Shared posts

12 Feb 14:03

A Top-Class Mechanic at Work

12 Feb 14:02

Boogie: Acceptable at All Ages

Igor Santos

The famous "ants in my pants" dance.

12 Feb 13:53

Disregard Family Opinions, Acquire Sweet Careers

twitter,science,BAMF,emma watson,failbook

Submitted by: (via Sumit316)

12 Feb 13:50

Where Were You During Measlebola-Gate 2015?


Submitted by: (via elnathan)

12 Feb 13:46

What if That "Shake it Off" Cop Captured All That Incredible Dash Cam Footage From Russia?

12 Feb 13:42

50 shades of Buscemi

50 shades of Buscemi

12 Feb 13:39

Thanks Dad, Now I Can't Un-Hear That


Submitted by: (via beautshiet)

12 Feb 12:39

Here's a Game You Can Play With Your Family Member or Significant Other Next Time They're Snoring

Submitted by: (via Best Vine Comps)

12 Feb 12:36

Forget the Police, an Angry Civilian Ends This Car Chase

Forget the cops, the woman who got rear-ended in this ridiculous police chase knows how to take things down.

Submitted by: (via Kent Garrison)

Tagged: chase , BAMF , Video , police
12 Feb 11:14

Tonheca Dantas - O Maestro dos Sertões (100 Anos de Royal Cinema - Álbum Completo)

by uoleo
Cd do projeto 100 Anos de Royal Cinema com as músicas: Royal Cinema, Cecília Medeiros, Os Três Corcovados, Maria Leonor, A Desfolhar Saudades, Melodia do Bosque, Ai Barrigudo, Tenente Luiz ...
From: uoleo
Views: 49
1 ratings
Time: 59:30 More in Entertainment
10 Feb 11:38

Rodízio de água é a nova sensação gastronômica de São Paulo

by Sensacionalista

Com crise se cresce. É nisso que parecem acreditar os empresários donos de uma rede de churrascarias “Deu com os Bois n’Água” da capital paulistana. Eles dizem ter se adiantado ao governo do estado e lançaram o rodízio de água em seu estabelecimento. É um sucesso.

“As pessoas não querem mais tomar água em casa, aquela coisa parecida com água que sai da torneira da Sabesp, por isso preferem vir a um ambiente gourmet sofisticado para curtir a nossa água orgânica”, diz Eraldo Weissfüder, dono da churrascaria.

O sucesso é tão grande que pessoas já fazem fila na frente do restaurante. “Infelizmente a gente sabe como é o brasileiro, né? Ele paga para tomar a água aqui. Mas já teve espertinho vindo com balde para levar para casa”, diz. “O sucesso é tão grande que o garçom do espeto de picanha pediu para trocar para o de água. Ficou com ciúme.”

M Zorzanelli 

09 Feb 13:51

What everyone gets wrong about anti-vaccine parents


We told them this would happen.

We told them that it was only a matter of time before a childhood disease that had nearly been eliminated from the US would come roaring back if they failed to vaccinate their children. And that’s precisely what has happened. Measles has come roaring back, but not simply because a child incubating measles visited Disneyland.

Twenty years ago, if the same child had visited Disneyland, the measles would have stopped with him or her. Everyone else was protected — not because everyone was vaccinated — but because of herd immunity. When a high enough proportion of the population is vaccinated, the disease simply can’t spread because the odds of one unvaccinated person coming in contact with another are very low.

Of course, we told them that. We patiently explained herd immunity, debunked claims of an association between vaccines and autism, demolished accusations of “toxins” in vaccines, but they didn’t listen. Why? Because we thought the problem was that anti-vax parents didn’t understand science. That’s undoubtedly true, but the anti-vax movement is NOT about science and never was.

The anti-vax movement has never been about children, and it hasn’t really been about vaccines. It’s about privileged parents and how they wish to view themselves.

1. Privilege

Nothing screams “privilege” louder than ostentatiously refusing something that those less privileged wish to have.

Each and every anti-vax parent is privileged in having easy and inexpensive access to life saving vaccines. It is the sine qua non of the anti-vax movement. In a world where the underprivileged may trudge miles to the nearest clinic, desperate to save their babies from infectious scourges, nothing communicates the unbelievable wealth, ease and selfishness of modern American life like refusing the very same vaccines.

