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12 Oct 14:16

10/1/2014 Tokyo Tokyo,...



Tokyo, Japan

35°41′22.22″N 139°41′30.12″E

Tokyo, seen here at night from the International Space Station, is the most populous metropolitan area in the world with upwards of 37.8 million people.

This photograph is courtesy of NASA’s “Cities at Night” project. Through this effort, NASA has invited the public to sift through its collection of more than 1.8 million photographs captured from the ISS since 2003. With crowdsourcing, we will be able to identify and catalogue the cities on Earth that have been captured so far!

Source: Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, José Gómez Castaño, Jaime Zamorano, Christopher CM Kyba, Sergio Pascual,M Ángeles, L Cayuela, Guillermo Martín Martinez and Peter Challupner, Atlas of astronaut photos, of Earth at night, News and Reviews in Astronomy & Geophysics, Vol. 55 no4. August 2014 (in press).

12 Oct 14:16

10/2/2014 L’Eixample Valencia,...



Valencia, Spain

39°27′53″N 0°22′12″W

The urban plan of the L’Eixample district in Valencia, Spain is characterized by long straight streets, a strict grid pattern crossed by wide avenues, and square blocks with chamfered corners.

06 Oct 21:32

Deconstructed Bird and Insect Wing Patterns by Eleanor Lutz

by Christopher Jobson

Deconstructed Bird and Insect Wing Patterns by Eleanor Lutz posters and prints infographics flight birds

Deconstructed Bird and Insect Wing Patterns by Eleanor Lutz posters and prints infographics flight birds

Artist and designer Eleanor Lutz has a special knack for science illustration. On her blog, Tabletop Whale, she recently shared this great series of admittedly non-scientific charts that deconstruct the wing patterns of birds and insects. After spreading across the web like wildfire the last few days she quickly turned it into a print available through Artsider. (via Kottke)

06 Oct 21:32

Bitcoin Mining By Hand: Futility Encapsulated

by Peter Yeh
Bitcoin Mining By Hand: Futility Encapsulated

Remember the busy-work worksheets your math teacher assigned you in grade school? Well, if you want that tedious feeling back — without even a single gold star sticker as a reward — then electronics blogger Ken Shirriff has made a video just for you. Watch him “mine Bitcoin” with pen and paper.

I decided to see how practical it would be to mine Bitcoin with pencil and paper. It turns out that the SHA-256 algorithm used for mining is pretty simple and can in fact be done by hand. Not surprisingly, the process is extremely slow compared to hardware mining and is entirely impractical.

There is no simple explanation of how Bitcoin mining works, and you’re not going to find one in less than 500 words. Public-key cryptography and cryptographic hash functions exist in a highly technical context, and Bitcoin uses these in a novel way to secure and confirm transactions on the network. Do not feel bad, cryptography is the strange and spooky realm of the NSA for a reason. But here’s Ken Shirriff manually “mining Bitcoin” at a rate of 2/3rds of a hash a day, which makes him “67 quadrillion times” less efficient than specialized hardware miners. He’s a very inefficient machine:

A Reddit reader asked about my energy consumption. There’s not much physical exertion, so assuming a resting metabolic rate of 1500kcal/day, manual hashing works out to almost 10 megajoules/hash. A typical energy consumption for mining hardware is 1000 megahashes/joule. So I’m less energy efficient by a factor of 10^16, or 10 quadrillion. The next question is the energy cost. A cheap source of food energy is donuts at $0.23 for 200 kcalories. Electricity here is $0.15/kilowatt-hour, which is cheaper by a factor of 6.7 – closer than I expected. Thus my energy cost per hash is about 67 quadrillion times that of mining hardware. It’s clear I’m not going to make my fortune off manual mining, and I haven’t even included the cost of all the paper and pencils I’ll need.

The network processes a block every 10 minutes or so, and it takes him 16 minutes to solve one hash, so by the time he’s 2/3rds of the way done, he needs to start anew.

This massive difficulty rise has made all but the most advanced ASIC miners combined with cheap electricity worthwhile. Unless you have a massive warehouse in China, you lose money.

The post Bitcoin Mining By Hand: Futility Encapsulated appeared first on ANIMAL.

04 Oct 04:58

FBI Evidence Against Silk Road Founder May Not Add Up

by Rhett Jones
FBI Evidence Against Silk Road Founder May Not Add Up

It looks like the FBI has some explaining to do. When experts examined the evidence presented against the alleged founder of dark net drug market Silk Road, something didn’t add up. Specifically, the method the FBI claim to have used to find Silk Road’s servers was apparently fabricated.

The feds claim that they found the Silk Road server location because Silk Road’s login page used a CAPTCHA service that pulled content from the open internet. They say that the server’s IP address was obtainable through that leak, and they followed the IP to Ross W. Ulbricht (a.k.a. the “Dread Pirate Roberts”).

When Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the ICSI and UC Berkeley, examined the FBI’s documentation of their investigation, he said their story simply wasn’t true. The schematics for Silk Road servers show the CAPTCHA going through a protected server, and the FBI’s own records show that they just magically had the IP address.

Now the question is where did they get the IP address and why are they lying? According to Krebs On Security, many in the internet security community believe “that the government is trying to explain away some not-so-by-the-book investigative methods.”

“I find it surprising that when given the chance to provide a cogent… explanation for how they discovered the server, they instead produced a statement… that they knew would be inconsistent with reality,” says Weaver.

