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28 Aug 14:57

"Northerners indulge in an extremely dangerously luxury. They seem to feel that because they fought..."

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

“Northerners indulge in an extremely dangerously luxury. They seem to feel that because they fought on the right side during The Civil War, and won, they have earned the right to merely deplore what is going on in the South, without taking any responsibility for it; and that they can ignore what is happening in Northern cities because what is happening in Little Rock or Birmingham is worse. Well, in the first place, it is not possible for anyone who has not endured both to know which is ‘worse.’ I know Negroes who prefer the South and white Southerners, because ‘At least there, you haven’t got to play any guessing games!’ The guessing games referred to have driven more than one Negro into the narcotics ward, the madhouse or the river.”


James Baldwin

Um…James was not here for the MYTH that racism doesn’t exist in the northern states of the U.S. I’ve encountered so many White northerners that are like…”what racism?” Seriously. He wrote this over 5 decades ago and it’s still relevant. Many Northern Whites and Whites who live in the U.K. are deep in their denial about racism. Deep. I had a White male photographer (I’m a photographer; I used to chat with a lot of them via Twitter) insist that racism doesn’t exist in the U.K. I was like…how would you know? How? You don’t experience it. Black photographers who live there had another story to tell, however.

(via gradientlair)

28 Aug 14:49

Apple will stream its iPhone event to Windows 10 users

by Tom Warren

For the first time in years, Apple is planning to stream its iPhone event to Windows users. A webpage for the September 9th iPhone event reveals that Apple will support Windows 10 PCs with the Microsoft Edge browser. Typically, Windows users have had to result to using VLC or another media app just to access Apple's stream during a big iPhone or iPad unveiling.

Apple uses HTTP Live Streaming technology (HLS) that is part of QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS. It's a protocol implemented by Apple and suggested as a standard, but it's not one that many other companies have used widely. While iTunes for Windows already supports HLS, Apple has always kept its stream limited to the web for Safari and iOS devices. Microsoft implemented support for HLS as part of the Microsoft Edge browser, allowing Apple to stream its event to more than 75 million Windows 10 machines next month. If you've not upgraded to Windows 10 yet, you'll need to use VLC or another third-party app on September 9th.

28 Aug 10:22

Representation in D&D 5E Core Books: “better than the rest” unfortunately still falls short [CHARTS!!]

by wundergeek


Right before leaving for this year’s GenCon, I put up a post about my frustrations with the lack of consistency of art direction between Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons; both product lines are owned and published by Wizards of the Coast, so I’ve always found it confusing that their art directions are so divergent wrt depictions of women. Happily, this actually wound up being a major topic of conversation during my lunch this year with Tracy Hurley and Mike Mearls, and as a result I found myself wanting to take a more definitive look at the D&D 5E core books to see how they compared to M:TG’s recent art direction in terms of actual numbers. Because while I’ve done some work that I’m very excited about aimed at increasing the diversity of representation in D&D products, there’s no real substitute for looking at actual numbers and getting a clear picture of where something actually stands.

Now, I’ve written about the D&D 5th Edition Player’s Handbook in the past, which can be summed up as ZOMG! SO MANY AWSUM WIMMINZ!! So I was honestly a bit reluctant to go through and examine all of the images in detail, because I was afraid that my overwhelmingly positive feelings would be complicated by the actual reality. And it turns out that I was right to be concerned, unfortunately. (But I’ll come back to that part.)


In writing my initial post about 5th Edition artwork, I only had access to the PHB. However, this time around I decided to examine the PHB, Dungeon Masters’ Guide, and Monster Manual, because those are the three books required to “make the system go” as it were. (Though certainly a large number of players who didn’t plan on GMing would only own the PHB.)

As with all of my other “numbers” posts, I was specifically interested in tracking the following criteria:

  • total breakdown of figures by gender
  • prevalence of fully-covered versus suggestively-attired figures by gender
  • class archetype depicted by gender

(For a more detailed explanation of what I mean by these criteria, you can read my very first such study here – starting with the heading “Determining Methodology”.)

