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15 Jun 03:44

OpenXcom 1.0

by SupSuper

5224 commits.
1843 days.
606 resolved issues since v0.9.
20 years of X-COM.

Download | Changelog

More platforms coming soon. For those making the ports, don’t forget to include the extra translations with your release. There’s also a Source Tarball available with it all included.

For those upgrading, it’s recommended you uninstall any old versions first. 0.9 saves should still work fine though.

Special thanks to every single one of you that has helped make this happen. Yes, even you. And you. Not you though. Oh what the hell, it’s a special day, you’re all thanked.

Shout out to Xenonauts for also releasing 1.0 recently. It’s been a good time for X-COM fans.

Edit: For those that are having trouble downloading, we have added some mirrors, so try again if the current mirror is not working.

15 Jun 03:44

chicken head - Keio Flying Squadron  (Victor Entertainment -...

chicken head - Keio Flying Squadron 

(Victor Entertainment - Sega CD - 1993) 

15 Jun 03:41

iPad app by Bjork first to be accepted into MoMA permanent collection

by Kwame Opam

Code and video games are slowly garnering appreciation from the art world, with museums like the Smithsonian adding new interactive media to their permanent collections in recent years. Now, Bjork's iPad app for her 2011 album Biophilia has just been accepted into the Museum of Modern Art's (MoMA) own collection, becoming the first app to earn the distinction.

At the time of its release, Biophilia was an art project as well as a album. In addition to its being released as a CD, each track, which were partially recorded on the iPad, could be purchased within the Biophilia app and played like a game. MoMA responded well to the design, saying in a statement, "The app reflects the artist’s interest in a collaborative process that here included not only other artists, engineers, and musicians, but also splendid amateurs—the people that download and play the app/album."


Biophilia now joins the handful of other apps that enjoy places in museums. Last year, the Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum added the app Planetary to its collection, and even made the source code available to the open public. Later, the Smithsonian added two video games to its collection. Both can be seen as part of the museum's Art of Video Games exhibition, which is currently on tour through 2016.

15 Jun 03:39

Netflix Shutters Its Public API

by timothy
esarjeant (100503) writes "I guess it shouldn't come as a total surprise, but Netflix has gone from not issuing new developer keys to announcing the entire [public API] program will be shut down. It's a real shame they are going to be taking this offline; it spurred quite a bit of innovation for the Netflix service. For major sites that have already gone live it sounds like Netflix will let them keep going, but if you're looking to build the next FeedFliks, then you better look elsewhere."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

15 Jun 03:36

That Time Captain America Fought A Volkswagen Beetle

by Jason Torchinsky on Jalopnik, shared by Annalee Newitz to io9

That Time Captain America Fought A Volkswagen Beetle

You know, when you're a specially engineered super-soldier, you have to expect a certain amount of hassle. Like supervillian attacks, secret evil organizations plotting against you, that kind of thing. You probably shouldn't have to worry about a Beetle trying to run you over in your apartment. But Captain America did.


15 Jun 03:35

Everyone knows the Anime “Serial Experiments Lain”...

Everyone knows the Anime “Serial Experiments Lain” has a famous scene with Conway’s Game of Life, the next code snippet shown is less famous for some reason and uses parts of, a portable code walker for Common Lisp programs, written in Common Lisp. Since being meta is part of the series, I’d say it’s at least semi-relevant.

15 Jun 03:34

Harvard Professor To Send The World's First 'Scent Message' Across The Pond

On Tuesday morning, at Manhattan’s American Museum of Natural History, Harvard Professor and CEO of Vapor Communications, David Edwards, will hit the ‘send’ button on his iPhone, and an email photograph tagged with the quintessential smell of New York — Pizza? The halal food trucks on 6th Avenue? The stench of horse piss on Central Park South? — will be delivered to a colleague in Paris, completing the first ever TransAtlantic transmission of a scent message.
15 Jun 03:34

This Iguana Comes Running Like A Dog When Its Owner Calls

by Robert T. Gonzalez

This (gigantic) Iguana's name is Buddy. Buddy has more charisma than 80% of cats I've interacted with.


