avoiding obstacles. Audiosurf 2's creator promises more to come, teasing that players can "Ride your music. Sprint your music. Swim your music. Workshop your music."

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04 Oct 16:06

The BBC will simulcast the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special for pretty much the entire planet. 75

by Rob Bricken

The BBC will simulcast the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special for pretty much the entire planet. 75 countries across six continents are already set to broadcast The Day of the Doctor on November 23rd at the same time it airs in the U.K., with more countries to come. You can see the whole list at Doctor Who TV.



04 Oct 15:56

South Park's Minecraft episode hits the internet

by John Funk

Stay Connected. Follow Polygon Now!

By John Funk on Oct 03, 2013 at 4:45p

An episode of Comedy Central's irreverent South Park focusing on Mojang's indie hit Minecraft is now available to watch online.

In the episode "Informative Murder Porn," the children of South Park fear their parents' addiction to racy dramatized-crime shows will lead to real-world violence. Using a parental content blocker, they prevent cable access with a question only a kid would know: How do you tame a horse in Minecraft? Desperate to get their cable back, the adults of South Park resolve to learn Minecraft for themselves.

In 2006, South Park aired "Make Love, Not Warcraft," an award-winning episode spoofing Blizzard's mammoth MMO World of Warcraft.

The full episode can be viewed here on the South Park website.

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04 Oct 15:32

Scientists find radioactive fracking waste in Pennsylvanian stream

by George Dvorsky

Scientists find radioactive fracking waste in Pennsylvanian stream

A group of Duke University scientists have found concentrations of radium, a highly radioactive substance, in a stream near a facility that treats wastewater left over from hydraulic fracturing. The concentrations are 200 times higher than background levels — and they're in the water supply.



04 Oct 15:30

Mozilla Pushes "Shumway" Flash Into Firefox


via firehose

Mozilla has pushed their open-source "Shumway" Flash/SWF player into the latest Firefox nightly builds...
04 Oct 15:29

The level at which South Park takes its detail is...


via Alan Porto

The level at which South Park takes its detail is ridiculous. Look at the audience

04 Oct 15:27

Ex-NSA chief jokes about putting Snowden on a hit list, advocates “targeted killings”

by Cyrus Farivar

A former National Security Agency director joked at a cybersecurity conference on Thursday that NSA-leaker Edward Snowden should be put on a kill list rather than a human rights award list.

"I must admit, in my darker moment[s] over the past several months, I'd also thought of nominating Mr. Snowden, but it was for a different list," Gen. Michael Hayden said at the Washington Post-sponsored event, according to The Hill.

Hayden later fielded a question about an upcoming investigation by journalists Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill into alleged NSA involvement with assassinations. He dismissed the idea and said that while the US does not conduct assassinations, it does conduct “targeted killings.”

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04 Oct 15:23

Banksy in NY

04 Oct 15:18

TunnelBear, A Simple VPN App For Secure Internet Access

by Kimber Streams


TunnelBear is a simple VPN app that provides users with a more secure, encrypted internet connection and, as LifeHacker points out, can be used to access regionally restricted content. The app is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices, and prospective users can sign up for a free or paid account at the TunnelBear website.

image via TunnelBear

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

04 Oct 14:00

The Incredibly Stupid Mistake That Brought Down An Online Drug-Dealing Empire

Even the finest programmers could use a little help from their friends on Stack Overflow now and then. The site, which invites users to ask and answer one another’s questions about specific coding problems, has become a global hub for software engineers, catering to pros and amateurs alike. Silk Road mastermind “Dread Pirate Roberts,” it seems, was no exception.
04 Oct 13:59

[toread] [priv]

by macdrifter
04 Oct 13:58

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan

by Christopher Jobson

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

As part of an absurdly clever advertising campaign orchestrated by ad agency M&C Saatchi Milano for insurance firms Europ Assistance IT and Genertel, a giant submarine was installed near the city center as if it had suddenly burst through the street. The carefully orchestrated stunt which unfolded on October 1st was complete with a live reenactment meant to reinforce the idea of safeguarding yourself and posessions against unforseen events. Read more over on Designboom. All images courtesy M&C Saatchi Milano. (via It’s Nice That)

04 Oct 13:18

Guillermo del Toro's Simpsons couch gag is the best thing ever

by Charlie Jane Anders

Can you name all the classic horror movies in this amazing title sequence that Guillermo del Toro directed for this Sunday's Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode? There is just so much greatness in this three-minute clip. Can't stop watching.