However, because of trends that I noticed flipping through books, I did make some modifications to my criteria and how I counted things. For instance, as there were a large number of illustrations where it was not possible to determine the gender of a given figure, I counted “humanoid figures without discernible gender” separately from male and female figures.

One thing that I also noticed while flipping through the books is that there seemed to be a marked difference in representation between group shots (shots with multiple figures) and shots with only one character; as such I looked at the gender-breakdown of single-character shots as well as group shots that contained male figures and group shots that contained female figures.

Results and Analysis

Looking at such a wide variety of criteria across three books means that I wound up with four pages of hand-written tallies, numbers, and notes. So this section gets a bit chart-happy[1]. Do bear with me.

Base Demographics

As previously mentioned, my fear that women would turn out to not be as well-represented as I had thought they would be was supported by the actual data once I started counting things. (Although interestingly, I will note that one trend that held almost universally across each of the criteria that I examined was that representation was almost always best in the PHB, worst in the Monster Manual, and about halfway in between in the DMG.)


As positively as I had remembered the representation of women in the PHB being, it turns out that female figures accounted for only 30% of figures. The DMG did almost as well, but not quite, with female figures accounting for 26% of all figures, while the Monster Manual was clearly the worst with only 19% female representation.

However, specifically with regard to the PHB… It is true that ungendered figures make up only 7% of all figures, and if these are not included in the overall tally the percentage of female representation does increase. But given that ungendered figures represent a much larger portion of the total number of figures in the DMG and MM, it seemed important to retain this as a separate category.

Now overall, these figures tell a compelling story, but something that occurred to me when I was flipping through the books for a second time[2]. It seemed to me as if the women were being better represented in group shots than they were in single-character illustrations – as if when it came to group and environment scenes it was a no-brainer most of the time for artists to say to themselves “well I gotta make sure I include at least one woman in here”, but when it came to single-character illustrations that the default impulse to depict a man was largely going unquestioned.

And again, the data largely supports that impression:




In both the DMG and PHB, only approximately a third of all multi-character illustrations did not contain women. Which, let me just say is still an atrocious total. If women are 1/2 of the population, it’s pretty terrible when 30% of your environment shots don’t actually reflect that – especially since I wasn’t actually counting the gender balance in each group shot. I was just counting if a group shot contained women.

The Monster Manual is a bit harder to draw conclusions about, given that there are only 11 multi-character illustrations in the entire book. However, I’m inclined to say a 2-to-9 ratio is pretty obviously terrible, even given the small sample size. Especially when you consider that the lack of representation is just as bad in the Monster Manual’s single-character illustrations.

The last bit of demographic information I looked at was class archetype:


In fantasy and gaming artwork, it’s still an unfortunately common stereotype to see men depicted overwhelmingly as fighters and women overwhelmingly depicted as mages. Because of course it is the job of the big strong mans to hit things with swords while the women stand safely in the back and twiddle their fingers. [sigh]

This is perhaps the one area where the DMG can be said to have clearly done better than the PHB, because the balance of character archetype depiction by gender was the closest to even in the DMG. With regards to the depiction of fighters, the imbalance in the PHB is disappointingly large – with 61% of all fighters in the PHB being depicted as male and a measly 22% being explicitly gendered as female. Whereas the Monster Manual once again comes in dead last with a whopping 82% of all fighters being depicted as male.

Style of Depictions

The second set of numbers collected were intended to convey data about the differences in how men were depicted versus women. However, the only numbers that wound up being even sort of clear-cut were the numbers regarding active poses versus neutral poses:


The Player’s Handbook had the closest to an even split of active and neutral poses, which I found hugely encouraging. However, things start getting a bit confusing with the DMG – women are actually more likely to be depicted as active than men. And in the Monster Manual, despite that the illustrations in the MM were clearly the worst about portraying women, the numbers of active versus neutral poses are again pretty close to an even split.