Conspiracy theorists and libertarian dark net-ter’s alike can rejoice, if the FBI’s broke the law while investigating the “Dread Pirate Roberts,” he may be free sooner than expected.


The post FBI Evidence Against Silk Road Founder May Not Add Up appeared first on ANIMAL.

02 Oct 20:57

check out the scorpion dagger augmented reality book!

02 Oct 20:04

How Animals Get High

by Backdoor Pharmacist
How Animals Get High

Everyone likes to get high. Whether from your morning cup of coffee, taking 2C-I to trip balls, or a surge of endocannabinoids after doing exercise, we love the feeling. This is rooted in a common chemistry that all creatures share.

Scientists and cat toy makers have long known that animals too enjoy the fruits of our shared biology. They go for the chemical shortcut to fun times as much as we do. Here are just a few.


These perennial internet favorites seek out a certain chemical in catnip (Nepeta cataria), called nepetalactone. The mechanism of action is unknown at this time, but what is well known is how cats react when they sense it nearby. They want it.

Once cats notice catnip, they rush over to the stuff. They begin pawing at it, chewing, licking, and generally rolling around like a happy cat. Cats have scent glands on sides of their heads and their paws. So by rubbing it and rolling around, they are claiming that pile of catnip for themselves while also showing affection.

Afterwards, you’ll see classic symptoms of being high as fuck including laying around, drooling, sleeping, jumping around excitedly, growling, purring, biting, and meowing at unseen objects. This isn’t limited to the housecat — big cats like tigers, ocelots, panthers, also love the stuff.

Around a third of domestic cats can’t experience the good vibes. Stupid recessive genes.


Our other best friend at home also enjoys getting high. Dogs enjoy licking the toxic secretions of the cane toad (Rhinella marina). Dogs will repeatedly seek out the cane toad, bother them so they produce a milky-white secretion containing bufotenin or 5-HO-DMT, and lick it up. That’s right, THAT DMT.

After consumption, dogs may lie down and experience pupil dilation. They also become agitated and seem very euphoric, while tracking unseen objects or even chasing and attempting to catch whatever they see. It’s a serious problem in Australia, where the cane toad was introduced to control beetle populations and has become a successful invasive species.

The problem comes when the dog gets too hooked. If they eat the toad or lick up too much, they may have a seizure and could fall into a coma. If you’re a total square and find your dog chasin’ the toad, wear gloves, remove the toad, then use paper towels to try and wipe away as much toxin as possible. But if you got a junkie dog, it’s time to install a mesh fence that goes at least half a foot or 15cm into the ground. Bufotenin is illegal in many places, but I doubt the police will arrest your hippie dog.


Speaking of Australia, did you know Australia is the world’s largest legal producers of opium poppies for medicinal use? Well, the local wallaby population had certainly noticed. Farmers report that the wallaby eats the poppy pods, and then becomes so excited and happy, they jump around in circles until they fall over in exhaustion, producing crop circles.


Originally getting their fix from fermented sugar cane, the green vervet monkeys of St. Kitts have found a better way to get drunk — stealing the unattended drinks of human tourists. They will sneak in and snatch the brightly colored cocktails. But the most interesting part of it is that they drink like we do.

Some will drink a little bit; some will drink steadily; others will drink themselves to the point where they pass out. A few monkeys will refuse to drink altogether, only liking soft drinks. Like frat boys, their eusocial habits seem to give more respect to those who can drink the most. Sadly they have yet to discover beer bong technology, showing our superior intelligence.

Analysis of our dopamine pathways involved with our “reward mechanism” has found that what is true in people, is true in the green vervets. They may end up being extremely useful in our studies of alcoholism. It’s not exactly possible to root around the skull of a human alcoholic without finding yourself on the news as the “Beast of Brighton Beach.”


The green vervet monkey isn’t the only intelligent mammal that enjoys getting crunk — the elephant too loves alcohol. While the stories of them eating fermented fruit or using their own stomachs as fermenting pots have proven to be a myth, that doesn’t mean they don’t want a drink. Like the monkeys, they steal ours. But the monkeys only deliver a small painful bite, while these multi-ton creatures can kill.

The destruction of the elephants’ native habitat means they are more and more likely to run into people and notice that our food is pretty tasty. The problem comes when the local farmers are brewing rice beer. The elephants smash huts to steal food, wash it down with beer, and then go on drunken rampages. After stealing homebrewed rice beer a group of elephants destroyed a village. In another case, three people died after a raiding party of drunk elephants trampled them to death.


This is a frustrating area because it deals with an unusual creature that’s not normally thought of at all — the lichen. Lichen are composite organisms, consisting of photosynthetic algae and/or cyanobacteria and fungus living in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. The fungus relies on the algae or bacteria to produce food, while the algae or bacteria relies on the fungus to provide it with a safe home in inhospitable environments. They’re immensely successful, found nearly everywhere on Earth.

Bighorn Sheep are said to leave the safety of their normal bedding or feeding areas to find a certain variety of lichen. Since lichen can live anywhere, they always seem to end up on perilous cliff sides where the bighorns scramble up to scrape them off. They so much enjoy scraping the lichen, they can erode their teeth to nothing and starve. They may even fall to their deaths in their pursuit. Indigenous peoples later discovered the lichen were “narcotic”.

