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18 Dec 15:36

Tom Brady - Mobile Uploads | Facebook

by gguillotte
UGG Heaven. Thank you!!!
18 Dec 15:36

Case tossed vs. woman held 22 years in son's death - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
Milke, 50, was on death row for two decades, and the Arizona Supreme Court had gone so far as to issue a death warrant for Milke in 1997. The execution was delayed because she had yet to exhaust federal appeals. The appeals court said Thursday it wasn't expressing an opinion on Milke's guilt or innocence, though it heavily criticized authorities for staking much of their case on a detective with credibility problems. A federal appeals court threw out Milke's first-degree murder conviction in March 2013, saying prosecutors knew about a history of misconduct by the detective but failed to disclose it. Maricopa County prosecutors were preparing for a retrial.
18 Dec 15:36

United Airlines Passengers Endure Nightmare Layover on Trip to Australia - Yahoo

by gguillotte
The plane departed San Francisco at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, en route to Sydney, with 251 passengers on board. The plane was diverted to Canberra, with the pilot blaming the diversion on debris on the runway. After the plane landed in Canberra, the crew was unable to take off because the pilot exceeded his flying hour limit. To make matters worse, the passengers weren’t allowed to enter the Canberra Airport due to customs and immigration issues. Instead, the passengers were forced to stay on the tarmac – reportedly spending nearly four hours in their seats before crew allowed them to get off and get some fresh air. United Airlines gave the passengers snacks and drinks. Flight UA 863 finally landed in Sydney at about 6 p.m. local time Friday, nine hours behind schedule – finally bringing an end to the travelers’ ordeal.
18 Dec 15:36

ISIS leader: "If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no ISIS" - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
The Guardian's Martin Chulov interviewed a senior leader of ISIS— one who came up through the ranks with the group's top leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The single most interesting quote from the ISIS leader, whom Chulov refers to as Abu Ahmed, is quite disturbing: he credits the group's rise, in large part, to American prison camps during the Iraq war, which he says gave him and other jihadist leaders an invaluable forum to meet one another and to plan their later rise. "Here, we were not only safe, but we were only a few hundred meters away from the entire al-Qaeda leadership."
18 Dec 15:36

Julian Assange spearheads funding drive for life-size statue of himself - People - News - The Independent

by gguillotte
The WikiLeaks founder has used the whistleblowing website’s official Twitter account to publicise a funding drive for the creation of a life-size bronze public artwork featuring himself, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, described as a “a monument to courage”.
18 Dec 15:35

Duggars Helped Repeal Law Banning LGBT Discrimination

by gguillotte
The Duggar family helped get an anti-LGBT bill get passed in their hometown Fayetteville, Arkansas on Tuesday, Dec. 9. The new bill helped overturn a measure that would have prevented landlords and business owners to evict or fire people based on their gender identity. During the campaign, the Duggars also donated $10,000 to three opponents of the Ordinance 119.
18 Dec 15:35

Autopsy: Cleveland boy was shot once by officer - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
A 12-year-old boy carrying a pellet gun died from a single shot fired by a rookie police officer, according to an autopsy released Friday.
18 Dec 15:35

AP NewsBreak: FBI looking into teen's hanging death - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
A 911 caller found 17-year-old Lennon Lacy hanging by a dog leash and a belt Aug. 29 in the town of Bladenboro, his feet 2 inches off the ground. Lacy's mother and supporters with the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP said there are too many unanswered questions after the state medical examiner ruled the teen had killed himself. Bladen County District Attorney Jon David confirmed to The Associated Press through a spokeswoman Friday that the FBI is involved in the case. NAACP attorneys also confirmed that the FBI will review the case.
18 Dec 15:35

Artist wins 'eat more kale' trademark - Yahoo Finance

by gguillotte
A folk artist who became a folk hero to some after picking a fight with fast-food giant Chik-fil-A over use of the phrase "eat more kale" — similar to their trademarked "eat mor chikin" — has won his legal battle.
18 Dec 15:34

Hannity Rips 'Cowardly' Boehner For Being 'Everything That's Wrong With Washington' - Yahoo Finance

by gguillotte
"John 'Gruber' Boehner ...  John Boehner 'Grubered' conservatives tonight. And by that I mean the conservative base in particular," Hannity said. " We've got our own Gruber. It's John Boehner. Boehner is Gruber. He's full of it."
18 Dec 15:34

Dad Faces 20 Years for Cheating Harvard Financial Aid

by gguillotte
Joseph N. Fonge pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Boston to three counts of wire fraud for falsifying his income. The changes he made scored his daughter more than $160,000 in financial aid from the university and the federal government over three years. (For context, the national average for undergrad financial aid was $14,180 per full-time student last year.)   The father’s inaccurate federal income tax returns misrepresented the student’s need in the College Scholarship Service profile and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for tuition help at Harvard, where 70 percent of attendees get financial aid to cover the $58,607 yearly cost. And that’s not all: Fonge is also on the hook for defrauding the University of Rochester $46,600 for another daughter back in 2010. He is scheduled to be sentenced March 4.
18 Dec 15:33