Things got even more confusing when I started looking at the results of my tallies of fully-covered and suggestively attired characters. After going through each book so many times, the impression that I got was that the most thought had been put into balancing depictions of women in the PHB, a bit less thought had gone into balancing the DMG, and that the Monster Manual had been very much “business as usual” as far as the artists were concerned.

But the numbers that I collected didn’t tell that story at all:


Looking at the gender ratios for both fully-covered (characters shown as being covered from neck to ankle and shoulder to wrist) and suggestively attired (characters with either portions of exposed torso or exposed portions of upper thigh) characters, the numbers collected make it appear as though depictions are pretty evenly balanced across all three books. However in all of the PHB, there were only 6 illustrations that I outright rolled my eyes of, whereas I just plain wanted to chuck half of the monster manual in the garbage for how bullshit it’s treatment of women is.

It’s about more than just numbers

I suspect that a large portion of the reason behind this is my decision to include ungendered figures in my counts for the first time; that is probably throwing off my results in ways I haven’t figured out how to account for yet. This in combination with the fact that how I define “suggestively attired” and “fully covered” and how consistently I apply these definitions are intended to over-correct for the difference in depiction, since my own personal bias is admittedly… pretty strong.

For example, in doing such posts in the past, I almost always end up with at least a few corpses counted as suggestive. Often I end up with (male) animal people who are clearly intended to be seen as “bestial” rather than alluring. And once I wound up counting a zombie that had been turned into furniture as suggestive.

So it’s important to point out that the numbers will only get you so far – especially when what is being discussed is something as inherently hard to quantify as art. So, as I’ve already put an inordinate amount of work into putting this post together and it’s getting pretty long, that will be what we take a look at next time.

I should note that all of these charts were made using – since Excel’s chartmaker makes ugly, hard-to-read charts. Sadly,’s embed code doesn’t get along with’s interface and I wound up having to cobble things together on their own

 As it turns out, because I wasn’t exactly sure how I needed to change my criteria around, I wound up going through each book and doing detailed counts FOUR TIMES. Ugh.

28 Aug 10:18

The new tech making game preservation more authentic and future-proof

by Kyle Orland

For a medium that’s just a little over 40 years old (give or take), it’s kind of incredible just how many truly classic video games are completely out of print. Yes, there is a relative handful of random games available for download through Nintendo’s Virtual Console, Sony’s PlayStation Network, or Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 backwards compatibility. There’s an even smaller subset of games that have gotten the full “HD remake” treatment in recent years, making them once again available on a new generation of consoles.

For the vast majority of video games that exist, though, the only way to legally obtain a copy is to track down original hardware and used software that may not have been produced for decades. Digital Eclipse is looking to change that, using a mix of technology and attention to historical detail to ensure that the classics of gaming remain in circulation in a cost-effective, accurate, and respectful manner.

“Classic games are being devalued in the way they’re released,” Digital Eclipse’s Head of Restoration Frank Cifaldi told Ars in an interview (note: Cifaldi and I used to work together at Gamasutra). “The Virtual Console is a great platform for just buying a game and playing it, [but] I feel as a consumer when I download something like that, ‘OK, you sold me a ROM and an emulator. Is that all you've got for me?’”

Read 16 remaining paragraphs | Comments

28 Aug 10:17

Associated Press sues FBI over fake news story

by Joe Mullin

The Associated Press filed a lawsuit (PDF) this morning, demanding the FBI hand over information about its use of fake news stories. The case stems from a 2007 incident regarding a bomb threat at a school. The FBI created a fake news story with an Associated Press byline, then e-mailed it to a suspect to plant malware on his computer.

The AP sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI last year seeking documents related to the 2014 sting. It also seeks to know how many times the FBI has used such a ruse since 2000. The FBI responded to the AP saying it could take two years or more to gather the information requested. Unsatisfied with the response, the Associated Press has taken the matter to court.

An Electronic Frontier Foundation FOIA request on a different matter revealed the strategy in 2011, but it wasn't made public until last year, when privacy researcher Chris Soghoian saw evidence of the operation in the documents and tweeted about it. That spurred both the AP and The Seattle Times to complain vocally about the FBI's behavior.

