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04 Feb 19:20

skyliting: medievalpoc: doublehamburgerjack: frantzfandom: deu...







Traces of coca and nicotine found in Egyptian mummies - WTF fun facts

well DUH. a lot of historians are still trying to process the fact that ancient egyptians knew how to build boats, which is ridiculous. why would they not be seafarers and explorers?

this is not new or surprising information at all. it pretty much day one of any african-american studies course.

the egyptians knew that if they put their boats in front of the summer storm winds it’d blow them right across the sea to the Americas and they shared that with the greeks.

It’s really hard for people to understand that everyone had boats, exploration, and trade interactions without the same level of murder, colonization, and violence that the Europeans did. It’s really hard for people to get that.

An 11,000 year old Iroqious boat.

A whole book about Ancient Egyptian Maritime technology and culture.

Scientists “shocked” to discover that humanity casually traveled the seas over 100,000 years ago.

The Sea-Craft of Prehistory (book; Eurocentric as heck)

Humans traveling long distances by sea and deep=sea fishing for c. 42,000 years

The Dufuna Canoe, Africa’s oldest surviving boat, is 8,000 years old (Nigeria)

A fleet of 5,000-year-old boats in Abydos, Egypt

7,000-year-old seaworthy vessels in Kuwait

7,500-year-old boat found in China’s Zhejiang Province.

Scientific Evidence for Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Voyages (273 pages-for the hardcore only!):

The only plausible explanation for these findings is that a considerable number of transoceanic voyages in both directions across both major oceans were completed between the 7th millennium BC and the European age of discovery. Our growing knowledge of early maritime technology and its accomplishments gives us confidence that vessels and nautical skills capable of these long-distance travels were developed by the times indicated. These voyages put a new complexion on the extensive Old World/New World cultural parallels that have long been controversial.

White people: Egyptians had boats?????

People of Color:  It’s not like they lived IMMEDIATELY BESIDE A RIVER OR ANYTHING, fuck.

04 Feb 15:01

O Matt Smith tá trabalhando melhor do que eu esperava.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
O Matt Smith tá trabalhando melhor do que eu esperava.
04 Feb 15:01


by Osias Jota
04 Feb 15:01


by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
04 Feb 15:01

RT @Bullshico: Por que vocês tão tão consternado assim? UFC nem esporte é.

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @Bullshico: Por que vocês tão tão consternado assim? UFC nem esporte é.
03 Feb 23:11

rob-anybody:thecreach:cherryseltzer:i hope every movie men love is remade with an all female cast...




i hope every movie men love is remade with an all female cast and it ‘ruins their childhood’ and then they don’t exist anymore and i don’t have to listen to them complain.

Die Hard with a female lead.


02 Feb 23:52

Bill Gates: "Necesitamos un único gobierno mundial"

by nanobot
Osias Jota


El multimillonario Bill Gates aboga por la creación de "una especie de Gobierno mundial", argumentando que la creación de un sistema de este tipo resulta imprescindible para combatir los problemas más importantes, "como el cambio climático". En declaraciones al diario alemán 'Süddeutsche Zeitung', Gates ha criticado el hecho de que el sistema de las Naciones Unidas no se ha materializado como estaba previsto.

etiquetas: bill gates, gobierno global, cambio climatico, naciones unidas

» noticia original (

02 Feb 23:52

RT @rmtakata: Espero que nunca deixem o Michael Bay fazer um live action de Johnny...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @rmtakata: Espero que nunca deixem o Michael Bay fazer um live action de Johnny Quest.
02 Feb 12:46

Você sabe o que é bacalhau? ♪ Nunca vi nem comi, eu só ouço falar mal

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Você sabe o que é bacalhau? ♪ Nunca vi nem comi, eu só ouço falar mal
02 Feb 12:46

big game advertising

by kris


how much money got spent on super bowl sunday for everyone in america to go “huh, that’s kinda cool” or “ugh, lame”

02 Feb 02:54

So I got a glimpse of the future this morning...

Osias Jota

via Dj10bear

01 Feb 13:22

I have a dream...

01 Feb 03:14

coldmorningsun: bidyke: robothugscomic: New Comic! I’ve had...




New Comic!