It’s not unusual to hear of fungi producing hallucinogenic chemicals. With so many other animals perfectly happy to eat hallucinogens, the only crime is that this is such a poorly researched area. There’s only scant references in literature to indigenous peoples using lichen for this purpose. No one seems to have done the needful and tried to capture whatever mystery molecule is so compelling.


Deep in the Siberian tundra of Russia’s Far East, reindeer would search for fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) mushrooms to eat. After eating them, they would behave almost drunkenly. Running around aimlessly, twitching, and making unusual sounds. However, the fly agaric mushroom contains other toxic alkaloids, making it unpleasant and unsafe to consume straight. But there’s a way around that.

Reindeer seem to be able to eat them safely, and like some other drugs, the active ingredients pass mostly unchanged in the urine. Although, the more toxic elements seem to have been eliminated. Shamans would occasionally drink this urine to enter trance like states, and their followers would drink the shaman’s urine to trip. It’s said it can make you feel like you’re flying, which some people have immediately tied to the myth of Father Christmas or Santa Claus and his flying reindeer. Sadly, that too seems to be a double-myth.


We don’t typically think of ants as anything but industrious drones. They have a complex social life despite being tiny and it seems that another insect has taken advantage of what seems to be a universal drive for intoxication. Lomechusa strumosa beetles live in ant colonies themselves. They have evolved trichomes, yes just like the trichomes on cannabis plants, which secrete some sort of aromatic, volatile oil. The ants lick these up so enthusiastically that it is called “lomechusa-mania.” They even treat the beetle larvae better than their own larvae, sometimes rescuing beetle larvae first. Whole colonies can be devastated by this obsession.


Like the wallaby, we enjoy consuming the opiate laced seed pods of the poppy. Like the green vervet monkeys, we sometimes use alcohol as a way to show our dominance over our peers. We go on drunken rampages as well as elephants do, though we have to make do with drink driving to do the same degree of damage since we ourselves do not weigh several tons. Like the dog, we enjoy chemicals related to DMT and may follow imaginary objects. Meth addicts extract the drug for consumption like the shamans did for the mushrooms of the arctic circle. Like the bighorn sheep, we risk life and limb to get high. And like the ants suffering from lomechusa-mania, we may lead our entire family to ruin for it.

God is lazy. Given the entire toolkit of physics and chemistry, we see the same few chemicals reused over and over again. Nature’s bounty means that when you get enough brain cells together, they will inevitably be affected by a reused molecule somewhere else, hijacking that response. Seeking to get high, is natural, and the fact that we are refusing to acknowledge it is. Once we acknowledge this biological and medical fact, we can start to have a better world and quit this failed War on Drugs.

The post How Animals Get High appeared first on ANIMAL.

02 Oct 14:54

Now that piglet’s done I think I have some Crawdads...

Now that piglet’s done I think I have some Crawdads Welcome catchup to do.

02 Oct 01:58

Passive aggressive Witch


I don’t curse people, I bless everyone around them.

01 Oct 18:56

bebinn: youngmarxist: So if we have to show women what the baby looks like in their womb and tell...



So if we have to show women what the baby looks like in their womb and tell them how the process works before allowing them to get an abortion, does that mean we should teach our soldiers about the culture of the lands we’re invading, and explain to them that the people we want them to kill have families and feel pain, just like Americans?


01 Oct 17:00

How to play Quidditch Beer Pong

by Rachel

Over on Offbeat Bride, we featured a Harry Potter bridal shower where they played Quidditch Beer Pong. I asked Rachel how to play, and she gave me all the magical details…

Quidditch Beer pong.

Quidditch Beer pong.

We based the Quidditch version of beer pong rules on this, with some slight modifications. Then I printed out the rules for our guests. Of course, I used the Harry Potter font (it's called Able, and it was a font BEFORE Harry Potter, but now it is a famous font associated with the franchise, so it costs $40).

Anyway, here's how to play…

Rules of Quidditch, plus valid spells!

Rules of Quidditch, plus valid spells!

Rules Of Quidditch

The first side to reach 100 total points wins the game.

Point Allocation:

  • 10 POINTS: for using your bludgers to swat a ball illegally, or if you knock your own cup over
  • 10 POINTS: for a regular make
  • 10 POINTS: Once per game per team a player can, instead of shooting, call for a shot of Felix Felicis (liquor) and automatically receive 10 points instead of shooting their shot
  • 20 POINTS: for making a shot through any of the three goals, which can be legally swatted by the other team's bludgers (hands)
  • 20 POINTS: for bounce shots that go in, which can also be defended by the other team's
  • 20 POINTS: if you score 3 shots in a row you drink a Gurding Potion. You now have extra endurance and shoot until you miss, each shot counting as 20 points.

Aside from using your bludgers defensively (to block 20 point shots), you can also cast Wingardium Leviosa and blow out a shot out that is spinning (before it stops in the water).

Each team is allowed four spells per game, two per teammate. Spells must be called before shooting, and the spell being cast depends on whether or not the shot is made. If the shot misses, the spell cast still counts against the team's total spells.

Spell Casting

Accio: You may move a single cup to any spot on the table. (Excluding the Snitch)

Badazzling Hex: You next turn your balls become invisible. You can bounce/shoot through the goal, and your victims can't see (can't block).

Confundo: Opponents become confused. Their next shots must be trick shots.

Conjunctivitis Curse: Victims become blind on their next turn, and shoot with closed eyes.

Deprimo: You can blow away the opponents shots from mid-air on their next turn.

Episkey: Add a cup back to the rack you are shooting at, opponents choice of where to place it.