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

28 Aug 10:15

A neural network tries to identify objects in ST:TNG intro (video)

by adafruit


A neural network tries to identify objects in ST:TNG intro

28 Aug 10:12

bad-at-games: Block Party stickers are now for sale on my...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Block Party stickers are now for sale on my etsy!!! Perfect for laptops, phones, and the foreheads of insufferable fools.

28 Aug 05:15

News in Brief: Nation To Try Channeling Outrage Over Gun Control Into Issue That Can Actually Be Addressed

WASHINGTON—Reasoning that it would likely be a much better use of their time and effort, exasperated citizens across the nation announced plans Thursday to try channeling their current outrage over the country’s lack of effective gun control into an issue that can actually be addressed. “We’ve felt this collective indignation so many times before and it’s come to nothing, so maybe if we take all this anger and focus it on something achievable, like repairing our roads or modernizing the electrical grid, we could make some actual progress,” said Atlanta resident Kathryn Greenfield, one of millions of Americans who agreed that there were probably dozens of pressing national issues that could be solved using energy that would simply be wasted trying to limit access to firearms. “Improving care for our veterans or guaranteeing universal preschool education both seem like attainable goals if we wanted to direct ...

28 Aug 05:15

News: Scott Walker Watches Candidates Emerge Shaken From GOP’s Female Experience Simulator

WASHINGTON—Waiting in line and nervously watching as, one by one, his fellow presidential candidates took their turn inside the machine, Gov. Scott Walker told reporters Thursday that the GOP Female Experience Simulator had so far left every contender for the party’s nomination disoriented, confused, and deeply distressed.

According to Walker, the 16 male candidates sat restlessly in folding chairs that had been set up in the basement of Republican National Committee headquarters, waiting in tense silence until the time came for them to walk up to the entrance, open the hatch, and step inside the simulator, a mechanical device designed to mimic the experience of being a woman in the United States.

The two-term Wisconsin governor admitted the sight of his party rivals emerging bewildered from the rectangular metal box had left him intensely concerned about the horrors that awaited within.

The two-term Wisconsin governor admitted the sight ...

28 Aug 05:15

News in Brief: Responsible Gun Owner Keeps Firearms Safely Locked Away Where Only He Can Get Them During Mental Breakdown

GREENVILLE, SC—Insisting there is no way anyone else would be able to get ahold of the weapons in his home, local gun owner Kevin Williamson told reporters Thursday he always keeps his firearms securely locked away where only he can access them during a severe mental breakdown. “Owning firearms comes with serious responsibilities, which is why I store each of my guns in a locked safe,” said Williamson, who assured reporters that no one but him could open the tamper-proof steel box and access the firearms in the midst of an overwhelming period of emotional distress that engendered a blind, psychotic rage. “I keep the key on me at all times, so I’m the only person who can get to them [in the event that I suffer a full-scale psychological meltdown and channel my derangement into a violent, blood-soaked rampage]. No one but me is laying a hand ...

28 Aug 05:14

The Traffic King Of Reddit

A landscape architect by trade, and a child of the Lebanese Civil War by circumstance, GallowBoob is the anonymous patient zero behind a great deal of viral content in your Facebook feed.
28 Aug 05:13

Newswire: Look upon these Chewbacca Crocs, ye nerds, and despair

by Katie Rife

First, they released that dispenser that made it look like you were pulling Scotch tape from C-3PO’s crotch, and I did nothing, because I thought that was pretty funny.

Then they released the Darth Vader Burger, and I did nothing, because that was in France and they have weird attitudes towards fast food in general over there.

Then Cover Girl announced its Star Wars makeup line, and I was like hey man, that’s not weird at all, don’t be sexist.

Then they released the Chewbacca Crocs, which must smell even worse than regular Crocs (as if such a thing were possible) because they’re lined with fake Wookiee fur. And there was no one left to tell me that I looked terrible, because they were busy watching people take toys out of boxes for 18 hours straight. They were pretty comfortable, though:

(Photo: Crocs)

Should you decide ...

