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23 Jun 08:40

comicsalliance: Jack Kirby’s Ten Most Amazingly Underused...


Jack Kirby’s Ten Most Amazingly Underused Concepts

If you read comics — or heck, if you’ve been to the movies in the past five years — then you’ve gotten a lot of entertainment from Jack Kirby. In a career that spanned six decades, Kirby was the driving creative force in comics, creating or co-creating lasting characters like Darkseid and the Demon, the entire genre of romance comics, the entire Marvel Universe and, when you get right down to it, modern comic book storytelling as we know it. The thing is, comics like Thor, Avengers, Fantastic Four and The New Gods were only the tip of the iceberg.


23 Jun 08:40


22 Jun 02:37

Garrett P.I. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by gguillotte


Garrett avoids work as much as possible, trying to work just enough to make ends meet.
22 Jun 02:14

Oregon Department of Agriculture investigating mass bee deaths in Portland

22 Jun 01:33

Find how far nested you are in subshells

by pdxdoughnut

alias bwarm
"View all commands by pdxdoughnut" dang it portland

$ echo "I am $BASH_SUBSHELL levels nested";

by David Winterbottom (

22 Jun 01:33

A way to query from the CLI all users in a Active Directory domain using wbinfo.

by jaimerosario

ha ha ok

$ wbinfo - Get all users group membership, with primary group starred (Red description for full command)


for ADUSER in $(wbinfo -u --domain="$(wbinfo --own-domain)" | sort); do WBSEP=$(wbinfo --separator); ADUNAME=$(wbinfo -i "$ADUSER" | cut -d ":" -f5); UINFO=$(wbinfo -i "$ADUSER" | cut -d ":" -f4); SIDG=$(wbinfo -G "$UINFO"); GROUPID=$(wbinfo -s "$SIDG" | sed 's/.\{1\}$//' | cut -d "$WBSEP" -f2); echo -e "$ADUSER ($ADUNAME)\n$(printf '%.s-' {1..32})\n\t[*] $GROUPID"; for GID in $(wbinfo -r "$ADUSER"); do SID=$(wbinfo -G "$GID"); GROUP=$(wbinfo -s "$SID" | cut -d " " -f1,2); echo -e "\t[ ] $(echo -e "${GROUP/%?/}" | cut -d "$WBSEP" -f2)"; done | sed '1d'; echo -e "$(printf '%.s=' {1..32})\n"; done


by David Winterbottom (

22 Jun 01:24

thegirlwhocriedfoxface: hostagesituation: My friend had a guy...



My friend had a guy sitting way too close to her on the bus and he was trying to read her text messages, so we damn well gave him something to read.


22 Jun 01:23

biomorphosis: This is a two-headed albino milksnake [x]. Each...


This is a two-headed albino milksnake [x]. Each head has a brain and able to control over the shared body, causing difficulty in movement. Luckily, they shared the same stomach, snakes with separate stomachs will often fight and bite each other over the prey if one head has prey in its mouth.

In the wild, two-headed snake lifespan may be restricted significantly for they cannot escape predators well but despite this, two-headed snakes can lived up to 20 years in captivity.

22 Jun 01:22

Guns stolen from Newberg Fred Meyer store



22 Jun 01:21

"We have to send a clear message just because your child gets across the border doesn’t mean your..."


'Throughout the town hall, Clinton repeatedly mentioned the title of her new book, “Hard Choices,” for which she fetched a whopping $14 million advance.'


“We have to send a clear message just because your child gets across the border doesn’t mean your child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message contrary to our laws or encourage more to come.”


Hillary Clinton [WSJ]

So you send a message by keeping children in cells as if they were some kind of fucking dogs?

(via genericlatino)

This is Clinton, your “feminist leader”. Fuck her.

(via somepalestiniankid)

Your fave is fucking garbage who doesn’t deserve to lead :)

22 Jun 01:18

nabyss: Lmfao. This is true. They can’t believe we were that...


Lmfao. This is true. They can’t believe we were that intelligent (and still are.).

22 Jun 01:18

historicaltimes: Comedian and singer Ernest Hare expressing...


via Rosalind


Comedian and singer Ernest Hare expressing his thoughts on Prohibition, ca. 1920

Read More

22 Jun 01:18

the-goddamazon: "How The Fandom Made Me Hate That Thing I Used To Love" A Memoir


via Rosalind


"How The Fandom Made Me Hate That Thing I Used To Love" A Memoir

21 Jun 23:48

Indian factory workers beat CEO to death - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

by hodad

A mob of Indian workers has beaten the CEO of a jute factory to death in a dispute over increasing their working hours, police told the AP news agency after arresting six workers.

