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12 Jun 04:47

Richard Branson just gave the paternity leave cause a major boost

by Gwynn Guilford
Entrepreneur Richard Branson (R) and other spectators perform a Mexican wave on Centre Court at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, in London June 30, 2014. REUTERS/Toby Melville

Sir Richard Branson is making things a little less stressful for some of Virgin’s new parents. The billionaire investor and Virgin Group founder is granting a full year of 100% paid parental leave to the 140 employees working in London and Geneva for Virgin Management, the conglomerate’s investment and licensing arm (provided they’ve worked there for more than four years). And yes, that means dads are covered, too.

Though Branson’s generosity only affects a tiny fraction of Virgin’s 50,000 global employees, it’s still a bold step forward on reforming parental leave policies. Essentially, it lets couples decide how to divide up time off work for childrearing.

This isn’t just humane—on a larger scale, policies like those at Virgin Management could help make economies more vital, as we explained last year.

In most countries (pdf, p. 53, and map above), governments protect only women’s rights to paid time off work to care for a newborn (or a newly adopted child). That means new fathers wishing to take leave from work risk suffering a loss of wages or even losing their jobs. Unsurprisingly, most couples opt for the mother to stay at home.

By protecting women, government policies essentially foist childrearing duties wholly on women—making them much more likely to exit the workforce. That in turn encourages companies to favor hiring and promoting men, entrenching gender wage gaps and discouraging women from returning to work all the more. Ultimately, this loss of productive workers makes it harder for economies to grow.

In the last few decades, Sweden and a slew of other European countries have begun letting couples choose how to divvy up childcare, without having to worry about minimizing wage losses or risk losing their jobs.

The UK, as it happens, just joined their ranks. The CEO of Virgin Management, Josh Bayliss, said the new policy was inspired by the UK’s new shared parental leave, which came into force in April 2015.

In the past, the UK only let mothers take paid leave from work after giving birth or adopting. The new policy extends parental leave protections to new fathers too, granting new parents the shared right to 50 weeks of leave from work—37 of which is paid. Couples divide up the time as it suits. In theory—despite some complicated caveats—the plan gives new mothers the chance to return to work earlier than they otherwise might.

12 Jun 04:47

Newswire: Burger King paid $200,000 to have its mascot stand next to American Pharoah’s trainer

by Sam Barsanti

Burger King is on a hot streak when it comes to picking the winners for hugely popular—yet still weirdly niche—sporting events. Back in May, the Burger King himself (first of his name, lord of the seven kingdoms, protector of the realm) was a part of Floyd Mayweather’s entourage and walked alongside him to the ring before his big fight with Manny Pacquiao. Mayweather went on to win that fight, most likely because he had the nutritional power of Burger King Chicken Fries on his side.

Just a few days ago, the Burger King did it again when he appeared alongside horse trainer Bob Baffert at the Belmont Stakes. Baffert’s horse, American Pharoah, not only won the Belmont that day, but he also won The Triple Crown, the most difficult achievement in all of horse racing. American Pharoah probably wasn’t fueled by the nutritional power of ...

12 Jun 04:46

breetries: everybodyhateskimi: Look at those little feet! Toe...



Look at those little feet!

Toe beans

12 Jun 04:45

Newswire: Slayer’s new album will be encased inside a 7-pound metal eagle

by Katie Rife

Slayer‘s new album, Repentless, is set to be released on September 11. And, presumably in order to ensure that fans will never forget that they bought it, the band is releasing Repentless in a special “Metal Eagle Edition.” That’s a literal metal eagle, made of aluminum alloy and emblazoned with the band’s signature upside-down pentagram logo. The special edition costs $179.99, measures 15 inches wide by 17 inches tall and 3 inches thick, and, at 7.8 pounds, weighs as much as an estimated 168.47 human souls. Besides a CD copy of Repentless, the hollowed-out insides of the majestic bird will contain a bonus Blu-ray and DVD (Slayer Live At Wacken 2014 and a documentary on the making of Repentless), a bonus CD (Slayer Live At Wacken 2014), a poster, sticker, and numbered certificate of (we assume) awesomeness.