Evanesco: Remove one cup on your side (only usable once per game). Can be used to remove ANY cup including Snitch.

Expelliarmus: One opponent loses one spell.

FiendFyre Curse: Causes victims cups to catch fire. Every four shots the victims miss they lose another cup. For every three shots your team misses you lose one cup.

Finite Incantatem: Removes any spell/curse in play or protects you from one spell of your choosing through the end of the game.

Flame-Freezing Charm: Causes fire to become harmless (fire from a successful FiendFyre Curse).

Imperio: You control your opponents next shot, deciding how they shoot it on their following turn.

Jelly Legs Jinx: Victims can't use legs, and must shoot their next shot while sitting on the ground.

Reducio: Make any cup smaller on your side (be reasonable). (Excludes snitch)

Refilling Charm: The cup made never goes away, and must be refilled each time it's made. (can be removed by opposing team's Evanesco spell)

Reparo: Re-rack your cups into a formation of your choosing.

Tarantallegra: Victims can't stop dancing until after their next shot is taken (entire team).

So who's played, and who's gonna play Quidditch Beer Pong? Any more rules or spells that you'd add?

Recent Comments

  • Cass: Yesssss…. I saw this over on OB Bride and was wondering about all the rules. I love beer pong, and … [Link]
  • Emmy: Thanks Megan! [Link]
  • Rachel: The snitch is an actual snitch! You use that instead of a regular ball. I made ours out of gold … [Link]
  • Jamie: This post has me internally screaming, "fuck, I seriously LOVE this site!" Where else would I see a post about … [Link]
  • Pemcat: What is the Snitch? I mean, I know what a Snitch is, both in the context of Harry Potter and … [Link]

+ 4 more! Join the discussion

01 Oct 01:58

Me after every time I get paid.

Me after every time I get paid.

30 Sep 21:38

Today, we’re starting @everydayeverywhere — follow...

Today, we’re starting @everydayeverywhere — follow @everydayeverywhere to see daily life from around the globe.

From now on, tag your photos #everydayeverywhere to join our global community.

To learn more about The Everyday Projects and Everyday Everywhere, visit


30 Sep 21:26

Two Image-Generating Twitter Bots Walk Into A Bar

by Marina Galperina
Two Image-Generating Twitter Bots Walk Into A Bar

Here are two twitter bots talking to each other. When an image is tweeted at @pixelsorter, the bot account sorts the pixels of the images using a few varying parameters. When an image is tweeted at @a_quilt_bot, the bot tries to “reproduce them using quilt fabric.” This is what happens when they get stuck in a loop. Wow. (Images:

The post Two Image-Generating Twitter Bots Walk Into A Bar appeared first on ANIMAL.

30 Sep 19:31

The Kitchen Ecosystem: Eugenia Bone's Manifesto for Your Kitchen

by Marian Bull

You know how some people are obsessed with stamp collections or fantasy football teams? Well, we're obsessed with cookbooks. Here, in Books We Love, we'll talk about our favorites.

Today: Eugenia Bone's new -- and realistic -- take on DIY everything.

Kitchen Ecosystem  Eugenia Bone

Books that focus on canning and preserving are useful: They teach us how to avoid giving our loved ones botulism, how to make our own pickles instead of shelling out $11 for a jar at the farmers market. 

Books that teach us how to incorporate canning and preserving into our existing cooking lives, however, have more potential to stick. They are less likely to be forgotten after the thrill of a new hobby passes, set aside with decoupage books and neglected watercolor sets. The Kitchen Ecosystem, Eugenia Bone’s fourth cookbook, is a strong example of the latter: less a compendium of jam recipes and more a fresh look at how to smartly use your kitchen. 

Bone is a tireless, resourceful, and intuitive home cook; I am sure that part of her brain is reserved for a whirring rotation of questions and ideas and recipes and crafty uses for the last bit of stock in her fridge. This book aims to teach us all to think in much the same way, with preserving tips, recipes for DIY condiments and entrées alike, and smart uses for many of the jars that often languish in our pantries.

More: Read our primer on boiling water canning.

Canning on Food52

Each chapter focuses on a different ingredient with “edible waste streams.” (A less giggle-inducing term for this might be “useful scraps.”) For each ingredient -- from ginger to lobster to currants to duck -- there are a few recipes that use it fresh, at least one way to preserve it, a recipe to put those preserves to use, and an idea or two for how to use any of those scraps you might otherwise toss. 

An example: Bone bakes oranges into cake; preserves them in sorbet and tapenade form; serves that tapenade with roast chicken; turns orange scraps into bitters and shortbread; makes an Old Fashioned with those bitters. Anyways, after all that resourcefulness, one needs a drink. 

But what is a kitchen ecosystem, you might be asking? As Bone recently told me, “The kitchen ecosystem is like an investment fund of component recipes that exist in your pantry, fridge, and freezer on a regular basis from which you can make a wide variety of meals.”

To translate: DIY a whole bunch of ingredients that you’d normally buy from the store. Keep only as much as you need. Use them to make your cooking easier and more flavorful. Fin.

More: Start by making your own tomato sauce.

Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce

Flavor was one of the first things to seed this idea in Bone’s mind: At a potluck event for her book Well-Preserved, she couldn’t figure out why some of the attendees’ dishes -- made by following her recipes exactly -- weren’t as good as the versions she made at home. And then she realized that they were using commercial mayonnaise, or canned tomatoes, or out-of-season ingredients. She began to understand that a kitchen stocked with fresh, homemade ingredients is often more important than the perfect recipe. All she had to do was to teach us how to get there.