Four suspects were arrested on Sunday, followed by two on Monday, and are expected to be charged with murder, vandalism and other crimes.

A group of 200 workers, wielding iron rods and stones, stormed the office of 60-year-old HK Maheswari in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal, according to Sunil Chowdhury, the Hooghly district superintendent.

Maheswari had denied their earlier request to work and be paid for 40 hours a week at the North Brook Jute Mill, instead of the current norm of 25.

He had also proposed shutting down the mill for three days a week to limit mounting financial losses, according to the factory's general manager, Kiranjit Singh.

State schemes for West Bengal farmers failing

"The mill workers suddenly resorted to stone pelting while we were busy in a meeting," Kiranjit Singh told AP.

At one point during Sunday's meeting, Maheswari looked out the window at the growing crowd and was struck in the head by two stones.

He collapsed, at which point a large group of workers stormed the office, Singh said.

"The CEO was thrashed with iron rods, and he succumbed to his injuries very soon," Singh said.

Both the general manager and a security guard were treated at hospital, while Maheswari died on the way to a hospital, police said.

West Bengal is known for its combative labour unions backed by political parties, and chief minister Mamata Banerjee immediately blamed the violence on unions run by opposition parties.

The opposition has denied any role in the attack, and said an independent investigation should be held before any blame is hurled.

On Monday, Banerjee sought to reassure the business community that her government did not tolerate union violence.

Meanwhile, work at the mill has been suspended indefinitely. A funeral was planned for Tuesday for Maheswari, who is survived by his wife, two grown daughters and a son.

Original Source

21 Jun 23:45

"The modern view [that it is bad for adults to read fairy tales / children’s books] seems to me..."

“The modern view [that it is bad for adults to read fairy tales / children’s books] seems to me to involve a false conception of growth. They accuse us of arrested development because we have not lost a taste we had in childhood. But surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things? I now like hock, which I am sure I should not have liked as a child. But I still like lemon-squash. I call this growth or development because I have been enriched: where I formerly had only one pleasure, I now have two. But if I had to lose the taste for lemon-squash before I acquired the taste for hock, that would not be growth but simple change.

I now enjoy Tolstoy and Jane Austen and Trollope as well as fairy tales and I call that growth: if I had had to lose the fairy tales in order to acquire the novelists, I would not say that I had grown but only that I had changed. A tree grows because it adds rings: a train doesn’t grow by leaving one station behind and puffing on to the next. In reality, the case is stronger and more complicated than this. I think my growth is just as apparent when I now read the fairy tales as when I read the novelists, for I now enjoy the fairy tales better than I did in childhood: being now able to put more in, of course I get more out.”

- C. S. Lewis, “On Three Ways of Writing for Children
21 Jun 23:44


21 Jun 23:44



john keough beat, achewood beat

21 Jun 23:43



quality GIF
Wee Bey's eating cycle is just on point. good job robot

21 Jun 23:43

@SusanSarandon Inventors of the #selfie at it again....


via saucie

Inventors of the #selfie at it again. #ThelmaAndLouise

(via Twitter / SusanSarandon: Inventors of the #selfie at …)

21 Jun 23:42

How I feel when I have to talk about my artwork.


via Rosalind

How I feel when I have to talk about my artwork.

21 Jun 23:42

BlackBerry Back In Profit

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader sends word that BlackBerry, hit hard over the past several years by the emergence of smart phones, has come back to profitability. BlackBerry has been fighting an uphill battle to stay relevant in the world of mobile devices. It has lost market share to Apple, companies like Samsung that offer gadgets running on Google's Android operating system, and Microsoft. But John Chen, who took over as CEO in November, has injected new life to the company. Chen, who says BlackBerry is getting close to breaking even on its hardware business, has steered the company's focus more towards software. He's made several product announcements that Wall Street has cheered. Last month, the company launched its Project Ion, an initiative to develop more connected devices ... a trend dubbed the Internet of Things. On Wednesday, BlackBerry reached a deal with Amazon that will let users of BlackBerry's newest operating system access Android apps in Amazon's appstore later this fall.