Lawsuit Settled Involving Ferguson Officer Who Allegedly Choked, Hog-Tied A 12-Year-Old

by gguillotte
A lawsuit against a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who allegedly choked and hog-tied a 12-year-old boy in 2010 has been settled on undisclosed terms, court filings show. The 2012 lawsuit alleged that Ferguson Police Officer Justin Cosma, who was then serving as a police officer in Jefferson County, Missouri, and his then-colleague Richard Carter approached the shirtless 12-year-old as the boy was checking his mailbox at the end of his driveway. "Unprovoked and without cause, the deputies grabbed [the boy], choked him around the neck and threw him to the ground," the lawsuit, which was filed by the victim's family, said. The officers allegedly then “hog tied” the young boy, which means they restrained him by tying his hands to his feet. The child, according to the lawsuit, "suffered bruising, choke marks, scrapes and cuts across his body" due to his treatment by the officers, and had to be "transported to a medical facility for medical treatment."
13 Dec 05:50

virtual-artifacts: A simurgh - a monstrous mythical bird with...


birb godddd


A simurgh - a monstrous mythical bird with the power of reasoning and speech. From ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) by al-Qazwīnī (d. 1283/682).

13 Dec 05:50


12 Dec 21:50

Microsoft Now Accepts Bitcoin for Xbox Games and More Whether You Know What That Means or Not - It's OK. You're not alone.

by Dan Van Winkle


That Bitcoin thing you keep hearing about but still don’t exactly understand (just a guess) keeps expanding, and now Microsoft will let you use it to buy video games if you live in the US.

They’re not the first game seller to add the payment option, but they’ve beaten Apple, Google, Sony, and Nintendo to the punch. So, expect the first three to follow soon and Nintendo to get on board approximately a million years later.

But don’t worry; you’re not going to have to switch over to a weird Internet payment system just to buy Xbox games. They likely added the option because it’s free and relatively easy to do so, which makes it an easy way to attract people who are into spending digital money. As digital video game distribution grows, it only makes sense.

It’s also great for Bitcoin’s future that a major company is getting comfortable with the currency. It can be used not only on video games but also across all of Microsoft’s digital offerings to buy apps, music, and video. If, like many people, this still all sounds like nonsense to you, you can head over to the Bitcoin site to get some for yourself and figure out how it works.

Or you can watch a quick video on it and probably still only sort of understand it:

(via Eurogamer and The Verge)

Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google +?

12 Dec 21:47

grrrlplz: Some of the saddest things on the internet are the comments that women on food blogs...



Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Some of the saddest things on the internet are the comments that women on food blogs leave with their tips and tricks for getting their adult husbands to eat vegetables. 

God help us.

12 Dec 21:39

This is my kind of Christmas tree 😍 #9gag


via Albener Pessoa
fuck your books

This is my kind of Christmas tree 😍 #9gag

12 Dec 21:38

therumpus: Here’s today’s Daily GIF!


via Matthew Connor


Here’s today’s Daily GIF!

12 Dec 21:29

How Broke Are Millennials?

The millennials landed on the job market at a miserable moment in economic history. On the upside, that should give us something to lord over our children when we’re middle-aged and cranky. On the downside, our poor timing will probably depress our incomes for some time to come, since graduating into a recession can drag down your earnings for years.
12 Dec 21:28

The Pope Says Nuclear Deterrence Is No Longer A Justifiable Doctrine

by Mark Strauss

cool pope

The Pope Says Nuclear Deterrence Is No Longer A Justifiable Doctrine

Although the Catholic Church has always opposed nuclear weapons, the Vatican reluctantly acknowledged during the Cold War that mutual assured destruction was the best-worst option for averting catastrophe. Today, a dramatic declaration from Pope Francis reversed that position.


12 Dec 15:11

i wasn't born to be a skeleton

by djempirical

men are honestly so dumb it’s enchanting

Original Source

12 Dec 06:21

Steven Moffat Finally Confirms The Doctor Can And Should Be A Woman 

by Rob Bricken

does this mean he's quitting? or is he dying or something

Steven Moffat Finally Confirms The Doctor Can And Should Be A Woman 

Yes, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has finally, finally announced out loud that the Doctor not only can be a woman, but that the character's next reincarnation may finally see this monumental (and long overdue) change.


12 Dec 02:02

US tried to undermine Cuba by infiltrating its underground hip-hop scene

by Amar Toor

A US government agency spent more than two years trying to fuel political change in Cuba by covertly manipulating the country's underground hip-hop scene, according to an investigative report from the Associated Press. Documents obtained by the AP show that contractors hired by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) tried to promote certain Cuban hip-hop artists within the country in the hopes of bolstering a youth movement against the communist government of Raúl Castro. But the program backfired, putting targets at greater risk, forcing some musicians to flee the country, and threatening Cuba's thriving underground rap community.