28 Aug 05:13

Newswire: The Roots remake has its Kunta Kinte

by Caroline Siede

British actor Malachi Kirby has been cast as Kunta Kinte in that upcoming remake of Roots, according to Deadline. He’ll step into the iconic role previously held by LeVar Burton in the 1977 original miniseries. Assuming the remake mirrors the original, Kirby will star in the initial episodes before the series moves on to follow Kinte’s descendants. As we previously reported, the remake will air simultaneously on History, A&E, and Lifetime and will “incorporate new information about the historical period uncovered since the original book and mini were released.”

Kirby has some smaller British credits to his name, including a stint on EastEnders, but Roots will be his first high-profile role. He’ll now face the pressure not only of playing Kunta Kinte, but also of finding an iconic sci-fi character to portray next.

28 Aug 05:12

Newswire: Following fire, Second City will re-open next week

by Caroline Siede

We reported yesterday that a fire destroyed the offices of Chicago’s Second City theater in Old Town, which has housed the legendary improv company since 1967. As we explained, the fire started at a restaurant, Adobo, on the first floor of an adjacent building. It quickly spread to the surrounding areas and injured five people, although none at Second City. Chief executive Andrew Alexander posted a message on Facebook yesterday to confirm that everyone at Second City was safe:

Now The New York Times has some updates on the situation. The fire completely destroyed the office space and common areas of the Second City building, but the theaters and the training center were spared. All shows were canceled for Wednesday and Thursday evening.

The silver lining of the situation is that the Chicago improv and theater community has come to Second City’s aid. DNAinfo reported yesterday that Chicago ...

28 Aug 05:11

The Rise Of Work-Doping

The drug modafinil was recently found to enhance cognition in healthy people. Should you take it to get a raise?
28 Aug 05:11

Grumpy Cat Will Be The First Cat Memorialized By Madame Tussauds'

She can be seen here having her measurements taken, quite unhappily of course.
28 Aug 02:35

Hark, A Vagrant: Book Tour 2015


The Brattle on Sept. 28

buy this print!

Guess who just finished their second picture book! It's this guy, right here. Coming your way next fall!

But let's talk about THIS FALL

My lovely publishers and gracious hosts are taking me in and out of North America and the UK in the coming months, to see your smilin' faces and shake hands! It's been a heck of a year, where I finished two books and published two others. So I'll be well pleased if the end result finds your favour.

West coast/midwest comic shows and things might happen in the spring, but there are none planned yet. But I will let you know, of course!

Book tours are crazy things, I might be bleary and sideways by the time we meet but you will be in top form, and contrary to what so many people think, you're not awkward at all, you are enthusiastic and generous, and I'm glad to have you for a reader. As always, I would not be here without you.

28 Aug 02:34

Exposing a new type of payday predator targeting inner cities

by (Shaun King)

via ThePrettiestOne

Freddie Gray being arrested by Baltimore Police
Freddie Gray...alive.
Terrence McCoy of the Washington Post has written one of the most important investigative journalism pieces of 2015. While I'd love to give you Cliff's Notes version of it, this is one of those times where you actually need to go read it, then come back and see my thoughts, or vice versa. Either way, please take some time out of your day to take a deep dive there.

Titled "How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks," McCoy's article has unveiled a ugly part of America that most of us didn't know existed. I didn't and I make it my business to track racial injustice of every kind.

As you may know, I'm a Christian. In my faith, we say the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. I apply that idea to most of the injustice that I study and talk about. Faith aside, I believe that a money trail exists for nearly all injustice, so I regularly ask myself, "Who's profiting off of making this group of people, in this place, miserable?" An answer always exists.

McCoy found that in Baltimore and many other cities like it, poor African Americans are suffering from lead poisoning. Yeah, that's still a thing and it's not just making people cough here and there, it's causing permanent brain damage and ruining people's lives. For real.