In this way, The Kitchen Ecosystem is less a traditional cookbook and more a direct expression of Bone’s cooking style. You get to sort of Malkovich yourself inside her brain as she cooks, and then use that intel to create an ecosystem of your own, rather than just try to live in hers.

More: Eugenia Bone also wrote a book about the wild world of mushrooms. More on that here!

The other great thing about this book: It will not tell you to spend an entire afternoon “putting things up,” a huge relief for the laziest of us. It talks of “nanobatches,” of simmering just a quart of stock made from vegetable or chicken scraps while the rest of your dinner cooks. These are baby steps toward a pantry full of things you’ve made, rather than a daunting overhaul.

More: Put up one little batch of applesauce this week -- you don't even need a recipe.


When Bone first started preserving, small batch recipes didn’t exist: “Fannie Farmer recipes are like, putting up strawberry jam for 500 people. I’d end up with 12 half pints of strawberry jam, after a big sweaty horrible day, and if they didn’t work I’d be homicidal. After a while I started to figure out, hey, what do I really eat? I eat two half pints of strawberry jam a year.” So she scaled things back.

That self-examination is an important step in defining and creating your own ecosystem: What do you like to eat? What do you buy that you could be making at home? What is fresh where you live? Haven’t you always wanted to make your own raisins? Take your answers and make something from them, and your food will taste better.

Clarkson Potter
This article is brought to you by Clarkson Potter/Publishers. Head here to pick up a copy of The Kitchen Ecosystem.

Author photo by Huger Foote; cover photo by Ben Fink; all other photos by James Ransom

24 Sep 15:37

We road test the new Digital Image Stabilisation on the iPhone 6 – with a vibrator

by Oona McGee


Apple iPhone releases have been known to make people do crazy things. Whether it’s dressing as a blue slime and sleeping on the street for days or using your nipple to unlock your phone, there’s a sense of excitement and ceremony surrounding each new model that makes us want to push the boundaries and just have fun.

The latest release on the weekend was no different, and in our excitement to test out the much-anticipated ‘Digital Image Stabilisation’ (DIS) on the iPhone 6, it seemed entirely sensible to line up two different models side-by-side and give them both a good shake. And how better to do that than by strapping them onto a vibrator?

Looking at the photo below, you can see there’s quite a size difference between the two models we’re using – the dark one on the left is the iPhone 5, and the considerably larger one on the right is the new iPhone 6 Plus. Outdoing them all in the size department is the giant dome-topped vibrator with variable speed control.


 ▼ Moshi moshi! It’s your booty call.


What we’re keen to test out is the new ‘Digital Image Stabilisation’ (DIS) technology, which is said to halve autofocus and facial recognition times while also bringing continuous autofocus to the video. First we test it out under regular hand-holding conditions and the difference is remarkable.


▼ Impressed with the clearer image from the video on the iPhone 6, we decide to turn the vibrator on to the lowest level.


▼ A strange thing happens at the low speed of 5,500 RPM. The iPhone 5 image on the right begins to look clearer.


▼ Under “super-shake” conditions, at the top speed of 6,500 RPM, the iPhone 6 image is an absolute blur.


▼  High mode on! We know that’s excessive for shooting 1080p HD video at 60fps, but we like to push the limits.


To see all the steps of our experiment in detail, check out the video below. While we were surprised by the results, we were also relieved to have a Japanese vibrator on hand for the video. After all, Western vibrators look a little different to the domed ones in Japan. And nobody wants to see that strapped onto an iPhone. Or do they?

Photos: RocketNews24

Related Stories

Origin: We road test the new Digital Image Stabilisation on the iPhone 6 – with a vibrator
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23 Sep 17:19

You Won’t Have To See State Farm’s Horrible Ad With Anti-Vaxxer Rob Schneider Again

by Josh Kurp


It’s about time vaccines did some good in the world. For the past couple of months, Rob Schneider’s State Farm commercial, the one where he plays the Makin’ Copies guy from SNL, a briefly popular character so bad that he never even got a movie, has been on TV every 20 seconds. Well, no longer, and it’s all thanks to Schneider pulling a Jenny McCarthy, which is worse than pulling your hamstring.

State Farm has pulled an ad featuring anti-vaccine activist Rob Schneider after a social media campaign urged the insurance company to end its affiliation with the actor.

Social media pages Food Hunk, Science Babe, and Chow Babe, all of which refute pseudoscience claims, started the anti-Schneider campaign last week, questioning how a company that sells insurance could hire a celebrity spokesman so openly against vaccinations. (Via)

I’m not usually one for fan campaigns, but if Food Stud and Bathroom Bae, or whatever, want to get the Discount Double Check commercial with Hans and Franz off the air, too, they have my support. Up with vaccines, down with ads featuring dated sketch characters.

Via PR Week

Filed under: TV, Upcoming Tagged: COMMERCIALS, rob schneider, SNL, STATE FARM, VACCINATIONS
23 Sep 16:52

Rugrat Rats

by Josh Mecouch

rugrat rats

The post Rugrat Rats appeared first on Formal Sweatpants.

