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07 May 16:48

quote.png 320×251 pixels

by argonaut
07 May 16:46


by slid3
07 May 16:45


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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07 May 16:15

The Thorncrown Chapel, an Idyllic Glass Chapel in Rural Arkansas is Under Threat

by Christopher Jobson

The Thorncrown Chapel, an Idyllic Glass Chapel in Rural Arkansas is Under Threat environment churches Arkansas architecture

The Thorncrown Chapel, an Idyllic Glass Chapel in Rural Arkansas is Under Threat environment churches Arkansas architecture

The Thorncrown Chapel, an Idyllic Glass Chapel in Rural Arkansas is Under Threat environment churches Arkansas architecture

The Thorncrown Chapel, an Idyllic Glass Chapel in Rural Arkansas is Under Threat environment churches Arkansas architecture

The Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is considered one of the crowning examples of organic architecture, a philosophy credited to Frank Lloyd Wright that promotes a harmony between the natural world and human habitation. The non-denominational chapel was designed in 1980 by an apprentice of Wright’s, architect E. Fay Jones, who employed the use of steel and glass to create a weightless, almost translucent structure that offers sweeping views in all directions of the surrounding Ozark habitat. In keeping with the organic design of the chapel Fay asked that no construction element be larger than what two people could carry through the woods by hand.

Recently a power company has applied to build a 48-mile high voltage transmission line through Northwest Arkansas that will cut through the woods right next to the chapel, shattering the views and serenity offered by the extremely unique building that was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. For those interested, the Arkansas Public Service Commission is accepting comments from the public regarding the proposed power line construction. You can also read much more over on Hyperallergic.

07 May 16:13

subtilitas: Frank Lloyd Wright(ish) - Massaro house, Petre...


Frank Lloyd Wright(ish) - Massaro house, Petre Island NY 1950-2004. Via

07 May 01:08

The College Conspiracy

07 May 01:06

LEGO Daft Punk

by Justin Page

LEGO Daft Punk

New York-based Jake Meier (aka “autorazr“) has custom built minifigures models of the French electronic music duo Daft Punk, including models of their audio equipment, out of LEGO bricks and pieces. You can view more of Jake’s recreated characters from movies, comics, video games and more on his LEGO Tumblr blog.

image via autorazr

via reddit

07 May 00:49

Adobe shifts to subscriptions for software package

by By Associated Press

NEW YORK — Adobe says it is moving to a subscription-based model for the software package it sells to designers, Web developers, video editors and other creative professionals.

Adobe Systems Inc. said Monday that it will not release new versions of its Creative Suite software package. Instead, the maker of Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat, is shifting focus to Creative Cloud, which makes its software available through a monthly subscription that starts at $50 for an individual.

07 May 00:42

A Supercell Thunderstorm Cloud Over Montana

Is that a spaceship or a cloud? Is that a spaceship or a cloud?

07 May 00:33


by say
07 May 00:32

Design Police, Bringing Bad Design To Justice With Stickers | Laughing Squid

by ivovaladares
07 May 00:30

(6) Tumblr

by walkman
07 May 00:30


by pizzaboy666
07 May 00:27


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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07 May 00:26

Extraordinary sand sculptures

by Arnold Chao


Representing for the 1970's...The Ramones


King Kong

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

The temporary aspect of sand as an art medium doesn’t scare away the artists of these ambitious creations, and we’re so glad that tons of photos from our community capture the beauty of their impermanent work for us to enjoy. Just take in the incredible detail of the Alien’s neck, the neatly stacked busts of The Ramones, and the posed women by sculptor extraordinaire Susanne Ruseler. With so much artistic talent to appreciate, we strongly encourage you to view more in the Sand Sculptures 2013 gallery.

You can also explore more sand sculptures from the group exhibitions featured here: Weymouth, Dorset, England, U.K. | Weston Super Mare, England, U.K. | Frankston, Melbourne, Australia

Photos from sheilabythesea, Di’s Free Range Fotos, Susanne Ruseler, charliejb, and Louis^.

07 May 00:24


07 May 00:24

PINned Hopes

Cooper Griggs

that's just mean

Does entering your PIN in reverse at any ATM summon the police?
07 May 00:22

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed

by Christopher Jobson

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed shoes sculpture rainbows installation anatomy

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed shoes sculpture rainbows installation anatomy

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed shoes sculpture rainbows installation anatomy

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed shoes sculpture rainbows installation anatomy

A Rainbow of Shoes and Legs for Breuninger by John Breed shoes sculpture rainbows installation anatomy

Netherlands-based artist John Breed installed this whimsical leg rainbow in conjunction with German shoe salon Breuninger last year. The piece involved 145 multicolored shoes and legs that were eventually placed near the salon. See more on his website. (via show slow)

06 May 19:52


06 May 19:49

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

Opens up soooooo many possibilities and some serious questions about privacy.

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

It’s a cold January day and you’re walking down a street in Brooklyn gnawing on a piece of gum that just passed the point of flavorful into the realm of tastelessness. In a hurry, you spit it on the ground without a second thought and continue about your day. Hours later a mysterious woman arrives and surreptitiously collects the sticky gum from the sidewalk and drops it into a clear plastic bag which she carefully labels. Flash forward a month later: you’re walking through an art gallery, and there, mounted on the wall, is a familiar face staring back at you. Astonishingly (or terrifyingly) it’s a 3D print of your face generated from the DNA you left behind on that random piece of gum that now appears in a petri dish just below the portrait. A few years ago this would seem like science fiction, the stuff of films like Gattaca, but to information artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg it’s how she makes her artwork here in 2013.

