Shared posts

17 Nov 06:19

Junior in their first outage, thinking that this is the end

by sharhalakis

by @uaiHebert

17 Nov 06:18

(photo via BeyondMusing)

(photo via BeyondMusing)

17 Nov 06:18

Cold Dead Comeback

by admin

17 Nov 06:01


17 Nov 06:00

A New Japanese Painting Supply Store Lines its Walls With 4,200 Different Pigments

by Kate Sierzputowski
Cooper Griggs



Thousands of pigments fill glass vials below the slatted wood ceilings of the new concept Pigment, an art supply laboratory and store that just opened in Tokyo by company Warehouse TERRADA. The store design was created by architect Kengo Kuma, utilizing bamboo and large open spaces to create a sense of unity with the outdoors and spark the imagination of those who enter.

In recent years fewer artists have turned to more traditional methods of art making, diminishing the number of successors to these older forms. Pigment aims to provide hard-to-find tools for the preservation of older paintings while also inspiring the latest generation of artists to incorporate these older materials into newer works. In addition to selling brushes, pigments, special glues, and papers (some used in Japanese painting since the Meiji period), the store will also provide workshops by both art professors and manufacturers of the supplies housed in-store.

If you can’t make it to Japan to experience the space in person, you can browse Pigment’s large supply of pigments and rare materials on their online store here. (via Designboom)








17 Nov 05:59

Fantastic Folds: Superb Paper Origami Creations by Gonzalo Calvo

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

These make my brain hurt

Designed by Gen Hagiwara

Madrid-based origami enthusiast Gonzalo García Calvo has a knack for fiddling with paper. He uses a variety of different techniques and papers to fold impressive animals, objects, and sci-fi figures designed by a number of top origami artists. By day Gonzalo works professionally as a musician but easily gets lost in the challenge of bringing paper to life in his spare time. Seen here is a collection of my favorites, but you can scroll through Flickr to see more. All photos courtesy the artist. (via Demilked)


Designed by Nguyen Hung Cuong

Designed by Artur Biernacki

Origami Dancing Crane designed by Robert Lang and folded from one square of Unryu paper 40×40 cm

Designed by Satoshi Kamiya

Designed by Katsuta Kyohei

17 Nov 05:58

fucktum, randomghost: A snake on land - whatever. A snake...

by xote
16 Nov 07:19

Apple's Tim Cook says a converged MacBook and iPad won't happen

by Mat Smith
Cooper Griggs

More like it wouldn't be good for Apple's bottom line.

Apple CEO Tim Cook isn't sold on the Surface, and the company doesn't plan on bringing together its MacBook or iPad into a single product like Microsoft's computing device, either. In an interview with the Irish Independent, Cook said: "We feel str...
16 Nov 05:57

tony’s a pizza sports bar opened down our street. 7 minutes...

Cooper Griggs

mmmmmm beer


a pizza sports bar opened down our street. 7 minutes away are huge steins of some of my favorite beers, beers normally served in goblets.

that’s an 8.5% coronado idiot… in a 25oz mug.

i looked at phil and said “they clearly have no idea what they’re doing”, to which he looked around and replied “they know… they know.”

15 Nov 23:10

I let Google's Autoreply feature answer my emails for a week

by Mat Smith
Google's Inbox is like an experimental Gmail, offering a more active (or laborious) way of tackling your inbox bloat, delaying and reminding you to respond at a later time. Its latest trick involves harnessing deep neural networks to offer a trio o...
15 Nov 23:05

I'm Not Wordy™

by speero
15 Nov 23:04


by mrivangarcia
15 Nov 01:20

Mad Max: Fury Road vs Mad Max Trilogy

by whoispablo

Cast: whoispablo

15 Nov 00:57


14 Nov 20:38

Vinyl brings in more money than YouTube for UK music labels

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

kind of surprising, but not.

YouTube views aren't translating into profit for British musicians, and even vinyl sales are bringing in more money. According to The Guardian, that is what British music industry association's (BPI) head honcho, Geoff Taylor, claimed when he spoke...
14 Nov 20:37

Broadband for the people, built by the people

by Jon Turi
Competition is good, especially when it comes to internet service providers. Unfortunately, it's also rare. According to the White House's community-based broadband report released earlier this year (PDF), 75 percent of customers looking for intern...
14 Nov 09:12

Watch France 24 Live

Watch France 24 Live:

i believe i found this via hikergirl/kelsium. excellent english-language feed out of france with people on the scene.

no words.

14 Nov 00:53

Microsoft brings its time-lapse video stabilizer app to Mac

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

Engadget put Jason in this pic for F13. Clever.

When Microsoft first released its Hyperlapse video editing app, it wasn't clear whether it would ever become available for Apple's devices. The mystery has finally been solved: Redmond has just launched Hyperlapse Pro for Mac, which can process foo...
13 Nov 21:59

Pun Dog #18 (previously) (via kosmokramster)

Pun Dog #18 (previously) (via kosmokramster)

13 Nov 17:05

The Unread Side of the Force

sleep is dumb

I bet I can bring balance to the Force in four panels.

13 Nov 17:03


13 Nov 17:00


Due to a typo, I initially found a forum for serious Fleshlight enthusiasts, and it turns out their highest-end models are ALSO capable of setting trees on fire. They're impossible to use without severe burns, but some of them swear it's worth it.
13 Nov 16:55

This 'Fallout 4' flaming sword can set the world on fire

by Matt Brian
It's Fallout 4 week. That means it's safe to say that when gamers aren't busy logging more than 4.5 million hours in Bethesda's latest instalment, they're probably watching all of the impressive game-related videos on YouTube. The team over at Linu...
13 Nov 16:50

I Lied Againat explodingdog 2015)

13 Nov 16:50

Handmade Fruit Candles by LessCandles

by Christopher Jobson


We were completely unaware of how badly we needed candles that look like fruit until we discovered these creations by Lithuania-based candlemaker LessCandles. Each candle is crafted and painted by hand. What you see here only scratches the surface of their pretty amazing designs. (via So Super Awesome)






13 Nov 06:19


13 Nov 01:26


13 Nov 00:55

An Octopus Typewriter by Courtney Brown

by Christopher Jobson


As part of the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art’s annual California Sculpture SLAM, Oakland artist Courtney Brown unveiled this unweildly typing device titled “Self Organization,” that went on to win first place. Brown used a 1938 Underwood typewriter affixed with sculpted bronze tentacles. We can’t wait to read its first book. All of the sculptures from the event are still on view through November 15, 2015.





12 Nov 21:40

boho-melody: creationandcosmos: my heart + boho melody +

12 Nov 21:38

batsvsupes: bombed