As far as we can figure ...

12 Jun 04:41

Why sci-fi authors are angry with Tor Books

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

Why sci-fi authors are angry with Tor Books:



In the world of sci-fi/fantasy publishing, all anyone can talk about today is this blog post from Tor Books founder Tom Doherty.

The post publicly distances Tor from a Facebook comment made by Irene Gallo, the publisher’s creative director. Gallo’s comment briefly outlined her opinion of the “Sad/Rabid Puppies” campaign that derailed this year’s Hugo Awards by bloc-voting for a slate of anti-progressive authors.

The Sad Puppies are often compared to Gamergate, though they are not affiliated. In her post, Gallo described the group as “right-wing to neo-nazi” and “unrepentantly racist, misogynist, and homophobic.” Doherty’s post distances Tor from that viewpoint, adding that the Sad Puppies supports a diverse range of authors—including several published by Tor Books.

After Doherty denounced Gallo’s comment, many sci-fi fans and authors began accusing him of hypocrisy. If Gallo’s post was deemed objectionable enough to warrant a public disavowal, what about the controversial opinions published by other Tor authors and employees?


“Others pointed to what they saw as a double standard. While Gallo received a public dressing-down, Tor has been mum on star author John Scalzi calling the Sad Puppies bigots and feuding with Vox Day, and editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden describing the Sad Puppies as “downright evil.”  (my bolded) 

Huh, when a DUDE does it, it’s fine, but when Irene Gallo does it, it’s worth apologizing for. 



It’s also worth noting that Jim Frenkel, who sexually harassed and assaulted multiple women - including authors, fans, SF community members and editors - was allowed to keep working at Tor for *years*, even though high-level people at Tor knew about his behavior. 

Only in 2013, when Elise Matthesen published her account of being harassed by Frenkel at WisCon, did Tor do anything. And EVEN THEN, they did not *fire* Frenkel: he was allowed to resign. And there was never a public apology from the company for having employed someone who made the genre *unsafe* for women in SF for *years*. 


11 Jun 07:02

kaguramutsuki: me

11 Jun 06:45

San Francisco votes to expand computer science education across all grades

by Cyrus Farivar

Within a few years, every single student in the San Francisco Unified School District will be studying computer science, at all grade levels.

The city’s Board of Education unanimously approved the measure during its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening.

"Information technology is now the fastest growing job sector in San Francisco, but too few students currently have access to learn the Computer Science skills that are crucial for such careers," Board President Emily Murase said in a statement on Wednesday. "We are proud to be at the forefront of creating a curriculum that will build on the knowledge and skills students will need starting as early as preschool."

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

11 Jun 06:36

thefilmstage: David Lynch location scouting for the new season...


David Lynch location scouting for the new season of Twin Peaks.

10 Jun 22:04

tears on sculptures of the virgin

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

tears on sculptures of the virgin

10 Jun 22:01

Rock and Hayley

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.








Dwayne Johnson wants to work with Hayley Atwell.

Anybody else think it’s time to work Isaiah Bradley into the MCU? 

Except Isaiah Bradly is a dark skinned African American and (as much as I love the Rock) Dwayne’s Black/Polynesian and very much light skinned.

It’s the same probably inherent in having Halle Berry play a dark skinned african women. It reenforces that only light skinned black people are acceptable in Hollywood.

#why is this such a difficult concept for people#i love the Rock#but make him Namor#yessssssssssss#or an original character#don’t white wash a character that exists for him 


…I would be okay with this.


It’s terrifying what I can do with 40 mins, two pictures, and the editing apps on my phone.

Nakki this is a thing of beauty and you should be proud and joyful.

His fucking face, his Namor face, oh my god.


Omg my dad would love this



10 Jun 21:49

flatbear: holy crap I’m sick of drawing buttons. BUT HEY HERE...


mulder yes/no


holy crap I’m sick of drawing buttons. BUT HEY HERE THEY ARE! $2 each at Heroescon (and yup, they will be available online at the start of July), and I’ll be doing all sorts of package deals (get Scully and Mulder for $3, get all the Mad Max buttons together for cheaper, etc etc etc…)

And there’s the free button, from my Button Maker fundraiser! If you see me in person at the show, mention this post and you will get it for free! You don’t even have to buy anything from me! But that would be awesome, as well.