14 Jun 19:16

Lana Del Rey: "I Wish I Was Dead Already" - Yahoo Celebrity

by gguillotte
"I wish I was dead already," 27-year-old Del Rey told the writer Tim Jonze, who in response told Del Rey not to say that. "But I do," she countered, adding: "I don't want to have to keep doing this. But I am." Del Rey (real name Elizabeth Woolridge Grant) had a privileged upbringing in Lake Placid, New York, as the daughter of an entrepreneur and former Grey account exec. "Family members will come on the road with me and say: 'Wow, your life is just like a movie!'" she told The Guardian. "And I'm like: 'Yeah, a really f---ed-up movie.'"
14 Jun 14:03

How many kinds of infinity are there?

by Vihart

new vihart

A lot. List with links:
From: Vihart
Views: 250269
6890 ratings
Time: 14:56 More in Entertainment
14 Jun 10:46

Pat Robertson to Kids: Don't Call the Cops If Father Threatens Mom With a Gun

by Charles Mudede

Raw Story:

“Whenever my parents fight, my dad threatens my mom with his gun,” a viewer told [Televangelist Pat Robertson] in an email. “Fortunately, this now means nothing to my mom, and she never goes nuts about it; she is very calm.”

“But as a child, I get nervous and worried when this happens,” the viewer’s note continued. “Even my younger brother saw this incident. What should we do about it and him?”

Televangelist's response? “[Y]ou don’t want to get your father busted.."

As you can see, America has really entered the twilight world of gun madness. And the further it is from the one and only rational course of action (enforcing a ban on these dangerous weapons), the weirder become its efforts to make sense of this terribly irrational situation.

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14 Jun 05:14

Toothpaste for dinner

14 Jun 04:41

NEW PRODUCT – HDMI 4 Pi: 7″ Display 1280×800 IPS – HDMI/VGA/NTSC/PAL

by alon shapiro



NEW PRODUCT – HDMI 4 Pi: 7″ Display 1280×800 IPS – HDMI/VGA/NTSC/PAL

Make a lovely video setup with a 7″ IPS screen at 1280×800. Here we have a beautiful bright 7″ TFT display with incredibly high resolution and great angle-visibility! We tried to get the thinnest, brightest, highest resolution display that would be good for embedded computing usage. The visible display measures 7″ diagonal and is a ‘raw LVDS’ display as is used in a tablet which makes it ultra thin and very bright. We include a driver board with HDMI, VGA and Composite inputs. The setup is very easy to use – simply connect a 5-12VDC adapter to the 2.1mm center-positive DC jack, then connect a digital video source to one of the ports . Voilà, a display!


This version does not come with audio output. Click here if you’re looking for a display with audio and speaker drivers

There’s a little wired PCB with little buttons that let you enter a menu system for adjusting brightness, color and contrast. It tries to auto-detect which input you have and switches to that one or you can ‘select’ from the menu which to display.

To demonstrate it, we took some photos with the display connected to a Raspberry Pi, but it will also work connected to any device with HDMI, VGA or NTSC/PAL output. It will not work with a device that only outputs DVI (without a DVI to HDMI converter) or SECAM.

For use with a Raspberry Pi we suggest editing config.txt to set the HDMI to native 1280×800 in case it doesn’t detect the resolution properly. You can see our suggested config.txt in the Technical details tab. The easiest way to edit the config.txt is to put the Pi SD card into an every day computer and edit config.txt with any text editor and save.

For use with a BeagleBone Black running Ubuntu/Debian, we found it works when plugged in, no configuration required.


A power adapter is NOT included. You will need to either purchase a 5-12VDC adapter or you can use one you’ve already got around the house. We show the display on a bent wire stand which is not included, but you can pick one up here.

In stock and shipping now!

14 Jun 04:40

The Belmont Goats need a Fence Builder STAT!

14 Jun 04:38

themochagoddess: rocknrollercoaster: Rappers with...


via Bunker.jordan



Rappers with puppies.

This is a movement

14 Jun 04:37

themanicpixiedreamgrrrl: mustardwketchup: These Fabulous...



These Fabulous Swimsuits Are Designed Specifically for Breast Cancer Survivors

And they’re modelled by some seriously glam women.

This is amazing.

14 Jun 04:37

seekingwillow: iamof-theuniverse: gardenofedens: 3loco: bourb...