So companies who are responsible for this, are having to pay people relatively small sums of money as a settlement for what the damage it's caused. For instance, some people with permanent damage are being award between $100,000 to $150,000, but here is where it gets nefarious.

Victims who receive the settlements are rarely given them in one lump sum, but must agree to receive it over a period of decades. They are then being tracked down by companies that are kind of like the cousins of predatory payday lenders that offer them paltry sums up front, like $10,000, in exchange for agreeing to give them all of their remaining checks in perpetuity.

If that's not crazy to you, then we can't be friends. It's absurd and shouldn't even be allowed, particularly since we are talking about women and men who are actually suffering from brain damage and long-term health deficiencies. The company behind this is named Access Funding and it's profited to the tune of millions and millions of dollars off of this.

The stories and the narratives that McCoy tells in his longer piece are heartbreaking and one of them that you will find in there is Freddie Gray—yeah, that Freddie Gray. Before he was killed by Baltimore police, he had suffered lead poisoning and received a settlement. Like many of his neighbors, he too, was preyed upon by Access Funding.

Sometimes we only know racial injustice that looks like a cross-burning in a front yard, but this, in my book, is just as nefarious, maybe even more so. It's legal and parades itself as a service to the community.

27 Aug 23:47

superheroesincolor: New talent at Marvel comics: Ashley A....


New talent at Marvel comics: Ashley A. Woods

“Comics book creator in her own right for several years, she is the artist for Niobe: She Is Life, a new comic written by Sebastian A. Jones and Amandla Stenberg”  - Bleeding Cool‬

“Born and raised in Chicago, Ashley A. Woods is an illustrator who got her start through self-publishing her action-fantasy comic series, Millennia War, while attending the International Academy of Design and Technology. After earning her degree in Video and Animation, she traveled to Kyoto, Japan, where she presented her work in a gallery showcase called “Out Of Sequence.” 

Her work has also been included in Black Comix: African American Independent Comics, Art and Culture (edited by Damian Duffy and John Jennings). When Ashley isn’t working, she enjoys playing video games and studying Japanese.” -  Rosarium Publishing

Her projects include “Niobe: She Is Life” from Stranger Comics and ‘Baaaaad Muthaz’ from Rosarium Publishing

Artist website / twitter /  tumblr

Admin says: Congratulations Ashley !

27 Aug 21:53

tacoabel: Posting your opinion on tumblr getting hate for it


Posting your opinion on tumblr


getting hate for it

27 Aug 21:51

fiantodurri: the mmm whatcha say meme will never die because when it dies we’ll have to play mmm...


hi saucie


the mmm whatcha say meme will never die because when it dies we’ll have to play mmm whatcha say

27 Aug 18:10

Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

<img src="" class="StretchedBox W(100%) H(100%) ie-7_H(a)">

Donald Trump and Mike Tyson at the March of Dimes Gourmet Gala at the Plaza Hotel in New York City in 1989. (Photo: Ron Galella/WireImage via Getty Images)

Over the years, though, some of his comments and business practices have raised questions about his, shall we say, commitment to equality. Early in his business career he was sued by the Justice Department, which charged that his company discriminated against minorities in the huge outer-borough real estate empire Trump inherited from his father; the case was settled with a consent decree in which Trump did not admit wrongdoing. One person who knew Trump well in the 1980s said he seemed to have no African-American business associates in those years — except for the boxer Mike Tyson — although that would not have been unusual in the context of the times. He hasn’t disputed a quote, attributed to him in a book by a former colleague, that he didn’t want “black guys counting my money.” He preferred, he said, “little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” African-Americans may not have been reassured by his remarks to a radio interviewer in 2011 that “I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.” 

27 Aug 18:08

Microscopic zoom-in on a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod

by Mark Frauenfelder

via Burly.Thurr
science! + nightmare fuel


From the entrancing Micro Universe Tumblr: a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod.