Wow I am exhausted just a week-ish to go until I can stop talking about Heroescon!

10 Jun 21:47

Article: Report: 87% Of Americans Unaware They Have Been Chosen In Later Rounds Of MLB Draft

IOWA CITY, IA—According to a report released Wednesday by the University of Iowa, 87 percent of Americans are currently unaware that they have been selected in the later rounds of the 2015 Major League Baseball Draft. “Our survey indicates that over 270 million Americans are totally oblivious to the fact that they’ve been picked between the 20th and 40th rounds of this year’s MLB Draft and are now eligible to negotiate minor-league contracts,” said study author Angelo Crawford, explaining that over four-fifths of the U.S. populace, many of whom never played baseball past Little League, have no idea that their names were recently displayed on the live draft tracker as their selections were analyzed by numerous baseball writers and sports bloggers. “For example, several hundred thousand Americans are now part of the Baltimore Orioles organization and have been assigned to the Single-A Delmarva Shorebirds ...

10 Jun 21:28

What Would the American Version of Hogwarts Be Like?

by Rob Bricken

Yesterday, author J.K. Rowling let it slip that there’s a U.S. school for wizards and witches in the world of Harry Potter, and it will be featured in the upcoming movies Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. This has us wondering: Given American’s various educational issues, what will it be like?


10 Jun 21:26



via Toaster Strudel

10 Jun 21:18

Apple's Junk Drawer Problem


RIP Google Reader

Apple’s News app seems to forget a driving component of mobile news.

It doesn’t seem like Apple has or intends to include a social dimension to its reader. I think this is a problem. People don’t just want more things to read, in a prettier or faster-downloading format — they want new and relevant things to read that they can share and discuss with other people.
10 Jun 21:14

Suicide Rate Of Female Veterans Found To Be 6x Rate Of Non-Military Women

An investigation into suicide rates among female veterans reveals "staggering" results in a demographic that has long been treated as less risky. Researchers found rates among female veterans, generally, to be 6x higher than civilian rates, and rates among young female veterans to be 12x higher than civilian rates.
10 Jun 21:14

Why Apple Abandoned The World’s Most Beloved Typeface

After two rocky years as Apple’s typographical identity, Helvetica Neue is being replaced by a bespoke font, San Francisco, as the default font on both OS X El Capitan and iOS 9 this fall.
10 Jun 21:13

'Sesame Street' Helps Low-Income Kids As Much As Head Start

Kids who watched "Sesame Street" were 14% less likely to be behind in school — a benefit comparable to that of Head Start, a preschool program for low-income areas.
10 Jun 21:13

This Wolverine Jacket Is So Perfectly '90s It Hurts

Designed by Jeff Hamilton, this is the most gloriously ’90s piece of comics fashion you’re likely to see for a while.
10 Jun 21:10

Microsoft to open source its popular Live Writer blogging tool [Update: Maybe]

by Peter Bright

Microsoft plans to open source its Windows Live Writer tool in the coming months.

The application, once included in the Live Essentials bundle along with Live Messenger, SkyDrive, and various other defunct or rebranded Microsoft apps, provides a convenient word processor-style WYSIWYG editor that can post directly to a number of blogging platforms. While Microsoft hasn't updated the app for some time—its last major update was in 2012—it has nonetheless retained a loyal following of devotees who continue to use it on a regular basis.

This user base became a lot more vocal when the ability to post to Google's Blogger platform from Live Writer stopped working late last month. Blogger changed something, probably with its authentication process, and Live Writer could no longer post to the platform.