At the center of the program is a Washington, DC-based company called Creative Associates International, which was paid millions to help subvert the Cuban government. Part of the contract work involved creating a fake Twitter-like social network in Cuba, which the AP reported on earlier this year. USAID later refuted the AP's report on the service, saying it contained "significant inaccuracies and false conclusions." On Wednesday, the agency repeated its claims that it does not engage in covert operations.

US sought to turn hip-hop groups into "agents of social mobilization."

"Any assertions that our work is secret or covert are simply false," USAID said in a statement to the AP yesterday, adding that its mandate is to strengthen society "often in places where civic engagement is suppressed and where people are harassed, arrested, subjected to physical harm or worse."

The program was initially helmed by a Serbian contractor named Rajko Bozic, who, beginning in 2009, focused on a widely respected hip-hop group called Los Aldeanos. Creative spent thousands of dollars to promote the group with its own TV program and distributed it on DVD to avoid government censorship, funneling its funds through a company in Panama and a bank in Lichtenstein. Contractors also urged other artists to perform alongside Los Aldeanos, and later put the group through covert training "to focus them a little more on their role as agents of social mobilization," documents show.

Contractors apparently sought to infiltrate pro-government organizations as well. At one point, they approached a sex education organization run by the daughter of President Raúl Castro and urged them to participate in a festival Bozic organized in Serbia. In another instance, USAID contractors funded an arts and music festival organized by a singer with close ties to the government, with the aim of influencing "the minds of festival organizers with new ideas" and urging them to send "high-impact messages" to their audience. But by this point, Cuban authorities were on to the operation, and it soon fell apart.

Officials detained Bozic and seized his equipment, and later interrogated Adrian Monzon — the only Cuban who knowingly worked for Creative — over Bozic's links to the CIA. In 2010, Los Aldeanos performed at Rotilla, a major independent music festival in Cuba, and lashed out onstage against government officials and police. Cuban authorities then took over the festival, and Los Aldeanos soon relocated for Florida, saying they could no longer work in Cuba because of government pressure.

12 Dec 02:00

A Map of San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit System Designed in the Style of the Video Game ‘Super Mario World’

by Justin Page

Super Mario World BART Map

Chicago-based comedian and artist Robert Bacon, whose design work we’ve written about in the past, has designed a map of San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit system (BART) in the style of the classic SNES video game Super Mario World. Posters of Bacon’s BART map are available to purchase online at RIPT Apparel, along with many others from his Video Game City Maps Collection.

Super Mario World BART Map

Super Mario World BART Map

images via RIPT Apparel and Some Chicago Improvisor

via Boing Boing

12 Dec 01:59



sharebattical as I clear out a work queue

12 Dec 01:56

Congressional Deal Would Allow Wealthy Donors To Give More Money — A Lot More Money


never stop crying

The end-of-year spending bill deal crafted by congressional leaders Tuesday would dramatically expand the amount of money that wealthy political donors could inject into the national parties, drastically undercutting the 2002 landmark McCain-Feingold campaign finance overhaul.
12 Dec 01:55

3D Design Inspiration – Print Now, Admire Forever. 50 Digital Joints. #3DxDesign #3DThursday

by Matt

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Print Now, Admire Forever. 50 Digital Joints. Via Solidsmack:

Meredith Scheff-King has created a handy little layout of 50 Digital Joints. …Gazing upon the individual pages of Jochen Gross’ 50 Digital Wood Joints just wasn’t enough. Desiring to view, in a single glance, as many wood joints as humanly possible, she composed a layout organizing the joints by Dovetail, Jigsaw, Tenon and Miter. It’s quite the example of wood joinery and a perfect size to fill that empty spot to the left of your drill press….

Read More.

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Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! We also offer the LulzBot TAZ – Open source 3D Printer and the Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer in our store. If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

12 Dec 01:55

Lumbersexuality And Its Discontents

One hundred years ago, a crisis in urban masculinity created the lumberjack aesthetic. Now it's making a comeback.
11 Dec 23:19

Why Does Running Hurt Every Part Of Your Body?


tl;dr: everything horrible about running is normal, and it happens to everybody

still don't know why anyone does it, tho

I’m already dreading my New Years resolution, and it’s still weeks away. Like millions of other Americans, I’m going to start working out — specifically, running. I love the way running makes me feel, but only when I’m not running. This is because even when I’m racking up modest mileage, my legs burn, my chest itches, and my lungs feel like they’re filled with a thousand burning matches. What's up with that?
11 Dec 23:14

Baby names of 2014: Winners and losers | BabyCenter

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy


Brayden dives 19 spots, splashing down at number 45

Original Source