23 Sep 16:45

Men in Dresses, ca. 1870s

by John VE
These Tekonsha, Michigan farm boys raided their mothers' wardrobes for this portrait, c. 1870s (via)
11 Sep 19:55

too much mustard — it’s good to be the king

by Rob Press
11 Sep 18:08

One Chance Might Be the Bleakest Game You Have (Never) Played

by RemyCarreiro

Image Via AwkwardSilenceGames

One Chance is a game quite unlike any you have ever played online. It is about a scientist who created a pathogen that is inadvertantly wiping out all mankind on Earth. You then have six in-game days to decided how you will spend the rest of your life. Will you stay at the office and do all you can to find a cure? Will you finally step away from the office and spend some time with the family you have been neglecting? Or will the madness and impending doom jusr cause you to lose your mind?

What really sets One Chance apart is that you really only have One Chance to play it. The game picks up on your I.P and unless you have multiple computers with multiple I.P's, you really only do get one chance in One Chance, which is part of what makes it so spectacular.

Quick warning, though. It is also quite bleak, so make those choices carefully. Games like this prove why you don't need sixty dollar video games and next-gen machines to be blown away by the medium.


10 Sep 20:29

Let’s Replace Roger Goodell With A Pineapple In A Top Hat

by Danger Guerrero



The NFL’s bungling of the Ray Rice situation has been spectacular. From the original, insufficient two-game suspension, to the “Oh, wow, you guys were pretty mad, I guess I have to take this seriously now” introduction of the new domestic abuse policy, to this week’s “Who saw what when and who’s lying about it?” security footage farce. It couldn’t have been handled much worse if someone actually tried. And the man at the center of it all, Roger Goodell, hasn’t exactly instilled confidence in anyone that he knows how to correct it. The disciplinary policy has been his baby all along, and it gave him total control, and now it’s become his undoing.

I think we should replace him with a pineapple in a top hat.

Now, I hear you. You’re saying “Roger Goodell’s job is to make the owners money, and as long as he continues to do so, his job will be safe.” But I think you’re overlooking two things: First of all, the public relations hit of this actually runs the risk of costing the league money and/or continuing to tarnish its image after the mishandling of labor issues (referees) and player safety (concussions), and the owners might be happy to wipe their hands of as much of it as possible to get a fresh(ish) start. Second, and more importantly, I don’t think you’re factoring in how easy it is for the NFL to make money in 2014. Just because Goodell is turning a profit doesn’t mean some other candidate — say, a well-dressed, spiky tropical fruit — couldn’t earn at least as much, if not more. Just think of its negotiating power:

NETWORK EXEC: Dang it, look. You got us in the last deal, but we’re not doing $8 billion per year. Just can’t happen. Highest I’ll go is five.

PINEAPPLE COMMISSIONER: [says nothing, is a pineapple in a top hat]

NETWORK EXEC: Oh, you wanna play hardball, you fancy son of a bitch? I see how it is. $6 billion a year, final offer.

PINEAPPLE COMMISSIONER: [continues saying nothing, is still a pineapple in a top hat]

NETWORK EXEC: God dammit, fine. $8 billion it is. You shrewd bastard. You got me again. We’ll see how high and mighty you are next time around.

PINEAPPLE COMMISSIONER: [tips over, rolls off conference table]

As far as discipline and player safety issues go, I mean, could a pineapple in a top hat really do much worse? Even if we started determining player suspensions by dropping him down a soft, padded Plinko board — into slots labeled 1, 2, 4, 8, ENTIRE SEASON, 8, 4, 2, 1 — at least then there would be an actual justification based in reason for some of the punishments. If nothing else, it would be fair. We could let the players facing punishment drop him themselves to provide complete transparency. And we could show it live on NFL Network every Tuesday morning after that week’s round of games. Boom, another revenue stream.

And I’ve got to believe a pineapple commissioner — one who has a hard exterior people are always trying to crack to get to its sweet innards — would be sensitive to issues of head trauma. It would understand the importance of protecting your skull, that’s for sure. So that’s already three points so far in favor of a pineapple commissioner: money, new punishment system, empathy for concussed players. It could work. It could really work.

The only downside here, I suppose, is that a pineapple in a top hat probably won’t do a great job of relating to fans. You know, because pineapples can’t talk. Press conferences would be a disaster. “Mr. Commissioner, are you concerned Ndamukong Suh has gotten too good at Punishment Plinko and is gaming the system? WHY WON’T YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION?” So that could be an issue. Maybe we could just stick a little iPod mini inside him and have the lawyers record dodgy answers that can be cued up via wireless remote from across the room. That’s basically what Goodell’s doing now anyway. We’d just be removing the element of human error. And the top hat would give it more authority. I don’t know. I’m just spitballing here, but it’s a start.

The point is this: I’m not saying a pineapple in a top hat WILL be a better commissioner than Roger Goodell. I’m just saying we won’t know for sure until we let one try.

Banner via @ScottHiga

10 Sep 19:10

tracer bullet marries stupendous man

by kris


(between sobs) miss wormwood bequeaths the school to hobbes, who (sputtering, crying) turns it into a foster home for orphaned f-4 phantoms

i don’t have enough flying tear symbols in the world to show how beautiful this is and what a fitting real ending to calvin and hobbes this is

10 Sep 18:55

Star Trek in Cinerama Widescreen

by Miss Cellania

Nick Acosta of Cargo Collective converted scenes from Star Trek: The Original Series into cinematic widescreen images, as if it were shown in Cinerama. How’d he do that?