2. Unreflective defiance of authority

There are countless societal ills that stem from the fact that previous generations were raised to unreflective acceptance of authority. It’s not hard to argue that unflective acceptance of authority, whether that authority is the government or industry, is a bad thing. BUT that doesn’t make the converse true. Unreflective defiance is really no different from unreflective acceptance. Oftentimes, the government, or industry, is right about a particular set of claims.

Experts in a particular topic, such as vaccines, really are experts. They really know things that the lay public does not. Moreover, it is not common to get a tremendous consensus among experts from different fields. Experts in immunology, pediatrics, public health and just about everything else you can think of have weighed in on the side of vaccines. Experts in immunology, pediatrics and public health give vaccines to their OWN children, rendering claims that they are engaged in a conspiracy to hide the dangers of vaccines to be nothing short of ludicrous.

Unfortunately, most anti-vax parents consider defiance of authority to be a source of pride, whether that defiance is objectively beneficial or not.

3. The need to feel “empowered”

This is what is comes down to for most anti-vax parents: it’s a source of self-esteem for them. In their minds, they have “educated” themselves. How do they know they are “educated”? Because they’ve chosen to disregard experts (who appear to them as authority figures) in favor of quacks and charlatans, whom they admire for their own defiance of authority. The combination of self-education and defiance of authority is viewed by anti-vax parents as an empowering form of rugged individualism, marking out their own superiority from those pathetic “sheeple” who aren’t self-educated and who follow authority.

Where does that leave us?

First, it explains why efforts to educate anti-vax parents about the science of immunology has been such a spectacular failure. It is not, and has never been, about the science.

Second, it suggests how we must change our approach. Simply put, we have to hit anti-vax parents where they live: in their unmerited sense of superiority.

How? By pointing out to them, and critiquing, their own motivations.

Anti-vax parents are anxious to see themselves in a positive light. They would almost certainly be horrified to find that others regard them as so incredibly privileged that they can’t even see their own privilege.

We need to highlight the fact that unreflective defiance is just the flip side of unreflective acceptance. There’s nothing praiseworthy about it. Only teenagers think that refusing to do what authority figures recommend marks them as independent. Adults know that doing the exact opposite of what authority figures recommend is a sign of immaturity, not deliberation, and certainly not education.

Finally, we need to emphasize to parents that parenting is not about them and their feelings. It’s about their children and THEIR health and well being. It’s one thing to decline to follow a medical recommendation. Most of us do that all the time. It’s another thing entirely to join groups defined by defiance, buy their products, and preach to others about your superiority in defying medical recommendations. That’s a sign of the need to bolster their own self-esteem, not their “education.”

We have to confront anti-vax parents where they live — in their egos. When refusing to vaccinate your children is widely viewed as selfish, irresponsible, and the hallmark of being UNeducated, anti-vax advocacy will lose its appeal.

09 Feb 11:53


09 Feb 11:53

O ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, do...

O ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, do escocês Robert Louis Stevenson,  foi publicado em 1886. Tanto o filme quanto o livro foram traduzidos para o português brasileiro como “O Médico e o Monstro” (pelo amor de Apolo, por quê o brasileiro tem essa mania de detonar títulos? #xatiada).

Stevenson era pneumopata crônico e tinha  histórico de múltiplas internações por infecções, incluindo algumas em estado grave. Ele deve ter tido contato com vários médicos desde a infância e possivelmente formou a mesma relação de amor e ódio com médicos que ocorre com alguns pacientes com enfermidades do tipo, bem como teve tempo suficiente para observar a natureza humana em casas de repouso ou nosocômios. É bem interessante a descrição que um dos personagens do livro faz de um médico: 'Era o tipo do esculápio comum, magro e empertigado, de idade indefinida, (…), e tão sensível como uma pedra’, quando o médico personagem principal é considerado um homem de grande sensibilidade.

Ele escreveu o 'Estranho Caso do Dr Jekyll e de Mr. Hyde’ aos 36 anos. E aos 44 anos morreu como queria, 'I wish to die in my boots’, possivelmente em razão de um acidente vascular encefálico já que perdeu subitamente a consciência enquanto estava conversando com a esposa e tentando abrir uma garrafa de vinho.