04 Oct 13:06

'Adoro criticar os outros', diz Terry Gilliam, que lança filme no Festival do Rio

Se existe alguém com a resposta sobre a existência, esse alguém é o diretor Terry Gilliam. Ele não só dirigiu e escreveu "O Sentido da Vida" (1983), clássico da trupe cômica Monty Python, como trata do assunto em seu novo longa, "The Zero Theorem", um dos destaques do Festival do Rio depois de competir em Veneza. O filme traz Christoph Waltz, recém-saído da vitória no Oscar de melhor ator coadjuvante por "Django Livre", no papel de Qohen Leth, um hacker que espera um telefonema salvador com a resposta sobre a existência. Enquanto o tal sinal não aparece, Qohen evita sair pela Terra futurista e dominada por corporações criada por Gilliam e pelo escritor Pat Rushin.
Cena de 'The Zero Theorem', de Terry Gilliam, com Christoph Waltz
Cena de 'The Zero Theorem', de Terry Gilliam, com Christoph Waltz
Leia mais (03/10/2013 - 03h34)
04 Oct 13:05

Gone Home, NIDHOGG, Kentucky Route Zero win at IndieCade 2013

by Philippa Warr
Gone Home

Kentucky Route Zero, Gone Home and NIDHOGG were amongst the winners of the IndieCade 2013 awards.

Cardboard Computer's Kentucky Route Zero -- an episodic and atmospheric point-and-click exploring themes of predatory debt -- scooped Visual Design as well as Story/World Design. The Fullbright Company's Gone Home took home Audio Design and the ever-anticipatedNidhogg won Game Design.


By: Philippa Warr,

Continue reading...
03 Oct 13:46

TV: Newswire: Say hola to the characters from Latin America's remake of Breaking Bad

We’ve known since May that Breaking Bad would find a new life in Latin America, much as Walter White did in the surprise, post-credits epilogue that your DVR cut off from Sunday’s finale. (Call your cable provider and complain until they agree to air it!) Now we have our first look at Metastasis, the Colombia-set remake that’s set to air through Univision in America, and translate Breaking Bad into Spanish as faithfully and accurately as a high-school freshman who’s just trying to get through his workbook here. For starters, meet the new Walter White—or as ...
03 Oct 13:43

Lavabit got order for Snowden’s login info, then gov’t demanded site’s SSL key

by Cyrus Farivar

The American government obtained a secret order from a federal judge in Virginia demanding that Lavabit hand over its private SSL key, enabling authorities to access Edward Snowden’s e-mail—and e-mail belonging to Lavabit's 400,000 other users as well. That sealed order, dated July 10 2013, was first published on Wednesday by Wired reporter Kevin Poulsen.

A judge at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the case is currently being heard, unsealed the set of court documents on Wednesday.

Lavabit, the Texas-based e-mail provider, provided secure e-mail services to thousands of people, including Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor. Neither Ladar Levison, the owner of the shuttered e-mail service, nor his attorney Jesse Binnall immediately responded to Ars’ request for comment. However, Ars also received a copy of the unsealed documents from the Lavabit defense team.

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03 Oct 13:41

aishiterushit: smash-brother: jdrox: Um, I thought these were...

by aishiterushit




Um, I thought these were real people.

Why does no one speak of this work of art?

best scene ever

03 Oct 13:40


03 Oct 11:11

Half-Life 3™

by René

Valve hat Half-Life 3 in der EU als Marke angemeldet, ich tippe auf ein neues HL-Game zum Start der Valve-Konsole.

Valve has filed a trademark application for Half-Life 3.

The trademark application (via NeoGAF) was filed September 29 with the European Union’s Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM).

It covers “computer game software; electronic game software, downloadable game software via a global computer network and wireless devices; and video game software,” among other things.

Valve trademarks Half-Life 3

02 Oct 19:23

Pixelated Costume

02 Oct 19:23

Stages of autumn

Stages of autumn

02 Oct 19:23

Just a milk

02 Oct 19:21

Introductory Calculus For Infants

by drew


If your child is two years old and hasn’t at least mastered the concepts of derivatives, integrals, and limits, then you’re setting him or her up for a lifetime of math hell. That’s where Introductory Calculus For Infants comes in. (You might also be interested in Non-Euclidean Geometry For Babies, and The Pythagorean Theorem For Babies.) 

02 Oct 19:18

Meu Malvado Favorito 2 [Programação Infantil]

by (Roteiro Baby Floripa)
Quem gosta do Meu Malvado Favorito (Gru e os Minions)?  Fiquei sabendo através do Blog da Shanon, que o ex-super-vilão Gru e os adoráveis Minions saíram da tela do cinema e invadiram o Beiramar Shopping para divertir a criançada no mês dedicado a elas. 
O evento ocorre no vão central do Beiramar Shopping, até o dia 15 de outubro, todos os dias das 14h ás 20h. O evento é gratuíto. Quer mais informações? O Blog da Shanon te conta! Beijos Patty