They say inspiration can strike anywhere and for Dewey-Hagborg that moment happened while sitting in a therapy session. While staring at a framed print on the wall she began to fixate on a tiny crack in the glass into which a small hair had become lodged. As her mind wandered she began to imagine who this seemingly insignificant hair belonged to, and more specifically what they might look like. After leaving the session she became keenly aware of the genetic trail left by every person in their daily life, and began to question what physical characteristics could be identified through the DNA left behind on a piece of gum or cigarette butt.

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing
Sample Location 6. January 6, 2013 at 12:25pm; Wilson ave. and Stanhope St. Brooklyn, NY; MtDNA Haplogroup: D1 (Native American, South American); SRY Gene: present; Gender: Male; HERC2 Gene: AA; Eye Color: Brown

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions is the result of her fascinating if slightly disconcerting line of questioning and experimentation that lead to the creation of 3D printed portraits based on DNA samples taken from objects found on the streets of Brooklyn. Dewey-Hagborg worked with a DIY biology lab in Brooklyn called Genspace where she met a number of biologists who taught her everything she now knows about molecular biology and DNA. Via an interview with the artist:

So I extract the DNA in the lab and then I amplify certain regions of it using a technique called PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction. This allows me to study certain regions of the genome that tend to vary person to person, what are called SNPs or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.

I send the results of my PCR reactions off to a lab for sequencing and what I get back are basically text files filled with sequences of As, Ts, Cs, and Gs, the nucleotides that compose DNA. I align these using a bioinformatics program and determine what allele is present for a particular SNP on each sample.

Then I feed this information into a custom computer program I wrote which takes all these values which code for physical genetic traits and parameterizes a 3d model of a face to represent them. For example gender, ancestry, eye color, hair color, freckles, lighter or darker skin, and certain facial features like nose width and distance between eyes are some of the features I am in the process of studying.

I add some finishing touches to the model in 3d software and then export it for printing on a 3d printer. I use a Zcorp printer which prints in full color using a powder type material, kind of like sand and glue.

The resulting portraits are bizarre approximations of anonymous people who unknowingly left their genetic material on a random city street. So how accurate are the faces created from this genetic experiment? The artist likes to say they have a “family resemblance” and no, unlike the scenario depicted above, a person has never recognized themselves in any of her exhibitions. Yet. There are some things such as age which are virtually impossible to determine from DNA alone, so Dewey-Hagborg casts each portrait as if the person were around 25 years of age.

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing
Sample Location 2. January 6, 2013 qt 12:15pm; 1381 Myrtle ave. Brooklyn, NY; MtDNA Haplogroup: H2a2a1 (Eastern European); SRY Gene: present; Gender: Male; HERC2 Gene: AA; Eye Color: Brown

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits science portraits genetics DNA 3d printing
Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg with a genetically derived self-portrait.

Dewey-Hagborg will be giving a talk with a pop-up exhibit at Genspace next month on June 13th, and QF Gallery on Long Island will host a body of her work from June 29th through July 13th. You can follow the artist via her website and also her blog. All imagery courtesy the artist. (via smithsonian)

06 May 19:45

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan

by Christopher Jobson

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Bicycle, 1980s; Raleigh; Component count: 893. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Bicycle, 1980s; Raleigh; Component count: 893. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Chainsaw, 1990s; Homelite; Component count: 286. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Laptop Computer, 2006; Apple; Component count: 639. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Children’s Wagon, 2011; Schwinn; Component count: 296. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Smartphone, 2007; BlackBerry; Component count: 120. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Smartphone, 2007; BlackBerry; Component count: 120. Photo reproduced with the permission of Thames & Hudson.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books
Swiss Army Knife, 2000s; Victorinox; Component count: 38.

Things Come Apart, 50 Disassembled Objects in 21,959 Individual Parts by Todd McLellan objects books

I’ll never forget the excitement I felt as a child when first disassembling a telephone on our back porch using an old screwdriver and a pair of pliers. It was like making a discovery akin to unearthing a dinosaur. The sudden knowledge that the speaker part was magnetic and contained a mile of thin copper wiring was practically miraculous. When the day was over I was surrounded by pieces of an am/fm radio, an old handheld video game, and a toy car, none of which would ever be assembled again, but that really wasn’t the point. Master disassembler Todd McLellan remarks on a similar childhood discovery in his latest book, Things Come Apart from Thames & Hudson, but for McCellan it wasn’t a fleeting discovery, but rather the beginning of his life-long career in documenting the technological methods of modern mass production in reverse.

In Things Come Apart McLellan exposes the inner working of 50 objects and 21,959 individual components as he reflects on the permanence of vintage objects built several decades ago—sturdy gadgets meant to be broken and repaired—versus today’s manufacturing trend of limited use and function followed by quick obsolescence. Captured in his photography are myriad parts laid flat and organized by function, creating recontextualized images of wagons, chainsaws, computers and phones. He also shoots high-speed photos of carefully orchestrated drops where pieces are shot midair as they come crashing down, creating impressive visual explosions. Also appearing in the book is his pièce de résistance, a Zenith CH 650 aircraft photographed as individual components.

The book is officially published tomorrow, but you can order it now on Amazon and Thames & Hudson. All images copyright Todd McLellan courtesy the publisher.

Update: If you’re in Chicago, McLellan currently has an exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry through May 19th.

06 May 19:40

boots with the fur

Cooper Griggs

boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats

boots with the fur

06 May 19:40

rickjamesbitch:derpghost: My brother just came back from Vegas,...


My brother just came back from Vegas, and the only pic he’s posted on his facebook was this.

06 May 19:40


06 May 19:39


06 May 19:38


06 May 19:36

nevver: Joss Whedon

06 May 19:36


06 May 19:35



06 May 19:35


Cooper Griggs

Team Zissou