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments

10 Jun 19:31

Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Criticizes Role of Women In Labs

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes: Tim Hunt is an English biochemist most notable for winning the 2001 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. Today he's become notable for something else entirely — at the World Conference of Science Journalists, Hunt suggested science labs should be segregated by gender. He said, "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls three things happen when they are in the lab You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry." As you might expect, this set off a firestorm of criticism. Many asked Hunt to treat women in labs with the same respect he is afforded, and others held it up as an explicit example of the sexism that pervades the scientific community. Hunt later issued an apology, saying, "I'm very sorry that what I thought were light hearted ironic remarks were taken so seriously, and I'm very sorry if people took offence. I certainly did not mean to demean women, but rather be honest about my own shortcomings."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

10 Jun 19:27

micdotcom: Women in STEM fire back at Nobel laureate who thinks...


Women in STEM fire back at Nobel laureate who thinks they’re too distracting

72-year-old British Nobel laureate Sir Tim Hunt has a distinct opinion about female scientists’ role in the lab: Namely, that they are distracting, emotional and shouldn’t work alongside men. Thankfully, Vagenda and others on Twitter are here to show him how wrong he is.

10 Jun 19:19

Calling an opponent “gay” gets shown the red card in soccer in Norway

by Gabriel Fisher
Outta here.

A soccer player got a red card and was sent off the pitch earlier this week. Unlike most red cards, this particular one made global headlines as Simen Juklerod was tossed from the match between two clubs in Norway’s second-highest league for calling an opposing player “gay.”

Perhaps even more surprising than the card itself, which the referee justified after the game for violating the league’s rule against using “insulting or abusive language,” was the swift and stern reaction from the club itself. Soon after the game, the club took to Twitter denouncing their player’s act and stated that they would conduct an internal review of the incident.

Vi aksepterer IKKE at våre spillere kaller andre for homo eller lignende. Det sies mye dritt ila kamper, men vi har nulltoleranse for sånt.

— Bærum Sportsklubb (@Baerum_SK) June 7, 2015

In a post-game interview, Jukelrod—who plays in midfield for Baerun SK—disputed the red card though admitted to a linguistic misstep. “Of course it’s completely lame,” he said, according to the BBC. “But I still think that’s not a red card.”

Soccer is trying to crack down on homophobia. Fans have been thrown out and banned from games for chants and FIFA looked into such chanting during last year’s World Cup, though it found nothing wrong with the incidents that gay groups cited. The openly-gay LA Galaxy player, Robbie Rogers, has called for “zero tolerance” towards homophobia in soccer.

Last year, England’s Premier League began a campaign to rid the sport of such rhetoric but the results show the challenges ahead. As part of the campaign, an anonymous survey of over 200 players in the league found that almost 40% had heard homophobic comments from the stands—and a quarter had heard them in the training grounds and locker rooms.

10 Jun 19:17

Trolls Be Gone! Twitter Has Made It Possible to Share Block Lists

by Jill Pantozzi

WomanRockSergeyPetermanDo you hear angels singing?

Posted on Twitter’s blog today:

Mute and block are tools to help you control your Twitter experience. While many users find them useful, we also recognize that some users — those who experience high volumes of unwanted interactions on Twitter — need more sophisticated tools. That’s where this new feature comes in. You can now export and share your block lists with people in your community facing similar issues or import another user’s list into your own account and block multiple accounts all at once, instead of blocking them individually. We also hope these advanced blocking tools will prove useful to the developer community to further improve users’ experience.

To utilize the new feature, navigate to your blocked user page in settings and click “advanced options.” You can then either export your block list or import another. FYI, the “advanced options” isn’t showing up for me yet so it may be slowly rolling out.

Say what you will about how long it took to get here but Twitter is above and beyond other social networks when it comes to helping fight harassment. Here’s a few stories we’ve run about their efforts in the last few months.

Whether it was their own strategy, regular user pressure, or famous user pressure that got Twitter to adopt this new feature, I can’t wait to use it. What do you think?

(via The Verge, image via Shutterstock – copyright: Sergey Peterman)

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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10 Jun 19:17

Watch This: Kathryn Bigelow anticipated web culture when the web was barely a thing

by Danny Bowes

Every day, Watch This offers staff recommendations inspired by the week’s new releases or premieres. This week: It’s 1995 Week here at The A.V. Club, which means we’re shouting out some of the forgotten or underrated triumphs of that year.