27 Aug 17:57


by villeashell

via otters

27 Aug 17:38

Tumblr | c91.jpg


via Osias Jota

27 Aug 17:38

i love the new day so fucking much


via Toaster Strudel

i love the new day so fucking much

27 Aug 17:38

Should Mars Be Independent, Or Just A Colony Of Earth?

by Sarah Fecht

via Tadeu
should be like antartica, I suppose

Artist's vision of a colony on Mars

NASA Ames Research Center

It’s a popular sci-fi plot: Earth sets up colonies on Mars; Mars colonies grow, developing their own technologies and culture; Mars colonies rebel against overbearing Earth government, demanding independence. It happens in Total Recall, in Babylon 5, in Red Mars.

But what if we gave Mars its independence right from the get-go? Rather than giving future colonies to governments or corporations, Jacob Haqq-Misra thinks we should let Martian colonists develop their own values, governments, and technologies, with minimal interference from Earth. Haqq-Misra is an astrobiologist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, a non-profit organization that promotes international unity in space.

Not only would Haqq-Misra's strategy preclude any Martian wars for independence, but cultural independence could help Martians think differently enough to solve problems that Earth continues to struggle with—such as working together to fight global environmental problems, or making long-term plans for the future of humanity.

“Maybe Mars is more valuable in trying to seed the second incidence of civilization.”

Instead of getting divided by nations or plundered by industry, says Haqq-Misra, “maybe Mars is more valuable in trying to seed the second incidence of civilization.”

The plan that he lays out in an essay in New Space has five main provisions:

  1. Humans who leave Earth to permanently settle on Mars relinquish their planetary citizenship as Earthlings and claim a planetary citizenship as Martians.

  2. Governments, corporations, and individuals of Earth cannot engage in commerce with Mars and cannot interfere with the political, cultural, economic, or social development of Martian civilization.

  3. Scientific exploration may continue as long as it does not interfere with the development of civilization on Mars. Sharing of research and information between Mars and Earth is permitted only to pursue mutual scientific or educational goals.

  4. The use of land on Mars will be determined exclusively by the citizens of Mars. No Earthlings may own or otherwise lay claim to land on Mars.

  5. Any technology, resources, or other objects brought from Earth to Mars become permanent fixtures of the Martian civilization. Earthlings may not make any demands for resources on Mars.

There is some legal precedent. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which 103 nations (including the U.S. and Russia) are party to, prohibits any nation from claiming territory in space. The treaty “makes very clear that a colony on Mars could never become a colony in the classical legal sense of the word, like the U.S. was originally a colony of the U.K.,” says Frans von der Dunk, a space law professor at the University of Nebraska.

Screenshot from &#039;The Martian&#039; official trailer

Screenshot from 'The Martian' official trailer

The Martian, which hits theaters in October, is a great reminder of all the things that can go wrong on another planet.

Nevertheless, under the current legal system, von der Dunk says American colonists on Mars would still probably fall under U.S. jurisdiction.

Sailors in international waters are expected to follow the rules of their ship's flag, and astronauts must do the same. The rules even hold when they're not on board the ship—for example, when the Apollo astronauts roamed around the moon, or when astronauts on the International Space Station do spacewalks, they're still subject to U.S. laws.

But what about when the excursion is longer than a few hours? On the ISS, where astronauts spend months at a time, participating countries have worked up their own quasi legal system, which is pretty similar to Earth's. If an American astronaut were to hit a Russian astronaut over the head, for example, first the U.S. would have the right to determine whether a criminal act was committed. If the U.S. doesn't take action, then he could be tried under Russian jurisdiction.

The rules could be different when we're talking about pioneers who venture to another planet with no intention of returning home. Still, says von der Dunk, “You cannot simply say 'I'm no longer a citizen of the U.S.' It's not for you to decide.”

Illustration Showing a Mars Colony with Living Quarters and Solar Panels

Mars One

He thinks that if Americans are able to set up self-sustaining communities on Mars, they'll consider themselves Americans and abide by U.S. laws—at least at first. “At some point in time, they will not like that anymore,” says von der Dunk. “They won't feel like they are American or Russian or wherever they come from, they'll feel like they are Martian. They will say, 'Listen, we don't want to pay taxes anymore, and we want to develop our own legal system.'”