I’ve had this one sitting in my to-do pile for a while, and was finally galvanized to draw it up after going to a talk around intersections of sex, gender, and race this weekend. The topic of pronouns and terminology came up and the speaker just sort of smirked and said ‘yeah, we all know who wrote the dictionaries, don’t we?’ and I was like YES I HAVE A WHOLE THING ABOUT THAT.

My proudest moment of this comic is that I managed to sneak a penis joke into it.


Also, dictionaries take so long to collate they become obsolete before their completion, almost by definition (har har)

01 Feb 01:04

RT @ericarrache: Ancine quer obrigar Netflix e outros serviços on demand a ter quota...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Mobile Web (M2)
RT @ericarrache: Ancine quer obrigar Netflix e outros serviços on demand a ter quota de filmes brasileiros - http://…
31 Jan 17:45

A barata diz que tem Tem tem Uma casa Za De cupim Pim Pim É mentira da barata Ela...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
A barata diz que tem Tem tem Uma casa Za De cupim Pim Pim É mentira da barata Ela não tem carro Não tem teto E...
31 Jan 17:45

The end of geography

by Seth Godin

Some of the most important inventions of the last hundred years:

Air conditioning--which made it possible to do productive work in any climate

Credit cards--which enabled transactions to take place at a distance

Television--which homogenized 150 world cultures into just a few

Federal Express and container ships--which made the transport of physical goods both dependable and insanely cheap

The internet--which moved information from one end of the world to the other as easily as across the room

Cell phones--which cut the wires

If you're still betting on geography, on winning merely because you're local, I hope you have a special case in mind.

31 Jan 17:11

A Poor Imitation of Alan Turing: em resumo: o filme é uma droga

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
A Poor Imitation of Alan Turing: em resumo: o filme é uma droga
30 Jan 18:48

RT @pac_man: O cara diz q é senior mas treme que nem vara verde quando falam em C. Risos

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @pac_man: O cara diz q é senior mas treme que nem vara verde quando falam em C. Risos
30 Jan 18:48

RT @hacktoon: Dica de webcomic do dia: Horse++

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Buffer
RT @hacktoon: Dica de webcomic do dia: Horse++
30 Jan 18:48

Achei que esse texto ia ser um lixo, mas é excelente, depois vi quem era o autor,...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Achei que esse texto ia ser um lixo, mas é excelente, depois vi quem era o autor, não tinha como ser ruim.
30 Jan 00:34

Hard to Argue With That

30 Jan 00:32

"Helping the princess" by Port Sherry

"Helping the princess" by Port Sherry

29 Jan 14:16

RT @choracuica: chuva ácida em cubatão, it's anos 80 all over again

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @choracuica: chuva ácida em cubatão, it's anos 80 all over again
29 Jan 12:16

Quadrinhos rasos é bom.

by lucasmansoldo

Mas tão bom que me tira palavras na hora de postar.

Se eu disser qualquer coisa vai estragar.


29 Jan 12:11

This Exoplanet's Ring System Puts Saturn to Shame

A newly discovered planet makes Saturn’s famed ring collection look downright tiny by comparison. Astronomers from the Leiden Observatory in Netherlands and Rochester University in the United States discovered a planet encircled by a ring system more than 200 times the diameter of Saturn’s. With more than 30 rings, it’s the first system of its kind to be discovered outside our solar system, and it may be churning out more moons and protoplanets. Rings Around the Gas Giant SuperWASP is t
29 Jan 10:24

O que será que acontece se eu digitar feminismo no tuíter

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
O que será que acontece se eu digitar feminismo no tuíter
29 Jan 10:24

Três dias depois, o índice glicêmico de todos os gnomos aumentou e Reginaldo se viu...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Três dias depois, o índice glicêmico de todos os gnomos aumentou e Reginaldo se viu em desespero. #microcontos
29 Jan 10:24


by peta



Se fosse no Mundo Digimon ele seria um Dobermon (e voltaria a ser um Pinscher em algumas horas)

29 Jan 10:24

Todos esse argumentos e quadrinhos e infográficos explicando vacinas não funcionam...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
Todos esse argumentos e quadrinhos e infográficos explicando vacinas não funcionam contra os antivaxxers, e na...
29 Jan 10:24

É sério que escreveram um episódio que o capitão Picard foge de uma mulher toda cheia...

by Osias Jota
Author: Osias Jota
Source: Facebook
É sério que escreveram um episódio que o capitão Picard foge de uma mulher toda cheia de amor pra dar pra ir jogar vídeo game sozinho???