Strange Days (1995)

The best science fiction transcends the time and cultural moment of its creation, living on and assuming whole new unintended levels of meaning in years to come. It does so by being, once and always, fundamentally true. Kathryn Bigelow’s Strange Days has seen strange days of its own in the 20 years since its release, receiving mixed reviews at first, then quickly becoming irrelevant in its concern after the immediately archaic late 1990s Y2K hysteria, only to gradually emerge as an increasingly potent allegory for 21st-century internet culture. Most recently, its unflinching, incisive, yet optimistic perspective on the relationship between black Americans ...

10 Jun 19:15

design-is-fine: Thomasin, Sword fighting, late 15th century....


that dick shot in the second one tho


Thomasin, Sword fighting, late 15th century. Germany. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München. Via University of Heidelberg

10 Jun 19:15



string's copy shop

10 Jun 19:14




10 Jun 19:13

Noted: New Name and Logos for Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club

by Armin

'at first I thought my file was corrupted and that it didn't finish loading the top of the graphic but, no, the logo's top is just cut off like that (perhaps to resemble the "A" in the typography).'

fuck the falcons

Welcome to the Club

New Name and Logos for Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club

(Est. 1968) "The Atlanta Hawks are an American professional basketball team based in Atlanta, Georgia. They are part of the Southeast Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA)." (Wikipedia)

Design by: N/A

Opinion/Notes: We have to address the name upfront: the Hawks are the first NBA team to get soccer-ized and that's kind of a huge deal, as it's a complete shift in nomenclature that the league hasn't seen ever and it will be interesting how many other teams start adding "Basketball Club" or "United" or "Sporting" to their names and how soon before they start going with crests. Funny how things change. On to the logos: The new primary logo adopts the re-designed "Pac-Man" logo and wraps it in a roundel with some rather interesting typography. I'm not saying it's great, but at least it's a little different and more considered; the only problem is that, with its hard angles, it has nothing to do with the smoother curves of the Pac-Man icon. The secondary logo is simply the icon without the roundel. The alternate logo, though, is possibly one of the worst NBA things I've seen. It's completely random and indulgent: wings! fire! basketball! It's so poorly done too — at first I thought my file was corrupted and that it didn't finish loading the top of the graphic but, no, the logo's top is just cut off like that (perhaps to resemble the "A" in the typography). Really unfortunate graphic. I call penalty.

Related Links: Hawks press release

Select Quote: The primary logo features the team's evolved "Pac-Man" unveiled to much fanfare during the 2014 Playoffs, with the Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club wordmark encircled around it.

The Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club moniker expands on the idea that we are more than just a team of 15 players. Our Basketball Club recognizes the contributions of the entire staff to our success. It respects and honors past players and coaches and their significance. Ultimately, the new Basketball Club designation reflects our commitment to building an emotional connection with our fans and maintaining an inclusive environment that welcomes all people. In the Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club, "everyone matters" and all are welcome.

The Hawks also unveiled a completely new secondary logo that pays tribute to the history of the city of Atlanta. The wings of a Hawk lift a basketball engulfed in flames, symbolizing how the city of Atlanta rose from the ashes to become one of the nation's leading international cities.

New Name and Logos for Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club
Logo detail.
New Name and Logos for Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club
Secondary logo without name.
New Name and Logos for Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club
Alternate logo.
Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
10 Jun 19:08

Newswire: The X-Files set photos have finally arrived, will make you believe

by Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

mulder no

Good news, X-Files fans: Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are back to ruin your lives. No, they’re not kissing and dancing on stage again, but they have begun filming Fox’s X-Files revival. The truth is out there: The X-Files revival is really happening, and there are now pictures to prove it.

After Twitter exploded with blurry photos of Duchovny and Anderson on set yesterday—including one of Duchovny kissing Anderson on the cheek—the X-Files Twitter account finally released the first official picture. In the pic, Special Agent Dana Scully, Medical Doctor, looks perfect in her suit and soft curls. Special Agent Fox Mulder, Believer, meanwhile, looks a little like he’s given up:

EXCLUSIVE: Your first look at Mulder and Scully! #TheXFiles

— The X-Files (@thexfilesfox) June 10, 2015

Joel McHale, who is set to guest star in the series, was also seen on ...