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21 Jun 23:41

Candid camera, part 1: Five times video footage showed police misconduct

by Joe Silver

This is the first post in a two-part series looking at the contentious but increasingly relevant issue of recording police interactions. In this series, we offer up some case-study examples of situations where surveillance cameras have been used as a force for good.

We've often commented on the double-edged nature of persistent surveillance. On the one hand, constant surveillance can lead to various privacy and civil liberties abuses. But as the following stories show, widespread adoption of surveillance cameras by both law enforcement actors and civilians can also help hold both parties accountable.

This is especially true with police dashboard or wearable video cameras, currently being used by law enforcement agencies around the world, which are designed to record most interactions between police and citizens.

Read 25 remaining paragraphs | Comments

21 Jun 23:41

Candid camera, part 2: Four times that video evidence exonerated cops

by Joe Silver

This is the second post in a series considering the contentious but increasingly relevant issue of recording police interactions. In this series, we offer up some case-study examples where surveillance cameras have been used as a force for good.

We've often commented on the double-edged nature of persistent surveillance. On the one hand, constant surveillance can lead to various privacy and civil liberties abuses. But as the following stories show, widespread adoption of surveillance cameras by both law enforcement actors and civilians can also help hold both parties accountable.

While cops have had mixed reactions to recording their interactions with civilians, many police departments have begun to adopt in-car and wearable video camera technologies. For example, The London Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) recently announced a one-year pilot project that equips cops with body-worn video cameras to be used during their interactions with the public. Likewise, across the pond, the Boston and Los Angeles Police Departments have installed self-monitoring systems on police cruisers. Dozens of other US police departments, including those in Fort Worth, Las Vegas, and New Orleans, have deployed wearable police cameras.

Read 18 remaining paragraphs | Comments

21 Jun 23:25

cryingoverswarto: “I’m a real believer in found family…Your...


via Rosalind


“I’m a real believer in found family…Your family are the people that you find in your life that support you in the ways you need support and you support them in the ways they need support… That’s really what I have in my life right now.” -Hannah Hart

21 Jun 23:24

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil | 285.jpg


via Osiasjota

21 Jun 21:42

Twitter / DrScienceCat: Do it, I dare you. ...

by djempirical
21 Jun 21:40

archiemcphee: Is it too soon to share another awesomely...


Is it too soon to share another awesomely creative piece of furniture? No way! This one-of-a-kind insectoid armoire is called the BUG and it was designed Latvian designer Janis Straupe of True Latvia. Full of customizable shelves, drawers, cubbies and even a few secret compartments, it’s a beautifully functional piece of furniture as well as an amazing work of art.

Click here to learn more about the BUG and its myriad features.

If only Kafka could’ve see this…

[via Yanko Design]

21 Jun 18:13

35 Practical Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution


via Rosalind

35 Practical Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution:


On Facebook, a friend recently linked to an article called 20 Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution. Although he liked the list, he (correctly) noted that most of the suggestions were quite academic.*

His comments have prompted me to create a list of more practical tools. Most…

21 Jun 18:12

Link Looks a Lot More Vicious in Hyrule Warriors. Seriously.

by Evan Narcisse

via Youself Alnafjan

I should be more hype about the open-world Zelda, but this is probably going to be the last video game I ever play. As in, I will play Hyrule Warriors on my deathbed. ppl will be like "We love you firehose you had a good life, you finally shared all the things" and I'll be saying "shut up damn it I'm trying to perfect this level"

Link Looks a Lot More Vicious in Hyrule Warriors. Seriously.

In case you were wondering, when you put Legend of Zelda characters in a Dynasty Warriors-style set-up, everything gets a bit more ferocious. Maybe even uncomfortably so.

Usually when you see Link fighting enemies in his many video game appearances, he comes across as determined and resolute. It never seems like he likes the violence. But this trailer for Hyrule Warriors makes the Hero of Time look a bit more bloodthirsty than normal. The most interesting part of this clip might be the Dodongo fight, where Link takes on the giant lizard with his trademark bombs.

Has Link ever looked this vicious? He's come close a few times.

Seriously, Wind Waker Link will eff you up. But, Hyrule Warriors' Link will almost certainly rack up a bigger body count.

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21 Jun 18:07

мы ни разу на комбайне не играли в бадминтон




Для российской элиты образцом для подражания всегда был Берлускони. Он ввел моду на моложавость, дорогие часы и роскошные резиденции. Путин же, в свою очередь, стал образцом для подражания для Ким Чен Ына. Ждем полета с журавлями и погружения за амфорами.