Cultural evolution is inevitable in small populations that splinter off from Earth. A lot of Earthly traditions just won't apply, and the Martians will develop their own jokes, rules, and customs. Haqq-Misra's suggestion of limiting contact with Earth would simply speed up that transition.

Von der Dunk thinks it would be difficult to set up a colony as a blank slate, as Haqq-Misra proposes. Mars colonists would carry with them a lot of legal and cultural baggage that biases their ideas about how society should work. But over time, Martian culture could change dramatically. "It's hard to think outside the box there, but one could think that because Mars is so different from Earth, that when they tear themselves away from traditional legal structures, they could develop something very new," says von der Dunk. "This is all very hypothetical."

There are other potential problems. Getting to Mars ain’t easy, and there are a lot of ways to die once you get there. Unfortunately, Earth's help won’t come cheap: these days it costs about $10,000 to send one pound of supplies to the space station, and that's a much closer, easier trip than Mars. Without the financial incentives of Martian communities, resources, and/or business, nations and private companies aren’t likely to rally around the Free Mars idea. Haqq-Misra’s plan relies on either extremely thorough planning to make sure the colonies are completely self-sufficient, or generous donations to send resupply missions to Mars.

Haqq-Misra says he’s not holding his breath for anyone to jump on this idea. Still, he says, since everyone from NASA to SpaceX and Mars One has their sights set on visiting or colonizing Mars in the coming decades, it's important to think about.

“Hopefully it’s going to instigate people to have a longer-term vision for whatever we do on Mars.”

27 Aug 17:35

100 Cameras Given To The Homeless People In London And This Is The Result

by Martynas Klimas

via baron

The homeless of London have had the chance to show their artistic chops. The Cafe Art 2016 My London calendar is printed with the photographs they took with free cameras. Cafe Art handed out a hundred disposable Fujifilm cameras to the homeless, and the Royal Photographic society gave lessons. 80 cameras came back, with about 2500 photographs, 12 of which won their place in the calendar.

Cafe Art is a community interest company in London run by Paul Ryan. The aim is to promote the art of artists facinghomelessness, exhibiting it in cafes. The organization has attracted the attention of Christie’s, The Guardian, Fujifilm and others. The 2016 Calendar is currently funded through Kickstarter, and will print 5000 copies. All of the funds earned from sales will go back to funding more homeless art programs!

More info: | facebook | twitter | kickstarter (h/t: petapixel)

“Everything I Own or Bags of Life, Strand” by David Tovey


“Telephone Row, Lincoln’s Inn” by XO


“Left Boot, East London” by Ellen Rostant


“Colour Festival, Olympic Park” by Goska Calik


Photo by ROL, Which Was Voted To Be The Cover


“Past & Present, City of London” by Ioanna Zagkana


“Nature’s Tunnel or Light and the End, Stratford” by Ellen Rostant


“The Artist, Whitechapel” by Michael Crosswaite


“Tyre Break, Hackney” by Desmond Henry


“Tower Bridge PICNIC, Southwark” by Cecie


“West End Bird, Westminster” by Zin


“Shadow of Self, Hyde Park” by Goska Calik


“Royal Geese Sunset, Kensington Gardens” by Maciek Walorski


80 Cameras Returned With Over 2500 Pictures. Voting Determined The Winners


The Kickstarter Pitch And The Importance Of Disposable Cameras:

Related posts:

  1. Black and White Portraits of Homeless People by Lee Jeffries
  2. Striking Transformation From Homeless Veteran to Potential Business Man
  3. Architect Creates Hanging Pod Shelters For Homeless
  4. Old City Buses Will Be Turned Into Mobile Homeless Shelters in Hawaii
  5. Photographer Shows Homeless In A Literally New Light To Remind Us They’re Also Human
27 Aug 17:34

Brassens in Space

by boulet

via Tadeu
now with the comic

27 Aug 17:25



no god only shiba