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23 Jun 17:06

freckles42: superopinionated: theclearlydope: Spell check...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




Spell check didn’t even have any suggestions. 

Would wear


23 Jun 08:51


23 Jun 08:47

11 Questions: Orange Is The New Black’s Uzo Aduba answers our 11 questions

by Todd VanDerWerff

In 11 Questions, The A.V. Club asks interesting people 11 interesting questions—and then asks them to suggest one for our next interviewee.

Like many of the cast members of Orange Is The New Black, Uzo Aduba was mostly an unknown when the Netflix series burst onto the scene last year. Yet as more and more people consumed the women’s prison dramedy, Aduba’s work as Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren received notice from numerous corners, both critical and otherwise. The praise for her work has only intensified with the recent release of season two of the show, which adds Aduba to the show’s regular cast and delves into the complicated, tragic backstory of Suzanne. 

1. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?

Uzo Aduba: I think it was Queen Latifah. 

AVC: What was that like? 

UA: Awesome, because I’m a fan of hers ...

23 Jun 08:45

WikiLeaks Publishes Secret International Trade Agreement

by samzenpus
schwit1 (797399) writes "The text of a 19-page, international trade agreement being drafted in secret was published by WikiLeaks as the transparency group's editor commemorated his two-year anniversary confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Fifty countries around the globe have already signed on to the Trade in Service Agreement, or TISA, including the United States, Australia and the European Union. Despite vast international ties, however, details about the deal have been negotiated behind closed-doors and largely ignored by the press. In a statement published by the group alongside the leaked draft this week, WikiLeaks said "proponents of TISA aim to further deregulate global financial services markets," and have participated in "a significant anti-transparency maneuver" by working secretly on a deal that covers more than 68 percent of world trade in services, according to the Swiss National Center for Competence in Research.

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23 Jun 08:44

“Free” Wi-Fi from Xfinity and AT&T also frees you to be hacked

by Sean Gallagher
Welcome to a way for hackers to fool you into connecting to malicious networks and give up your personal data: a spoofed Xfinity login page.

If you've traveled and tried to get on the Internet, you've probably seen some pretty suspicious looking Wi-Fi networks with names like "Free Wi-Fi" and "Totally Free Internet." Those are likely access points you'd best avoid. But there's a much bigger threat to your security than somebody randomly fishing for you to connect to them—the networks you've already connected to and trusted, like AT&T and Xfinity.

Mobile broadband providers are eager to get you to connect to their Wi-Fi-based networks while you’re away from home. AT&T has built a network of free hotspots for customers at thousands of places—including train stations, as well as Starbucks and McDonald's locations across the country. Comcast has spread its Xfinity wireless network far and wide as well, turning customers’ cable modems into public Wi-Fi hotspots accessible with an Xfinity account login.

These free Wi-Fi connections are popular, for good reason—they help reduce the amount of broadband cellular data you consume, and they often provide better network speeds than what you can manage over a 4G connection. But they also offer a really easy way for someone to surreptitiously tap into your Internet traffic and capture your account information for less-than-friendly purposes. Millions of AT&T and Xfinity customers could be leaving themselves exposed to surreptitious hacking of their Internet traffic, exposing their personal data as a result.

Read 9 remaining paragraphs | Comments

23 Jun 08:43

Workplace Surveillance Becoming More Common

by samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes For better or worse, surveillance technology is becoming more common in the workplace. These tools are being used to measure and monitor employees, with the promise changing how people work. "Through these new means, companies have found, for example, that workers are more productive if they have more social interaction. So a bank's call center introduced a shared 15-minute coffee break, and a pharmaceutical company replaced coffee makers used by a few marketing workers with a larger cafe area. The result? Increased sales and less turnover." Of course, this kind of monitoring raises privacy concerns. "Whether this kind of monitoring is effective or not, it's a concern," said Lee Tien, a senior staff lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco.

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23 Jun 08:42


23 Jun 08:41

invocator: Fennec fox by floridapfe on Flickr.

23 Jun 08:41

tulipnight:  Fennecs! by Tambako the Jaguar on Flickr.

23 Jun 08:40


23 Jun 08:40


23 Jun 08:40


23 Jun 08:40


23 Jun 08:36

lisaquestions: thefingerfuckingfemalefury: why-i-love-comics: ...




Catwoman #77 - “Waking Up On the Wrong Side of the Universe III”

written by Will Pfeifer

art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez 

That time that Catwoman kicked the crap out of half the Justice League :D

For some reason this does not bother me nearly as much as that time during Identity Crisis when Slade Wilson took out the Justice League.

Probably because this fight actually makes sense.