Em minha opinião trata-se de um livro de ficção científica (da mesma forma que vejo Frankestein, de Mary Shelley) que de alguma forma coloca o cientista como aquele que brinca de ser deus, porém sem a demonização da ciência e sem a condenação do cientista que costuma acompanhar esse tipo de abordagem.

E a não condenação da pessoa que faz ciência vem justamente através da mostra da complexidade dos desejos e impulsos do homem, que não é traçado pelo autor como essencialmente bom ou essencialmente mau. Essa riqueza é tão presente no livro que o experimento químico toma papel curiosamente secundário na trama.

Não vejo a história como um exemplo ou tampouco um estudo de dupla personalidade como alguns críticos colocam, mesmo entendendo que Hyde eventualmente deixa aflorar o que Jekyll mantem abafado. A premissa do médico, de que 'o homem na realidade não é uno, mais sim dois seres num só’ não pode ser confundida como uma manifestação de dupla personalidade e sim contra a defesa da visão cartesiana da mente humana.

Mais um clássico da adolescência que desejei reler.

Essa minha edição é da década de 70, encontramos aqui em casa entre os livros antigos (muitos adquiridos em sebo) e estava com a lombada descolando e a capa detonada. Então aproveito o post para indicar a cola que uso para recuperar livros, é a Cola Madeira Tek Bond, fácil de achar em lojas de artesanato. Ela é menos molhada que cola branca e deixa aquela tonalidade ligeiramente amarela da cola original.


Um bom domingo!


09 Feb 11:53

Amáquina - Pare Olhe Escute (álbum completo)

by uoleo
Banda AMÁQUINA de Parnamirim/RN. 1 Beleza Extra 00:00 2 Rota Transbrasil 5:51 3 Ditadura Virtual 10:36 4 Sacapolia 13:35 5 Sonda Galileu 17:43 6 Volume (bônu...
From: uoleo
Views: 3
1 ratings
Time: 36:19 More in Entertainment
09 Feb 11:53

Banda BR-101 (EP completo)

by uoleo
1 Entre o Amor e Outros Demônios (música e letra de Edmilson Andrade) 00:00 2 Não Dá Pra Viver (música e letra de BR-101) 3:34 Max - Voz Misael Barreto - Gui...
From: uoleo
Views: 19
1 ratings
Time: 07:17 More in Entertainment
06 Feb 12:50


Igor Santos




06 Feb 12:46

(via tastefullyoffensive:video)

06 Feb 12:39


06 Feb 12:23

friskyflamingo:this cat has a great pokerface  All in!


this cat has a great pokerface 

All in!

06 Feb 12:22


Igor Santos


06 Feb 12:20

pi4nobl4ck: better than most parents


better than most parents

06 Feb 12:20


Igor Santos

A reação dela me faz pensar que é propaganda de camisinha Polishop.

06 Feb 12:19

(photo via USQuestioner)

(photo via USQuestioner)

06 Feb 12:03

Terrorzone (álbum completo)

by uoleo
Álbum homônimo da banda Terrorzone, de Natal/RN, gravado em 1996. 1 Give Me a Chance 00:00 2 Untouched Wrath 5:14 3 Overcast Way 8:23 4 Human Greed 13:35 5 F...
From: uoleo
Views: 1
0 ratings
Time: 46:11 More in Entertainment
06 Feb 12:03

Cadillac Azul - quemdeuadeusapolvora (álbum completo)

by uoleo
Álbum quemdeuadeusapolvora do Cadillac Azul, banda de Natal/RN, gravado em 2002. 1 Força 00:00 2 Pago Amor 3:55 3 Perguntas, Cem Respostas 8:14 4 Claras No Escuro, Negras Com o Tempo ...
From: uoleo
Views: 16
0 ratings
Time: 34:33 More in Entertainment
02 Feb 11:24

Jesus Helps Those Who Helps Themselves. And Study.


Submitted by: (via daltonjboyd)

Tagged: teacher , response , test , burn
02 Feb 11:24

claphne:who is she


who is she

02 Feb 11:24



02 Feb 11:24

Stop Giggling...

wtf,creepy,giggle,online dating,funny

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: wtf , creepy , giggle , online dating , funny