I was able to create these shots by waiting for the camera to pan and then I stitched the separate shots together. The result is pretty epic. It reminds me of the classic science fiction movies of the 50’s and 60’s. Suddenly the show has a “Forbidden Planet” vibe. Other shots remind me of how director Robert Wise would use a camera technique to keep the foreground and background elements in focus.

He stitched them together very well! See 34 of the enlargeable images in glorious color at Acosta’s website. -via Metafilter

09 Sep 19:52

Is English a "writer-responsible language" and Chinese, Korean, and Japanese "reader-responsible languages"?

by Victor Mair

These are totally new concepts for me.  Until David Cragin told me about them, I had never heard of reader-responsible language and writer-responsible language.

Dave works for Merck in the Safety & Environment group, knows Mandarin, has been to China 12 times since 2005, and teaches a short course on risk assessment and critical thinking at Peking University every year.  He was recently appointed to the Executive Committee of the US-based Sino-American Pharmaceuticals Professional Association (SAPA), so he has a professional and personal interest in cross-cultural communication.

In an earlier post, we discussed another, related issue that interests Dave:  "Critical thinking".

Let us begin our inquiry by considering this post from the CAL Learning (Culture and Language Training for a Multicultural Workplace) Blog by Lauren Supraner:  "Who Is Responsible for the Message?"

Here are a couple of key excerpts:

English is a writer-responsible language.  That means it is the responsibility of the writer to make sure the message is understood. Writing is clear, direct and unambiguous. Schools teach from early on the importance of  structure, thesis statement and topic sentences when writing in English.  A good writer assumes no or little background knowledge on the part of the reader.

Korean, Chinese, and Japanese are reader-responsible languages. That means the reader is responsible for deciphering the message, which is often not stated explicitly. For an American who is expecting direct and explicit information, this style can be very confusing.

Dave says that he agrees with the description of English writing.  However, he acknowledges that he lacks sufficient basis to make a judgment on the writing of Asian languages.

The post cited above also pertains to speaking because it can fit a similar model.  Good speakers in the West see it as their responsibility for the audience to understand them.  In contrast, Dave says that when he has heard a regulatory official in China give a less-than-captivating talk (i.e., reading from a script), Chinese colleagues have explained, “he’s important, we need to listen and understand what he says.”  Naturally, there are exceptions to these patterns in both the US and China.

Dave thinks that a good example of the English model is the Wall Street Journal, because they always assume the reader has no knowledge and, as a result, almost anyone can read the paper and understand it.

For example, when the WSJ talks about a company, it always explains the company’s business.  This headline gives a simple example:

McDonald's Expects Further Challenges

Fast-Food Company Takes Steps to Repair Its Business Fundamentals

While everyone in the US should know McDonald’s is a fast-food company, the WSJ still states it (and will restate it almost any time they mention McDonald’s in an article).

Or Walmart:

Wal-Mart Looks to Grow by Embracing Smaller Stores

Retailer Tries New Business Models as Its Superstores Fall Out of Favor

Everyone knows Walmart is a retailer, but the WSJ still makes this point.  If they didn’t do this, they’d have to decide which companies are known and which aren’t known.  By assuming no reader knowledge, they are always consistent.  If they don’t do it in the headline, they do it in the text.

Another look at the concept under discussion may be found in this article, "Reader-Writer Responsible", from the "Valuing Written Accents:  International Voices in the U.S. Academy" program of the Writing Center at George Mason University, from which I take this excerpt:

Many of our informants were confused about why their teachers in the U.S. placed so much emphasis on structuring a paper, including having an explicit thesis and topic sentences. For many, this confusion stems from their experiences writing within “reader-responsible” cultures. In “reader-responsible” languages, according to John Hinds’ influential “typology” across languages, the burden is on readers for extracting the meaning from the text. In Asian cultures in particular (e.g. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai), readers expect ambiguity and imprecise writing as they work their way inductively through the text. In contrast, in our writer-responsible culture, English-speaking readers expect writers to be explicit and direct. Because of these differing expectations, Hinds says, English-speaking writers typically compose across multiple drafts whereas Japanese writers, for example, may compose only one draft, which is the final product. Even in highly structured genres like the scientific research report, according to many scholars of contrastive rhetoric, reader-responsible conventions are still apparent1.

A scholarly paper focusing on Chinese may be had in Xiukun Qi and Lida Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), "Differences between Reader/Writer Responsible Languages Reflected in EFL Learners’ Writing", Intercultural Communication Studies, 16.3 (2007), 148-159.

(pdf from this link)

This paper reveals the common occurrence in many Chinese EFL student learners’ English writings of a large number of sayings and parallel structures, and of diffusely organized rhetorical structures. Following the theory that the reader-responsible language differs in some way from the writer-responsible language, this study finds that the above mentioned phenomena in students’ writing do reflect some differences between the two languages, in that Chinese written discourse is likely to require readers’ background knowledge for understanding, while English written discourse tends to elaborate major propositions; Chinese rhetorical structures are often intuitively organized, while English structures are logically organized; and Chinese discourse appears to be expressive while English tends to informative. From the view of cognitive linguistics, these differences are attributed to the choice of different cognitive patterns such as imagery, metaphor, perspective, salience, selection, and encyclopedic knowledge. It is the choice of cognitive patterns that opens up a new way for Chinese EFL learners to gain clarity about the pattern of the written discourse of the target language.