23 Jun 08:33

Japan’s Women Told to Breed, Not Lead - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
“Hey idiot, hurry up and get married!” Japan is up in arms about insensitive and sexist remarks made by male members of The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly (the equivalent of a U.S. State Government Assembly) toward a female representative during her presentation earlier this week. She was speaking on issues of raising children in Japan.
23 Jun 06:01

Emperor penguins learn to adapt | Daily Digest News

by gguillotte
Global warming and drastic effects in climate change are bad news for many aquatic life creatures. Emperor penguins were believed to be posed with the one the highest threat levels considering their nesting ground habits. They were considered philopatric, believed to return to their exact same nesting grounds to breed, but research from the University of Minnesota will soon have us rest assure that they are more willing to relocate then we previously thought.
23 Jun 05:49

Cover Oregon's Cover Girl Pops Up In Washington Pride Ad » News » OPB

by gguillotte
Cover Oregon’s now-infamous, “violently adorable” TV ad with musician Laura Gibson is popping up all sorts of place, from HBO comedian John Oliver’s buzzy new show to … advertisements for a gay pride festival in Tacoma?
23 Jun 05:49

"My third grade teacher called my mother and said, ‘Ms. Cox, your son is going to end up in New..."

“My third grade teacher called my mother and said, ‘Ms. Cox, your son is going to end up in New Orleans in a dress if we don’t get him into therapy.’ And wouldn’t you know, just last week I spoke at Tulane University, and I wore a LOVELY green and black dress.”


Laverne Cox, speaking at the University of Kentucky (via so-nyeo-shi-daze)

Anyone who doesn’t think that Laverne Cox is one of the most flawless women on the planet is simply wrong

(via thefingerfuckingfemalefury)

23 Jun 05:49

Cop Who Killed a Handcuffed Man is Same Cop Who Gave Homeless Man Boots | The Free Thought Project

by gguillotte
Saenz had been arrested for for acting strangely at a local grocery store and got into a scuffle with police during the arrest. Several hours later he was shot and killed by Officer Jose Flores. Flores claimed he used the Glock to subdue Saenz, because the tazer was used several times before with no effect. According to CLEAT (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas) Flores was not found guilty of a crime because Saenz still posed a significant threat, despite the cuffs.
23 Jun 05:49

heroscafe: Her name is Ella Thompson, and Mycroft Holmes calls...


Her name is Ella Thompson, and Mycroft Holmes calls her an idiot.

Bonus Gif:


23 Jun 05:48

imabeast78: Dealing with the haters every year like


Dealing with the haters every year like

23 Jun 02:54

biomorphosis: Wombats are second largest marsupials in...


Wombats are second largest marsupials in Australia. Despite their size, they are fast runners and can run 40 miles per hour, but only for short distances. Their diet mainly consist of grasses and roots.

22 Jun 23:21

Convicted Heavy Metal ‘Christian’ Singer Admits Being Atheist, Duped Fans To Sell Music


As I Lay Dying; the guy who tried to put a hit out on his wife

A so-called Christian heavy metal band whose frontman was convicted of attempting to hire a hitman to murder his estranged wife has admitted that it duped fans into believing that they were Christian in order to sell their music.
22 Jun 21:34

Club - Pathfinder_OGC

by gguillotte
Benefit: It hurts when it hits you.
22 Jun 19:13

Leading scientist ejected by audience after 'trying to crowd surf' at classical music concert -

by hodad

Before the performance, Mr Morris invited the audience to bring their drinks into the standing area in front of the stage and instructed them: “Clap or whoop when you like, and no shushing other people.”

But Dr Glowacki, a Royal Society Research Fellow, was so overcome during the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ he began lurching from side to side with his hands raised and whooping before attempting to crowd-surf, witnesses claimed.

Irritated by the distraction, audience members proceeded to physically eject the Bristol University academic from the area, in what Mr Morris claims is the first such incident at a classical concert since the 18th century.

Original Source

22 Jun 14:55

nprplays: One of my favorite demos at E3


well that MRA post on my following list was fun! and by fun, I mean fuck this, I'd be off reader for the rest of today even if I had nothing else to do


One of my favorite demos at E3

22 Jun 06:49

Drone films yacht fire (video) #drones

by adafruit

Drone films yacht fire (video).

22 Jun 05:16

You Made Sue Storm Cry


that Stan Lee motherfucker again





Once upon a time, Stan Lee, a rabid misogynist, invented the Fantastic Four. I’m gonna be honest, the writing was pretty shitty, but the premise was awesome - a team full of superheroes with different powers and opinions about superheroism. A variety of relationships - siblings, friends, lovers. A pretty damn good rogues’ gallery and some decent adventures.

Overall, the team was pretty good, and defeated a ton of baddies in their early issues. Except for Sue Storm. Sue was undeniably the weakest link of the team. She spent her time crying, saying her powers were useless, and getting kidnapped by villain after villain.


This is not an exaggeration in any way.