I mean if you take any arbitrary but somewhat regular set of data and assign the patterns arbitrary values, surprise, something artsy happens

still nice tho






That is not a record - that is a cross-section of a fucking tree. And it sounds like this.

I feel like crying

this is magical 



Am I  the only one thinking; “This is the silenced life-work of a dryad?” and “It’s missing the musical accompaniment of leaves in wind?”

14 Jun 04:35


14 Jun 03:12



via Bunker.jordan

14 Jun 03:10

Bot alerts you every time the Supreme Court silently alters its rulings

by Cory Doctorow

via multitasksuicide

As the New York Times recently reported, the Supreme Court has a habit of silently altering its rulings on its websites. Now, the @SCOTUS_servo feed will alert you when this happens, with links to the diffs and interpretation by David Zvenyach, general counsel to the Council of the District of Columbia. Read the rest

14 Jun 02:33


14 Jun 02:28

ryannorth: error888: Boba Fett unmasked on the set of the...


via Bunker.jordan



Boba Fett unmasked on the set of the additional Jabba’s Palace scenes filmed for the Star Wars special editions - Imgur

1000% supercanon

oh my god

14 Jun 02:18

Massive 'ocean' discovered towards Earth's core - environment - 12 June 2014 - New Scientist

by gguillotte


A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth's surface. The finding could help explain where Earth's seas came from. The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth's surface and its core.
14 Jun 02:05

prom-knight: Dear Ubisoft


Dear Ubisoft

14 Jun 02:05

kil-la-kil: so people were (rightly) annoyed at Ubisoft for the...


so people were (rightly) annoyed at Ubisoft for the whole “woulda been too hard to make a female character for our game rather than copy pasting a white man 4 times” bullshit, but it seems everyone missed this little bit from 2 years ago. 

14 Jun 01:07

deonte-s: actually actually wait actually






wait actually


14 Jun 01:06

Stunning 'No Man's Sky' trailer mixes space combat with dinosaurs

by Sam Byford

"No Man's Sky will launch on PC and PS4 at first"


No Man's Sky is a glorious oasis in E3's usual desert of gruff space marines and dismembered limbs. Joe Danger studio Hello Games' next release is impossibly ambitious and incredibly beautiful, set in an infinite universe created by procedural generation. In the gameplay trailer shown during Sony's E3 press conference, your player explores an alien world rendered in bursts of color, discovering new species of dinosaur-like creatures along the way, before getting into a spacecraft and seamlessly taking off to engage in combat in an asteroid field.

"No Man’s Sky is a game without limits."

"One of the things we wanted to put across is that No Man’s Sky is a game without limits," says Hello Games founder Sean Murray. "That mountain in the distance is a real place you can visit. So is that planet. And that star." Murray says that the time since the game's initial reveal has seen the team add "hundreds of new procedural systems that have made the universe explode with new alien creatures, amazing geological formations and vegetation patterns, pirates and wingmen."

No Man's Sky will launch on PC and PS4 at first, though there's no release date as yet.

14 Jun 00:27


14 Jun 00:25

CoeLux skylight brings "sunlight" to windowless spaces

by Angus MacKenzie

via Bunker.jordan

A complex optical system creates an almost 3D sensation of distance and space between the ...

For residents living in the north, where sunlight can be a rare commodity during the winter, a psychological condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very real problem. Light therapy is one way to shake off the winter blues, and although artificial lighting solutions do exist, they are generally available as simple variations on traditional desk lamps. An Italian designer has developed CoeLux, a unique system that delivers artificial light through an intelligent false skylight... Continue Reading CoeLux skylight brings "sunlight" to windowless spaces

Section: Electronics

Tags: Healing, Health, LED, Lighting, Nanotechnology, Sunlight

Related Articles:
13 Jun 22:08

The 50 States Of America If They Were Actually High School Kids. California Is Perfect.

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

you can't do any of those things in Louisiana, and you'll only really get arrested if you actually injure someone or you're not white

Oregon is spot fuckin' on tho


Louisiana @horesshit ; rest of these are pretty obvious/kind of lame, though Michigan was informative and lol Utah

The 50 States Of America If They Were Actually High School Kids. California Is Perfect.


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