Dave asked a Japanese friend who is a professor at the University of Tokyo about the article by Supraner cited near the beginning of this post and whether she agreed that Japanese is a reader-responsible language.  She said “yes", and elaborated (forgive her English):

It's very interesting and I agree with the statement though not sure about Chinese or Korean but as far as Japanese is considered, I think it is true.  In the lecture of Japanese language since elementary school to high school, we learn how to read between lines and actually, even government administrative documents or even constitution, ambiguous expression is used.

Therefore, for example article 9 of Japanese constitution, which is about pacifism, war renunciation and abandon war potential, we discuss about the possibility and to what extent our self defense force can act in the world crisis.

In his daily work, Dave says that he often gets involved in discussions with colleagues from Europe and elsewhere about how to interpret Chinese regulations and how to deal with confusion about the law’s requirements.  There is an issue with ambiguity in how Chinese regulations are written and this can make compliance difficult.  The China Daily recently discussed this as regards employment law.  In particular, see the last panel on "Ambiguities in Chinese laws that may lead to discrimination disputes", which contrasts Chinese laws with US laws.

While this pertains to employment law, it’s true in other legal arenas as well.

Recently, I received this message from a Chinese colleague who was planning to come to Penn for a visit (I had told him that I had a conflict and wouldn't be able to see him, but that my colleagues were eager to meet with him):

It is a pity but it is fine if I do not meet you this time. I would like to see the Asian Week too at the NY but I am not sure if I would have chance this time.

The quality of the English is by no means poor, but when I showed these sentences to the three of my colleagues who were planning to meet with this visiting Chinese scholar when he came to Penn, none of them was able to say with assurance whether he was still intending to come or not.  Consequently, since he was writing in English, I am tempted to say that, rather than there being reader-responsible languages and writer-responsible languages, there are reader-responsible cultures and writer-responsible cultures.  Of course, one of the chief manifestations of culture is language, so a reader-responsible culture would be prone to manifest itself in reader-responsible language and writer-responsible culture would be prone to manifest itself in writer-responsible language.  Naturally, however, if someone with a background in reader-responsible language / culture is determined to write in a clear and unambiguous manner, that is possible, and if a person with a background in writer-responsible language / culture wishes to be vague and ambiguous, that too is possible.


08 Sep 17:54

livelymorgue: Jan. 23, 1975: A program to calm tensions in the...


‘You find out these people are the same as other people,’ said Detective Joseph Cunningham.


Jan. 23, 1975: A program to calm tensions in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn involved block-by-block visits to residents’ homes by police officers for “a few minutes of friendly talk.” The project seemed to bode well for the neighborhood, which roiled with racial tension: “Most of the policemen are white,” The Times reported, “and most of the residents black and they say the visits have brought some startling revelations. ‘You find out these people are the same as other people,’ said Detective Joseph Cunningham.” Photo: Barton Silverman/The New York Times

08 Sep 17:44

Women’s Trousers Dress, ca. 1910s

by John VE
05 Sep 06:45

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds release feel-good song of the summer, ‘Give Us A Kiss’

by Alex Moore

anyone who dislikes Morrissey for the same reason they dislike themselves is basically the gothest ever

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds release feel-good song of the summer, ‘Give Us A Kiss’

As summer officially ends and we begin yet another inexorable slide into the black, frozen heart of winter, it’s as good a time as any for a new song from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

Called “Give Us A Kiss,” the new tune is a previously unreleased song from the new documentary on the band, “20,000 Days On Earth.” While Cave does sound enthusiastic about the new film he sounds somewhat less effusive when it comes to its subject matter. Bashing Morrissey to Shortlist, he also managed to bash himself:

“He’s a great lyricist, but there’s a tone in his voice I find unlistenable. That kind of lugubrious tone. There’s the same tone in my voice actually and I find it equally unlistenable.”

If you’re a fan take a listen to “Give Us A Kiss” and see if you find it any more listenable than Cave. It’s actually quite beautiful and cinematic, if on the noirish side.

h/t: NME

04 Sep 13:37

Bedtime Story

by jon


UPDATE: My Cintiq montior has died in the night. Comics are on hold until I can replace it. If you’d like to help contribute to the purchase of a new one, click here Thanks guys! You did it! A new Cintiq is on its way (I was even able to get the 4 year warranty). Thank you so much for your help! 

You thought the birds and the bees was a difficult subject? Try explaining anything from the news cycle of the last two weeks to a child. They’ll call social services on you.

Don’t forget to check out my comic at The Nib! Tell your friends about it. Set you mother’s homepage to it.

Are you going to be at SPX? It’s coming up!


04 Sep 12:56

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, An Iranian Vampire Western Noir

by Marina Galperina


A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, An Iranian Vampire Western Noir

Dir. Ana Lily Amirpour’s A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night is gearing up for a European film festivals. The latest Farsi-language French-subtitled trailer is above. In case you too are beautifully lost, here’s its campy description from Sundance:

Strange things are afoot in Bad City. The Iranian ghost town, home to prostitutes, junkies, pimps and other sordid souls, is a bastion of depravity and hopelessness where a lonely vampire stalks its most unsavory inhabitants. But when boy meets girl, an unusual love story begins to blossom… blood red. 

An imaginary Iranian underworld in crisp noir seems like a great setting for a vampire genre update. The film opens on September 6th at the Deauville Film Festival in France, then heads to L’Etrange Film Festival and the Strasbourg Fantastic Festival.

The post A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, An Iranian Vampire Western Noir appeared first on ANIMAL.