Stan Lee wouldn’t give her any chance to shine. He kept writing her as an insecure, self-hating, ineffectual crybaby, and wouldn’t let her take credit for even her few victories. He couldn’t even think of any good uses for invisibility, for crying out loud.


Pictured: Sue not even getting any credit for beating up Doctor Doom.

She was a really lousy superhero, and a drag to read about. She didn’t get any good lines or get to do anything cool. So naturally, fans hated her guts. And they wrote in and told Stan Lee so.

What did he do in response?

Did he decide to take Sue off the team and stick to writing male characters because he couldn’t write women who weren’t offensive stereotypes? Nope.

Did he decide to put some effort into writing Sue as something besides an offensive stereotype? Hahaha no.

He did this:


That’s right, a fourth-wall-breaking mailbag issue where the readers learned that their mean, mean letters made Sue Storm cry, and they should just learn to appreciate her the way Stan Lee’s sockpuppets the rest of her team does!

So, why exactly should we continue to read the adventures of Sue Sadsack Storm?


You wanna see women kicking ass? Go watch women wrestling! Superhero comics aren’t about that sort of shit! I hope you picked up this action-packed superhero comic for something besides people doing cool shit with their superpowers, because Sue won’t be doing any of that! The guys will, though. 

Why is she even on the team if she’s not going to participate at all?


That’s right. We should read the adventures of Sue Storm because even though she doesn’t get to do any of the adventuring, her teammates value their relationships with her and she totally adds a lot to the team offscreen!

And also this one time she got to go invisible and toggle a switch in the middle of an exciting action sequence!

This reminds me of the arguments I’ve seen that fans just have to try harder to appreciate female characters as much as they appreciate male characters. It’s bullshit. Sue Storm was a shitty, shitty character throughout Stan Lee’s run. Because he wrote her that way. He gave her all of those character traits, he put her in situations where her powers were useless, he gave her that dialogue, he made her lose fights, he kept her from any chance of heroism and being an enjoyable character fans could identify with. 

The writer was the one who needed to change. Not the fandom.

The writing was sexist. It was bullshit to create an unlikeable character and then blame fans for not liking her. We’re not obliged to happily accept any slop thrown our way, even if female characters are rare.

I really do like subsequent incarnations of Sue, but it really, really depends on the writer, and how much they’re willing to develop her character, give her good lines, and let her shine. 

Sue Storm isn’t inherently a bad character. She isn’t inherently an interesting character either. It all depends on how she’s written. Characters aren’t real people. They aren’t naturally who they are. They are written deliberately. That writing can be critiqued. And making your characters cry into their mail is just cheap emotional manipulation to avoid engaging actual critiques.

I bolded part of this for emphasis.  This isn’t specifically about Sue Storm but an example of what Summer’s been saying about how people treat characters like they’re real people in order to dismiss criticism of how they’re written/portrayed and put the blame on the reader for not trying hard enough to like them.

Also, I’m amused that Stan Lee’s response wasn’t even to really address his critics as much as be like “you’re being MEAN to her, don’t you feel bad now?”  And look the character I’m writing is crying!  And the characters I’m writing like her!  It’s almost like this weird fictional peer pressure thing. -_o  Plus, I’m not even sure how that’s an argument.  All the villagers in Beauty and the Beast liked Gaston.  Did we have to like him too?  And he’s not even supposed to be a hero we’re supposed to associate with and enjoy reading about.

His “behind every great man is a great woman” argument is hilarious too.  Not just because that argument is often used to dismiss arguments about lack of representation of women in the workplace or in power (“oh but my wife, she’s the REAL boss of the house!”) but also, they’re not real, so Sue isn’t actually doing anything for them behind the scenes.  Nor is Stan Lee interested in writing the amazingly useful things she apparently is doing for them, he’s just using it as a handwave and attempting to put the onus on the readers for his own writing limitations and sexism.

(It’s also not a particularly great response to make her helpless in the comic that’s about how she’s not useless and helpless.  She’s just crying and saying she should quit and it’s the guys making the arguments to defend her.)

Just out of curiosity why are you guys making a big deal over a comic from 50 years ago written by a guy who is almost dead when there’s plenty of modern instances of sexism in writing and art within comics?

yeah, you’re right

one of us should really start a blog all about the sexism in art of modern comics and pop media

your insightful critique was so cutting it traveled back through time


22 Jun 04:14

Think High Heels Are Hard To Walk In? Watch These Guys Bust Out A Beyoncé Dance Routine In Stilettos. - Got me lookin' SO crazy right now.

by Jill Pantozzi

that guy from the magazine page turning GIFs

Prepare to be amazed.

(hat tip to Rollin Bishop)

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22 Jun 02:39

poc-creators: A poetic and artful umbrella, Komorebi is based...


hi saucie


A poetic and artful umbrella, Komorebi is based on a Japanese expression that approximately translates to “sunshine filtering through foliage.”  Buy here